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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54143862 No.54143862 [Reply] [Original]

People on biz actually pay for food delivery plus tip. Seems like a waste of money

>> No.54143933

>people on biz

>> No.54143965

last time i used a delivery app was like 1 year ago. i paid $40 for a medium pizza from papa john's. never again.

>> No.54143969

When you aren’t poor you can afford it poorfag.

>> No.54143987

>Not cooking your own food
>Paying money for food that's been touched by God knows what kind of 'people'

>> No.54144219

/Biz/ is full of tip defenders see >>54143969

>> No.54144257

In my country we don't tip. First world by the way.
Tipping is for retards, just put it in the price.

>> No.54144340

I used to then I started smoking enough weed to question the quality and cleanliness of my food, along with the prohibitive cost, I cook everything myself. ironic you seem to think it would be the reverse, weed makes me anything but lazy. m m maybe you're just a lazy faggot with or without anon?

>> No.54144343
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>$40 for a medium pizza from papa john's

>> No.54144380

OP is a sandnigger who makes threads about not tipping people while he takes taxpayer money for a fake schizophrenia diagnoses and lives with his mother.
He admits to eating mens cum and having gay sex constantly.
This is an evil person who lurks here, all these replies are him as well he makes multiple threads hourly to slide the board and to get people to waste their time.
If you post ANYTHING personal about your life he will dox you and pretend to be you to torment you here.

He attempted to get me to dox myself earlier but I'm wise enough not to fall for his tactics.

>> No.54144397

weed makes me lazy. i cant be bothered making food high, but sober i love it. weed sucks.
somhow i doubt weed alone made you question whether the food was clean, but rather you got older and more informed/concerned. would have happened either way most likely.

>> No.54144417

No tip chads rise up

>> No.54144532

>Bro weed makes me more productive and eat better
Sure kiddo
This is illegible

>> No.54144554

I always cook my own food… yesterday on a whim i decided to get a carls jr burger… that “burger” tore my asshole
And insides up and came out like diarhea mud pie never again

>> No.54144564
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> $40 for a medium pizza
Anon, you got sides or some other shit, right?
Please don't tell me you actually got cucked that hard.

>> No.54144617

I suffer of aggravating depression that makes my grip very weak, insomnia, hard to breath, food delivery is the only way for me to not die currently and try to pull me out of this situation

>> No.54144641

i think i had garlic knots as well

>> No.54144744

Well hope it's groceries and not goyslop

>> No.54146397

some dasher in vegas ate my food so i dont do it anymore

>> No.54146441

nigga just stock pile food and sous vide it when you get hungry

>> No.54147455

>we dont tip!
>gratuity is priced in, its completely different!
God europoors are retarded. How is that any different, praytell?

>> No.54148491

If it's 50% off then it's not a waste of money.

>> No.54148806

Damn did you still have to pay?

>> No.54149386

90% of any restaurant meal that isnt basic meat is reheated. Its cheaper and easier to just turn the oven on and throw something in.