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54216781 No.54216781 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Zoomers love to shoplift so much?

>> No.54216829

That's not how you spell niggers anon

>> No.54216847


>> No.54216872

Personally I just wear my clothing out, buy a new exact pair of the same thing, and return my worn out ones for a refund

>> No.54216873

No, he's right, zoomer teenagers shoplift because other teenagers on social media tell them to.

>> No.54216898

Because they are poor with no prospects. I steal to save money. Niggers steal to MAKE money, that's the big difference. I don't feel bad for Nordstroms at all.

>> No.54216931

Zoomers dont know what a job is.
Their schools teach them nothing.
It’s all planned.

>> No.54216938

Everyone's poor. Stealing is a consequence of very bad economic policy.

>> No.54216945
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>> No.54216963

Why the fuck shouldn't I fill a hand basket up with jerky and walk out

>> No.54216967

I'd understand paying all produce as roma tomatoes in self checkout, forgetting to scan bacon and eggs etc. Times are tough and food inflation is 50%+ idgaf what Powell says. Stealing designer clothes is straight nigger behavior

>> No.54217151

We have higher testosterone levels

>> No.54217168

Same reason millennials pirate music. It's cheaper.

>> No.54217212

more like lower T levels. You probably just shoplift so you don't have to talk to a cashier.
Real men figure it out.

>> No.54217232

>He doesn't steal designer clothes and resell them for a straight profit

>> No.54217255

Retard, get out of the basement and listen to >>54216873

It's not just inner city black anymore, shoplifting is a nationwide 'acceptable' phenomenon in most cities.

>> No.54217268

>implying there are any new white kids being born

>> No.54217317

>Stealing designer clothes is straight nigger behavior
I don't think you understand the situation you are currently in. There will be no more designer clothes in the near future because fashion industry is going to die quickly after inflation hits. You will not see XXI century clothes again in your lifetime. You may as well get the last remanents of modern civilization before this economic apocalypse take us back to 15 century

>> No.54217352

Maybe if places paid decently it wouldn’t happen. I sure as shit won’t work for less than $40 an hour and no self respecting person would

>> No.54217358


>> No.54217367

its price corrrection
post reasonable prices and people will steal less

>> No.54217377

Well when I was a teen I used to steal because I never really got anything. I never really wanted the stuff, I just wanted to hurt the world. Which it does, so a win for me.

When I started working I was pushed to my limits and have had several mental breakdowns. At times I would steal from the business because I was angry. (fun fact, I was one of the most model employees and I was never a suspect, I even stole a whole bag of frozen product once.) One place tried to acknowledge my hard work by giving me free food but would constantly complain that I went 10% over the limit. I was feeding myself and another with 2 burgers each 1 meal a day, my wage paid for rent to live with 11 other people. So fuck them. How does one even stay sane without nutrition? what do people expect from me? after that I was a piece of shit for years. Still recovering from it.

Maybe if having an oppurtunity to earn and be rewarded wasn't so difficult, zoomers would be more willing to give it a go. I quickly learned that it's better to starve than to jump through hoops, the only reason I'm alive is pity and that pity produced 3 video games of varying quality so I'm convinced that innovation has been stifled by fiat and the culture that comes with it.

Steal away little zoomers. They'll never give it to you so may as well let the world burn.

>> No.54217409

>purchasing power a tiny fraction of previous generations
>why are they stealing

what a mystery

>> No.54217457
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Congratulations on your contribution to the downfall of society.

I remember a saying that an older guy once told me, when I produced an argument against stealing, like you guys did. He said, "If they'll steal from a store, they'll steal from you."

He's right. These are the same people who would pick up your wallet if they saw you drop it, they'd steal packages off of your doorstep, they'd go in your pockets if you were knocked out in a street fight like you see in videos.

It's degeneracy and lack of discipline, pure and simple. Is corporate greed real? Yes. Are there improvement we need to make? Yes.... but all these thieves most likely have food, water, and shelter. They just lack moral character. Miss me with the humanitarian bullshit when you live in first world America with your iPhone.

>> No.54217476

You have the cause and effect around the wrong way.

You're right its a cycle, but the theft occured on me first.

I'm not too worried about the collapse of society. I've already resigned to death. Think of it like suicide bombing.

