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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5417054 No.5417054 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so against women getting into crypto-currency?

>> No.5417065


>> No.5417109
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Already do

>> No.5417146

Women ruin everything and make it about themselves. Like you're doing.

>> No.5417171


>> No.5417179

they've done literally nothing for the community, in every stage of bitcoins lifecycle. There are zero women pioneers in crypto.

>> No.5417200

Name one thing that used to be exclusively male that was improved by adding women. And improved by objecive measures, not feelings.

>> No.5417204
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No one is stopping them. They're stopping themselves.

> picrelated

>> No.5417211

Can you explain? It's not that I don't believe, I'm just not familiar enough

>> No.5417213

Clearly you've never seen Boiler Room


>> No.5417245

There is a long list of men who are deserving of thanks for their work in building bitcoin to what it is today. I can't think of a single woman on that list.

>> No.5417295

Women in crypto will be great. They will pump the market cap up even higher. Maybe some of them will even make some money. The only thing we’re against is whiny op-eds about how sexist we apparently are

>> No.5417307

>/biz/ is one person
It's a loud minority of basement dwellers and (you) farmers.

Also, tits or gtfo.

>> No.5417309

>There are zero women pioneers

... in any field. How many bridges have women built? How many on the moon? When they try to go to space, the shuttle blows up.

>> No.5417357

Women suck cock literally

>> No.5417386

because women are gay and have cooties xD

>> No.5417401

tits or gtfo

>> No.5417411

Also women fuck up everything they do, every guy knows they are not different from a child no matter their age

>> No.5417535

Weak b8 m8. 2/10, you're not even trying

>> No.5417576


>> No.5417644

I’m only using this board as a resource for crypto investment opportunities, but it’s strange to me why everyone here is so outrageously sexist. Most guys here are unemployed and live with their parents but identify so strongly with the gender of successful people in history that they disparage half of humanity even though they themselves don’t produce or create anything meaningful.

I’m a young professional and make a very decent living and no one I’ve interacted with in my life shares these thoughts on women, with the exception of one relative who’s an alcoholic 30 year old still living with his parents.

You’re all losers. Thanks for helping me make 500k this year.

>> No.5417711

because women are for making babies, not for making money.

>> No.5417720
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>> No.5417737
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The root of misogyny is lack of female attention. I'm misogynistic intrinsically because I'm unattractive. But hey, at least I'm aware of it I guess.

>> No.5417785

It's just a genuine question. I wanted some examples like >>5417109

or horror stories, that's all.

>> No.5417821

You sound like a soyboy DESU. Pretty much everyone I know at work talks the same way as 4chan does about women, but then again I'm not some yuppie fag.

>> No.5417871

>"Everyone that disagrees with me is either a liberal or an woman!"
Never change virginfags.

>> No.5417936

Because women are fucking retarded with money. The older you get the more you realise all that sexist shit your Grandad said is pretty much true

>> No.5418122

>When they try to go to space, the shuttle blows up.

Because any of the astronauts were responsible for the unnoticed structural failures onboard Challenger and Columbia. In both cases, there was nothing any of the astronauts could have done once they realized something was amiss.

That's like blaming Laika the dog if the rocket blew up in the launch.

>> No.5418172

>Sexism is mean and I'm an enlightened cuck who will tell you why

Okay cuck. I bet you 100% of all crypto you've invested in was created by men.

If you've never interacted with anyone "sexist", my guess is you have truly ball-less friends.

>> No.5418223


Hello fellow woke richfag.

Also, don't follow the advice of /biz :)

But yea, it's entertaining. I really don't get why everyone here hates women

>> No.5418256

Well 4chan is against women doing anything outside of /gif/

>> No.5418298

The only chance virgins here have of getting some pussy is if they are rich enough to buy their attention, if women are richer than them they have no chance.

Anyway I wouldn't think too much about it since most women won't be interested in crypto for a while.

>> No.5418309


NEETs don't have the real life experience with women that stops you from stereotyping them. Like how rednecks in the middle of the desert "hate Muslims" even though they've never even seen one, while people who live in the city and rub shoulders with Muslim people all the time have a more nuanced and personal view.

