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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 833x228, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54219555 No.54219555 [Reply] [Original]

Stop doomposting, holy shit. Everything is fine. You really think the most powerful country in the world is going to let the world economy collapse? The system is RESILIENT. You bitcoin and gold fetishists are honestly retarded and in a speculative bubble. If economic collapse would REALLY happen, your shitcoins would drop 80% in a heartbeat. People would be stocking food and guns, not magic internet money.

Like seriously, get a grip on reality. Outside your twitter and anime internet forum bubble nobody really cares about bitcoin

>> No.54219595

confidence in the dollar is permanent, ask any scholar!

>> No.54219639
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I stocked on food, guns and ammo back when WUHAN locked down end of Jan 2020. I bought non perishable food when RUSSIA invaded. Jesus fucking Christ you are fucking slow....

>> No.54219654
File: 180 KB, 700x700, just stop it..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54219663

Lmao every time they say X bank is strong and liquid it falls the very next day

Always do the opposite of what J_ws tell you to do

>> No.54219671

>trust us!

>> No.54219685

the glowies like op posting these threads in mass tells you everything. I dont think they are all just ironic here.

>> No.54219690

I have the excuse of not being of age until a year ago, and not getting on this website until 4 months ago.
If somebody had 5 years to prepare and didnt do shit its on their hands. Fucking retards. I envy your position and you wasted it all, most of you

>> No.54220319

And see? Literally nothing happened. This will be the same. If a fucking global pandemic won't start a civil war, you think one or two banks with bad debt collapsing will?

You guys are retarded. But be my guest, go stock toilet paper again LOL

>> No.54220342
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>You really think the most powerful country in the world is going to let the world economy collapse?
Happened to Rome, happened to the Caliphate, happened to Babylonia

The story is beginning once again.

>> No.54220356

i cannot imagine being as dumb as you

>> No.54220371

Toilet paper is useless, but everyone should stock on non-perishable food if they have the place to store it.
Best case scenario: no happening, you eat this food later, no money wasted (probably even saved, since price will probably rise before you eat).
Worst case scenario: happening, this may save your family.

>> No.54220409

ad hominem

>> No.54220430

biz is filled with midwits, these people just like to think contrarian and when you ask their reasoning they can't come up with anything, truly dumb people who were outcasts in their youth and still are outcasts today, amount to nothing shit on the bottom of my shoe sole

>> No.54220439

this is why people that frequent this board will forever be a failure. the trash of our modern day society. always doom and glooming, always afraid, always complaining. 4channel is dead, I'm never coming back.

>> No.54220451


>> No.54220455

Yep. The chudfud is real. Seen it with my own two eyes on OAN.
>t. pozzed

>> No.54220469

Leave tranny

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.54220470
File: 19 KB, 474x331, C284A290-3A7C-4449-919A-638699B3F7DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop spreading the truth, holy shit.
Kys. But first, a pic for my cringe compilation. Faggot normie. Either that or bait, but this bored is so retarded that's it's probably genuine retardation.

>> No.54220485

Bye, retard

>> No.54220487

Seething bobo mad again lol

>> No.54220509

do a flip faggot

>> No.54220512

Let me dumb it down for you, nigger. Government isn't your friend and is never transparent about shit. Only the most retarded of village idiots actually trusts the puppet masters. Retard sheep.

>> No.54220521

I'm bullish on crypto, you retarded dumbass uneducated fuck. That doesn't mean the economy is magically "good". I hate you low IQ uneducated monkey sheep so much, it's unreal.

>> No.54220532

If you don't understand how this works, you will not benefit from the cycle.

A bank run needs to happen so that when trust has returned they can loan out your deposits. Bank run will happen and nothing will change but Inflation sets in 3 years from now.

>> No.54220534

he's just trolling, you must understand what trolling is no? he doesn't even care he just writes random stuff to get u angry and it works. You must understand its a troll and just ignore it. It's not there, it can't hurt you

>> No.54220551

>you must understand what trolling is no?
Retard, reread the bottom part. It's not trolling. This board got infested with reddit normies so it's genuine retardation. Not just them "pretending" to be retarded.

