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54159563 No.54159563 [Reply] [Original]

> Laid off
> got a fungal infection on feet
> Primary doctor refuse to service and told me to fix my terminated insurance
> guess ill just fcking die
should i go back and beg? and ask what OTC i should buy?
healthcare shud be human right,

>> No.54159591

u have to die yeah

>> No.54159613

order the antibiotics yourself from an illegal mail order pharmacy. don't subject yourself to jewery.

>> No.54159647

Go to another doctor, dont fuck with infections

>> No.54159648

Lotrimin cream over the counter twice daily until clear

>> No.54159650

Healthcare is a meme anyway. Just take good care of yourself and your body will heal naturally.

>> No.54159662

Just soak your feet in bleach for a few minutes dumbass

>> No.54159707

All you literally need to do is pour your urine on the infection and it’ll be gone within 2 days.

>> No.54159708

for fungal infections
take oregano oil by mouth daily (bottle recommendation) for 3 weeks, do not go more than 3 weeks. during this replenish your gut biome with things like yogurt and sauerkraut
on the infection itself, you could also apply oregano oil but it'll burn real bad so if you do go light
also treat the skin with coconut oil, one it'll stop the burn from the oregano oil, and two it'll fight off further infection
also consider eating lots of garlic, onions, cauliflower

>> No.54159716

1. buy live culture sauerkraut or kimchi from healthfood store
2. put it in a big bowl
3. soak your feet in it

If you want to be less weird just use a ton of salt in warm water

>> No.54159749

This is 100% fact right here. Surprised more people don't understand this. Human urine wipes out bacteria and fungus super quick.

>> No.54159770

Just go to an urgent care clinic and pay $40 wtf

>> No.54159777

cum on it

>> No.54159780

i might be a wage cuck and victim of the system but im not a complete retard kys.

>> No.54159793

Strictly speaking, wouldn't they be antifungals?

>> No.54159825

yes you still need a prescription
on your feet or nails? if nails, its over, if feet, its fucking nothing buy some lotrimin

>> No.54159832

Should've put money into your HSA
> t. Square virgin nerd savooooooor

>> No.54159834
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Antibiotics are horrible. You’ll end up fucking your gut microbiome taking that shit. The overuse of antibiotics is going to cause more deaths than cancer within 25-30 years


All he literally need to do is soak the infection in his urine and the infection will be gone fast. I would also drink it alongside soaking your urine in the infection as it will heal faster, since urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma that has all your antibodies, stem cells, proteins, hormones, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, etc to heal from anything.

I understand idiots don’t understand that your urine is your own perfect medicine and will cringe at drinking it, but it’s easy to apply topically

>> No.54159852

>just order antibiotics for your fungal infection bro

Is it athlete's foot, just itching between the toes? If so unironically piss on them in the shower, and rub the piss between the toes. Then wash them, and leave them dry and clean all day (should be easy if you're unemployed), This probably won't work if it's an infection of the nail.

>> No.54159867

Die then faggot I don’t care.

You already drank and breathed in your moms then your own urine in the womb. It’s how your lungs and brain formed. Amniotic fluid is urine.

>> No.54159869

no, its on the like center of my fcking feet, idk if its fungal yet, just guessing

>> No.54159879

urine soak yes
urine drink no

>> No.54159884

what goyslop does to your brain
it's a good option retard, of course your doctor would say don't do it because that creature wants your money

>> No.54159894

>got a fungal infection on feet
Over the counter medicine can fix this shit for less than $10. Good Lord I hate this website so much. People have like 20 IQ here.

>> No.54159896

How does she piss enough to fill a tub without it rotting before she fills it up

>> No.54159904

>its on the like center of my fcking feet
Post a pic, or at least find a similar looking pic online.
It's unlikely to be fungal if it's not under the nails or between the toes. Unless your shit is very fucked up fungus needs that kind of closed off, moist environment to grow.

>> No.54159914
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Shitty jeet begging post

>> No.54159934 [DELETED] 
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I cured several chronic issues drinking my urine as a last resort. Once I learned urine is ULTRA FILTERED BLOOD PLASMA and not waste like we’ve been lied to it was the easiest thing in the world to drink. Cuz if you think it’s waste you’ll want to vomit. But once you learn it’s blood plasma now your brain likens it to bitter medicine.