>> No.5418315

>The root of misogyny is lack of female attention. I'm misogynistic intrinsically because I'm unattractive. But hey, at least I'm aware of it I guess.

>> No.5418325

This. Women spend billions of dollars every year on makeup they will buy your bags if they are louis vuitton.

>> No.5418353

>I really don't get why everyone here hates women
Its a joke. At least to me it is.

>> No.5418358

Have you seriously never gotten bored of how shallow they are? Their personalities are so flat. All they really have to offer is sex.

>> No.5418368

women are dumb
if they weren't dumb, they'd have been more than 1-2% of crypot investors before 2016
if they weren't dumb, they wouldn't need men to create safe spaces, pander, and explain everything for them
you can bitch and moan about misogyny all you like, but you'll never be able to explain why women need to be coddled so much yet are still somehow equal

>> No.5418379


Amanda B. Johnson did a great job marketing DASH. That's the only grill I know that's contributed to the crypto ecosystem in any way.

>> No.5418403

oh, and lastly, for those optimists among you, women are going to lose a lot of money gambling in the crypto market and then demand the government intervene, like they always do

>> No.5418420

Muslims, just like women, have lower IQs, accomplish less, and contribute fucking nothing to crypto.

Plenty of people with experience with Muslims hate them. Plenty of people who've "made it" with regard to women, either hate them or are incredibly bored/unimpressed by them.

>> No.5418438

Women's want a free pass in everything men worked on..only on successful ones. Literally free pass , they will play their feminist card

>> No.5418448

...am I being baited? If so good job, my jimmies are quite rustled. Plenty of racists have been thoroughly exposed to the minorities they dislike. It is a liberal fantasy to believe that everyone starts getting along in a multicultural environment

>> No.5418454


Women are typically better investors than men. Essentially, men tend to trade, women tend to hodl. The latter usually works out better.

>> No.5418501

If crypto gets through 2018 we'll undoubtedly see a massive push from the same crowd with a "women in crypto" narrative that, like with tech, will accuse one and all of being sexists if you're not literally handing them cryptocurrencies to play with.

>> No.5418511

who cares if women are into crypto or not.

i don't care if tranny's are into crypto.


>> No.5418518
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The people in this thread will either say it's fake liberal shit or that women don't daytrade because they're retarded. Cognitive dissonance is hard for the neet.

>> No.5418539
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Alpha fux
Beta bux
Good luck cuck

>> No.5418547

>They return .4% more on average

Yet, due to their own merit, men outperform them in salaries by more than 20%

All the top fund managers and Wall St execs are men.

Vast majority of CEOs and billionaires are men.

Men have a higher net worth.

>But muh .4% higher average Fidelity returns

>> No.5418548
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>> No.5418562

I'm not against it, I just feel personally attacked in a small way whenever I read something insinuating that I'm the reason there aren't more minorities in crypto. One, that's not true because all you need to get into this shit is a little bit of money and an internet connection, which means everyone qualifies except those in extreme poverty, and two, even if it were true that some groups are intentionally being excluded from crypto, it wouldn't be me stopping anyone because I'm a major nobody.

>> No.5418567


>> No.5418614

>Ignore men earning more, being worth more, and getting promoted more
>Choose to focus on a .4% difference in Fidelity returns

Cuck spotted. Stop trying to excuse women's failures.

>> No.5418635

Everyone hates attention whores.

>> No.5418637

>real life experience with women
Imagine if your girlfriend turned into a man would you still hang out with him?
>while people who live in the city and rub shoulders with Muslim
I live in Brussels, white people live in gated communities and depend on other whites for everything regarding infrastructure. I have yet to see the first multicultural loving hipster here try to depend on local arabs for maintaining their infrastructure

>> No.5418660


Women tend to take less risks though, that's why they outperform men when things are stable, but when there are big changes like we are seeing in crypto women tend to be more conservative and end up joining later. Also women are conformists so they're unwilling to go against established respected people like Jaime Dimon, men are more likely to tell them to fuck off.