I don't actively steal today. But people like you make me rethink that position.

>> No.54217495

>I'm not worried about the collapse of society, I want to inflict more pain onto it
>people like you

You sound like an angsty faggot. If you choose to live in a pessimistic, nihilistic sense, that's fine.... but that doesn't give you some moral superiority over me because I say that stealing weakens moral fibers that hold together every civilized society since the beginning of time.

>> No.54217521

So you’re saying corporations and the government robbing everyone is fine, but when the little guy steals basic supplies suddenly it’s degenerate? Boomers need to get off of /biz/

>> No.54217551

>still caring about troon loving American corporations
I hope ghetto thugs knock you out and rob you like those World Star videos. Progressives ruined America, everyone wanted to be American in the 80s, not anymore.

>> No.54217567
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NTA. It seems more like that anon is a product of his environment. Societal contract has been broken for most young people, so why honor the implicit status quo just to be stomped on? If you look at things simply from an incentive based perspective, there are little incentives for abiding to the morals of system that is perceived to be immoral to you.

You're right overall though, degeneration of culture at the level of the individual morals creates these large scale phenomena.

>> No.54217573

>make money worth less than what it was before, and essentially hinder purchasing power
>why are all these young people who make little money stealing?
weird I wonder why when a bottle of saline spray is 12 dollars at CVS

>> No.54217576

I'm 30.

... and no, have I made any excuses for corporations or the government corruption? Does that need to be combatted? Absolutely. That being said, what does that have to do with YOU stealing and disrespecting your community? That's Twitter-level reasoning.

In a perfect world, I'd have a huge swath of corrupt bankers in the feds, and mega conglomerates would profit share with all employees tenured after one year... but that's not the discussion now. The discussion is for YOU to STOP STEALING.

>> No.54217585

Fuck morales. You just make me want to isolate you as the cause of all my problems. You're also telling me that there is a negative action I cant take towards this new target of my problems.

Yeah I'm angsty, you want to see how far I'll go? Could be entertaining! :)

>> No.54217600
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>> No.54217608

designer clothes literally won’t exist atleast not in its current fashion as our entire economic way of life is collapsing.

>> No.54217610

>ah yes those banks stealing your tax dollars, and your purchasing power either through means of tax dollar/money printing bailouts A-OKAY
>WHAT you stole medicine/clothes/food you couldn't afford?! YOU HECKIN MONSTER!
yeah well what do you expect when you create a low-skill spic hellscape following ESG index guidelines?
>j-j-just pull yourself up by the b-boot s-straps
zoomies DO NOT give a fuck about optimist sayings when you have reinforced gangster rap culture. it's ideal for them to now follow their role models to survive, and "make it" like them. enjoy the future generation covered in face tattoos, and willing to thieve, and murder to get through in life.

>> No.54217613

It's funny because the impact of stealing affects all of us because we're all affected by the economy.

Of course stealing is like arguing on twitter. We're all powerless and we'll take any action, no matter how immature, to feel some sort of power and control.

Your arguments aren't going to prevent that because none of this is logical.

>> No.54217619
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Buddy, I think you underestimate the people who simply want peace and are denied it. Smell under the surface and tread lightly.

>> No.54217635

What’s the incentive? The entire system from the top down is designed to extract as much wealth as possible by any means necessary. Until that changes there’s no reason or incentive to change

>> No.54217636

If corporations are making record profits, then why are you not investing in them? These retards have basic needs met and obviously are immoral to do it.
I hate cities so much its unreal.

>> No.54217648

nigger you're not going to do shit. just because you're having an angsty meltdown is not going to stop poor zoomies who feel entitled to the most basic of needs from stealing. this could have been prevented, and we could be living in harmony in a society that doesn't force you to do things you don't want to, but need to do to live. sinus rinse is 40 dollardoos at cvs. i could only imagine being some dumb zoomie fuck with a severe sinus infection because of an s/c curve bend in their septum.

>> No.54217653

Could YOU personally make said saline solution with all the quality and certifications for less than $12? If so, why havent you made a startup?