>t. TREanon

So I have some clout here as I’ve helped dozens of anons

>> No.54159939

15 minute foot bath with baking soda and vinegar will knock out any fungal infection.

>> No.54159940

just buy some gold bond powder maximum strength, a powder puff, and a few packs of ankle socks. Wash your feet, dry them and apply the Gold Bond to the power puff, cover your feet in powder, make sure to get between the toes and pay attention to problem areas. Wear a fresh pair of socks every day. Do this until the fungal infection is gone.

>> No.54159941

It's called ringworm you stupid jeet stop bathing in the ganges and nobody here is gonna give you money kys when your done with your bath.
Don't forget to eat diarrhea curry off the floor.

>> No.54159963

>I have some clout here
Yeah listen to this anon and drink your piss and eat your shit and die.
Same with you schizo I want to see a video of you drinking a gallon of piss today or forever fuck off my board.
Mods range these fucking schizophrenics are you so lazy to completely unmoderate this kike infested niggertown

>> No.54159965
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>Be mutt
>Lose job
>Die from a harmless infection

>> No.54159970
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>> No.54159976

its not ultra filtered. the ultra filtered part goes back into your blood. it is waste anon. youre going to hurt your kidneys. I dont see much or any benefit, many other natural options like oregano treating fungus

>> No.54159987

Find natural remedies
Aloe vera, iodine, ginger, garlic, clover(?), Ganoderma lucidum.
And lower your stress
Read about them, those will help for 3 months...cause you have to rest a week after those 3 months

>> No.54159989

>Posting from an iphone begging jeet nigger with ringworm
>posted from an iphone
Kill every iphone nigger in the war I'm serious you see them with an iphone slit their fucking throat.

>> No.54159996

bro its a fucking blister. get better shoes and apply shea butter to heal the skin

>> No.54160015

Toilet cleaner. It works like sledgehammer. Skip all that wesk sauce.

>> No.54160034
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I got a new cure it's called eat shit and die faggots
Eat shit and die faggot it will cure all your problems.

>> No.54160035

Is that on the underside of your foot? It doesn't look like ringworm like the other anon said, it's very unlikely to be fungus.
Is there any pus in that centre part, or is it solid and firm?
Is it itchy, painful normally, or painful when you apply pressure?

>> No.54160036

>healthcare shud be human right
it is. it's just that your government doesn't care about you lol

>> No.54160047


>> No.54160055

Soak feet in hydrogen peroxide- problem solved.

>> No.54160056

its itchy, not painful. when i apply pressure i only feel the hardness of the infection

>> No.54160081

> Primary doctor refuse to service and told me to fix my terminated insurance

Do Ameritard really? Even in the biggest shithole like India, doctors will help first and think about payment later

>> No.54160087
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>> No.54160109


>> No.54160122

Post pheet pix. Maybe I can sponsor your healthcare after I redeem

>> No.54160160

Its the same in America. OP is a lying moron.

>> No.54160179

That’s aged urine bro

>> No.54160189
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Obligatory I'm not a doctor, but unless you had a cut or puncture wound there, IMO it's most likely a wart.
If so, you won't really be able to do much about it, the inflammation will go down and its color will normalize, and it will eventually go over time.
But you really should get in front of a doctor ASAP, if you did have a cut and it's a bacterial infection it could actually be serious.

>> No.54160208

Amniotic fluid is urine. Without urine you wouldn’t exist.

>> No.54160215

I'm not OP, but I get small pus blisters on my left foot. I wash my feet well. I've tried alcohol, peroxide, gold bond powder. They keep coming back. Will bleach (or piss) work on that? If I drain the blister, it dries up and the skin flakes off after a few days. But they keep returning.

>> No.54160229

God damn you're some sick fuck I didn't even see your NSFW piss posting above jesus christ.

>> No.54160245
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Chick with bad stomach issues because of eating disorders that I was talking too

>> No.54160251

Bye nigger see you in three days (or when he hits airplane mode)

>> No.54160270
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>drink urine

How to say you're Indian without saying you're Indian.