>> No.5418668

Why don’t men outperform women in investing if their merit alone leads to higher salaries? Or are you suggesting that the 0.4% difference isn’t statistically significant?

>> No.5418682
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Every time women get involved in an all male space that is successful, it inevitably goes to shit.

This is actually what happened to the internet too. In the early days of the internet it was mostly men using it, as women got more and more involved the internet started consolidating around a few massive tech companies that were shallow, boring, and of no value to anyone or anything (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Netflix etc.). What’s more, these companies actively suppress the voices of those of us who were on the original internet because women don’t like to hear what we have to say, it makes them uncomfortable.

Women ruined the internet, women ruined the western world, just imagein how bad women would fuck cryptocurrencies up. Go watch Netflix and suck dick you stupid whore, you will NEVER be welcome in the cryptocurrency world. You have no desire to understand how any of it works, like always, you just want in on Every all male space that is SUCCESSFUL (“UGH, WE WANT TO BE ENGINEERS AND PROGRAMMERS NOW, TOO MANY MEN, BUT WE DEFINITELY DONT WANT TO BE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS).

If you’re a woman and you think crypto isn’t inviting enough towards women or is actively hostile towards women, GOOD, THAT IS BY DESIGN.

>> No.5418689
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Tuck your roastie back in, anon.

>> No.5418690

>no one I’ve interacted with in my life shares these thoughts on women
lmao how sheltered are you? Haven't dated much have you?

Do you test all your views against what normies at the watercooler think, because let me tell you from experience - 95% are morons and the other 5% pretend to be morons to fit in.

>You’re all losers

Personally I don't care if women are into crypto or not. Most women seem uninterested because they are statistically more risk averse and technically averse. No judgments here. There are biological reasons for all this shit 4chan hates women for. It is what it is.

>> No.5418694

Yeah pretty much. I would love to talk about this shit to women but I know better, they either don't get it or are just bored by it. It is not like there are men keeping women out of this space it is more that by and large the majority of women are not as interested as men are in these sorts of things. Obviously there are exceptions to this like in anything.

What I resent is that there are those professional victims out there who notice this pattern, the fact that there are not a lot of women in this space, and instead of drawing the conclusion that perhaps just maybe it is because of a lack of interest, their first instinct is to immediately attack men because obviously the reason is misogyny.

Larger point that extends beyond crypto is that men and women are just different despite what many in the current political landscape and academia want to believe.

>> No.5418754

I'm not against it. I tell my female friends I'll help them get into crypto but I warn them that it's like gambling and not to put in more than they can afford to lose. After that they stay interested but never actually dip their toe in. My fear is they'll go all in, get burned, and blame me. I don't want to lose friendships with hotties over shitcoins.

>> No.5418770

Brussels is the biggest Islamic shithole in Europe. Shame since the center is actually really pretty.

>> No.5418772
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We do not give a damn about what they do. They are the ones locking themselves out and refusing to take responsability for their own idiocy.

>> No.5418785
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Because I want to be like pic related, and if woman enter this space is over for me (too much tough competition)

>> No.5418791

Women may be on average better than men by .4% when you average Fidelity scores. That also ignores that the very best investors in the world are male. Evidence of this is in hedge funds and investment banking, the fact that most of the billionaires and millionaires in the world are male, etc.

Then add in the fact that men get paid 28% more, get promoted more, and have a higher average net worth than women, and the >muh .4% you are clinging to for the only evidence of women being good investors is irrelevant.

And yes, that number is so tiny that it does not even make up half of the annual management fee on an ETF or index fund. It is insignificant.

Women may be better at buying and holding stocks on average by an amount that is meaningless.

When it comes to earning money, they are shit.