>> No.54220564

Here. Read the bottom of this: >>54220470
You overestimate the intelligence of normies. You overestimate the intelligence of this board.

>> No.54220569

I got liquidated on my LTC long. Help this retard make money.
>t. pozzed Brazilian redditor

>> No.54220570

I mean you don't surely come to this board for serious convos or information do you? This place has always been mental rot and fallen long time ago, people who seem real are trolls, people who seem trolls are real, you can't even tell anon, there's multiple layers of irony chess going on and its best not to get sucked into it all.

>> No.54220593

Lol shut up

>> No.54220627

Keep buying bitcoin bros.

>> No.54220638

>I mean you don't surely come to this board for serious convos or information do you?
Obviously not. I come here to dab on retards.

>> No.54220671

Every empire had people saying it would never collapse and every empire collapsed anyway. America wasn't the first and it won't be the last.

>> No.54220719
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>ad hominem

>> No.54220773

Alright I'll bite. Tell us what we shut-ins don't know. So you're telling us the world economy won't collapse, yet we're dumb for profiting off our speculative investment because people would stock food and guns otherwise? Collapse hasn't happened yet and probably won't and we're all trying to make some money before it does. You also happen to be in /biz/rael yourself. Stones from a glass house and all.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.54220831

I get that but you guys are pretending that in the coming days/weeks the entire world economy collapses. You get how dumb that is?
If a war in Europe and a global pandemic caused NOTHING, then what makes you think this time will be different?

I guarantee you (yes screencap this) nothing will hapen. PERHAPS and that is IF - a few more banks get bailed out or get acquired because of bad debt. That's it.

>> No.54220835
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>Ok I'll bite

>> No.54220848

Listen, people are black and white these days there's no in between. Grey doesn't exist. Everything is fantastic or it's 2008 again. You have a sensible, reasonable opinion and thats rare these days. Good luck out there.

>> No.54220855

>If a war in Europe and a global pandemic caused NOTHING

I mean aside from making every country in the world create large amounts of debts in a short amount of time sure it was "nothing"

>> No.54220890

>second and third largest bank collapses one right after the other
>everything is fine!
sure thing keep telling yourself that, tranny.

>> No.54220904
File: 64 KB, 960x720, Est3An7VkAQyTQr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me as a historyfag watching the nothing-will-happen group get increasingly desperate as the wheel turns

>> No.54220938

Reading a history book or two will get you out of the "nothing ever happens" mentality. Things happen, sometimes so slowly so you might not notice it, but things happen.

>> No.54220944

And then what? Even pre-war and pandemic large amounts of debt were created. The ONLY special thing which happened was the low and zero interest period. The free market is correcting itself by increasing interest, devaluing low-interest bonds and removing this bad debt.

The banks which gambled on the low-interest bonds are erasing their net book value, some didn't hedge properly (aka SVB) and yes they will collapse. Big deal.

>> No.54221075

Historically speaking collapses happen out of nowhere and don't last very long. The Russian empire collapsed in 3 days. USSR collapse took a week.

>> No.54221094

We've been waiting over 100 years to end this fucking bullshit central banking system and centrally planned financial market in the USA, and people are acting like it's happening overnight.
This was a long time coming, and it could literally happen any time now, we could wake up one day and Asian markets have gone wild on us.

>> No.54222381


>> No.54222400

2 more weeks anon. Trust me this time

>> No.54222581
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B-b-b-but history ended?

>> No.54222704
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Imagine being this fucking retarded, there was a tp shortage and those who stocked up didn't even notice. Go back to antiwork, you seething troon

>> No.54222796

You weren't a working age adult in 2008. I can tell.

>> No.54222868

People are seething but you're right. People have been foretelling the downfall of the US for 100 years now and everything is still in place.

If history has taught us anything, it's that betting on the collapse of the US is a retarded bet.

>> No.54222897
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>Literally nothing happened

>> No.54222935
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>leave! byebye!! retard ehehe

>> No.54223788

No, (You) leave.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.54225502
File: 820 KB, 2938x1796, dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha nice to see someone else post this.