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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54265822 No.54265822 [Reply] [Original]

You fags lied to me I thought this would moon fuck your 4chan /biz/ forum I wish I never found TRUFF

>> No.54265851

that's what you get, we warned you

>> No.54265863

Don't buy scams advertised by celebrities

>> No.54265875

DING DING DING!! this. so much this!

>> No.54265952

Kek, Wiz hasn’t even started to shill his bags.

>> No.54265974

hahahahaha celebrity talking about mushroom will pump this stock IMAGINE believing this holy shit ur stupidddddd, this CEO is jewish and everyone who buys this is just getting ripped off by a jew, with jews u lose

>> No.54267249

It’s held 9¢ for a couple of weeks. Did you buy the top? Are you the anon that bought 900k shares?

>> No.54267275

its going to ZERO

>> No.54267302
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Bros...I should never have bought this...its over...

>> No.54267345

literally every single thread on this so far has had anons explicitly and plainly stating that they’re waiting for wiz to shill in the summer. this is the accumulation phase retard. if you’re that desperate to get out fill my bags at 6c.

>> No.54267370

>all that cope
We all know its over now. No point fighting it.

>> No.54267382

WHEN has a stock ever went up because of celebrity shilling faggot? such a cope holy shit u guys r bagholders

>> No.54267666

CGC. that’s all the spoonfeeding i’m going to give you since literally every TRUFF thread has gone over this again and again.

>> No.54267803

What the FUCK is CGC I bought this because of Wiz but he clearly doesn’t give a FUCk

>> No.54267833

Ok Ranjesh, thanks for caring for my financial wellbeing.

>> No.54268003

nigger, if your hands are that fucking fragile because of a few weeks of crabbing, you’re ngmi

>> No.54269783

I have 22k share in this... This thing is backed by people who made cgc have a couple of booms of 22+ a share and have celebrity names on it... Right now this thing is at .10 a share... If this thing even hits a fucking dollar you can make 100 into 1k,

>> No.54270301

It’s literally rugging right now

>> No.54270391

Not rugging enough. My buy orders didn't trigger yet

>> No.54270412

You must be a masochist I only have 10k TRUFF and I Feel sick

>> No.54270520

To be honest I'm averaging down. I bought too much at 11c. I'm confident it will go up again

>> No.54270572
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You fucking idiot, how long did you think it would take? A week? A month? Have you not been reading that this is all contingent on hype related to Canadian legalization, and that legalization has no set date? Go and read any TRUFF thread, the premise is simple. If you don't like the stock, its only like 25% down from its high this month, so if you actually want to cut losses just do it now.

>> No.54270653


HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a mental cripple

>> No.54270695

this is a paid shill btw whose posts are designed to install a sense of confidence in you that buying this scam is the right move because your peers are doing it

>> No.54270746

Can you explain what makes this a scam?

>> No.54271015

I'm genuinely not. I'm being as blunt as I can be here that I bought too much near the top and am trying to buy around where I think the stock will bounce over the course of these next few months. The shill in these threads is the guy who posts the charts with microsoft paint edits

>> No.54271234

Fuck you faggot BTC already flew past this shit stock

>> No.54271242

the entire market is down and nothing is happening with TRUFF until summer. what did you expect?

>> No.54271467
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by the way for anyone that caught a ride on MDMA...if it isnt already obvious to you after the 10x it just did in a month, now is a good time to get out

>> No.54271981

At first I thought this guy is some remorseful buyer who started believing the FUD spamming once the shills stopped spamming. Now I'm sure OP is just roleplaying. The stock is doing exactly what everyone said it would do until the promotions start.

I'm still mad I missed out. Do you think it will be worth buying if it dips back down to near 10c?

>> No.54271992

you got to have patience man chill out

>> No.54272528

Patience until the wiz collab starts?

>> No.54272697

the chart is actually really bullish and is following that pattern the shill retard kept posting lmao

the dip before the storm

>> No.54272757

Can the shill retard post the chart again plz

>> No.54272994

I missed out on TRUFF shilled here at .07 and now I just sit here watching it like a hawk ready to snipe, ready for 0.08 tomorrow, willing to enter there but if it appears like it's trending any lower I'll wait a bit to see where it goes.

Made some gains on MDMA so I know there is significant potential in all of these drug hype trains, probably not just shrooms either

Eventually there will be a cocaine explosion, every drug will be commodified at some point, the writing is on the wall and the only ones who can't see it are boomers who are still on muh legal drugs will make the world CRAZY complex

>> No.54273072

you'll get 0.06 easily, this shit is going down nigga

>> No.54273399

Wise man. I'm also weary that TRUFF might keep trending down but unfortunately I can't risk missing out on 8c due to my high initial entrance. And yeah, drug legalization isn't a matter of if but when these days. We just gotta time the hype wave.

>> No.54273421
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Bump cuz heckin niggerinos tongue my fartbox

>> No.54274370
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>multiple news releases from the company itself and literally everyone saying summer is most likely when take-off is

>First day of spring was 2 days ago

>> No.54274423
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This place is just filled with impulsive low IQ crayon eating retards. I am by no means a stock market genius but if you actually took all things into consideration I see this thing AT LEAST Going to a dollar.

>> No.54274444
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HAHAHAHA get jewed

>> No.54274724
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TRUFF cup and handle

>> No.54274954

welcome back chart shill

>> No.54275948

even the warning warning guy got tired of this crabbing trash

>> No.54275972

pattern confirmed, how long is the handle

>> No.54276284

imagine if this stock went down for a bit and then, all of a sudden, it started going back up. what a concept. impossible though.

>Captcha: kkgay4

>> No.54277156

Handle is about 1 month.

>> No.54277542

Holy shit 1 month I-I’m…ACOOMINGGG

>> No.54277557

pajeet lol

it sucks that you guys just ruined the shitposting of crypto

>> No.54277568


>> No.54277618

This. If nothing happens by end of summer then if you really feel the need to dump it odds are it’ll still be in the same ballpark price wise.

>> No.54277756

>muh wiz khalifa
you didn't think this through

>> No.54279177

>he thought it would pump before the legalization happened
??? ? ???

>> No.54279209
File: 231 KB, 1280x1280, 2A02878D-3316-445E-819A-394CBE40D5D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying stocks in companies doing illegal drugs just as the pendulum is starting to swing back against this degeneracy

>> No.54279285

>read this thread
>shills unironically using redditor paperboomer lingo in the year of Our Lord to advertise their scam
They didn't raise the red flags. They literally swung them in front of your FACE.

>> No.54279328

I got a limit buy for 20k shares at .05 wonder if it fills?

>> No.54279466

This isn’t even crypto lmao

>> No.54279529

what fucking pendulum swing retard?

>> No.54279530

Almost every TRUFF thread has someone refer to it as a shitcoin, and I'm pretty sure it's unironic.

>> No.54279544

Nah we coined the term shitstock

>> No.54279569

I tried to warn you.

>> No.54279585

>just as the pendulum is starting to swing back against this degeneracy
Bro like half the american population from 18-24 smokes weed. What are you talking about?