>> No.54217655

35-40 dollars was the estimate last time now its probably going to be 50 dollars effectively after the new round of trillions hits the market
at this point we are zimbabwe tier in all but name yet nobody wants to call it out for fear of antisemitism.
powell has demonstrated he is literally incapable of even doing the simplest things such as letting the market healthily correct itself when banks become bad actors instead willingly and willfully bailing out orgs like wells fargo who I am baffled still exists today even though their fellow banking partners like lehman were shut down and then wondering why we keep having economic crashes every 10 years? yeah maybe cuz you keep giving money to the people causing it? maybe let their goddamn banks die so new ones can grow in their places? and we can finally go through a recovery phase?

>> No.54217658

Nobody pays enough to buy a house let alone invest you retard

>> No.54217666

>hey kid you invest in this company and maybe if their retarded corrupt ceo doesn't dilute the worth of the total shares maybe in five to ten years you'll make 30%+ what you invested
this is why retarded zoomies steal, or fomo all their money into retarded animal shit-coin ponzi schemes.

>> No.54217686

I think you underestimate how impactful our negative attitudes are on society because the real solution to this problem is rehabilitation.

A piece of the engine has broken and the longer you delay it's repair the more damage it will cause to other parts.

I am far from the person you think I am but I am happy to play that role in the hopes to help reverse the damage that you are perpetuating.

Remember, we are not talking about organisations that can self correct. Just sad individuals who have given up on better things because they think "better" doesn't exist. You may not be able to see that from your position in life.

>> No.54217690

Off topic, I think clustering in coastal cities has contributed to this. Ironically the poor values (at an individual level) in these cities, clustered with a million McJobs that aren't truly necessary in society, and through the roof housing prices make a perfect storm.

If we're talking pure solutions, I would say more people need to consider moving to middle America.

>> No.54217707

You actually have to be pretty careful how you make those. If you make it too strong you risk causing inflammation in your sinus cavities not strong enough you risk not properly cleaning them out, and you're just pumping water. That isn't including the fact if you're not using infant safe purified water you risk getting a brain eating amoeba.
>t.spent 200 dollardoos on sinus rinse machine, 120 on xantham sinus rinse solution, and 560 on insurance covered septum reconstruction surgery
I really have no issues making excuses for people who choose to steal medical supplies they need to relieve ailments, and medically related suffering. Clothes are a different thing, but I really don't care if some dumb zoomie who can't afford these kind of things needs to prevent an infection getting worse by stealing what they need, and not necessarily what they want.

>> No.54217717

You underedtimate me. I have harrased and abused plenty of people and thats all it takes because they are all as angsty as me now. It's called the butterfly effect.

The irony being is that there is a person inside me that feels bad for all of that. But then I meet you and feel justified in my actions because none of this matters and it's all misery anyway.

>> No.54217728

That's just sad. I grew up in Beaverton in the 90s, and Washington Square was always a joy to visit. There's quite a distance between it and "Portland" proper, a mall in the suburbs out west. It's sad how bad things have become.

>> No.54217740

>muh angst will stop zoomies from resorting to shitty solutions because muh economy isn't that bad for me
yeah well good luck with that retard I personally don't steal, but can completely understand some mcwagie zoom zoom having to resort to stealing for needs, and not wants, because of how shit this economy is, and honestly I have zero issues after generations of our society reinforcing the gangster rap life-style, and not placing a heavy emphasis on proper conduct. You essentially get what you were complicit with, and you were probably complicit enough to be singing N.W.A, and Biggie songs like the dumb shmuck you come off as. Go masturbate to a Dave Ramsey podcast or something.

>> No.54217766

I'm perpetuating no damage. I acknowledge moral fault, plain and simple. If this was a discussion with an investment banker, and we were discussing how his bundling of subprime loans and ratings agencies was going to hurt millions, I would tell him how ethically wrong it was. He would respond, like you, that the base morals that have been instilled in us for thousands of years, across all races and societies, are not applicable to this situation because "....."

People assume that anarchy is the closest we get to our original form as humans, but that's not the case. We evolved through discipline, ethical obligations to our neighbors. Even within violent conquest, at the very root of all action is a sense of order.

I agree with you that people can't see "better", but the approaches in which we are taking are different. You are offering candy to a child with trauma to make it stop crying. I'm trying to give it structure and true self worth.

All in a philosophical sense.

