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54094429 No.54094429 [Reply] [Original]

What if the CPI numbers come in hot tomorrow...?

>> No.54094456

It don't matter, if they hike rates any more the turbo Jews will lose money. They would never throw the turbo Jews under the bus when they can just punish the goyim cattle with inflation

>> No.54094484
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The CPI numbers come out tomorrow?

>> No.54094526

Child Porn Index?

>> No.54094535
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Oy gevalt. This country is facing economic meltdown and the antisemitism. Time to take the wife and yidkids back to teh holyland ehehehe

>> No.54094650

It won't matter. It's now clear that a recession is unavoidable.
Anyone still obsessing about CPI and hoping for a pivot to pump their bags is in for a disappointment. That time has passed.

>> No.54094700
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doesn't matter anymore, total fiat death is in progress and the bitcoinization of the world economy is out of control of the feds at this point.

>> No.54094716

why cant i unselect this pepe. how annoying

>> No.54095160

Banking system is already showing signs of systemic failure and weren't not even at 5% rate yet. This is not sustainable.

Inflation is much less deadly than a liquidity crisis.

>> No.54095180

we pump

>> No.54095417

they will continue to hike rates until inflation is over or the economy can't take it anymore. the economy can take more, the rate hikes will continue. jpow has been very clear about all of this.

>> No.54095433
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>why cant i unselect this pepe. how annoying
kek fucking this

>> No.54095475

the banking system won't collapse from more raised rates. they're bluffing, its a game of chicken and jpow can call their bluff. some banks will fall and the easily excited will have a fit but a total system collapse is a bit overdramatic. inflation isnt under control yet, the rate hikes will continue

>> No.54095493

I could be mistaken but CPI is a lagging indicator. Inflation news is much more significant as it is a leading indicator if I am not mistake.

>> No.54096303
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It will.

Nothing has changed, get ready for the MELTDOWN

>> No.54096360

This is what I've always believed but they may find that protecting the petrodollar is more important than meaningless financialization jobs for finance bros. There will always be a place for the big banks to slurp up federal reserve $ but I wouldn't be that shocked if smaller banks get rugged a bit

>> No.54096412

We are proper fucked, ain’t we?

>> No.54096461

For me the real black swan is a hawkish fed, everyone is waiting for a pivot, yet the nasdaq and sp500 are green today, they doesnt care about the banking sector dying, CBDCs will replace it

>> No.54096636

Powell is going to come out and make it clear that the bank runs were flukes and have nothing to do with his mission. If he admitted that rate hikes were breaking the financial system there would be total panic.

>> No.54096732

If nothing has changed, or CPI comes in hotter than a freshly baked pizza, then rates are likely going up.