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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54215666 No.54215666 [Reply] [Original]

I tried to get anons to join me. You called me insane. Now that the bull run is here who is the real dumbass?

>> No.54215735

Checked but I went all in at 16.5k no need to dca

>> No.54215855

You will regret doing this when we're at $8-10K.

>> No.54216909
File: 284 KB, 780x928, Dr Diamond Hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll regret having your sister pay me .00001 bitcoin to sleep here
All you had to do was withdraw your cash from the bank

>> No.54216962
File: 830 KB, 1784x2787, Manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods range this personality schizo right fucking now 2 years of this bullshit.
He only returns from /x/ to beg for fucking money.
There's a damn good chance this nigger is YHWH they always posted in the same threads and he's a certified tripfaggot schizo.

NO you wern't welcome here two years ago what makes you think you will be now.

>> No.54216973

Post the one with the Sawzall faggot.

>> No.54216987

You mirin that 3 BTC worth of beef jerky?

>> No.54216991

Kill yourself schizo fucking faggot you helped ruin the bullrun and shit this board up with nothing but literal homeless schizophrenic begging garbage
Kill yourself nobody will bat an eye.

>> No.54217000

lmao what rent does to a nigger

>> No.54217021

Now post the Sawzall with sunglasses pic sir. I look cool and I want my frens to see it

>> No.54217031

You're homeless, you're a certified schizophrenic we remember, you're using government handouts to live.
We pay for you to smoke meth in the woods and use a government issued phone to post.

Do us all a favor if you aren't schizophrenic and have any character in your soul, don't respond to this post and never ever post here again, not a single reply, no pictures, no begging, nothing you will return to the board you came from, you will never step foot in this board.

This isn't your sandbox to shit in, this is a business and finance board, not a homeless and schizophrenia board.

there's /x/ and /pol/ just ripe for your picking.

>> No.54217054

>business and finance board
How do I profit off rentoids seething and landniggers having to FLIR camera every acre they own?

>> No.54217073

You failed, if you had not posted for 30 minutes I was going to give to 1.5btc
Now never post on this board again I know you live in the north west and I'll dox you if you keep it up.
And I will report you to the state for fraud, I'm not kidding.

>> No.54217087

if you were smart you would squat in the city. more food available, maybe electricity for charging. dry and warm. but no you choose to live in a tarp in the woods

>> No.54217094
File: 975 KB, 520x375, 1678919683764324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're on welfare because because I said so!
What part of dca 90% since September do you not understand?

>> No.54217100

I'm gonna get this guy taken off benefits, he kept poking the bee's hive now I got his face and he's in Oregan or Washington.
He posts here again I'll spend a week collecting his face and reporting it to both states wage offices and the fact he's admitted to owning cryptocurrencies and investing for almost a year.

They will slam him with food stamp charge fraud and benefit fraud and he will be forced to pay it all back and never get a dime again in benefits.
Keep fucking poking bears idiot I told you to stop two years ago.

>> No.54217116

What part of "I got 3k in foodstamps and bought beef jerky"
On Warosu with your face do you not understand nigger?
You really think I'm kidding ask the antifa fag trump shot because I got his pictures over to the marshals in Oregon within an hour.

>> No.54217118
File: 410 KB, 436x508, Professor-chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna get this guy taken off benefits, he kept poking the bee's hive now I got his face and he's in Oregan or Washington.
He posts here again I'll spend a week collecting his face and reporting it to both states wage offices and the fact he's admitted to owning cryptocurrencies and investing for almost a year.

They will slam him with food stamp charge fraud and benefit fraud and he will be forced to pay it all back and never get a dime again in benefits.
Keep fucking poking bears idiot I told you to stop two years ago.

>> No.54217125

Alright buddy gloves off, enjoy being hit with multi state benefit fraud, you'll be spending time in jail not in the woods you stupid fucking schizo.

>> No.54217130

meds time sweaty kek

>> No.54217141

I'm not your buddy pal

>> No.54217166
File: 69 KB, 666x426, Screenshot_20230311-141248_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post the Sawzall pic and the nightmare will end

>> No.54217217
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no haha doxxed again how embarrassing god damn it sucks being a 40 year old white guy with abs how fucking embarassing

>> No.54217234

Please don't post my dick pic with a ruler next to it haha, would be super embarrassed if anons see my 8 inch cock.

I bet that's what really upset you. You saw my penis back in 2020 and it destroyed your life

>> No.54217441

Where'd you go Randal? Busy solving another mystery? Keep me updated. I'll post another thread tomorrow without a shirt off

>> No.54219576

Can someone explain what's unfolding in this bread? Two schizos slap fighting?