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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 198x200, d0gwiththebat~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54131998 No.54131998 [Reply] [Original]

Why this market cap wont crash even if lot of things has happened past few weeks. It comes back no matter what happens. Is it good to buy?

>> No.54132315

Retarded whales have sold recently. Good entry time right now

>> No.54132681

I think the lowest I saw it go in the past year was $2M USD, but it didn't stay there for long.

>> No.54133593

> locked liquidity
> transact taxes that go into this locked liquidity pool
as long as binance stays alive (hence BNB will stay flat or go up) then this is the easiest bet ever
think of it like being able to put a bet on extremely favorable odds that binance doesn't fail

>> No.54133604

That didnt effect price it seems. I dont get it, how it can just bounce back to where it was?

>> No.54133891

2million 70%.

>> No.54134159

"Tell me you are a complete retard with no understanding of marketcap without saying so."

>> No.54134292
File: 1.01 MB, 960x1200, d0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine missing the second shib. People will be literally roping. Here is your chance to buy the second shib cheap.

>> No.54134438

Your DEAD shitcoin will never see 5m market cap. Cope, seethe, dilate, you are all retarded bagholders begging people for scraps of exit liquidity. Smart money bought and sold this shit in 2021. The pump lasted ONE MONTH, and here we are almost two years later with these mouth breathing retards still hoping for a miracle.

>> No.54134510

I bet you didn't buy sh1b or sold early.

>> No.54134544

nobody gives a fuck
assmad over a doggycoin LMAO

>> No.54134557

You can bet the fucking farm for all I care. I 1000x'd my money on dog bat between Oct and Nov 2021. How about you?

>> No.54134582

Cope, retard.

>> No.54136155

Due to the large liquidity pool, price is strongly coupled to bnb. So even if there is a net sell off of a couple trillions, dogbat price could still rise in dollar if bnb increases in the same timespan. This is what happened the last couple days.

>> No.54136302

I remember the days when we went mad slurping -40% whale dumps then seeing the price recover in a couple hours. Nowadays our LP pillow takes care of large sell offs so we can just sit back and gather reflections without needing to do anything. There'll be a day when if you have a large enough stack, reflections will practically be passive income.

>> No.54136392

Sure, because you say so.

>> No.54136516

>You can bet the fucking farm for all I care.

All your actions prove you really care.

>I 1000x'd my money on dog bat between Oct and Nov 2021.

No you didnt. All you got was just some pocket money, but i bet you didnt get even that.

>> No.54136784
File: 130 KB, 860x801, 345375476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatally fanny flustered

>> No.54137868

no one's buying your bags you filthy degenerates, get off this fucking board, your shitcoin is dead forever.

>> No.54138879


>> No.54139179
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>> No.54139287

>People will be literally roping
can't wait

>> No.54140664

what are reflections like for a trilly stack during a bullrun?

>> No.54140975

I would estimate you would likely get around 33% of your stack on the way back up to ATH

>> No.54142161

Hope i have enough time to get trilly stack.

>> No.54142902

Go fuck yourself, cunt. Go find another board if you don't like it.

>> No.54143447

nice. gonna donate to marketing/listing wallet

>> No.54143478

Holders are committed. Lasting through this bear market. When bull hits with new money and one other catalyst like stupid tweet or something it will prolly hit 100m at least one more time

>> No.54143512


>> No.54143558

just looked at the chart, that explains all the desperate attempts to make it look like anything other than what it so blatantly is: a failed shitcoin with salty bagholders

>> No.54143586

do you ever get tired of being a faggot?

>> No.54144247

>How to tell i dont know what im talking without saying "i dont understand even half what im talking about".

>> No.54144969
File: 86 KB, 443x455, 4884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doggy Homo Baggies
rope. Tis shitcoins is death..Imagine the years passing and still being Marketcaplets

you're the stinky linkies of shitcoins...
i mean, you're part of an annoying cult

>> No.54145508

Yup. I wanna see us rally hard.

>> No.54145915

I really admire your effort. You just keep pushing same message thread after thread. No way sane person can do same.

>> No.54147619

>There'll be a day when if you have a large enough stack, reflections will practically be passive income.

What would be size of that stack?

>> No.54147695

I made 80k USD off your shit. I'm not going to post proof again. Cope, seethe, dilate. You will never make this much off dog bat.

>> No.54149847

maybe 5 billion right now
think about it the interest compounds

>> No.54149911

It bottomed already so yes.

>> No.54149921

Brain dead retard. Either trying to fud their own bag or is actually mentally incapable of seeing when something has a safe entry or not aka newfag retard that has no idea how to understand basic shit like market cap and liquidity

>> No.54149935

No, you didn't. I made 300k off it btw and bought back in because I'm not a brain dead retard. Want proof? You first, nigger.

>> No.54149949

I have a basic IQ test. Let's see how utterly retarded you fudders are. Answer this:
What's the liquidity and market cap of dogbat?

>> No.54151208


>> No.54151329

I made 100k last year pimping out yo momma!!!