>> No.5418803


Roasties just lead to roastification. It's that simple

>> No.5418804


>> No.5418812

I’m not sheltered, I just live in a big city (not in the US), I work with a lot of women. I’m good friends with many women, slept with half of them, none are “crazy”, they’re just human beings...obviously. I’ve had great relationships with women, I love my sisters, I love my mother. They’re people. To think so poorly of half of humanity can only come from a sort of sheltering...maybe bad experiences with a few, to write off a few billion. You live enough, travel enough (been to ten countries throughout Europe, NA, SA, Asia), meet enough people...it’s natural not to hold those shitty views.

>> No.5418825

The center is literally unbearable right now, they are blasting french/arab rap music every day.

>> No.5418856

"They're just human beings"

Jesus dude.

My experience traveling is the opposite of yours. It just shows that they really are all the same.

>> No.5418873

Are you a good person?

>> No.5418895

Kek at this libcuck tard. Fucking WHORRS literally destroy anything they touch and you try to blame men??? Fucking KILL YOURSELF you soyboy before I do it

>> No.5418938

Not sure if good or bad I just want people to wake up about the roastie menace.

>> No.5418945

>I’m not sheltered, I just live in a big city

City boy thinks he isn't sheltered. Lmao. Try living in the real world some time, then come back and preach to us yuppie.

>> No.5418954

makes sense that the reason only 3% of crypto users are women is because crypto is a creation of the patriarchy and designed only to further increase the power of white men at the expense of women and pocs

>> No.5419005

Why invest money in crypto when you csn divorce your cuck husband and take everything he has.

>> No.5419017
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We get it. You don't get female attention. So when you get snubbed you think that all women are meanies.

I'm all for roasting women, and knocking them down a peg or two. In our society we tend to put women on a pedestal and view them as goddesses that can do no wrong. But holy fuck, can we talk with more nuance online without defaulting to "WIMMINZ IZ WHORRRSS!". You can make your views mainstream without being viewed as a knuckle-draggin' virgin.

>> No.5419033


>> No.5419058

Have you actually seen literally anything that's happened over the last 100 years?

>> No.5419123

>Have you actually seen literally anything that's happened over the last 100 years?
The greatest improvement in living standards for people across the globe.

>> No.5419131

>We get it. You don't get female attention.

Ah yes, numale, anyone who doesn't deny facts about women hasn't had sex. Brilliant.

>So when you get snubbed you think that all women are meanies.

Not an argument.

>In our society we tend to put women on a pedestal and view them as goddesses that can do no wrong.

Literally what you're doing kek. "I'm not putting women on a pedestal but...*insert the rest of your cuck speech*"

> But holy fuck, can we talk with more nuance online without defaulting to "WIMMINZ IZ WHORRRSS!".

Poor women they truly can do no wrong. Thanks concern troll.

>> No.5419138

This is going to be hard for you to comprehend because you're probably a decent looking guy who has never really had any problems come his way in life.
As for us lower value males who aren't attractive and weren't born rich, we're treated by women as subhuman. How whites treated blacks during the 50s is like gold compared to how we are treated by women on a day to day basis for simply not living up to their Chad standards.

You're welcome to keep white knighting for them and acting like you're some great guy but it'll take a lot more than that for us to change our opinions. I don't even really hate women, I just don't want them around me. I don't want to have to worry about bumping into one and getting attacked somehow. There are no positives to having women in an environment as far as I'm concerned, and if it wasn't for getting laid 99% of men would agree with me.

>> No.5419162

Lel. Now we have more environmentalists, socialists, and failed secretaries of state.

>> No.5419168

>Have you actually seen literally anything that's happened over the last 100 years?
What do you mean by this? I don't want to point out anything because we live in the one of the most prosperous ages of human civilizaitno.

But I know you'll throw out some dumb commonly addled shit about jews or darkies ruining things for "DA WHITE MAN!". Literally no one gives a shit, and all of that crap is in your head.

>> No.5419186

(((Marketing))) is basically nothing else than attention whoring. That‘s why women can be good at it

>> No.5419189

Show tits with timestamp whore

>> No.5419211
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>How whites treated blacks during the 50s is like gold compared to how we are treated by women on a day to day basis

>> No.5419222
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I'm a femanon guys.

