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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1953x1023, ALGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54148842 No.54148842 [Reply] [Original]

Are we buying now? Whats the sentiment now
no fudders allowed pls

>> No.54149217

Shitcoin lol, midwit filter “muH MiT bRuH” fucking LOL

>> No.54149336

sipping twice a month desu
just riding the waves
don’t talk about it much because what’s there to say
new projects getting built
development is steady
defi is running smooth
didn’t lose a penny in my myalgo mnemonic moved funds anyway
fun times ahead to be sure
stay frosty

>> No.54149429

No I've got over 10k in governance. Not buying any more, but not going to panic sell. I'll ride it to zero if need be.

>> No.54149438

any myalgo updates?

>> No.54150304

Kill yourself faggot

Your fag reddit coin will never reach a dollar again

>> No.54150894
File: 420 KB, 1500x1500, 1671560795215493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentiment is shit because:

1) price action has been shit ever since accelerated vesting (i.e. insiders got to dump their premine on retail). This was a pure cash grab, and I am surprised the SEC isn't going after Algorand the same they went after Ripple.

2) they took away auto-compounding APY for governance which means you have to lock your coins to get APY and can't have fun on DEX casinos which is what algo was great for due to low transaction fees. This pretty much killed the chain.

3) the most popular wallet was hacked and it is very likely an inside job. Yes, it is dumb to enter your seed on a website, but noobs didn't know any better and they got fucked.

Tl;dr it's pretty grim. I still have hope this sinking ship can be turned around, because there is NOTHING wrong with the technology behind the chain and using tinyman/pact/folks/etc. is a delight. But seeing how badly the foundation is mismanaged, that hope is dwindling by the day.

>> No.54151103

Just give up now, you clearly can think more objectively than the average bagholder.This chain is going to zero the foundation will not change. There are hundreds of better opportunities

>> No.54151183

Completely done with this piece of shit, should’ve just bought XRP or XLM but noooo muh ISO20022 coin with ties to Gensler and government. This is nothing but a tranny coin. I’m not selling but god fucking damn it all stinks like shit and I’m all about “the tech” and partnerships but this piece of shit really fucked up with all of its governance proposals. I’ve missed 2 now but I don’t even give a fuck about them because no matter what I vote for It literally doesn’t mean a single thing since foundation+VCs decide what’s going to happen.
The last few proposals are actually hilarious when you consider what just happened with the most popular algo DeFi wallet kek. Does anyone actually give a shit about muh algo NFTs? Absolutely not but they tried to convince you it was relevant, just as relevant as every single shitcoin that has rugged to nothing.
Good luck to the retards still buying, but I’m not touching this piece of shit anymore I’d even rather put my money on songbird and FLR which are down way over 95% kek

>> No.54151224

I never buy more than I'm willing to lose, so no biggie. Just holding a small bag waiting for some exit liquidity.
>It will go to zero
If it goes it goes. It is what it is.

>> No.54151248

to add to >>54151224
The fact that you don't see any shilling for algo in /biz/rael, plebbit, midwitter, etc etc tells you a lot about how much of a dead coin Algo is.
Now neck yourself OP
>1 post by this ID

>> No.54151380
File: 76 KB, 231x322, Screenshot from 2023-03-09 20-16-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54151590
File: 105 KB, 1600x1396, zerouptime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we buying now? Whats the sentiment now
no thank you.You can see that nobody is getting excited for algo and their subreddit(s) are slowly disintegrating. They are overengineering solutions for nobody's problems, overpaying themselves and throwing money into shitty projects.

>> No.54151656

Pretty much nailed it especially the accelerated vesting part. Algorand is a VC pump and dump. These greedy kikes co-opted and killed something full of potential for a quick sheckel. Glad I got out over $1 before it got ugly.