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54123244 No.54123244 [Reply] [Original]

So what’s the big brain play here for profit?

>> No.54123339


>> No.54123376

>AYO, WHITE BOI. I'm 1/64 black. Where's my gubmint cheese?

>> No.54123414
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>sea cush id

>> No.54123423

>Critics say the payouts make no sense in a state and city that never enslaved Black people.
Oh, interesting.

>> No.54123429

imagine living in california. even tech workers have no excuse, plenty of tech jobs elsewhere plus remote work is more acceptable than ever before

>> No.54123482

Gimmick to stem population outflows.

>> No.54123487

They can stay in the nigger shithole containment zones they created

>> No.54123498

> Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.
>These are just some of the recommendations made by a city-appointed reparations committee

>> No.54123499

Long nike with 100x leverage

>> No.54123528

all black people move to california to get dibs
the big one hits california, state falls into the ocean
america becomes the pre-eminent super power for the next 1000 years

>> No.54123546

I identify as black.
Where my reparations at?

>> No.54123565

>identify as trans-nigger
>demand gibs
>sue government for discrimination if they refuse
>recieve gibs

>> No.54123587

Buy up liquor stores, rim shops, and gun stores

>> No.54123597

True reparations would be a one way ticket back to their chimp continent to run free. But the grift is just too good over here, so they’ll “tolerate” living among their masters for the gibs. Truly pathetic situation all around.

>> No.54123620

Even if they got 5m USD each, they would all be broke within a couple of years, and it would be whiteys fault.

>> No.54123619

Sounds like you made that up but I believe it

>> No.54123663

The best part is that he didn't

>> No.54123688

People at Nike must be frantic right now

>> No.54123693

Capitalizing 'black' makes them sound evil

>> No.54123721

>San Francisco

>> No.54123757

>to air
hot air I guess

>> No.54123792

For low IQ: Reparations will never happen. All of these posts are made as ragebait

>> No.54123814

>Trudeau blackface.jpg

>> No.54123823

Open a tanning and perm.
Take before and after of everyone who comes in, require ID "for insurance purposes."
You'll know what to do.

Alternatively, open a liquor store. Hire a Mexican to run the counter.

Sell NFTs of Bling Teeth.

>> No.54123836

long watermelons

>> No.54123842

Wouldn't surprise me in this clown world. But I would just refuse to work and pay taxes if it did happen.

>> No.54123854

hell no, I'm ganking some upper class. call me a marxist.

>> No.54123867
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>go there
>claim gibs

>> No.54123871

So have they said we're this money is gonna come from?
I'm really interested to know where these funds are gonna be raised from.

>> No.54123889

Modern Monetary Theory

>> No.54123894

I still don't understand why a state that was never a slave state is paying reparations.

>> No.54123903

What would a neighborhood like this look like in 5 years?

>> No.54123934

It’s California, you have to inject logic into that wasteland

>> No.54123935

>Modern Monetary Theory
Fascinating. The decades have really shown how powerful this theory is. It seems to be able to do any and everything aslong as the government just prints money

>> No.54123947
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>lure in all US niggers
>activate SanAndreasFault-24

>> No.54123962

racism has been solved. black people will never cry about racism ever again!!!

>> No.54123983

>Retarded niggers, err i mean, disadvantaged people of color sue the city for being racist

>> No.54124007

It's I's. Get your ebonics right

>> No.54124009

>What would a neighborhood like this look like in 5 years?
Well they wouldn't have to rob eachother anymore since they'd all have Lamborghini's and Ferraris.
Though once they've spent all their money for the month they'll probably have to take their luxury cars to the corner shop to loot for food since they can't make payments on their new mansions and fleet of luxury cars.
So if anything they'll just move into Hollywood and make life a living hell for the Hollywood elites that vote for them.

>> No.54124032

It has already happened in some cities. It won't be 5 millions obviously but I have no doubt that the city of San Francisco will vote some kind of reparations. Probably a few hundred k per person

>> No.54124058

Can't wait the reasons they will come up with to explain why most of them lost all their money in a few years.

