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54153561 No.54153561 [Reply] [Original]

>ECB increases rates by 0.5 percentage points

Isn't this what caused the banking problems in the US?

>> No.54153627

Yes, central banks are nuking the system in a race to the bottom, the last one to collapse wins. Its awesome.

>> No.54153650

Does a harder exercise cause the body problems?

>> No.54153664

european banks are much more resilient

>> No.54153665

Read Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson if you havent already, yes you.

>> No.54153821
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You know one thing we did right in the US is popularizing fixed-rate mortgages. Every europoor just got an additional 50 bips added to their monthly payment lol

>> No.54153852
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>> No.54153856

Yeah leafs too have variable mortgages, laggarde is insane

>> No.54153929

no, what they're doing is popping the bubble that they inflated. culling the herd.
if you got involved in the riskiest economic behaviors possible, they're gunning for you. banks will be bailed out for having had to put up with your shit.
can you guess what sectors of the economy have carried the most risk? i bet you can.

>> No.54153943

lmao, if you only knew how bad things really are and Im saying this as a Europoor

>> No.54153951

nice larp, amerifart

>> No.54153966

low interest rates caused the problems you fucking retard

>> No.54153974

Imagine believing government propaganda this much

>> No.54153975

Europe never had variable mortgages, retarded amerifat

>> No.54153984

I have to check but I'm pretty sure fixed rates mortgages are more popular in the major euro countries than in the US

>> No.54153997

because we're not as retarded as amerifats. Any idiot can see the problems with variable interest rates

>> No.54154046




>> No.54154050

The problem in the US was SVB were dumb faggots who didn't hedge against high interest rates when it was glaringly obvious we were going to get high interest rates after rapid inflation. Then when their deposits started drying up thanks to less startup funding by VCs, they needed liquidity but all their money was in 30 year bonds that they're forced to sell for much less than they bought them for because of the high interest rates.

>> No.54154072

any idiot who isnt an anglo/leaf you mean

>> No.54154076

I live in a EU country and 90% of our mortgages are adjustable rate retard, wtf are you sperging about?

>> No.54154107

but by rasing it, the borrowers have a harder time paying the mone back, causing the bank troubles, no?

>> No.54154139

Nice country of idiots you got there

>> No.54154143
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Depends if you are stuck in low interest bonds of some kind and lose sheet value because fresh high interest gov bonds are more interesting.

Also this will further kill the consumer and mortgage loan business, and increase default risks across the board

On the other hand, Europeans are still more likely to hoard cash in saving accounts, which was desastrous for big consumer banks during the negative interest period, but is a benefit now if they still have big deposit balances

The biggest risk is faggot investment banks like Credit Suisse failing and dragging all other big banks down with them

>> No.54154144

the actual state of europoors.
They are getting fucked on rates so badly that they dont even understand what a fixed rate mortgage is, because by their definition "fixed" is only for a set period of time. In America, the land of money, fixed rate means fixed -forever- come collapse of society or bank failures your rate is your rate and they cant change it. The only thing they can do is give you the house and end the mortgage with a cash offer for pennies on the dollar, which happened a few times in 2008 for those of us smart enough to capitalize on it.

>> No.54154177

shut the fuck you brown immigrant nigger, stop talking about europe as if you belonged here

>> No.54154183

But it's the same in yurop, the fixed rate for my house is 1.90 for 20 years.

>> No.54154209

>lives in a country where 90% of mortages rate are adjustable
>a country even dumber than amerifats

>> No.54154316

If the body has health issues, then, yes.

>> No.54154382

In the UK, you get fixed-rate mortgages but only for 2-5 years. In the US you can fix rates for 25-30 years. If you're close to the end of your term with a UK mortgage, you are absolutely fucked.

>> No.54154745
