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54202481 No.54202481 [Reply] [Original]

>Microsoft Edge integrates a native wallet into their browser
>soon all browsers will ship with a native wallet as standard
>a billion users onboarded in 2024 according to many predictions
>a billion people pouring into crypto
I'm so fucking bullish it's not even funny. The fact that global finance is teetering on the edge only confirms crypto's value. What a time to be alive.

>> No.54202498

Also with a billion new users imagine how desirable grail ENS names will be. The flex of saying "Oh just send the money to mike.eth, or 081.eth".

>> No.54202505

Is it going to be able to use non-Ethereum EVM chains too?

>> No.54202637

bullish for rose

>> No.54202647

Fuck Microsoft. U kids are going to trust Billy with ur crypto... bad move.

>> No.54202742

Kek boomer nocoiners will seethe

>> No.54202775

Just one more thing before we proceed with your withdrawal
please provide a proof of up-to date immmunization and biometric ID

Bill the Blacked

>> No.54202790
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>oh gawd.......

>> No.54202803

Nobody should keep real $ amounts in there but if people use this wallet for online purchases that could be very bullish for the whole space to get adoption up and retailers to accept crypto for their goods.

>> No.54202817

The Bill and Melinda gates foundation runs mojaloop.

>> No.54202833

based and ENS pilled

>> No.54202836

>Trusting MS is bad but trusting the hyperjewish JPM Consensys Metamask kikes is good okay?

>> No.54202848

If people are this dumb and share their seeds with Microsoft, they deserve everything bad that is happening to them.

>> No.54202892

Do you mind explaining?
Across nations extremely valuable corporate structure is built on Microsoft. Is there an argument besides "established bad"?

>> No.54202996

Microsoft as a company is not interested in your well being. They have allowed industrial espionage by the NSA, cooperated on circumventing encryption and password protection with the FBI and OGA and are generally known to share the same interests as the US government.

Money is control. Crypto is offering the masses to leave the plantation the banks have created for them. Tech companies like Microsoft, Apple and others are positioning themselves as the coming gatekeepers.

Right now the US (or any government for that matter) can simply demand that the access to your funds can be restricted. You dont even have to do something wrong, just be Russian with a bank account when your leader invades another country.

Crypto (if done right) is about you having complete control over your money. You take it anywhere without capital controls, without being bound to office hours or without needing to be in good standing with whatever ideology is currently in power.

All these offers of taking care of your coins for you are nothing but an exchange of privacy, power and rights for some comfort. These companies are all the same. They do not care about you and they will sell you out the moment the government comes knocking.

Also established bad.

>> No.54203088

Wallets are browsers. You don't need the browser software at all. Welcome to web3.

>> No.54203316

Don't entrust your seed to anything that's not open source. That should be common sense. Otherwise you might as well give your money to a custodian
Metamask is open source. We know exactly how protected your seed is. How protected is it when you give it to MS? I don't know, it's not open source. You just have to trust your custodian

>> No.54203433

>complete control over your money
>swings wildly in value constantly

>> No.54203447

It is open source though, Edge is just a Chromium fork and subject to GPL3

>> No.54203481
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>> No.54203492

wow keeping your money on a cpp browser with tons of security issues over the years sounds so good!

>> No.54203494

Didn't ankr partner with Microsoft a few weeks ago only to puke up the entire short lived pump?

>> No.54203552

you can be sure they will link your IP and other data to wallet address and sell it to other jews. we dont know if theyll allow custom node RPCs to avoid this like Metamask. anyway i trust white developer teams that are focused only and entirely building crypto software than Equality Inc

>> No.54203863

>swings wildly in value constantly
that's really due to low liquidity though, crypto being a nascent industry and whales taking advantage of that

>> No.54203892

It's based on open source but what they put on top of it, you don't know

>> No.54203893

you don't put all your money in that wallet, you just put spending money there to buy apps or porn or whatever.

explaining to people how to be their own bank is going to take a lot of time, glad to see MS being pro-crypto in any case.

>> No.54204133
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>> No.54204408

Dude the intended audience for this product is 0 of the people here. If you think blockchain is going to see widespread adoption where everyone is self custodying you are delusional. I’m sure in this wallet you can do stuff like connect it to your Microsoft account etc. it’s meant to onboard normies. In the end even you probably won’t self custody once those solutions are seamless and secure enough, plus insured. There would be no reason to take on the risk.

>> No.54204558

>if only it didn't have these massive weaknesses it wouldn't be so massively weak