>> No.54124086

if you're not gleefully awaiting brown genocide then you're not human

>> No.54124098

>offer all African American families a free plane/boat ticket to Africa
>if accepted they will also receive enough money to live there like kings, which would realistically only be another few thousand dollars, considering the average income in many African nations is around $500/year or some shit
>otherwise, you may accept the current nominal value for the ticket once a year for the next some odd generations.

>> No.54124101

you could gift them $50 million each, exempt them from taxes for life, guarantee free college for their children, and weight their votes in every election 3x in perpetuity and in 25 years they'd still be disproportionately represented in prison populations, overwhelmingly impoverished, and complaining about systemic racism and police violence

yes i know you were joking

>> No.54124109

Name one, my nigger

>> No.54124111

Nice, I can get behind that

>> No.54124125

A war zone. There wouldn't be enough resources and the money would become useless.

>> No.54124127

Short SF
long LVMH

>> No.54124133

Evanston, Illinois

>> No.54124140

fuck i wish i held my Foot Locker and rent a center shares. FUCK

>> No.54124142
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Put it on the tab

>> No.54124180

Even after making niggers the new rock stars, sexualising them in porn and on TV, and splashing race mixing propaganda in every magazine, white women still aren’t breeding their race out of existence yet.
The Jew thinks that if they make this generation of blacks millionaires then the white race will disappear forever.

>> No.54124181

blacks getting money means this white man is getting more ammo and plate.

>> No.54124182

Chicken and watermelon deliver.
Cap: TAX

>> No.54124193

Are you kidding me? What would the neighborhood look like?

Week 1: Partying and Rejoice
Week 2: Widespread Conflict
Week 3: Hourly Muders, Rapes, and Robberies
Week 4: Black Communities Quarantined To Save The Rest of Humanity from the Black Virus
Week 5: Black Communities Erased
Week 5: Walmart Purchases Land at Extreme Low Prices as No One Wants to Touch It

>> No.54124200
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Time to buy PM's

>> No.54124205

retard bait, just like student loans

>> No.54124207

>Evanston, Illinois
>The system prevented most African-American families from building up generational wealth. Evanston's reparations take the form of grants of $25,000 which can only be used for house repairs, to pay down a mortgage, or as a down payment on a house
As stupid as reparations are atleast this is a million times more sustainable than all the other stupid shit people have been coming up with.
And it actually address their complaints of generational wealth being the issue... Despite historically before the civil rights movie black families were far stronger and they actually owned more properties.

>> No.54124223

as a white person, we need to find out a way to radicalize asians to hate blacks as much as we do and do something about it. asians seem alright to me.

>> No.54124226

That's a stretch. Those payments went to niggers who lived in Evanston prior to 1969 (and were thus relegated to live in the nigger part of town). They aren't just handing out cash to anyone
I'll concede the point though

>> No.54124230

They already do.

>> No.54124234

start buying web domains like bussinhoes.com and gayblackbusiness.com and resell at 5000% markup

>> No.54124282

civil discussion here lads, I approve. keep it going. maybe we can figure out a legal loophole to actually take cash from blacks now. that would be based. reprerations for having to live next to them for 50 years.

>> No.54124480

Jesus Christ.
Imagine being a black person and it all finally comes down. How slavery killed nearly 620,000 Americans due to the civil war, how they've been cared after and money sank into them day after day, year after year for absolutely no benefit to America or Americans. How all they do is take taxes and then finally California hits them for a $5,000,000 bill per black person.
I'm so glad I'm not a worthless, useless leach who only thinks about killing people and robbing people and killing babies and raping women and killing women.
But it's about time blacks paid humans back for their rampaging destruction of everything they touch.

>> No.54124515

>Move to SF
>Claim you're black
>Prove it with .1% sub Saharan DNA because 23 and me loves to do that
>Get your money

>> No.54124517

literally everyone sees niggers as fundamentally inferior.
the difference between realists and leftists is that leftists think giving them undeserved benefits will somehow make them human, and the realists know it won't.

>> No.54124552

Isn't there a federal reserve branch in san francisco? Maybe they know how bad inflation will actually be and consider this will only matter for a year.

