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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 800x533, Man holding bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54094913 No.54094913 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54095062

It's garbage. Still good to trade and make some gains here and there, but no longer an effective get rich quick scheme for anyone who hasn't by now.

>> No.54095152

I'm waiting for the Shibarium bullrun desu

>> No.54095177

what’s the new way of getting rich? I always had doubts on crypto

>> No.54095183

yeah basically. there are some occasional plays that can do decent if you get in early but yeah not the same way it was during covid

kennel bro?

>> No.54095239
File: 100 KB, 1554x848, 4chan-albert-josea54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptos is a scam bitcoin s are based on no value. Monopoly money for nazis biz board was better before crypto

>> No.54095254

I meant it's a'ight

>> No.54095328

apparently creating shill threads on biz, switching ids to trick anons into believing there is any momentum and then stealing their $50

>> No.54095389
File: 483 KB, 2530x997, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /pol/ still holding worthless shiny rocks?

>> No.54095405

central bank is going to take it over eventually and when it does i'll be holding bags

>> No.54095465

not him but his biggest fan
made a nice lil sum back in 2021, now patiently waiting with freshly loaded doggy bags

>> No.54095474

>talks about crypto
>shows an image of a gold coin
why is this?

>> No.54095516

Some people call Bitcoin "digital gold."

>> No.54095523

I missed kennel. In nano caps like shiAI, Shimask and anything else that comes along.
I think Shibarium will pump everything like crazy. Betting on it

>> No.54095564

basically everyone here, is here for crypto. there are some outliers like
>meme stock generals
>stock market generals
>random financial advice requests

>> No.54095594

Get in Steak for a sub 250k mcap and I think DogPad might for a second run if you want something in the millions.

>> No.54095624

well then why not hold a little plastic computer token shaped as a gold coin?

>> No.54095893

Ok I bite.
What is biz opinion on ANKR? Announced partnership with microsoft.

>> No.54095955

No, but holding rocks would certainly be preferable to digital magic beans that have an intrinsic value of nothing, solve nothing, are backed by nothing, and that can't even be physically held.

>> No.54096465

Dope as fuck. The only place where you can have self-custody of your funds.

>> No.54096502

It has a lot of uses like privacy of transactions and self custody.

>> No.54096559

Not bad, It's a bit one, got a lot of promise like ORE.

>> No.54096859

wtf is this?

>> No.54097011

Fucking DiD you retard.

>> No.54097035


>> No.54097045
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1632764054886s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haircomb has always been the only safe bet since bitcoin price will fluctuate wildly until quantum computing stomps it dead

>> No.54097125

Bagged this on MEXC. waiting for that pump.

>> No.54097158

only BTC and XMR matter

everything else is garbage