>> No.5419275

https://discord.gg/D6gmgCY go into the fucking general discussion and look at what the dumb bitches have to say... this is why therea no respect

>> No.5419292

FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK YOU. #notmypresident

>> No.5419298


>> No.5419309

Roastie/Normie/Nigger detected

>> No.5419323

I don't engage with handicapped people

>How whites treated blacks during the 50s is like gold compared to how we are treated by women on a day to day basis for simply not living up to their Chad standards.

Go shoot up a school or something you autist. Just because you can't feel comfortable around women doesn't mean you can liken your suffering to people that you know..... ACTUALLY SUFFERED. I'm not good looking, and I'm not a lady killer. Hell, I'm actually subpar with women. I'm just getting sick and tired of men blaming shit that doesn't even effect them as the root of their suffering. This goes for any group of people that feels that they've been subjugated. The point is to have a discussion and have points that back up your statement without coming off a whiny bitch. But please tell me how white virgins suffer the same plight as black people, I am open ears.

>> No.5419339

Roastie/Normie/Nigger detected

>> No.5419342


I wonder if women even realize the misogynist they create by snubbing the shit out of what they perceive to be low status males?

Now a days I don't hold any grudges since things turned out alright for me (to an extent, as I still haven't made it) but I got snubbed so much from Elementary to High School that by the time I finally got to college and beyond I lost any ability to feel sorry for women and their problems in general.

>> No.5419363

wed be colonizing space if it werent for you overgrown children and your bottomless stupidity and insanity

>> No.5419367

Hey faggot you will never get laid for defending women anonymously on the internet.

Not sure if side with autists or blacks

>> No.5419404

When I do it then it's just whining but when a woman does it you're all ears, right?

They don't. I'm not even upset over being rejected or anything, I just don't like how they talk and look at me with disdain just because I'm not 6'4" with a massive jaw and dick dragging on the ground.
Meanwhile I can do business with men with no issues, they see me as just another human. Very little judgment.

>> No.5419407


I'm against getting women in anything except for my bed. Literally all they are good for desu.

>> No.5419431

r9biz or biz9k?

>> No.5419445

I'm siding with the group that had federal troops escorting them to public schools in the 50s if you couldn't figure that one out.

>> No.5419456

we get it ppl used to hate niggers more

>> No.5419460

No shit I wont, but you won't get pussy hating women because you didn't get pussy in highschool. Go run a mile, get a job, and some swagger you stupid fuck.

Yeah you are whining, don't act like you aren't. If a goofy bitch said some stupid shit about how she hates men I would tell her she's goofy and needs to growup. I would point out her problem out the same way I did it for you buttercup.

>> No.5419474

Realistic attitude.
>When I do it then it's just whining but when a woman does it you're all ears, right?

Some betas try to cope by white knighting. It's like gleaning rights for peasants in the middle ages. The idea is maybe if they keep searching the leftovers of Chad, one day they will find their own blown out roastie to settle down with.

>> No.5419483

i have never seen a bigger nigger posting on this board

>> No.5419485

lmao, nigger

>> No.5419529

>anon tells you to go run a mile and clean yourself up
>"i have never seen a bigger nigger posting on this board"
I hope your portfolio skyrockets just, I really do, just so you can find out all the money in the world won't fix your awful personality.

>> No.5419552

We get it you're a butthurt nigger don't you have some crimes to be committing or something

>> No.5419556

no its just that he said "goofy" which seems like a nigger word, also im a different person

>> No.5419610

Currently at a top uni selling drugs and day trading. Girls I don't know offer me sex for acid/molly. It's pathetic how easy they are.

You're the type of beta who loses his virginity and then thinks he is a genius for it. Go back to being subpar with girls and worry more about your own "swagger" than mine.

Tough call

>> No.5419667

more money to buy my bags? Yes please!