>> No.54151518

>proceeds to make 5 straight posts

kys seriously

>> No.54153742

U mad bruh? Lmao you haven't made shit off dog bat lmao. Still screeching about liquidity and market cap like a desperate banshee. You "people" are fucking pathetic.

>> No.54153785

this dude is rump ruptured over a digital doggy coin lmao

>> No.54153822

im sorry but bsc is the most scammiest chinkiest centralized "smart chain" there is. kek

>> No.54153854

Relative to the guy who just rage posted at me?.. Does a typical dobaggie these days even have basic reading comprehension?

>> No.54153876
File: 11 KB, 650x650, 678423234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA look at this coping bagholder

no you're just a laggard lol

>> No.54153964

here's his address. same fudder in every thread. mom and dad took his earnings so he has no oppurtunity to buy back. thats why it would crush him if we went parabolic


>> No.54154109

Sure you did. Thats why you keep ranting and babbling here like maniac.

Truth is you were ranting and babbling then, and because you missed that train you are doing same now.

>> No.54154663

Not a counter argument, trannie
>u mad
You smell of reddit. Also not a counter argument
Not an argument
Makes sense. The dumb village idiot has no idea how to spot a floor

>> No.54155218

Again, market cap was 2-3 days bit lower, volume has been down, and now MC has raised from previous floor.

Every day its more clear how d0g with bat is different than any other project and probably most promising investment.

Cant hardly wait coming bull market

>> No.54155322

Ok, explain to me like im complete retard, which i obviously am; volume is loooowww and in one day d0g with bat has rised 5,4%???

BNB has been pretty much same as before during 2-3 days.

How the fuck this happens? What it will be during bull market if it is like this now???????? WTF???

>> No.54155418

Pooper pained and obsessed with a doggycoin lmao

>> No.54155970
File: 101 KB, 979x807, who_run_bartertown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finance is obsolete.
Actual real capital will now be the player in this economy.

I'd buy land and seeds.
I'd buy retail.
I'd buy manufacturing plants.
I'd buy everything before your money becomes useless when we start using a bartering system.

Gold's useless too btw.

Now say, "who run bartertown?"

>> No.54155989

>I'd buy land and seeds.
>I'd buy retail.
>I'd buy manufacturing plants.
>I'd buy D0b0

>> No.54157277
File: 876 KB, 1002x1008, 167839791917466360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number goes up (because of BNB).
Is there any news on BNB that i missed?

>> No.54157287


>> No.54157330
File: 165 KB, 729x1200, 167835595502349567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it work?

>> No.54158261

>doggybat banner ads are back
Bois I can feel it

>> No.54158316
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>> No.54158357
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>> No.54158412

What? Screenshot please!

>> No.54158426


>> No.54158429

yes. do this.

>> No.54158433

meh, just gonna put $1k and forget about.

>> No.54159297

Holy SHIET. I didn't even realize we pumped overnight, kek
Anyways main reason is because BNB popped. BNB is up 7.5% today

>> No.54159347

How come the liquidity pool is so insanely big compared to market cap? I have literally never seen a token with even close to that ratio, it’s unreal

Can someone explain to me like I’m retarded?

>> No.54159441

Every single transaction throws BNB into the pool. So every transaction over the past two years has added to the pool. That includes buys, sells and transfers between wallets.

>> No.54159522

Organically. Thanks to safemoon v1 tokenomics (tax system). We basically dumped all the way to the floor and got all the weak hands out, but it added liquidity along the way. What I assume happened is a lot panic sold at a loss which = they basically added to the liquidity vs people that sell in profit which take from the liquidity. Just my assumption though, but it makes sense. It's like saying if I bought and immediately sold, even though my selling would take from the liquidity, by operating at a loss, it's like I was charity money due to the tax system. This natural selection basically helped in refining the health of the token.

What's also nice is how the wallet allocation is extremely spread even among whales and on top of that, the burn wallet went from 30-32%-near 45% now. Just imagine the burns in the next run. Burn wallet will collect a fuckload of reflections. I legit have never seen an easier/safer buy. Easiest floor to spot ever.

>> No.54159741


>> No.54159857

liquidity bot market sells the d0b0 to bnb when reflections reach 250b and then that gets added to the liquidity pool.

>> No.54159922

Last week ∆12%

>> No.54160185

Why are anons writing shilling prompts that get answered by different IDs shortly afterwards?

Can someone explain to me like I’m retarded?

>> No.54160190

>Have a suicide stack of 13b from the first go around
Feels good man

>> No.54160220

Ya, so basically stay poor, retard. Did I dumb it down enough for you?

>> No.54160267

These anons are down on their investment and are desperately trying to rope exit liquidity into their failed shitcoin, even if it means switching IDs and talking to themselves. It's very embarrassing to watch, isn't it?

>> No.54160293

It is, thank you for the explanation. I'm glad I could have this conversation with myself.

>> No.54160304

Give an actual argument. Not generic fud you can copy and paste to any coin. Are you capable or no?