>> No.54124610
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>be native
>see this

>> No.54124623

That poor Italian man

>> No.54124705


Racism rots your brain

>> No.54124735

>So have they said we're this money is gonna come from?
They could settle their suit with Musk and pay this.

>> No.54124944

Checked. If it goes through, unironically selling cadillacs, shoes, jewelry, drugs, night clubs, etc. They would ALL be broke within a fucking year, and it would somehow be the predatory white mans fault. Anyone who doesnt see this truth yet is a fucking idiot

>> No.54124976

Prove racism wrong retard. Did you know even the word racism is a relatively new concept? Prove the FBI crime statistics and African stone age mindset wrong

>> No.54125030

Imagine the time of slave trade - this shit happened, when it was time of great pirates. Reparations for something that happened, when Blackbeard ruled the seas.

>> No.54125035
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Unironically, every race that is not white hates blacks. You need to take a good look at the mirror whities

>> No.54125036

I will move to the US if this happens

>> No.54125077

Something about internalised racism making them believe they deserve to be poor

>> No.54125166

>breed majority race out by tricking them into breeding with minority race

>> No.54125218

okay so what happens when we (the whites I don't respect) just get with the program and start openly making black lives difficult?

>> No.54125224


>> No.54125254

>Well they wouldn't have to rob eachother
Rich black neighborhoods have higher levels of crime than the poorest white neighborhoods. Just because they don't "have to" doesn't mean they won't.

>> No.54125417

Add 10% reparation tax to white peoples income

>> No.54125457

i have distant cousins like this, blond hair blue eyes, but they are like 1/64 native american and registered in the tribe, they have gibs out the wazoo and both went to ivy league schools for nothing

>> No.54125464

Do nothing, California becomes a nigger containment zone, we annex Mexico and ship Chinese goods through there. We all prosper by supporting this bill

>> No.54125486

AI is getting good god damn

>> No.54125739
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They should base how much money is received by how dark skinned they are to incentivize them into selectively breeding themselves vantablack as a joke

>> No.54125782

Man we shouldn't have had this problem.
The American border was supposed to go to the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula.
You know how much fucking easier it would have been to build a wall?
Plus USA would have had some quasi-tropical land, and about 7 more states.
The Cuban Missile Crisis would have been a hell of a lot cooler too.
From my understanding after the American-Mexican War that's what was supposed to happen the the lawyer they sent to negotiate peace cocked it up.

>> No.54125825

you haven't been near them much have you
they just do things
they don't even know why

>> No.54125836

Dubs of truth

>> No.54125911

They should be forced to live there

>> No.54125944

>$5M per person
by the time they get paid, housing will cost at least $10M. Kek.

>> No.54125949

>I fucked a black hooker, where's my gibby

>> No.54125979

Unironically education. No one seems to realize that scholarly credentials have almost no effect on employment prospects, particularly for black people... But you can still sell that promise and make bank.

>> No.54126017

They are

>> No.54126121

KFC, McDonald’s, Newport, Hennessy, Nissan, koolaide, robotussin, Glock
Gold, chickens, watermelon, human hair, baking soda, bullets
Doge, XRP, shiba

>> No.54126385

resell fake jordans, liquor and long popeyes

>> No.54126447

Paint your face black and start making baboon noises

>> No.54126464

Bullshit, asian and hispanic men and women all still pretty much uniformly vote democrat. Cubans seem to be the only nonwhites with any diversity in their voting behaviors. They're all easily swayed by identity politics and will always vote for the more anti white party even if it's widely against their interests to have trannies fondling their daughters. They don't give a fuck, they hate white people that much, most of them. Largely extremely insecure and easy to manipulate.

The only solution is to start a new country.

>> No.54126514
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too late, the colonization is almost complete

thanks for letting us how FRICKIN CHEAP AND WHOLESOME your states were all these years online, faggots

>> No.54126525

they all vote for their own interest and local corruption, dum dum
they could care less about the democratic plantation catering to other races

>> No.54126541

>no slap yo momma seasoning
>no Tony’s sacheres

Sheeeet negros!