>> No.54217795
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Bullshit. They arent applying themselves properly. If you want a house, you dont need to buy it in a city's suburb in NY state. You can live cheaply in a midwest flyover state. Look at the minimum wage vs property value in some areas.
You dont need to fall for the college/university meme either. You can attend community college or trade school and made double or triple the minimum wage.
>wahh its not the job I want!
Earning $40/hr as a plumber is better than whatever mcwagie job these fucks are barely holding down. The problem is they are addicted to the internet and soapboxing instead of trying to improve their lot in life. All they do is complain. Social media is a cancer.

>>54217666 (checked)
Risk management is always going to be the most important thing. Younger people have no patience or discipline. Inflation is an invisible tax. You invest to protect and grow your value over time, you arent sustainably going to get 30% a year and retire at 25. But nobody cares or wants to learn. Out of 200 people at my mcjob, maybe 5 people actively invest and talk about it, beyond the basic RRSP or company perks or mutual fund shit.

>> No.54217798

This guys perspective is accurate. We evolved to be orderly when things in our environments allowed such behavior to be displayed, and conducted on a day to day basis. When you shape the environment to fit that of a predator in survival mode you get exactly what you would expect.

>> No.54217827

Wanna know the kicker? I'm black. Or a 'nigger', depending on your particular vocabulary.

It's ethics. Pains me to see so many people who look like me morally lost, but that doesn't change what IS and what ISN'T.

>> No.54217849
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Normies should not have to invest to make a basic comfortable living sustainable. Some people are destined for stupidity, and it wouldn't be an issue if displacement, and consistent stagnation of wages in low-skill jobs wasn't such a prevalent issue. I say this as someone who has invested 10k as a college student who is still working towards fulfilling their major. I completely understand what you're saying, but the reality is your average norman expects their investments to play out like a wolf of wallstreet skit, and you can blame the school districts who have the full intention of providing retarded shit like pic related, before providing necessary shit like a class on how to invest your income, and grow your net-worth. I had to learn this shit through /biz/, and youtube. Most people don't have time to do that shit especially fortnite addicted zoom zooms who have been poisoned by our corrupt society. Instead you will get zoom zooms convinced white people are evil, and that engaging in thug tier behavior is acceptable, because the curriculum like pic related enforces that behavior.

>> No.54217861

Lol nigger

>> No.54217870

Nah you're not a nigger. I say this as someone who regularly gets called a /pol/ nahdzsee by loony troons. I have respect for people regardless of race so long as they're not pants on head fucking retarded which you're not otherwise I go straight to inflammatory slurs for the sake of provoking shit with said people. Power to you my nigga.

>> No.54217876

except it's not like the current supply of existing clothes suddenly dissapears in thin air

>> No.54217889

shits expensive and they ain't got no money

>> No.54217909

What policies do we enforce? Like I mentioned before, a mandatory percentage of profits must go to employees if you're a mega-conglomerate(5-10k employees)? Failing banks must have CEOs and suits forfeit assets?

I disagree with the previous anon about letting society go to shit, but if we are going to improve it on the white collar front, what do we do in a specific sense?

Thank you.

>> No.54217910

You just said a lot of things I don't understand.

Is this like some "eminem swears so hes an asshole" kind of thing? my dad was like that but I didn't care for music growing up. I was all video games and super heroes. Told to combat evil by waiting patiently for my chance to strike. But then r/antiwork taught me that by working hard I was making everything difficult for everybody else so I stopped waiting and just stopped.

I only ever stole through the emotional whiplash of realisations throughout my life. It was never part of some grand intention, just an outlet for my emotions. I have only recently found out how rigged the economy is.

My point is that you are attributing intent to actions that some autistic kid only performed through frustration and anger, I had no idea at the time that I was justified in my actions. I just wanted people to burn. You need to figure out how to help that stop.

I mean can you see the pivot of emotions in this post? I'm just a messed up human that can't be reasoned with, there must be a better way to fight against that, you only seem to perpetuate it.

>> No.54217919

You think you're not perpetuating damage because you're not there to see the result of the emotions you place in another human being. You are culpable to the actions of everyone you have ever interacted with.

In a philosophical sense.

>> No.54217927

Because zoomers are blacked. Culturally and literally. just look at their slang, all nigged up.