>> No.54160320

Is that a sui stack? I feel like 150b is the sui stack now

>> No.54160336

Good one, me!
Seriously though imagine getting this ass blasted over a meme coin, LMFAO. Can't even create a coherent counter-argument so just defaults to the most generic shit ever. By your own logic, you shouldn't buy btc because it dumped so much from the ath LOL. You're literally dumb money.

>> No.54160352
File: 98 KB, 549x412, 1474696155041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was when I bought it

>> No.54160379

Just depends on your targeted market cap. You can play around with this calculator to get an idea as to what kind of stack you'd want

>> No.54160479

Organized shilling. Either manual where these marketing bottomfeeders all create and descend on the same thread at predetermined times or clumsy bots. So nice to have a real job.

>> No.54160518

for you
Embodiment of the Dunning krugger effect, Lol
>me smart and you wrong because me say so!
>me have no argument, but fuck you! This makes me sad so fuck meme coins!
There's no way someone as retarded as you two have a good job, Lol. You lack the ability to use data to back up thoughts.

>> No.54161387

>Why are anons writing shilling prompts that get answered by different IDs shortly afterwards?

This board has lot of visitors, every day. Every visitor gets own ID.

You have created one reality for your self, only because to you its really hard to believe so many is intrested about d0b0, and it helps you to look at reality different way, way you accept and understand.

You are basicly saying there must be some conspiracy behind all this. Lol

>> No.54161417
File: 199 KB, 991x1203, Born2Follow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah faggot. buy as much as you can

>> No.54161448

Listen retard:

D0b0 price has been very low, you can still get huge stack with few hundred americano dineros. You really think people would be so desperate to create such conspiracy only to "get back" few hundred americano dineros???

I mean, no one has millions in this. Wake up, retard.

>> No.54161710
File: 88 KB, 700x393, 3875798735982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54162166

some big buys today
I can't believe more people don't realized how insane this coin's tokenomics are
only bsc project I ever thought was worth it

>> No.54162383

>even if it means switching IDs and talking to themselves.
Pretty sure its the fudders who do this,

>> No.54162789

>I can't believe more people don't realized how insane this coin's tokenomics are
>only bsc project I ever thought was worth it

More and more are getting it IMO. What i have seen, i really have no complains and i kinda believe in this more than few other coins, even if people say those coins are next thing.

>Pretty sure its the fudders who do this,

Thats why they talk about it so much, classic projection.

>> No.54162875

One week ∆13.6%
24 h ∆ 8.1%

>> No.54163016
File: 684 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20230316-221001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.54163049

I've bought 20 bucks. What I'm in for?

>> No.54163281

fun and laughter

>> No.54163290

How does ~300k eoy sound like to you? I'm half memeing and guestimating, but that's more or less what you'd get if it went to 50b market cap

>> No.54163822

>some big buys today
>volume : $2,000

>> No.54164143


>24 h +8.1%

Explain it. Go ahead, do it.

>> No.54164237

Bnb went up not your shitcoin. This coin has no leadership and the core Devs all left

>> No.54164287

You're an idiot. I refer to you to the above posts I've made. Also think. We go up with BNB as a dead coin. Imagine when the bec casino revives. No brainer, dipshit. Even if you think the volume is perma dead, dogbat is STILL setup to obtain multipliers just by being paired with BNB. Dogbat is basically BNB on leverage. If you can't see that, you deserve poverty.

>> No.54164336

All the volume this coin has left is when the whales decide to sell lmao

>> No.54164406

That already happened throughout this whole bear market Lmao
Cope more, you poor bitch. No one with a brain would sell when the bull market is primed to begin sooner than later.

>> No.54164416

well except you ofc. Probably why you're salty that it keeps going up after you sold.

>> No.54164718

>This coin has no leadership and the core Devs all left

>Community project needs leadership

Ok, retard. Are you talkin again about Ghostbro, some discord mod, when you speak about core dev? Lol.

>> No.54164772

Is this still around 1% of the ATH or has there been a rebound?

>> No.54164821

Its as low as any other similar coin during bear market at the moment.

>> No.54165506

>some big buys today
>volume : $2,000

>> No.54165515


>> No.54165599

Buy an ad faggot

>> No.54165637

it's an old meme shitcoin that won't catch the next printer pump. arbitrum is where it's at right now

adoge, arbinu, arboreum - get those now and be comfy next couple of months

>> No.54165668

Realstic mcap target? Maybe like $1b?

>> No.54165698

Isnt it funny how even during bear market, with low volume, last week has been +13.6% and 24h +8.1%?

You just dont see what is front of your eyes.

>> No.54165795

I think 1b is feasible. More money will flood the markets and bnb will make new aths too

>> No.54166111

And last month is like -5%
Congrats on this, seriously

>some big buys today
>volume : $2,000

>> No.54166161

I probably have more money in this than you do in your whole portfolio, Lmao. Congrats on being a retard that doesn't know what market cap or liquidity is btw

>> No.54167129

>And last month is like -5%
>Congrats on this, seriously

How did rest of the market look, retard?

>> No.54167435

Only the smartest of retards are holding this retarded ass coin

IQ -103

>> No.54167499


Shitty coins spamming their shitty coin everywhere.

