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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54181640 No.54181640 [Reply] [Original]

Literally free money

>> No.54181669

I’m quite literally going to invest a billion dollars right now to liquidate you and pump btc

>> No.54182069

I told you I’d do it

>> No.54182181
File: 101 KB, 808x485, mumu-smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you feeling bobonigger?

>> No.54182235

>short opened

>> No.54182268
File: 123 KB, 720x720, 084C7298-BC50-4F8B-84A3-302588061E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn’t want to listen to me, I warned him

>> No.54182285

he is a bobo nigger after all

>> No.54182294

Retards not everyone use x100 leverage
This shit can still pump a little but I will print money during the weekend sell out.

>> No.54182296

>free money
yes, from you. kek

>> No.54182301
File: 140 KB, 947x375, image_2023-03-17_233927924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one was yours?

>> No.54182325
File: 55 KB, 554x400, 1474392632028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larping bobo got wrecked anyway on his phantom short

>> No.54182353

nigger, can you even read? lmao, mumoids are brain-dead

>> No.54182366

Liq 25050

>> No.54182386

Lads I'm scared. I'm almost certain that this is a bull trap and I should claim my profits.

>> No.54182396

Bobofag on damage control

>> No.54182414

you're a nigger kike, most likely the shitskin indian sort

>> No.54182422

Imagine selling your self-sovereign hard money while governments worldwide commit to printing trillions to prop up banks.

>> No.54182449

bobofag a chud well color me surprised

>> No.54182452

Yeah but that matters very little in the price of BTC. Only people on biz think otherwise.

>> No.54182454

>self-sovereign hard money
It's literally fake internet coins to gamble in the online casino
Bitcoin maxis are fucked in the head

>> No.54182465

yeah man glad you have their clever plan all figured out, you're doing great, just buy bitcoin, it's so obvious! surely kikery will not be afoot to suddenly drop crypto price

>> No.54182466

just use some of your bitcoin to directly buy gold from an online bullion dealer while the price is high, avoid cashing it in for monopoly money altogether

>> No.54182493

Lol, nu/pol/ bobo is gonna get rekt

>> No.54182517

I don't own BTC, I own ETH. But I'm not interested in gold, rather hold fiat until ETH is oversold.

The value of BTC is the work (i.e electricity) that is required to keep the network secured. BTC also provides a service. That's the value of BTC.

>> No.54182569

You ETH retards and even dumber than BTC maxis lol

>> No.54182576

you mumoids keep saying this for months and it won't happen. zoom out, retard

>> No.54182592

What do you mean?

>> No.54182644
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Ok, now is time for short

>> No.54182709
File: 166 KB, 506x522, mumu-screaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54182718

it's neither decentralized nor deflationary. If you are going to buy internet meme money at least buy the real one lol

>> No.54182777

I never mentioned any of those points. You only care about making money, but I'm actually interested in applications for smart contracts. I'm so confident in the tech that I've invested some money in ETH. I just think based on TA, crypto may capitulate and was a bit anxious. Which is why I'm here.

>> No.54182849

No, I’m going to invest another billion dollars right after my spaghetti dinner

>> No.54182991

what's wrong, mumu? can't keep it up? like every week, for months, over and over again?

>> No.54183001

there is no "real one", they all suffer from the same problem
buying anything other than real goods (food, weapons, ammo, tools, batteries, and so on) and real money (gold and silver) is beyond retarded

>> No.54183187

You're buying "real things" when you buy crypto. You're buying a byproduct of electricity, and the opportunity to purchase services offered by the chain (remittance, smart contracts, for example)

>> No.54183268

enjoy your bags, retard
you don't even understand why crypto doesn't work
I've been in crypto since 2014, and have started several successful crypto companies
it took me several years to understand why crypto inherently is unworkable and thus total garbage, and at this point I know more about it than dipshits like you ever will
just burning electricity for zero good reason doesn't give something value, you absolute dumbfuck

>> No.54183292

It does, my failed entrepreneur friend.

>> No.54183324

wrong, but keep deluding yourself
also, the word "successful" means the opposite of "failed", retard
no wonder people like you keep getting stuck with empty bags
I almost pity you, but not really

>> No.54183338

The guy shorting mid pump is calling other people retards. Priceless.