>> No.5419675
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>Because any of the astronauts were responsible for the unnoticed structural failures onboard Challenger and Columbia
the woman astronaut was too retarded to press the eject button. Its proven

>> No.5419746

>Girls I don't know offer me sex for acid/molly
putting your dick in the dumpster behind mcdonalds would be healthier

>> No.5419844

I don't take them up on it. It's likely not the first time a girl has tried to trade sex for drugs if she propositions you. Add the STD risk of all previous times she's done it + her entire past sexual history which is likely larger than average due to heightened time preference. I make whores pay full price.

>> No.5419936
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because they do nothing but whinge, whine and complain

>> No.5419966


They're litterally more interested in being part of a super secret club than actually get rich.

See also: the endless shrieking about normies getting into crypto.

>> No.5420017
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Money is one color and genderless. who gives a fuck who buys my bags.

>> No.5420024

Who the fuck is against women investing? Let me guess blockchains are sexist.

>> No.5420058

Nocoiner virgin neets who dont want competition.

>> No.5420068


>> No.5420101
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Kek. Have 10 good boy points.

>> No.5420245

Went out in the center on friday, it was full of black and arab rapist staying in the corner of the bar waiting for a pray to show up. There was like 1 girl for 20 dudes. They are making this city toxic as fuck.

>> No.5420341

Fuck I hope crypto continues to moon just for the fact that women will get so fucked by it and they will have no legit defense for why they didn't invest in it

>> No.5420360
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>> No.5420419
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>> No.5420450
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>> No.5420452
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There’s a lot of dumbass sexists pigs in this group! I’m a woman and there’s probably loads of other females in Here that you just don’t realise are lurking or replying. Why does it fucking matter if someone is male or female, black or white, Chinese, Dutch, French, Pakistani, American. Get over yourselves. This board should be about crypto - end of. This kind of discussion is depressing as fuck!!!

>> No.5420474
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>This board should be about crypto - end of
no you dumb shit, it should be about business and finance

>> No.5420510

>niggers claim to be egyptian because they have to steal history from non-subhumans
>native americans are more closely related to egyptians than niggers

>> No.5420516


This is why

>> No.5420617

Most women are retards who vote for both open borders and a welfare state without even realizing how fatally flawed such a position is.

Here's what will happen once women start entering crypto in mass

1. They invest in some shit coin
2. They lose their money
3. They cry to daddy government to make it illegal to invest in crypto

Artificial wombs and sex separatism can't come soon enough

>> No.5420694


>There’s a lot of dumbass sexists pigs in this group! I’m a woman

Going to have to stop you there. Tits or gtfo. This is the old boys club you have been hearing about. >>reddit.com

Dont forget to sage

>> No.5420880

Agree to 100%

>> No.5420911
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>> No.5420998

Because men and women are biologically different. Women are more risk averse, and crypto is viewed as risky by society.

>> No.5421071

Aren't niggers niggers of the earth?

>> No.5421228

This is true. There are some financially savvy women but never met one comparable to financially educated men or /biz/raelis. Men don't have an alternative in life to "making it."

>> No.5421279

Women are already decentralized. They only belong in a sex den.

>> No.5421996

If anything it's the opposite.

t. go to Africa all the time for work

>> No.5422010

Weak hands

>> No.5422406

100% roastie detected lel, you don't type like a male


>> No.5422745
File: 17 KB, 220x220, https_%2F%2Fimages.genius.com%2F7d4dec416c825ddde697d0594aa4191d.500x500x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5422860

Anonymous posting has inevitably fucked everyone up, me included.

>> No.5422933


Who the fuck cares if they're a good or bad person. Good and bad are subjective fagboy liberal cuck.

The whole liberal philosophy is based on this post modernist, Protestant infused idea that we should judge all of of our major life decisions on good and evil. Fuck. Off.

Get a fucking job, start a business, and be productive instead of letting mudslimes, Niggers, and roasties manipulate our culture

>> No.5423026

>/biz/ against people getting capital in for free
lmao no?

>> No.5423439


>> No.5423566

What about that stark lady. Lightning CEO.

>> No.5423728

a woman wrote all the assembly for the first moon landing.

>> No.5423732

Once sex bots come out I hope women go extinct

>> No.5424580

Um pick one. I don’t think you know what these words mean.