They'll die soon

>> No.54167528


How does "Filthy Rich" sound?

>> No.54167727

D0b0 cant die anymore, you just dont get it.

>> No.54167811


Oh, I wasn't talking dog bat. Dog bat lives forever

>> No.54168133

Can’t believe it’s still going, we’re gunna hit 50B marketcap for sure next run

>> No.54168641

It's so painfully obvious anyway who hates this missed out, lost, or is an insidious freak of nature, son of Satan. Imagine hating d0b0 and being serious about it otherwise. Most fud posts are definitely a psyop and adding attention, if anything that's the best fud. D0b0 or H0b0.

>> No.54168662


*obvious anyone

inb4 ESL

but no srs inb4 reddit space

but fr fr anyone who hates this token got burned either telegram and "keys to the social" drama, or morrison,or just sold at a loss and are shitty ass pasty white boy cracker faggots end of. bonk on bruhs. 50b someday

>> No.54168730

OG safemoon has a floor of about 200 million mcap BTW


517 dollars of 24 hr volume. we WORST CASE SCENARIO will be that.

*inhales* he....heheheh....he

>> No.54168825

I'm aiming for 5B

>> No.54168913
File: 30 KB, 500x258, 1637245538069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the next big thing... I can just feel it!

>> No.54169309

D0B0 or H0b0
simple as

>> No.54169631

There is no right time and wrong time for me to buy since I'm DCAing into NXRA, GLMR, and DOT.
So I just have to stick to my strategy until the bear is over

>> No.54169925

Meme coins will always exist, it's not just time for them yet.

>> No.54170134

NXRA seems promising because I've been seeing it make a lot of new partnerships and also launch new products

>> No.54170178

> last week has been +13.6% and 24h +8.1%
How did the rest of the market look, retard?
I've never seen such a group of misleading faggots. It's actually pretty impressive.

>> No.54170198

Reset your ID, again, and come back with some fresh fud.

>> No.54171391

massive pajeet energy coming from the shills ITT
terrible grammar, retarded punctuation and stupid narratives for this shitcoin means I'll never buy back
thanks for profits in 2021, bagholders

>> No.54171581

The casino is back boys

>> No.54171652
File: 1.65 MB, 817x1216, 1635780124127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once normies get a whiff of our memes, the market cap will explode!

>> No.54171687
File: 437 KB, 600x600, 1667765997432651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish I had screencapped all the dumbfucks like you using the exact same language about doge and then shib.

>> No.54171747

yeah its not a question of if but when this moons, just too much chaotic meme energy behind it

and I can feel clown world coming back very soon

>> No.54172028

Genius. Even more so that the brand can just be represented by thing + bat now

>> No.54172254

Imagine living this rent free in your head. Oh, are you still in every dog bat thread working for free for a dead cause? Fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.54172340

Let's see, things I've bought with dog bat
>Mortgage free living space
>A Recording Studio
>2kg of Silver
>Stocks I'm primed to cash out on
>All the rib eyes I can eat
What the fuck are YOU worth, bruh? Still shilling this dead shit and nothing to show for it. Pathetic.

>> No.54172941

>What the fuck are YOU worth, bruh? Still shilling this dead shit and nothing to show for it. Pathetic.
never listen to brainlets on this board shilling aimlessly.
hitler should have killed the jeets and not the jews
research yourself and keep tools like cmc and altcoinistdao handy for reviews and market analysis

>> No.54173069

>I've never seen such a group of misleading faggots.

Only faggot here is you. 24h + 8.16% even if volume is low. You just dont see what is front of your eyes

>> No.54173102

Grammar nazi as an argument was big in 2007. Memories...

>> No.54173601
File: 278 KB, 2000x2000, dogwithbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're unironically the next shib. Do8o has everything going for it, high enthusiasm, a solid holder base, really good LP, each transaction burning an amount, and the memes. 50B will absolutely happen. All we have to do is literally just wait for king shitcoin to rise again and we'll slingshot past the moon.

>> No.54174022

>All we have to do is literally just wait for king shitcoin to rise again and we'll slingshot past the moon

Agree, but i think it wouldnt do any harm if d0br0s keep spreading word.

In this case its easier and different than with any other coin. All you need to do is explain tokenomics and lay out all the details, locked liquidity pool, reflections and so on. Once people realize mechanism behind d0b0, its lot more than promise, which is what other coins have to offer.

I used to be die hard for "serious" coins, but i have realized d0b0 is one what really can make it. In the beginning i didnt believe in this, but more i understood whole picture it just became more clear for me. Basicly this is so damn stupid coin it just dont know how to fail :D

>> No.54174707

ignore this loon >>54149847
its more like +1T
but if you have that stack youd be an idiot for not trying to time a dump at the top with atleast 25% your stack
to any other +1T hodlers that will hold through the next peak
thanks for giving me room to sell half my stack
(keeping the other half for reflections incase this becomes a long term meme)

>> No.54174952
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>> No.54174958

Yeah of course we should keep spreading the word and explaing why do8o will rise.
>I used to be die hard for "serious" coins, but i have realized d0b0 is one what really can make it. In the beginning i didnt believe in this, but more i understood whole picture it just became more clear for me. Basicly this is so damn stupid coin it just dont know how to fail :D

>> No.54175635
File: 891 KB, 1280x544, Scarface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54177103

I'd rather buy alts with utility.

