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54176271 No.54176271 [Reply] [Original]

>no rent, happily live with my parents
>get to drink coffee with my mom and watch her boomer TV shows by her side
>only financial income is neetbux
>not a large city so it's enough to pay the bills & pay most of the groceries
>also help with domestic chores
>spend most of the day playing Rocket League and lurking /biz/ for quick cash-grabs
>spend weekends getting high with friends
>current portfolio mostly composed by AVAX. XMR, GRT, LINK & ROSE
aigmi /biz/bros?
feeling comfy waiting for the next bullrun.

>> No.54176283

No. You're going to end up like Chris Chan if you keep it up.

>> No.54176327

you sound mad anon, maybe you need to spend a little of quality time with your parents, they're not gonna be around forever you know

>> No.54176376

You will never reproduce unless you pounce on your mother..

>> No.54176392

Based folio, the biz special, what's your ratio of holdings? I am in eth and grt. Although I've thought about grt, and was a former rosechud

>> No.54176393

keep learning. work on cars, repair house, grow garden, cook new dishes. careful with the cooking. they might want to you to cook all the time

>> No.54176406

Thought about getting avax***

>> No.54176451
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>current portfolio mostly composed by AVAX. XMR, GRT, LINK & ROSE

>> No.54176516

>what's your ratio of holdings
something around
>30% AVAX
>20% XMR
>20% GRT
>20% LINK
>10% ROSE
thanks anon, I practically know nothing about cars tho I have a couple friends who could easily teach me. Also growing a nice garden seems awesome too, seems like a relaxing yet rewarding hobby

>> No.54176653

you completely forgot about ETH, how do you expect to make it if you have 0 ETH? also, get rid of Rose and put whatever you have there into more AVAX and keep living the good life

>> No.54176928

It's not a bad life anon, you are enjoying the last years or your parents with them, you have friends to enjoy your free time as well.
The only thing I disagree on is with your bags, they're kinda dogshit. It's always a safe bet to invest in bluechips like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Avalanche isn't that bad either, but the rest are complete crap.

>> No.54176953

Dont threaten him with a good time.

>> No.54177122

I don't like Ethereum, not saying it won't pump, it just doesn't fit my standards as a hodler

>> No.54177212

I am debtmaxxing to buy ETH and BTC. I suggest you do the same:

>> No.54177874

outdated technology, clueless team that keeps dragging on and never delivers, has a shit staking mechanic, cant scale, gets vampire attacked by L2s, Merge killed mining and turned it into a Security.

yep ngmi

>> No.54177897

Based portfolio. Personally I think that if you want to get off to a good start as soon as you can, then you should toss a couple shekels in some dog coin. It's most likely some of them are going parabolic. Happens every cycle.

>> No.54177957

Based NEET OP.
same here, 30 year old and living with parents rent free

>> No.54177980

how are you supposed to get a gf if you live like this?

>> No.54178309
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I meet new people quite regularly, my social life it's good enough so I'll meet the perfect match eventually, I'm not desperate and currently focusing in my own plans anon
>dog coins

>> No.54178662

unless you think your profile is gonna yield 7figs, you will end up 30y/o with little life experience and no tolerance for working - with no potential for a higher income than what uncle sam gives you. You will never have a normal social life or relationship, and little prospect for starting a family.

Whether or not this entails "making it" is entirely your subjective call. Family is important, just realize you will be seeing your parent(s) to the grave and being their primary caretaker, and you're living in the house you'll die in as well.

I would recommend using your free time to develop of a skill that provides value to others, so that you have something, at least something - besides playing video games, which gets boring at best and embarrassing at worst as you get older.

>> No.54178727

Hey, I got a kid like this

it's fine, but I'm going to die eventually and he's gonna be screwed

more importantly, I'm planning on selling my house when I retire, so he's gonna be homeless before I die anyways.

>> No.54178770

Good job bro. Your assets are OK, but your family and friends are your biggest treasure.

>> No.54179245

I agree with this, more eth and grt but I am bias

>> No.54179290

Respect anon. Enjoy the good life while it lasts.

>> No.54179327

if a gf cares about you living with parents then she's a whore kek

>> No.54179623

Anon can I meet your mother? I would like to know how she looks like and smell her feet. You gonna make it btw

>> No.54180208

That sounds like a gay propaganda

>> No.54180500

You’re creating your own Huxleian trap.

>> No.54181601
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Been planning to learn enough coding to be a code monkey in the future. I've also worked before but I realized the best way to make my income/wealth greater was via reducing my expenses at the minimum and DCAing into crypto for as long as I can. Spending time with my parents it's a nice bonus.
Ty for the advise anon, I hope you gmi.
Elaborate further, you seem to be FUDding for no reason.