>> No.54183345

You can't tell me you didn't get liqd

>> No.54183347


>> No.54183365

That's very nice of you, successful entrepreneur

>> No.54183381

>successful crypto companies
you don't even understand the basic premise of it, so 99% chance you're LARPing out of your ass
>I've been in crypto since 2014
you're a fiatcel and have nothing to your name, scrublord

>> No.54183393
File: 4 KB, 484x87, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post mine now you post yours.

>> No.54183420

I agree, hanging around places like this and lending a helping hand is indeed quite magnanimous of me
I understand it orders of magnitude more than you ever would even if you were given 100 more lifetimes, that's how retarded you are and how well I understand it
again, it took me years to understand why all crypto is fundamentally flawed, people like you don't have a chance
>you're a fiatcel and have nothing to your name
as suspected, fucktards like you are totally unable to read
perhaps try reading the very first post I made in this thread and try again?
remember to turn on your brain first, you vegetative scum

>> No.54183455

Of course he's larping, there's no reason to take this guy seriously

>> No.54183464

2014 is too late, you normie nigger
if you haven't mined solomined entire btcs with your laptop cpu, stfu

>> No.54183468

>Took me years to understand
Yeah because you’re stupid lol
You really need years to understand fundamental flaws in crypto?

Your larp is boring and unfunny
I’m going to invest another 1 billion now that my spaghetti is finished.
I suggest closing your shorts now

>> No.54183496

oh look the price just keeps dropping. the dream is falling apart!

>> No.54183501

it's truly sad how retards like you never will learn
trust me, it wasn't too late at all, it was a great time to get in to take advantage of all the retards
back then I still believed crypto fundamentally could work too, so I still had some ideological drive
no, because I'm extremely intelligent
stupid people wouldn't figure it out even if they were given 1000 years
nothing I'm saying is a larp at all, just 100% truth

anyway, that's all the advice for today
enjoy the bags to you retards and everyone else who insists on clinging to them
closing this tab now and heading to the workshop to work on some projects
enjoy replying into empty air while your shitcoins go to 0
bye, morons

>> No.54183540

Damn, my day is ruined.

>> No.54183541

>trust me, it wasn't too late at all, it was a great time to get in to take advantage of all the retards
nigger, you wasted your time. i cashed out years ago and i won't have to work another day in my life and neither will my grandkids. COPE

>> No.54183565

Don’t worry I got this 1B incoming bobo
>Years to learn something

>> No.54183696

>Don’t worry I got this 1B incoming bobo
ok, panjur

>> No.54183761

I don’t speak your brown people language raj
How’s the price looking?
In fact how’s your portfolio looking?

Want to compare?

>> No.54183781

panjur, go back to pedalling for electricity so you can invest your billions of rupees

>> No.54183835

So that’s a no and a cope
We can compare how much we each have like a dick measuring contest

Id love to have everyone else see how little you have

What a life

>> No.54183948

lmfao imagine being this indian

>> No.54183983

Now everyone knows you’re poor and getting humbled
Must suck to only be able to cope saying “Indian” to a white man

>> No.54184023

Fuuuck. I hope that's not a huge portion of your portfolio

>> No.54184059
File: 603 KB, 960x648, rektbobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this picture gets 10 +(You)s then pic related will happen to OP.

>> No.54184077

Nigger bashing ur head against the wall also uses energy but noone is gonna bag on ur tokens representing how often u bashed ur head. Clearly Nakamoto didnt write shit about it being a "unit of electricity" in his paper either.

>> No.54184082

maybe in your imaginationland, nigger
>asks to post wealth
lol. also, don't you tell me what to do, you stinky shitskin

>> No.54184118

Your cope at this point is embarrassing

>> No.54184229

the price is going down, shitskin. also, zoom out

>> No.54184248

cope cumpig

>> No.54184257

30%. But I closed it already for sweet sweet $250. Gonna buy a whore (anime) today.

>> No.54184349

>admits to being a shitskin

>> No.54184357

Two different people mutt but how’s the price looking?

>> No.54184368

midwit retard detected

>> No.54184378

looks like it'll drop like it does every week so mumus will stay silent and poor again. spaghetti boy here won't even be able to afford his next meal