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54083140 No.54083140 [Reply] [Original]

Someone already predicted this 2 years ago that the world will default on its debt, due to the financial outliers in the bond market, including GME and that the US will lose its position on the global stage.

While the SEC already put out rulings back in February 2021 to pave the way for a mass sell-off of securities, discounting the securities transaction fee as much as 75%.

Arguing that banks, hedge funds and short sellers will default as the bond market ravages them.


In light of the fallout of Silicon Valley Bank SVB / SVIB & Signature bank it feels like we are not far from the last steps as we are ramping up the conflict with Russia and now even China.

But don't hear it from me - Rep Tony Gonzales says it himself that:


And I do not think that we can sustain the expenditure for 2, if we already depleted our reserves in Ukraine, while they end up on the black market.

Eggs may be the new gold soon or GME, if Anon is correct

>> No.54083181
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>> No.54083247
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>> No.54083303

Fucking pay me hedgies.
God damn rat kikes.
Also, what's the make it stack these days for gme?

>> No.54083355

Our position on the world stage is bought via aircraft carrier and the ability to project force. China is getting closer to being able to challenge us, but they are still half a decade away. How long does China's economy survive if the US eats shit? Five years? No fucking way.

>> No.54083441

is it too late to get rich off this?

>> No.54083453

Apparently bullet swaps from Archegos times will expires each day from now until the 25th in the billions. With Credit Suisse holding the majority of it.

Maybe on the world stage, but not in the asian sea, it is the reason why even South Korea is considering building their own nuclear weaponary, including Japan, since China recently overtook US in naval force in that area.

>> No.54083493

>force is measured in fleet size

>> No.54083525


GME was a squeeze play, but the company turned their business around with no debt.

So I think, even if GME does not squeeze, that it is a solid longterm play, besides million people worldwide are holding their shares with that believe, going so far to get physical certificates for their shares and to register them in their name to remove them from the DTC to prove that more shares exist than were issued by the company.

So if your money is not in a bank account anyways, you may considering buying at least a few in the hopes that it squeezes.

>> No.54083545

Did you guys squeezle? Haven’t checked your general in like a year

>> No.54083634


The problem is that the US will face hypersonic missles from China's homeland with the distraction/aid from Russia in the form of energy as everything become more expensive for us in the US, which none can defend against at this point in time.

Geo-politically, no one can fire nuclear weaponary and the reserves for US ammunition are severly depleted.

It may have been in concert with russia or negligence of the US, but this is hightime for China, since the US is ravaged by inflation, scarce energy and uprisings due to the default of the banking sector

>> No.54083691


It is a long process to prove that we own the float.
The last time we squeezed it coincided with the Fed's lending facility being down, due to a technical issue, so we assume that someone is borrowing money in heaps from the Fed, but once the market crashes and all liquidity dies up, that GME will go past any limit

>> No.54083716

For what it is worth, I agree. There is a very good chance China can cripple a US counter-offensive by just bombing regional bases and then sabotaging critical infrastructure in the US, sparking more turmoil and unrest. This all relies on not going too far to push the US into an all-out conventional retaliation, but three gorges is gone the second a missile hits a US base. And this is all assuming China's missiles aren't complete bullshit.

>> No.54083750

So buy GME today or nah?

>> No.54083809

It'll follow the market until entities who are heavily short on it go insolvent and get liquidated. I'd wait.

>> No.54083815


You have to decide for yourself anon.
Best not to blindly trust strangers on the internet

>> No.54083894

>Best not to blindly trust strangers on the internet
I'm a retard when it comes to stocks, i have to.

>be me
>extra cash
>decide not to spend on rando stuff
>wanna buy stock
>see GME still a thing

I tarded, idk what do or why work i just wan moonie

>> No.54083928


I hope you don’t get priced out anon

>> No.54084067
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So anyway, the very prime broker & bank Credit Suisse, who provided Archegos with bullet swaps to short GME, hit its all time high for its Credit default swaps today.

Cheers everyone

>> No.54084493
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First Bank down 60% in real-time

>> No.54084676
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I just put in a order for a shit ton of GME


What level of pink wojak am i going to hit today? Or will i hit smug comfy pepe?? Plz help anons

>> No.54084765
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>> No.54085353
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the last bullet swap of Credit Suisse matures 25th of March.

Expect to hold at least until 14th of April, at which point I do not think that CS can extend it any further.

From CS' all time high in 2008 of $80, they lost another 15% today, hitting their all time low.

Maybe it is bias, but the swap expiration from 2 years ago is finally maturing and we are seeing utter chaos in the markets - from bank defaults to countries defaulting.

We all hold for life-changing money.
So don't worry too much, we are here since 2-3 years now and none of us gave up.

>> No.54085464

kek dumb fuck baggies

>> No.54085550

>Maybe it is bias
I will hold, this was money i was going to end up wasting anyway. Decided to try and make money with it. Thank you anon.

>> No.54085595

The US should have put laser platforms in orbit under the guise of cleaning up space junk. But also with anti missile software. Too late now.

>> No.54086279

make it stack is 1k

>> No.54086467

We don't know because we have no idea how many synthetic shares exist. Ideally you want non-trivial a percentage of that, but it could be 500 million or 5 billion or w/e, which changes the prospects of an XX XXX or XXXX stack considerably.

>> No.54086675

>What is the JSDF?
China is also barely holding together, sociopolitically. They have a lot more people to Zerg rush a government administration that's not much bigger than the US's, if need be. Further, thanks to the infusion of Redneckism in non-Southern states, and particular rural areas in the North and Midwest, America is at a much lower risk of balkanization (though a comparatively greater risk of ethnic cleansing, which would jeopardize important ties with international allies). You can hack huge chunks of China off the block relatively easily if the system collapses; B&R only does so much for national unity.

If they were really in a superior position, they would have taken back Taiwan by now.

>> No.54086767
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>tfw MOASS

>> No.54086842

"Since 2005, (1) world oil supply has not increased, and (2) the world has undergone its most severe economic crisis since the Depression. In this paper, logical arguments and direct evidence are presented suggesting that a reduction in oil supply can be expected to reduce the ability of economies to use debt for leverage. The expected impact of reduced oil supply combined with this reduced leverage is similar to the actual impact of the 2008–2009 recession in OECD countries. If world oil supply should continue to remain generally flat, there appears to be a significant possibility that oil consumption in OECD countries will continue to decline, as emerging markets consume a greater share of the total oil that is available. If this should happen, based on these findings we can expect a continuing financial crisis similar to the 2008–2009 recession including significant debt defaults. The financial crisis may eventually worsen, to resemble a collapse situation as described by Joseph Tainter in The Collapse of Complex Societies (1990) or an adverse decline situation similar to adverse scenarios foreseen by Donella Meadows in Limits to Growth (1972)."


>> No.54087851


China was and is still preparing for the invasion of Taiwan, which is why they are buying gold to hedge for any sanctions from the US, including the diplomatic relationships with Iran, Brazil, Russia, Egypt and even Mexico, which is why just today the US proclaimed under the disguise of hunting down drug cartels that there should be US military presence in Mexico, quite likely in response of Mexico stating that they would like to built business relationships with China.

Add to this that China has home advantage with its resources and missiles being already present, that the US would fight a very expensive conflict, at a time when they already struggle financially

>> No.54088791
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I hold 4 her