Post-modernism is most decidedly not about good/evil. It’s postmodernist in the fullest to say that good and bad are subjective. It’s also liberal to say they’re subjective, really (see cultural relativism) given that conservatism relies on thousands of years of religion and social norms from which they derive one’s sense of right and wrong.

You’re uneducated and are just parroting words you’ve read online.

And I only asked because I don’t know how a person can respect themselves and think they’re good while saying half the world is shit and unworthy of the basic respect afforded to anyone else. I don’t know how a person can live with such venom, it’s sad.

>> No.5424772

Women are all borderline psychopaths in their behavior and their intense emotional based take on the world allows them to rationalize all of the terrible things they cause. They are selfish and self centered. They destroy everything they touch.

>> No.5424787

hodlers confirmed for cucks

I do enjoy taking responsibility for the way my life lays out, instead of riding the waves outside my control.

>> No.5424858

At the cost of living standards and shared sense of culture for native westerners born in the last 40 years.
If my friends and I kill you and harvest your organs to sell on the black market, we'd be significantly richer and happier. The overall happiness increases. Still wouldn't want to be in your shoes, but if you're ok with that I'll gladly take your shit.

>> No.5424880


>> No.5424922

women are dumb and bad at things

>> No.5424982

Recently, there's more post that require spoonfeeding knowledge. Also post stating to not post certain regular pictures because the person doesn't like it - this was the reason literally.

The more women get here, the more the culture of the board will be altered to meet their demands. I'd rather they weren't here.

On the other hand, they are welcome to buy my bags.

>> No.5425020

She can’t take his crypto

>> No.5425231


Look at this board. Do we want shitty ass average 10% returns because it would be safer? Or do we want 2000% moon returns at the risk of losing it all?

That's why these shitty studies are meaningless. At the end of the day, we don't want 0.4 % above averages. We want huge ass returns. And when it comes to huge ass returns, pretty much every famous hedge fund, pe, VC or wall street icon is a man.

Since this link mentions fidelity, Peter lynch turned 18m into 14B during his time. Is there even a female at fidelity who could do similar?

>> No.5425243

because they say they want equal treatment, but they actually mean they want special treatment
"oooh look im a gurl, im into <something with small % of women>, so edgy, please love me"
fuck you
i didn't even gave a fuck about your gender before you brought it up
just shut up and do the fucking thing like the rest of us

>> No.5425421
File: 158 KB, 1080x1350, 1510911413875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women mentally are children, if something is simple enough to use that even women can use it it's pretty much dead already.

Also every community they enter they turn into a French Brothel type of institution by forcing sexual selection and whoring to outweigh the original principles of the community.

>> No.5425517
File: 633 KB, 683x984, Women Schope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5426088

>make 20k in a month off a normiecoin
>mom says she's now going to invest in that coin
>me: "where will you buy it? at what price? how will you store it? why that coin? you're gonna end up holding bags or losing your shit."
>her: "i don't have to explain anything to you."
>me: "so you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. you see what i made and are just being greedy. you have no interest in this shit."

literal retards.

>> No.5426119

>People actually belive that movie


>> No.5426174

I was surprised since last time I searching for whores one had "NEW: ACCEPTING PAYMENT IN BITCOIN".

I shit you not, there was even link to her wallet.

>> No.5426216

You sound like a jealous intrusive little shit criticizing everything in sight.

Your mother is right

>> No.5426278


>> No.5426365

Women don't know how to use their brains, only pussy.

>> No.5427103


tranny detected

open boob

>> No.5428068

women are trash thanks to satanists.

>> No.5428219

We’re not. We’re against them shoehorning “gender equality” into every conversation.

>> No.5428292

If a woman came up with something that was actually innovative, NOBODY would ignore it or throw it away because she was a woman.

And yet, it hasn't happened.

Definitely because people are mean. Definitely.

>> No.5428360

Speak for yourself, women don't have the correct brain for taking risks, thinking rationally and not cashing out constantly to buy new handbags. Men extract wealth from the land, women extract wealth from men. Why fight it