>> No.54217946

bottom signal if i've ever seen one

>> No.54217956

Reformation of schools,financial institutions, and the rules provided by the SEC, and incentives for Americans being apart of society. Income tax should be something for non-native born people, and so should things like property tax. Housing should also be cheaper for native born Americans, and so should the price of goods. There should be a reason someone should be proud of being born in America. None of these things will ever happen even though at any given time we have 20mil illegals in the country, and that's not looping in all non-native citizens who have become legalized. If there was more to offer to those born into the system then you'd have less issues with people gaming the system in a thug manor, and crime would drop drastically. Basically just cater to those born in America. We can't have that though, because our society places an emphasis to cater to mega-conglomerates, and there is a heavy emphasis on displacing native born citizens.

>> No.54217961

That's contradictory and overly vague.

>> No.54217982

There is a bunch of shit wrong with our society that people didn't experience before that has now led to newer generations engaging in thug behavior more-so than what occurred in the past, and it will not be fixed until society goes out of its way to cater to those born in America. My grandmother makes 250 an hour as a permit consultant, and got her job without a college degree. now to be apart of something like that is 10+ years of education before experience, and then you have to account for the tense competition present in that field of work. If she were apart of this new generation she'd be fucked, and would not be living the good life she's living now. I say this as someone who loves their grandmother very much.

>> No.54217995
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This, anon.

>> No.54218003

If we're using modern parlance, niggerhood is a state of being. Black people are not necessarily niggers, and you can find them in other races too. There are many respectable blacks who have become educated and successful in life. They chose to.

Normalfags being ignorant to finance is why the system has gotten so bogged and fucked as it is. On the flip side, their ignorance allows the system to continue to exist. If that is the case, then its worth investing in shit that profits from their misery. And besides that, there is always a consolidation of power.
Theres a kid at my work, gotta be like 18 or 19. Two red bulls a day to get through his shift. Two. He'll literally spending over a thousand dollars a year against minimum wage, who knows if he smokes or drinks too. But like I said above, this sort of idiot behavior is what powers the economy.

>> No.54218024
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This is why bizfaggots are cringe the second finances intersects with politics and especially race, all of you zoomerniggers are color blind. All this shoplifting noggery accelerated after George Floyd, zoomers and at that millenials have always been poorer and low paid. The only thing that changed is Tyrone and Shaniquana now have not just a race card, but a loot burn murder with unlimited get out of jail free cards. This shit is so obviously because of race but you will backpedal and burn as much coal as possible NOT to pin it as a racist problem that needs racist solutions.

Theres a reason why joggers are getting more welfare, treated more specially, more doped on comfy drugs, gibs now more than at any point in human history and yet are the most violent, impulsive brutal apes they've ever been in modern society because you literally worship the ground they walk on. Touch grass and get a family, get accosted by one of these pavement apes, or actually witness them stealing in a store and maybe you'll stop spouting off like a retarded faggot and realize something more is wrong than just muh wages Jesus Christ

>> No.54218031

Well I'm not part of the thug movement, I'm part of the equality and freedom movement. LGBT, women, blacks, that kind of shit, but I take it a step further and say that discrimination is halting our innovation as a society by discarding able people. We are all just hunans and you can't know if someone is good or bad based on something arbitrary like gender.

And in case anyone missed it, I no longer steal: this was accomplished through education. I only threaten to steal because you guys JUST. DON'T. GET. IT.

>> No.54218046

>he thinks it's mr.banana 20 dollardoo counterfeit man that started this
no you can blame california and its legislation allowing theft as long as said stolen goods are less than 900 dollardoos in total.

>> No.54218064

>and it wouldn't be an issue if displacement, and consistent stagnation of wages in low-skill jobs wasn't such a prevalent issue.
This is actually an interesting point too. World population growth is slowing. Take any reaspn you want: moral erosion, removal of the middle class, wages, degeneracy. It doesnt matter why.
What matters is the effect. Sustainabke population growth is 1.8 to 2.1 per person or something to that effect. It actually overlaps very closely with nominal US inflation and since the 70s, has generally been pretty close.
But like I said, growth is slowing worldwide. If there is a slowdown in growth, that means there is a slowdown in consumption and economy. We only had such a strong growth because it correlated with a population boom. You take away the growth and the economy begins to decline. I am not optimistic for the next 20-30 years. Things will slowly erode as an aging population gradually stops being replaced.