>> No.54177233

ID management will make shit easier to handle

>> No.54177297

who buys alts for utility
This isnt a logical game? people buy based on hype and funny memes. Doge and SHIB had absolutely no utility

>> No.54177321
File: 50 KB, 547x456, 167859152852684749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alts with utility
Good luck

>> No.54178565

Not bad anon, a few altcoins are showing good entry levels, and I went in on Ride recently which would be scaling its metaverse product in the UK market soon.

>> No.54178668

What's a make it stack?

>> No.54179076

That depends on what you consider making it. You can use this to give you and idea.

>> No.54180037

100B but don't stop there

>> No.54180063

1T not selling
50b eoy dogbat

>> No.54180141


I have about 400b not happy until I have your stack, trilly boys finna be set for life

>> No.54180321
File: 328 KB, 544x374, Wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54180440

friendly reminder only jannies and mad fags hate this coin, literally never neutral dislike it's always a psyop seethe. bullish, forever

>> No.54180453

Im honestly surprised this thread is still up after a couple of days

>> No.54180464

hollup I gotta stay on the baggie script.

where can I buy look big good very bull :)))) share with your family where is this good token so I can buy again

>> No.54180504


I think at least one jannie is on our side I dunno there was pure dominance against this for awhile seems to have calmed down. Will prolly be nuked soon, small thread just got shit on for whatever reason. Multiple thread nuke is an ok reason tho. The word filter is still fuckin ridiculous and shows current jannies either don't care to change it or the hate is still there

>> No.54180537

Dear Jannies,

Why is d0b0 still a banned word? Can you change that? Thanks

>> No.54180561

Holy shit this coin seems to generate a lot of talk here on /biz/.

>> No.54180566 [DELETED] 

I can say nigger but not d0b0 whats up with that?

>> No.54180976

Ticker: D𐤏B𐤏

>> No.54180994

𐤏 = "Semitic letter Ayin, from which the following symbols originally derive"

Jannies literally hate jewish people if that version gets filtered.

>> No.54181022

Just DCAing into this while everyone else is. Probably the safest and most obvious play in crypto other than btc and Eth.

>> No.54181246

Is this coin legit?

>> No.54181324


too legit to quit

>> No.54181366

It physically cannot rug and the biggest whale has 1% of the supply. It hit a high marketcap last bull run and is now 95% down. It has huge liquidity which makes it move in line with BNB. The coin is 2 years old, so you know its here to stay.

I'd say it's legit.

>> No.54181605

This coin is so stupid it doesnt know how to die. Its legit, hope i have enough time to fill my bags.

>> No.54181682

Ok i better buy bag then!

>> No.54182112


buy 2. 2 = double make it

>> No.54182190
File: 2.49 MB, 720x403, 1678344802701577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this vrypto is not in binance?
whats the reason?

>> No.54182275


>> No.54182448


Alright. We'll take your $100k for listing

>> No.54182478

Nice ID lol. Dunno but I remember people saying reflections tokens don’t get listed easily. As long as this momentum keeps up I think this run deaux beau will get listed

>> No.54182529

Did you guys see the 250 dollar sell, couple hours ago?
Checked history and this wallet paid over 3k for 28B 1.5 years ago kek.
Hope you get the idea why now is the best time to buy and DCA. Since BTC is also on the rise wagmi very soon

>> No.54182773

It takes time and its not alive enough yet. It took a while with shib, then again there was lot of work behind it.

>> No.54182804

>Did you guys see the 250 dollar sell, couple hours ago?
>Checked history and this wallet paid over 3k for 28B 1.5 years ago kek.

Lol. That was dumb move. So close...

>> No.54182809

shib took less than a year kek. dobaggie copium.

>> No.54182851

This, unironically

>> No.54182855


Shib also got the full bull run

>> No.54182992

Wait… DO8O ID! Listing on Binance destined. WGMI DO8O chads.

>> No.54183105



>> No.54183170

>shib took less than a year kek

Do you remember all that hype and work behind it? All that can be done, but this bear market is really really hard to any hype.

It doesnt mean there cant be. There will be.

>> No.54183188

Holy shit meme magic is returning to us.

>> No.54183225

Past week +21.36% mostly because of BNB. Imagine what it will be when bull market starts.

>> No.54183332


1 garillion %

>> No.54183335

Depends on their shibarium update where I learned there would be added utilities and more token burns. My focus is on alts with relevant use cases like FIL for storage of user decentralized data and SYLO for decentralized communication in web3

>> No.54183409

>Dunno but I remember people saying reflections tokens don’t get listed easily
Those were just fudders. The reflections simply don't matter as exchanges can just implement paper trading of the token to get around the reflection/tax mechanism. Other than perhaps on deposits or withdrawals, since that would involve actual transfers between wallets.

