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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54207832 No.54207832 [Reply] [Original]

sell it all.

>> No.54207930

low effort larp, kys

>> No.54207950

i used snipping tool to screenshot it from the movie, nigger

>> No.54208404

I've always wanted a high powered shrewd bitch wife

>> No.54208421

u mean buy?

>> No.54208450

when I first saw the gif of this, that guy seemed like the alpha in the movie. little did I know he was answering a question to the big bucks ceo.

>> No.54208462

is that even possible? it's sunday

>> No.54208751

to be fair he was already thinking about doing it at the middle of the movie long before the CEO showed up.

I think he was just trying to come up with a less desperate move.

>> No.54208951
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This should have been done weeks ago. Water under the bridge.

>> No.54208966

Banks are fucked come Monday. It's only going to go up more.

>> No.54209975
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English please

>> No.54209997

>a filename would make it less of a larp
We all know OP doesn't work for a hedgefund irregardless, though

>> No.54210007

There are not enough /biz/-themed feature films

>> No.54210027

Never selling my stack.

>> No.54210056

Based Cohen

Right decision

>> No.54210065

Hate that they do this. And also that they all seem so surprised he’s an aerospace engineer. Tons of finance guys have technical backgrounds like that.

>> No.54210325

to have an excuse to write the movie dialog in a way the audience can understand. many engineers are simply pre-business, at some points in the business cycle the money is better in finance

>> No.54210337

Markets are closed on Sundays, boss.

>> No.54210375

He meant Bitcoin, it's going to 0 in a few hours so sell sell sell NOW!

>> No.54210410

Spilt milk under the bridge*

I liked this film, way more than the big short. Probably the best one about the financial crisis.

>> No.54210441

>irregardless, though
amazing double redunancy

>> No.54210848

I have never seen the whole movie. Just Jew Tube highlights of the best scenes. Love it when spock figures out they are insolvent. The dinner scene where the boss tells Kevin Gaycey that it is just money. Oh yeah. And the boardroom scene where he says sell it all.

>> No.54210859

>using math to make rocket fly to take pictures of black holes you can do nothing against or in or near at instead of using the complex models to treat money as dust or liquids so you can apply the statistical mechanics formulas to make it flow from the goyim's pocket to yours

>> No.54210902

I've been in plenty of meetings with executives and they all talk like this.

>> No.54210925

it's actually an accurate depiction of corporate leadership. They want the most simplified message possible. If you can't make it concise, you don't understand it

>> No.54211686

So weird I see you zoomers keep making this comment. As if you guys dont have the full 2 hours available to sit down and watch the whole movie. You spend half your life here.

>> No.54211790
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B-b-but why would I sell? Line go up?

>> No.54212224

You are a friendly! Our lost is your gain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch77I8xoUMs

>> No.54212371

at least they didn't cut to Margot Robbie in a bubblebath

>> No.54212405

Burry said this two weeks ago.

>> No.54212444


>> No.54212494

The big ahort qas fucking cringe and gay. Redditfags sucked that shit up and made it their mantra, which made it even more undesirable

>> No.54214087

Oh. And it sucked when that dudes doggo died

>> No.54214862

it's a doggy dog world out there.
at least OP is trying to help

>> No.54214936

It sucks that Kevin Spacey got cancelled, he's a great actor

>You now remember House of Cards

>> No.54215093

Business Execs actually do ask questions like this because they don't want you to weasel your words if you're trying to hide bad news. They want you to undeniably say if something is good or bad so no one misunderstands what is happening and that way it's not their fault for making assumptions if their decisions don't pan out correctly.

>> No.54215136

oh so theyre not treating people like children theyre being sociopaths that makes sense

>> No.54215150

margin call is kino


fuck me?


>> No.54215161


>> No.54215290

Yeah, it's a shame that he's a piece of shit. I'm thinking about rewatching HoC.

>> No.54215371


>> No.54215390
File: 128 KB, 500x528, 1678720837672039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I work for a $24b company.


>> No.54217320

You guys are literally clueless. This guy is running the show and he also understands how to sell his ideas to his boss. He understands the risks involved and shits all over risk management that wants to go the easy route and he goes fuck you against the trading floor, knowing full well he is going to end all their careers by deciding to sell.

If this guy would have said to his boss “keep it” he would have kept it.

The most competent person in the room. You want someone like this as your decision making player, because even your own decisions are influenced by emotions.