>> No.54218065

they passed that after Floyd poodlenigger try to keep up

>> No.54218167

no that was here before banana man try again I should know because I live in that shithole.

>> No.54218194

>the theft occurred to you first
how were you stolen from?
inb4 potential, that's preventing something from happening not stealing what's already there.
if you said wage theft or something then sure that's legit

>> No.54218459

This economy is built on theft. It's all just lies on paper.

Just because everyone that exists today earned their way to what they have, doesn't make it right to monopolise existance. We are threatened by thirst, hunger and the elements and told that we have to earn life.

Life was stolen from me and is offered in return for my compliance. I have no obligation to treat that as my duty.

I do want to give to the community. But on my own terms. I am well on my way to doing that. But I had to make a lot of mistakes to get there because there is no help for people like me.

This is either a community where we help bring eachother up or it can be a competition where we put down others to thin the herd.

I'm not strong so I'll be put down but this system has just enough socialism to make sure I live a long and miserable life before I do.

>> No.54218590

because not enough of them get lead surgery (with my 9mm)

>> No.54218648

that mall is in downtown portland oregon. Used to go there before it became a lawless homeless megaplex

>> No.54218851

The most harmful thing about social media is that it showcases wealth inequality exacerbating the effect of the gini coefficient, which is the closest thing we have to a 1:1 predictor of crime.

>> No.54218857

>washington square
>downtown portland

That's like saying Queens is in Manhattan, or Inglewood is in Hollywood.

>> No.54219052

>You can live cheaply in a midwest flyover state
Please shut the fuck up, everything here is getting worse with the influx of people who've taken this advice. People who come from families that have lived here for generations can no longer afford to buy their own house now. The homeless population has surged and fentanyl is damaging the community even more than meth was.
Jesus Christ, at least when everything collapses I can head deep into national forest and hopefully make a little hidden homestead without getting my shit fucked up by raiders.

t. flyoverstateanon

>> No.54219085

So you weren't stolen from then, and rationalized what you did to make it seem fair in the end.
I'm not putting you down as if I was a saint, but you should realize the longer you paint yourself in that light the harder it will be to truly grow from that position. Though you acknowledge your fleeting existence in this life such growth is necessary for the soul, regardless of the particular faith one holds.

>> No.54219135


Yep. Washington state borders Portland. With a shared metro called Vancouver. So basically Canada - the same demons with the same names haunt various geographical locations

>> No.54219165

because kiked out nigger lover politicians essentially legalized theft. its the only way to keep niggers out of prison to make them appear to be more human than they are

>> No.54219329

When did this place become so fucking reddit? GTFO you scrubs

>> No.54219869

nah bitch u crying coz u don understand paragraphs past the middle school bitch? nah what u axin who u fooling nigga haha I love ebonics

>> No.54219920

It’s based

>> No.54219921
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>If only we had a nigger-free society where we could CONSOOM goods and goyslop with cashless payments from machines directly from our eco-pods!
Kill yourself.

>> No.54219935

they're feasting on the dead carcass of the empire, they see the writing on the wall, there's no trust anymore, they feel no obligation to others

>> No.54219948


>> No.54220003

There will be no more affordable luxury goods full stop. Cars, Clothes, Boats, you name it.

>> No.54220881
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A day I don't steal is a day I stay home.
I'm white, wealthy, have work ethics, loving friends/family, but I sure won't give my money to big businesses making hundreds of millions of profit while still getting subsidies from the taxes I have to pay or go in jail.
Fuck the WEF and fuck bribed politicians.

>> No.54220933

This is the invisible hand of the free market

>> No.54220970

They realised the social contract is not a contract.

>> No.54221915
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>> No.54221952

they missed the glory days of internet piracy and fading haze of boomer ww2 prize money, just in time for the planned collapse and helter skelter

>> No.54222039

This. It's cheaper. And why shouldn't one steal from multinational corporations that are constantly psyoping entire populations to be the ideal consoomers, while completely draining others, for cheap products and labor? Just follow the general thief's code of, "no small businesses," and no harm, no foul.

>> No.54222116

Not true. I've stolen a ton from stores, especially union busting mega-corps, but I never steal from individuals. I've found wallets and cellphones, on multiple occassions, and I've always returned them, generally directly to the owner, if at all possible.