>> No.54183488

Checked and indeed sir!

>> No.54183599
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>> No.54183627

Even the copycats are coming out of the woodwork.

>> No.54183928

A lot of holders of both there

>> No.54184039

we're getting linkies level of cultism at this point

>> No.54184074

Mostly all the same holders here desu

>> No.54184094

Advertising chat bot

>> No.54184475

DOGE took several years, though.

>> No.54184535

qrd on it's tokenomics?

>> No.54184741

I think it's exactly the same

>> No.54184933

D0B0 has the fat LP that will moon when BNB pumps though. The goose needs to find some similar way to generate LP otherwise it will just forever be a shitty D0B0 clone

>> No.54184956

Good luck finding another shitcoin that has a 4m mcap and a 2m liquidity pool. Seriously good luck because other than d0b0 nothing even close to that exists

>> No.54185242
File: 234 KB, 1080x1350, 1679089375092041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catgirl is 1000 x anons

>> No.54185290


All this proves there isnt any pattern what must or will happen when talking about "when" something is listed. Only common thing is about popularity and large enough market cap.

>> No.54185315

Oh pls she should choke on shotgun barrell and pull the trigger.

>> No.54185536

>D0B0 has the fat LP that will moon when BNB pumps though.

This, but d0b0 shouldnt just wait miracles to happen, community behind must get push this further.

>> No.54185779

I agree. Start posting everywhere and making memes. It will could make us rich

>> No.54185884

Good idea, i'll start righ away.

>> No.54185899

I agree; if 2022 didn't kill D0B0 then it should still stick around for years to come. It could theoretically "moon" years from now, who knows.

>> No.54186499

what site do you use for LP, pancake?

>> No.54187186
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>> No.54187492

>don’t realized

>> No.54187538

The price is more than likely going to shed two zeros at most, but if it sheds three zeros I will shit

>> No.54187986

sorry for typo sirs

>> No.54188012

Source for the feet pic that's on your /biz/ ad?

>> No.54188322

never been one to listen to brainlets.
detailed research and market and reviewing sentiments are key for profit making

>> No.54188494

Huh, now what is this? This coin seems interesting...

>> No.54188551
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>> No.54188554
File: 163 KB, 773x1024, 1678198905021529m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma throw a few dollarinos into ads. What image can I use?

>> No.54188608

another ghostbro rugpull

>> No.54188625

Kek there's been thousands of shitcoins being posted on dog bat threads but only dog bat threads stay on /biz/

>> No.54188639
File: 53 KB, 508x568, dogbat5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54188660
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>> No.54188729
File: 204 KB, 1080x802, Screenshot_2023-03-18-10-07-45-85_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea. Also, should we do shit on tweeter when uncle zhao does this?

>> No.54188731
File: 321 KB, 1122x886, real schizo hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54188769
File: 1.77 MB, 1440x1758, 167879228094068593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not. But you will be competing with an army of shillers of other coins.

>> No.54188797
File: 497 KB, 1039x862, dogeb0nnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious discussion for a moment. What is the best way for us to increase our holder base significantly? Twitter, reddit, or something else? We have 40k holders right now which isn't bad, but how will we manage to increase that into the million eventually? Our subreddit has been relatively stagnant at about 7.8k members for a while, with the twitter account soon at 10k. How did shib do it?

>> No.54188800
File: 95 KB, 640x853, rugpull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54188816

Bump limit about to be reached, we need a new thread

>> No.54188904
File: 1.11 MB, 1076x1264, Screenshot_20230318_024137_Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54188937

I think the shib people were at the right place and right time, and got a well -timed buy in a bull market. Someone correct me.

>> No.54188956

>bought this shitcoin somewhat late
>still made 5x
>didn't cash out
>now close to -90%
If you faggots can recoup my $50 through rampant shilling I'll be mildly amused

>> No.54188960

Damn these memes are feisty... better buy a bag!

>> No.54188974

just put 500€ in... will take 500k€ out in 2 years when it is in binance

>> No.54189079

I think shib people werent at right place, they were at every place. Shilling was overwhelming, threads, videos, everything. It was massive community project, there was youtube clip after another telling how shib will be next thing, constant threads pushing you to buy, not only /biz but every possible board and site. Lot of promises and rumour about future etc. It created snowball effect and rest was easy.

>> No.54189088

it must have been exhausting filling an entire thread with like 3 people switching IDs and answering their own creative writing prompts just to make it look like anybody still cares about a dead shitcoin. looking forward to the next one
>what did you do on the weekend, anon?

>> No.54189094

the gayest shit ive ever seen in my life

>> No.54189248
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Ngl feeling bullish for this coin...

>> No.54189258
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>> No.54189259
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You *assume* we're 3 people switching IDs because you cannot cope

>> No.54189272
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>> No.54189283

no thx

>> No.54189309

Ew, get that shit out of here

>> No.54189317
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>> No.54189356
File: 269 KB, 512x512, ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that santovi's rug?

>> No.54189604

Low energy, memes got old, pumped&dumped already.