>> No.54127154

DEO (crown royal)
VFC (timberlands)
would say AAPL but they're in that area so they'll probably pay what they make back

>> No.54127181
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>tfw this creates two classes of nigger
>broke niggers
>broke niggers who briefly had $5 million before immediately blowing it all on stupid shit

>> No.54127205

you can't, Rob. You're white.

>> No.54127234

Whatever let's you sleep at night, pinky.

>> No.54127312


>> No.54127986

invest in whatever gun companies have their newest models listed on the CA gun roster, moving services, storage companies, and any business space owners based in Texas.

>> No.54128815 [DELETED] 
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yeah theres gotta be a reason that trump couldnt carry the asian vote in 2020

>> No.54128841

Just print it duh

>> No.54128843

white supremacucks btfo

>> No.54128852

I don't understand. Where is the money for these types of local programs supposed to come from? This isn't the fed with a money printer. Its state and local municipality bullshit. What is their actual plan here?

>> No.54128855

In sure Zelensky can spare some money for the blacks

>> No.54128868

Everyone forgets Trump offered them 500 billion in reparations, but he didn't have a chance to dish it out.

>> No.54128876

>homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.

Why a dollar? Why not free? What is the purpose of the dollar?

>> No.54128891
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>as a white person
Nice try, Chang.

>> No.54128907

Ayo I don't want your hand outs cracka we buy for the reparation price because das respect.

>> No.54128910

Depends, here in LA basin most of the asians I know vote red (not that it makes a difference, conservatives in california might as well not have an opinion with how it works here).

>> No.54128916
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The funny thing is that they explicitly said that even if these terms were met, it still wouldn't be enough to get them to stop bitching about slavery.

>> No.54128925

mana from the heavens

>> No.54128977
File: 94 KB, 1135x420, Cheryl-Grills-State-of-CA-Facebook-Cover-pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of paying compensation for slavery has gained traction across cities and universities. In 2020, California became the first state to form a reparations task force and is still struggling to put a price tag on what is owed.
Damn I guess all those white girls will now go with the black men who will be driving all these fancy cars and be taking them out to dates while you slave away and pay taxes to fund this shit BWHAHAHHAH
Meanwhile Americans have trillions debt.
>dude just give every black person $5M, it will be fun

32And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. 33And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

>> No.54129026
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Where does your money come from now?
All it will do is add to this other number. Other than that.. Basically nothing changes

>> No.54129091
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>So have they said we're this money is gonna come from?
>I'm really interested to know where these funds are gonna be raised from.


>> No.54129769

practice lockpicking, when the blacks are at the club, break into their homes and steal their gold chains and sheit

when they get back they'll be drunk and high on sizzurp and crossfaded, even if you get a gunfight with them in this state they won't be able to hit you, melt down your newfound jewelry

>> No.54129788

retarded cracker >>54123498
>and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.

>> No.54129796

there will always be their dogs and drugged out baby mamas at home.

>> No.54129806
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>Trump ran in '96

>> No.54129822

>asians seem alright to me.

>> No.54130059

antifreeze steaks and a 300 blackout

>> No.54130157

>san francisco
>literally more white and chinese people shanghaid into ships than niggers even living there prior to the 1920s

>> No.54130159

>So have they said we're this money is gonna come from?

Nigger, where does it always come from? BRRRRRRRRR

>> No.54130183

Boot polish and watermelon. Self-Id and anyone who says you aint a brotha' be a racist cracker

>> No.54130226

Blacks flood in and everyone else aside from the tweakers flood out. City will be destroyed in record time, if it isn't considered that way already. They should also lose any state and federal funding, even if they're using other programs to fund it, it's still indirectly going towards this racist bs.

>> No.54130248

It comes down to how they will prove someone is black. Contrary to popular belief, there's no nigger registry if you don't count jail booking records. Someone could claim they're black, forge DNA tests, or straight up pull a Rachel Dolezal. If they're doling it out, I'm gonna get my fucking cut too, nigga.

>> No.54130297

It should be based on personal identification on gov't documents for 10 years prior, with annual payouts. So after 10 years, America will be a black country.

>> No.54131102

Anon, each black will get $5mm.