You see things too black and white. You miss the honor among thieves and you miss that unlike the thieves running megacorps, who are complete vampires, many small time thieves follow their own systems of who and who not they steal from. If I find your wallet, I will return it. I also will self checkout for max discount, to the max, too.

>> No.54222270

The fall of humanity in the modern world is the result of ultra individualism. Each generation is more separated. Each generation is more isolated. Each generation is more disenfranchised and paranoid. This worked well for the global elite, for awhile, as now a household of 7, which previously had one couch, one TV, one dining room table, now is 7 households of isolated consumers, each with their own of these things.

What corporations and banks did not expect from this, though, is that people are in fact not actually just like machines, that can be controlled and manipulated, to no end. Eventually people break. They stop working. They start shooting. With no cohesive identity, we lose the order which we built to make sense of a chaotic reality. Not only our own structures of community and family collapse, but also the structures which brought power to the corporations and banks. The limit has been pushed too far and things are going over the edge, now.

I thus don't think it matters where you live, but how you live. If ultra individualism and separation has lead to the downfall of man, the fix is rebirth of community. Instead of living alone, in tiny apartments, we need to be living with large groups of friends, for the long term, or families. Instead of spending all our time online, we need to be spending our time with others, in person. Instead of putting our own ideals above all else, we need to find common ground, and build community and togetherness. Instead of prioritizing personal wealth, we need to be promoting common wealth. Only then can we move past the lonely isolated solipsism that dominates our current culture.

>> No.54222289

when the ww2 vets were alive the jews never would have dared to ship pallets of bricks to the sties of riots

>> No.54222327


>> No.54222334

>I couldn't hack life as an adult
fucking pathetic

>> No.54222358

(((zooommmmerrrsssssss again)))

>> No.54222497

Tomato, tomato.

>> No.54222517

Raised without Christ.

>> No.54222773
File: 85 KB, 1280x1920, Epée_de_justice_IMG_3471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People steal from your business
>Business has to shut down
>Lose car
>Lose house
>Wife divorces you and takes the children
Remind me why theives shouldn't be executed on the spot again?

>> No.54223057

Nigger culture, morally broken and most are commietards that want to Eat the rich by shoplifting.

>> No.54223065

anon, that's extremely offensive. the latest euphemism is "lunchtime rowdies".

>> No.54223151

the collapse will not be that sudden. the roman empire showed signs of collapse since gaius marius in 100BC, and the western empire only collapsed 473AD, or 15 hundred something in the east. thing is since the end of pax romana after the crisis of the third century (210AD) living in the roman empire was essentially having your wife and daughters raped by every passing gang of barbarians 24/7.

>> No.54223321

Poorfags don't think about the economic aspect of it like that. They just say
>muh insurance
>it's just things
Then chimp out about food deserts.

>> No.54223405
File: 129 KB, 606x820, civilizations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basketball american youths are at it again!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpAi70WWBlw seattle is dying

>> No.54223423

Those who make excuses for theives should be put to the sword too desu.

>> No.54223437

>teach zoomers they dont have to obey the law if they dont feel like it and to feel justified for doing so if they can come up with a good enough word salad excuse
>zoomers dont obey the law if they dont feel like it and feel justified for doing so after coming up with a good enough world salad excuse

its almost as if having government, corporations, 'minorities', and illegal immigrants regularly break the law and never be punished for it has some kind of consequences or something on the over all behavior of society.

>> No.54223454

Hispanics. Any area they infect in significant numbers follows a pattern of shops shutting down due to shoplifting/whites no longer shopping, mexican restaurants moving in and then a steady increase in crime and poverty in the afflicted area until it become a constant source of stories on the local news and a city money pit.

>> No.54223475

>Congratulations on your contribution to the downfall of society.
Society is openly satanic, this is not a surprise

>> No.54223495
File: 35 KB, 500x499, 48212C36-7AD9-4554-80DA-656916055678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it’s another thread where /pol/ complains about everything and then doesn’t fix it

>> No.54223520

One of the most bitter and pathetic posts I've read on here in a while, you seem extremely disturbed and most likely damage people around you.

>> No.54223536

Guess who lives in cities almost entirely