>> No.54160271

its not ultra filtered

>> No.54160278
File: 128 KB, 1125x681, 1678598660539309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about your schizo shit you narcissistic nigger you're gonna be tripfagging soon I know it.

>> No.54160283

I’m not Indian I’m American

>> No.54160295

Again I'm not a doctor, but if they are blisters I'd look out for sources of abrasion on your feet that are probably ultimately causing the blisters. You could try different shoes and socks.

>> No.54160300
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This is an international board Pajeet, you don't have to lie.

>> No.54160302

Right and I'm rich.

>> No.54160305

The medical term for urine is plasma ultra-filtrate.

>> No.54160322

If piss was plasma plasma donation places would just take your piss you fucking schizophrenic nigger now kill yourself please I'm begging you.

>> No.54160324

I don’t even know what tripfagging means

>> No.54160345

You've been shitting this place up for three years don't play coy you fuck.

>> No.54160358

filtrate means passed through a filter (the kidney), NOT that you're left with a drinkable product. like I said the filter takes the water and returns it to your blood through the loops of whatever they're called using a salt gradient. whats left after passing through the kidney filter is the waste. trust your body schizo. it knows what it wants to get rid of

>> No.54160387

loops of henley

>> No.54160394

Literally like I said if this stupid jeet nigger was right there would be plasma donation on every corner and just be a giant urinal.
This stupid fuck posts in every health related thread with this stupid nigger shit and spams the threads, been doing it for at least three years.

>> No.54160400


“Amniotic fluid is urine.”

“In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly water that comes from your body. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby's urine makes up most of the fluid. Amniotic fluid also contains nutrients, hormones (chemicals made by the body) and antibodies (cells in the body that fight off infection).”

>> No.54160416

Watch go make a health related thread and he will reply guaranteed, I'm gonna start spamming the catalog with health related threads to make this nigger waste his time.

>> No.54160630

I've used scolding hot water to kill the fungus. Every couple years I get a fungal disease.

>> No.54160839

Yikes dude. You need to think more long term. Fucking boiling water is gonna kill normal skin.

>> No.54160947

it's a fetus.
>babys urine
which is a totally different substance than adult urine. their intake is only ALREADY FILTERED through the moms kidney. so yes if youre drinking fetal urine youd be fine

>> No.54161121

CDF general on /x/

>> No.54161543

Don't listen to these blustering idiots, my uncle is a board certified dermatologist. He says you need to soak it in hydrochloric acid for at least 30 mins a day until it goes away

>> No.54161576

get lugols iodine and put it on your feet dammit

>> No.54161932

dissolve baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a big enough vat that you can sink you whole foot in.
let it soak for 15-20min
repeat twice a day for 10 days, even if on the last days you dont feel like its necessary anymore

you can do this + any otc topical creams, but not at the same time. dont get the cream mixed with the baking soda

also fresh socks after every foot bayh. twice a day

>> No.54162108

You don't need to go to the doctor for a fungal infection on your feet. To treat mine I ordered some product on Amazon that I had to put on the infected nail everyday, it was gone in 2 month. I know you can also treat it with natural products such as baking soda. It's literally that easy.

>> No.54162136

DIY fix that shit, if you havent died yet it cant be that bad

>> No.54162142

Just show up to the er and get it fixed then never pay. It's what the beaners do.

>> No.54163393

looks more like an inflamed blister anon but even its fungal just wash it with apple cider vinegar twice or thrice a day everyday until it goes away

>> No.54163425
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>goes to a doctor

>> No.54163462
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yes, we have the freedom to choose this.
Suck it.

>> No.54163470

> Fungal infection
Nigga you don't need a prescription for this. Go to a drug store and buy some antifungal powder or spray.

>> No.54164015

can i have some of ur stuff when u die?

>> No.54164874

i have 122k total in crypto assets, unfortunately if i attempt to cash out cuckbase will snitch one me.
the point is idk if it is fungal

>> No.54165368

Spider bite

>> No.54165383

I’m not 100% sure, but I think that it’s likely

>> No.54166638

Look for an SAS survival book.

Soak in espoms salts with some sliver and vingear maybe...or try spraying windex.

You could try snake diet with light urine recycling as a brew your own cure if you know your dune well enough