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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54239764 No.54239764 [Reply] [Original]

>There are "people" on this board that believe we'll reach the 2% inflation target

>> No.54239784

i only reset my pc when it has some bug/malfunction that cannot be fixed and power cycling is a last-ditch effort

>> No.54239786
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there are "people" on this board

>> No.54239790

wtf, I hate people.

>> No.54239797
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>> No.54239860

I hate people but somehow, when they are but words on a screen with the name "Anonymous", they become alright.

>> No.54239872
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Even before the pandemic I didn't believe the 2% inflation meme was accurate.

>> No.54239874

Even calling then "people" in quotations feels like an insult to me. I do not even remotely entertain the idea of them being my equal. Fuck normies.

>> No.54239902

Yes. Unless there is an outright collapse in the dollar, that the debt crisis triggers a massive devaluation. Then inflation will come down why? because of the same deflationary forces that almost entirely negated the massive expansion in the monetary supply that had occurred over the last decade. These deflationary forces are not going away, they will only increase in strenght - although the reshuffling of the supply-chains will temporarily cause inflation to win out over the deflationary forces.

>> No.54239934

"peope" is quite correct. to be a little more precise it's bots and shill agents. BTFP (beat the fucking poor) is just hidden YCC (yids control currency) which is just extreme QE (quantitative eating) which is all just euphemisms for harder and harder money printer go brrrr. The fed has already pivoted and insiders are currently making their moves before shit goes down while suppressing info and sowing disinfo (everything is fine/nothingburger/fucking panic shills).

Read this

Also this place is astroturf central now, since twitter is now private and becoming open source.

>> No.54239946

Nigger, more rates = more banks will collapse = unsustainable
Fucking normies are so retarded, holy shit. FED will pivot just from that alone. Possibly not the next meeting to keep appearances up, but they will pivot this year before getting anywhere near their 2% target