>> No.54190000

>it must have been exhausting filling an entire thread with like 3 people switching ID

Sure, that must be it :D

>> No.54190011


Another Ghostbro rugpull. Keep that rat away.

>> No.54190026

Digits checked and witnessed
Kek is returning

>> No.54190084
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>> No.54190421
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1678058971876693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5m? Lmao how brain dead are you. XDDDDDDDDDD

you do know reality is proving you a retard right? Of course 1 2 million buy would just pump the price 70%. Nobody is gonna put half the market cap of a coin in one buy to become exit liquidity.

On the other hand if we have 2 million worth of buyS the price is gonna move up each buy. only 15k worth of volume moved the price up 5% last week.

Tell me you don't understand crypto at all, or think biz people are dumb enough to fall for your shitty fud.


"utility" is a sucker's meme.

You know I bought a bag of this shit that won't last more than 2 months just to dump into do-8o right? like everyone else. Same with zha-0, but to be honest I missed the mark a bit, thought it would go higher.


Yeah everybody knows everyone in duge-bunk is merged with the do8o entity, but its not hard because memes reflections and burns gives us more energy.

>> No.54190426

Fuck off Ghostbro.

>> No.54190463

Holybased i better buy this!

>> No.54190535
File: 49 KB, 700x695, 301576864_172186461995997_5109025594267871337_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is even a way to get reflections and burns with a renounced contract on a CEX.

>> No.54190596

Non white detected

I knew only pajeets and mexicans were shilling this garbage token

It's over.
Jannies, do your job with these shitskin scammers and keep being based tagging this shitcoin as scam

>> No.54190601

Brain dead enough to 1000x my money on dog bat while you all are still on 4chan begging for exit liquidity XDDDDDDDD. You people have fucking NOTHING on me.

>> No.54190632

D0gb0k iS A dEaD sH1TCoIN QQ look at me I'm a poor bobo who can't enjoy funny memes and who will cry when the coin hits 5 billion MC

>> No.54190751
File: 1016 KB, 1184x838, Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 5.44.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretends he made 1000x but bothers enough to fud every thread
>thinks the 2 million fud makes him smart
>thinks people from europe that have ESL are indians.

you have nothing on do8o and you are nothing :)

>> No.54190996

you made 80k fag


>> No.54191009

I still believe in canine with club coin

>> No.54191064

i like that there is still hype, we still have mini pumps even with low volume due to bnb lp. honestly sucked losing 90% on the ride down but this is and has always been a comfy hold. I'll probably round out to 1T before I let it ride through the next bull.

8k total investment will bring me to 500k if we hit ath again, just a matter of when.

>> No.54191088

>You people have fucking NOTHING on me

And you have nothing on us, but still you keep ranting like mad dog. Its ok, you like to get rekt, and we like to get entertained. Pure win-win.

>> No.54191223

is that ghostbruh's wallet? kek

>> No.54191252
File: 5 KB, 275x183, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when all you find about fudding a coin is to larp as someone who already made 1000x on it during a bullrun.

>> No.54191307
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>> No.54191321
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>> No.54191338
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>> No.54191524

This is good one.

>> No.54192171

Holy based better slurp!

>> No.54192226

I think this coin is about to make a comeback

>> No.54192247
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to give some context for anons wondering why there is so much desperate and embarrassing shilling in this thread: i present the chart

>> No.54192361

>hasn't read the white paper

>> No.54192409

Pretty much every alt coin looks like that. Only way we can go is up from here.

>> No.54192411
File: 517 KB, 760x704, trannywojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys tranny

>> No.54192596
File: 964 KB, 3028x1336, Screenshot 2023-03-18 at 12.34.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey is that cardano's chart? bullish

>> No.54193207

Place yourself well enough anon, so you got nothing to regret anon, positioning myself for the RIDE, GNS, KDA, and other gems price discounts.

>> No.54193231

Wait till 17k

>> No.54193387

It is coming back with big bonk!

>> No.54193607

We've got some major ass problems here. The market's either pumping or not and y'all still bitchin' like there's no tomorrow. I mean, come on! It's like trying to please a bunch of insatiable motherfuckers. But you know what? I'm all about that bullish effect, baby! I ain't got nothin' to lose, so I'm all in on CHAT, ROOT, and ARB. Gonna grab those launch prices and add 'em to my hodls.

>> No.54193639

He's a glorified schizo no two ways.

>> No.54193666

Every means to rekt people, you out for it.

>> No.54193808

Whilst we milk on the shitcoins on Arbitrum hehehehe, I'll save good to mint the silver of amulet of GodsnGoblins since I sacrificed my seekers NFT.

>> No.54193852

Wails and FUDs will hit the roof, but I'm here for the tears kek.

>> No.54193866

On which tokens?

>> No.54194134

Sell off and get into solid project with good products. The likes of NXRA and VRA stands out.

