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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54193716 No.54193716 [Reply] [Original]

If you're rich, what are some substantial things you can do with your money? I mean beyond quitting your job, buying nice things for yourself, and impressing people. How can you affect the world in a significant way?

>> No.54193751

I would probably start a business so I could surround myself with smart people and talk to them

>> No.54193763

build a harem to propagate your genetic material
the is the only lasting legacy that matters

>> No.54193764

Advertising, buying influence, paying off politicians.

>> No.54193778

new anus

>> No.54193804

Start my gourmet mushroom farming business

>> No.54193869
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if I had $5 million I'd start a charity in Africa and spend the rest of my life trying to make things better over there

I used to volunteer with a charity that does peace work over there, e.g. they host free 3-day classes in rural communities where they help resolve traumas and teach people alternatives to violence for resolving disputes. It's pretty powerful when you see somebody who committed genocide sitting next to somebody whose family was killed in a genocide and after three days they're friends and they've forgiven everything from the past.

I'd probably try to set up a similar charity focused on the eastern DRC region. I've still got all the contacts from when I volunteered over there

>> No.54193938

You can propagate your DNA by being a sperm donor.

>> No.54194051

Move to a very rural area and make a castle, then donate large amounts to make a school and parks and shit. Basically become the lord of a county.

>> No.54194068

Start a scholarship fund for whatever filed you have an interest in so that young people who are hard workers but don't have the money can get ahead.

>> No.54194076

Leveraging your wealth and influence into ways to gather more wealth and influence, not difficult to understand.

>> No.54194085
File: 120 KB, 261x469, Screenshot from 2023-03-15 19-00-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>id spend 5mil to teach congoloid apes to be nice to each other
this cant be real. i refuse to believe someone this fuckin stupid exists

>> No.54194174
File: 169 KB, 1015x790, improved world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you affect the world in a significant way?
you really cant change the world with just money. it requires tons of work and you cant piss off people to the point where they kill/arrest you.

so the way to make the most change is just to accelerate an existing trend that you like, instead of stepping on toes/reversing trends. for example, you should further global warming as much as possible. you can see that most brown countries would be wiped out due to global warming, while doubling the inhabitable area of white countries.

>> No.54194271

Mr. Beast, as evil as he is, has exploited the loophole that is written in the code of the universe: The more you give the more you receive. Of course his deeds are immoral because they do not come from the goodness of his heart, they are exploitive in nature, in the eyes of God they are moot. Ascending would be to do so without any cameras on.

>> No.54194369

Assuming I'm "rich" but not a multimillionaire.

I'd try to improve my hometown. Donate to the marketing campaign of whichever local party is best for the place and its future. Ensure the town does not lose any of its assets (talking about the infrastructure and the economy but also about cultural stuff). Try to attract investors from other parts of the country.

>> No.54194393

bullshit, the only thing he exploited was the idea that giving away money generates views and ad revenue.

>> No.54194456

fund anti aging research
fund energy research
fund quantum research
fund bitcoin adoption softwares
fund education
fund storage technology
fund affordable bunkers construction
fund new materials to build buildings and vehicles

>> No.54194544
File: 131 KB, 1000x663, Sutton-on-Lawrence-IMAGE-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thank goodness whites never chimped out when their countries were poor and uneducated

go back to >>>/pol/ or find something in your life that isn't your skin color to be proud of

>> No.54195391

So what you’re saying is in order for mr beast to no longer be evil he should go by the teachings of the Quran? Alhamdulillah Inshaallah my brother inshaallah

>> No.54195972

>It's pretty powerful when you see somebody who committed genocide sitting next to somebody whose family was killed in a genocide and after three days they're friends and they've forgiven everything from the past.
That’s because they have short-term memories. They are literally terminally retarded.