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File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Diablo-4-Release-Date_2022-11-07-120319_dpuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54200703 No.54200703 [Reply] [Original]

The economic collapse is coming and here I am buying Ultimate Editions of a shitty no good ARPG.

I deserve the worst

>> No.54200718

This is a D2 only board get out of here with that shit.
>not here
>not in my town

>> No.54200723
File: 230 KB, 360x270, 1565243066364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real, every penny matters, pennies become dollars. Also bliz is probably the most faggoty company going right now

>> No.54200736


Video Games are inflation proof.

>> No.54200765

you could have just bought diablo 2 and will have infinitely more fun

>> No.54200766

I thought D1 posting was aloud?

>> No.54201218

Lilith is into bestiality I take it?

>> No.54201238

diablo 2 is not a good game
leveling in bot lobbies til your 99 and grabbing green loot from diablo and baal (and now the randomized zone too haha !) so you can grab MORE green loot is fucking POINTLESS

>> No.54201267

Never played much Diablo, but I enjoyed Grim Dawn (until i started getting carpal from it)

>> No.54201366

i dunno, i spent $100 on gear from a seller last week, probably all from bots
it's not pointless when you can exploit rich and lazy gamers like me

>> No.54201575
File: 26 KB, 304x326, SHODAN_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Lilith looks like Shodan our beloved AI assassin

>> No.54201632

companies continue to churn out trash games because retards like you pay for it. i hate you with every fiber of my being for ruining one of my hobbies.

>> No.54201653
File: 45 KB, 400x402, 1839749e1305612bb8ba871464bf2e33-857880624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all Giger deep down

>> No.54201763

I'd rather kms than play or watch a single second of diablo 4

>> No.54201785

you can make absolute bank every new season

>> No.54202815

The time you'll waste playing that shit is worth more than $100

>> No.54203006

Terrible investment.

>> No.54203013

I'd worry about the 100s or even 1000s more bones that the payment model would squeeze out of a retard than the initial cost

>> No.54203027

just play PoE or buy Grim Dawn fren dont do this to yourself hell even diablo 3 is fun

>> No.54203033

Gaming itself is pointless. Especially lootchasing games like Diablo. But there still are better and worse ones.

>> No.54203045

Is it that bad? I haven't been interested in the series since LoD. Should I pass this one up too?

>> No.54203055

woah cool guy

>> No.54203065

I just can’t understand people buying new games. Shit I think my cutoff was somewhere around 2012. Idt I got to old to be entertained by them I just started to hate the “values” in every game.

>> No.54203084

Honestly, anybody who didn't realize that D4 truly is/was a game that Blizzard did not want to create after that one "don't you have phones" Blizzcon deserves to be disappointed by whatever they are releasing now.
Just a friendly reminder,
>Blizzard HATES YOU for wanting D4
>Blizzard did not want to create D4
>Blizzard HATES YOU even more because muh popular demand for D4 made them being forced by Activision/MS to create D4
They are going to serve you a steaming shit sandwich and they know whatever they dish out to humiliate you, you're going to like.

I'm only looking forward to SFM content of Lilith.

>> No.54203108
File: 36 KB, 640x620, 1650813281757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up video games for the most part about the only think that will bring me back is if they incorporate crypto. Even winning a few loot shitcoins here and there would help alleviate the the feeling of wasted time I get playing video games nowadays.

>> No.54203122

I'd sometimes want to play again, out of nostalgia, out of feeling young again maybe, but it feels like a waste of time. It doesn't make me happy anymore as when I was a child.

Only exception is when I play with my nephew and niece, but even then sometimes I have this creeping feeling of wasting time. But making them happy and seeing them having fun makes up for it.

>> No.54203133

It's a mystery why none already have done that.
Where is GabenCoin?

>> No.54203147

they're also effective mind numbers and time chambers. if you're already sitting on a comfortable stack you can go into trance state for a year with a progressive game with updates. but if you have no stack during this forget games and keep finding ways to accumulate assets, beauty, charisma, spiritual awakening, skills and knowledge.

>> No.54203164

next generation of game post bull market, pre next crisis will be just that. monetary payouts integration straight to smart phone apps. but games of old already had in game gold, legendary gear, account pilots, or carry runs for PayPal

>> No.54203191

If it was with real money ok. Not gonna turn my real money into crypto to participate in a game to earn crypto and then lose all because crypto crashes.

>> No.54203193

Yeah I learned a lot of english playing d2 which nowadays instead falls into the bucket of mindless passtimes.
Seriously sitting doing nothing but enjoying slow and powerful breaths and drinking a cup of lukewarm tea is now just wholesome and enjoyable instead. To me, gaming is just phasing in and out of random objectives the game presents for you and you need to adapt a mindset to evety small detail to make it fun.
>Woah, chipped ruby! That's 10hp! Equal to one level of vitality In a socketed studded leather! Better stop grinding exp and pick that up.
>*Unique dagger drops*
>Opens inventory
>Makes space for unique dagger

>> No.54203195

*feels like wasted time playing video games*
*continues scrolling 4chan*

>> No.54203211

Why did I click this gay thread

>> No.54203222

imagine buying pozzed, woke, SJW garbage made by niggers, jews and feminists

>> No.54203229

Checked trips of truth

>> No.54203248
File: 255 KB, 433x486, 1667379021038825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they make Charsi trans?

>> No.54203259
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>> No.54203275
File: 1.16 MB, 3768x2431, blizzard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image, which is years out of date at this point, its far worse

>> No.54203284

haha fag

>> No.54203297

Lol I too learned a lot of english in Warcraft 3 which I could use in my english classes in school (germany). Back then it was ok to play videogames. Nowadays it's not.

Games nowadays are absolutely constructed to make you dependent like an addict. I'd rather be addicted to playing on the stock market than playing videogames.

>> No.54203311

4chan also is a waste of time, but it's also social interaction with other people. It's a discussion forum, you sometimes might see things in a different light.

By your and my definition you are wasting time too, so: et tu.

>> No.54203325

D1 is acceptable although the nogger in that one is not as cool as D2
>Dennis Rodman magi sheeeeit
>Holy Based Black Man