>> No.54194304
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chart made a lot of people very angry, so it's no longer at the bottom of the thread. to increase visibility, i'll post it again. don't get so mad this time please

>> No.54194475
File: 73 KB, 681x630, dogbat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an enourmous cope lmao, every coin looks like that now. However Bitcoin is at its highest point since last June right now, and is taking BNB, DO8O, and every other coin with it. DO8O with the reflections, solid holder base, and very high LP is a guaranteed moonshot when the next bullrun gets going.

>> No.54194534

Thanks. I just dont get your point, you keep posting chart from end of bull run and following bear market. We all know what happened and what is situation.

>> No.54194806

new anons might be confused why people are trying to talk up this project in such a forced and unorganic way. the chart delivers the answer: they are down on their investment and trapped in a shitcoin without any hype, so their only way out is to drum some up. as you can see, the chart is vital context for the thread. i'm glad you asked, thank you

>> No.54194917

>they are down on their investment and trapped in a shitcoin without any hype

Down their investment :D

All this time price, holders, market cap, locked liq etc has been raising, slowly, but still raising. When bull market starts everything will grow even faster.

Tell me how does it make you feel?

>> No.54194972

>Tell me how does it make you feel?
i've seen people tell themselves that fortune is just around the corner for years. it makes me feel pity for them and a bit sad, even though it's self inflicted

>> No.54195088

>i've seen people tell themselves that fortune is just around the corner for years. it makes me feel pity for them and a bit sad, even though it's self inflicted

And thats reason for fudding some coin what is on bottom at the moment and is going up?

Whats innit for you?

>> No.54195260

>Whats innit for you?
it's just the natural response to flooding the board with bad quality, forced meme ripoffs and making it unusable for weeks until the word filter got established. 4chan might seem an easy target to spammers, but what you save on getting around moderation you'll lose to anons making fun of you and your project

>> No.54195444

>it's just the natural response to flooding the board with bad quality, forced meme ripoffs and making it unusable for weeks until the word filter got established. 4chan might seem an easy target to spammers, but what you save on getting around moderation you'll lose to anons making fun of you and your project

And you seriously think one thread, about coin what is not gonna vanish, what has good solid base and can go only up, is threat and spamming?

You probably havent notest but we are making fun out of you, you keep getting rekt thread after thread and you have made clown out of your self all this time.

You just dont see what is innfront of your eyes.

>> No.54195491
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>> No.54195573

i heard duolingo is great for learning foreign languages, maybe try that?

>> No.54195576

Majority of BSC tokens are shit, deployment of smart contracts is sooo damn simple and cheap; Elrond is out here providing solutions to blockchain trilemma via shading and that's what ama be banking on alongside few tokens under it RIDE, MEX, and ZKP.

>> No.54195636

You keep saying things that aren't in line, seems you lost course. Meanwhile there's no stopping for AI gems say RLC, Asto, and AGIX which are my buys. 2023 saw the full launch of this narrative.

>> No.54195672

Absolutely nothing, he FUDs doesn't buy and is happy with himself.

>> No.54195682


>> No.54195744

Awwww our teacher here found error. How cute, so 2007.

Aaaaaaand you are still retard. Hows that feels, boy?

>> No.54195824

If you like YOLO your drops on some shitcoins,but ama say don't be a pleb and delegate that sh*t. You should cop some perp DEXs like GMX or other lit gems like IOST and HBAR. But yo, do your research and cop some sick NFTs like Skyjack, Battlefly, or Rayacanto. Don't miss out on the tendies

>> No.54195851

Memes and hypes are like bee and honey.

>> No.54196038

Honest question is the ban on the full word d0geb0nc ever gonna go away? What actual purpose does it have if you can get around it

>> No.54196076


>> No.54196131

BNB hasn't even begun to moon yet, it's gonna hit 2k in the bull run. Damn hyped on EGLD as well to smash through that 500 dollar barrier and keep going to 1k and beyond!, fucking bullish 'cause it's gonna send those SkyJack NFTs through the roof, boyos.

>> No.54196235

>advertising chat bots
Why do I only ever see these bots in d0b0 threads?
Cope, seethe and dilate, ghostbro

>> No.54196361

You're trippin'. Those people are all over the place, not just in d0b0 threads and last I checked on 'em, that ain't capping shit, you need to open your eyes and stop pissing around with memecoins only.

>> No.54196364

>it's just the natural response to flooding the board with bad quality, forced meme ripoffs
Why would you hold the original responsible for copycats? We don't like them either.

You need to do a lot of introspection my dude.

>> No.54196841

Yeah but why would they when they make their money on trade volume, and volume decreases with the reflection tax. It just works out better for them to sidestep the mechanism. In any case it's a nonissue. D0b0 WILL get listed and we will all /makeit/

>> No.54196902

Probably going to go away once DO8O hits the mainstream I'd guess

>> No.54196979

Fuck off, ghostbro

>> No.54197438

What mangas or manwha or other works would you guys like to see featured on bonkscans in the future? We got Gachiakuta and Berserk will be up soon.

>> No.54197485

what is sneeded for a token to be listed on a cex?
i see Binance adding shitcoins/scams everyday but not this coin...
I don't get it.
This is not concer trolling, i do have a small stack of D0b0