>> No.54217524

peak of humanity has passed

>> No.54217566

You've been saying that all week Bob.
I hope it's going to 30k

>> No.54217571

This was in the 2000s. This was before becoming a quant was sexy. My dad worked for BofA before the crash and they were pariahs and oddballs. It wasn't until the Bill Gates push to get women and minorities into STEM that came in around 2013-2014 that transferring your technical skills into finance became a thing that was commonly known. Literally no one knew about Jim Simons or RenTech or even the "flash boys" before 2008. If you'd ask people if they knew what Long Term Capital Management was they'd look at you like a freak. Now it's all the rage and even zoomers who are still in high school know a little python that they can build trading bots or indicators with.

>> No.54217672

This is no news as things stand, I already moved my cash in stablecoin vaults on SpoolFi, at least I am aware of the risk i am exposed to.

>> No.54217900

"I take my hand off? Well the whole world gets really fucking fair, really fucking quick."

>> No.54217942

Sucks to be the financebro graduate who he told he’ll be getting fired kek

>> No.54218033

Emerson hit him with the cold hard truth for his own good. And then Cohen more or less ignored him.

>> No.54218136

Did sam have the dead dog in his car for 24hrs? Emerson calls him on the way home from the vet, and from that point on, Sam is at the office until the following night.

>> No.54218219

Macdonalds is worth 200 bil silly

>> No.54218230

I always thought it had something to do with how off-putting Seth's personality was

>> No.54218248

>if he said keep it he would have
Doubt. Tuld saw the charts, listened to Sullivan, and knew the fire sale was the only option. He was pretty decisive the whole time, and makes a point later about how he predicts a marketwide crash regardless. The whole room couldve said "don't sell," he wouldve said "sell"

>> No.54218314

Nah, Emerson wasn't trying to stunt on him. He was clearly friendly with Seth and Peter. He was just telling him the gods honest truth to get him ready for shitstorm.

>> No.54218324

He the only one, who dream was to work in finance. Everyone else is only there for the money.

>> No.54218331

I know he was friendly with Will but maybe I read into his constant asking of people's salaries too much

>> No.54218781

I disagree. Margin Call was ok, but I liked Big Short far more. Who cares what redditor think.

>> No.54218862

The big short is way more entertaining. Margin call is for autists.

>> No.54218910

You'd be surprised. Back then plenty of people were nosy assholes who acted that way if you had a job that didn't directly tie into your education. Pre 2008 your average normie WORSHIPPED degrees

>> No.54218988

I see it done a lot with senior management but it’s more about being exposed to a constant firehouse of informatIon daily, as well as a constant string of crises from every little department. So you need to have a short, simple message. This takes hours of prep and requires thought on the part of the little guys (rocket scientist character). Think of it like Feinman explaining high level physics. If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well and have no business bringing it to your boss. Asking for distilled explanations prevents subordinates from dumping trash on your desk and also helps you manage your busy schedule from becoming and overwhelming one.

>> No.54219035
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I'd rather sell my soul to Shaitan. In fact, I'm doubling down on my MyS holdings on magicyearn. I only take profits to buy back. And the token has already done a near 2x. And believe me when I say this is only a tip of the iceberg

>> No.54219155
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Here's one for you.

>> No.54219361

>Who cares what redditor think.

>> No.54219488

Hmmm that is very interesting. Thank you I learned a lot.

>> No.54219807

this dude gets it
nice dub btw

>> No.54220518

Or a golden retriever

man that movie was good

>> No.54220910

That's why I like it.
"It wasn't brains that got me into this position, I can assure you of that."
The character had some good lines.

>> No.54220924

This is the opinion of someone who likes superhero movies.

>> No.54220953

Mama there's wolves in the house
Mama they won't let me out
Mama they're mating at night
Mama they wont make nice

They're pacing and glowing bright
Their faces all snowy and white
Bury their paws in the stone
Make for my heart as their home

>> No.54221577

I'm a Director and most of my conversations with people revolve around making something simple like that so that we actually know what the fuck to do with it. You can't act on a novel's worth of complicated bullet-points.

>> No.54222629
File: 93 KB, 768x511, thegoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are kino, the only thing I didn't like in The Big Short was the cringeworthy explanations with Selena Gomez and the other jew cook who killed himself.
The Goose was great in the movie too.

>> No.54222646

At fair market prices right?