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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54094462 No.54094462 [Reply] [Original]

they better NOT hecking SOCIALIZE the LOSSES

>> No.54094482

Socializing losses and keeping profits private is Chad behavior. Proud of this country.

>> No.54094492

They need to protect diversity and high paid jobs at the banks, chud. Don't you want equity for women?

>> No.54094521
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You WILL bail out the 1% chud and you WILL not complain

>> No.54095253

They never think about working hard and getting to a position where they would benefit from said socialized losses. It's only just complain, complain, complain.

>> No.54095589

Except profits aren't even kept private. The amount of taxes corporations pay is absurd, and yes I'm including companies that are exempt from income tax. Your payroll tax alone is enough socializing of profits.

>> No.54095655

>t. poorfag sucking on some boots

>> No.54095681

>corporations don't pay tax but you do out of your paycheck and that's enough

>> No.54095832

I have no idea what people are even talking about. Are they saying to bail out the unfortunate people who had deposits in the bank exceeding FDIC insurance or the stockholders in the company? They can't bail out the company itself because its reputation is toast; selling it makes far more sense. Are they even talking about bailing out a specific group of people, or is this just more post-2008 politically-motivating sperging out and pretending to know about economics because you're using a couple buzzwords?

Corporations are literally taxed twice. First at the entity level, and then when those profits are given to shareholders they pay taxes on it too. It's actually recommended to avoid forming a corporation for as long as possible just to avoid this double-taxation. The fact that corporations pay taxes at all doesn't make sense, yet the U.S. has a higher than average corporate tax rate.

>> No.54095877

Those aren't people with 250k+ at a silicon valley bank, those are companies. And they're all getting bailed out.

>> No.54095936

>the U.S. has a higher than average corporate tax rate.

>The U.S. corporate was slashed from 40%—the second highest in the world as of 2017—to 21% in 2018 after the passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). This is below the global corporate tax rate average of 23.79%.
ok so, why are you lying
no really, i want to know

>> No.54096233

If they're depositors, it makes sense to provide them security, otherwise people will lose trust in the banking system as a whole. Hopefully the government doesn't let meme-politics undermine the economy.

21% is just federal taxes. It's 25% if you include state taxes. Although it's nice to see that other countries have gotten a clue and lowered theirs. I wouldn't have called us above average if I knew we were only 1.7% higher.

>> No.54097263

they already did socialise the losses onto the poor its American capitalism.

When the profits come in though, they will increase the taxes on the middle class and say its to help society build roads and BLM concentration camps.

LMFAO imagine still using the USD at this point.

>> No.54097517

Jews are not chads, they are satanic evil duckers that have ruined everything good on this planet and they will pay with dire consequences for their actions

>> No.54097573

In capitalist America, the banks run on you.