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54081221 No.54081221 [Reply] [Original]

Silicon Valley Bank
Signature Bank all collapsing.
Remember it’s not your key it not your money, it high time we embrace crypto payment

>> No.54081231

XMR is going to megapump HOLY FUCKING SHIT

>> No.54081611

Who told you that? Crypto will never replace the banks

>> No.54081827
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Crypto would have solved all these. Inflation and increasing rates led to it

>> No.54081863
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Unfortunately all the Exchange bamboozling this year has driven a stake into the shaky confidence of the financial industry in Crypto.

Now everyone is convinced it's all fraud and scams again. So it's over before it really ever began. Turns out Blockchain is just traditional digital banking with 100x the fraud and no regulatory protection. No appeal whatsoever.

>> No.54082263

What happened to SVB again? Was that also because of crypto? Nitwits will always have a bad to say about crypto which is nothing but the solution

>> No.54082443

>No appeal whatsoever
For sure you got bailed by the govt. right????

>> No.54082736
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It is time for countries to follow the footsteps of El Salvador or this will continue

>> No.54082944
File: 35 KB, 749x409, images - 2022-09-19T155922.365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better to adopt web3 payments and so we not regret later. That's the future and it's happening already.

>> No.54082989

It's pure BS. Crypto is just a fucking scam.
Fuck off maaki

>> No.54083050

Wake up boomer the world is accepting crypto as payments these days. Soon both crypto and fiat payments can be done under one roof in any universe. So get real.

>> No.54083125

> USDC depeg
> Signature Bank collapsed

Fuck just a matter of time
>Crypto will vaporize

>> No.54083167

it was over in 2014 when kikestream took over BTC development and intentionally crippled its functionality as a currency

you think youre smart, but youre actually a retard

>> No.54083234

Shit happens
But the adoption of crypto never stopped LuganoPlanB is the perfect example if you ask me. This year a web3 payment processor will be supporting them.

>> No.54083281

The Feds should stop listening to Gary Gensler and adopt crypto like some countries and see the difference

>> No.54083398
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It is a pity that you think like this. I know many merchants that are accepting crypto payment courtesy of cronos, bitpay, utrust and some other web3 payment

>> No.54083575

Exactly. With crypto there's no inflation but deflation and better economic outcome

>> No.54083611
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Faggot why is Tesla, Nikola Brussels, Alternative Airlines and host of others accepting it then? You must be joking

>> No.54083626

Yes I am excited for xMoney desu. Payments in any universe in our finger tips man that's a one stop solution.

>> No.54083652

Agreed. With traditional banks failing left and right, it's becoming more and more clear that the future of finance is decentralized.

>> No.54083663

Only BTC and you are SAFU

>> No.54083711
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I'm relatively new to the crypto scene, but I've been doing some research and I'm really excited about the potential of this technology.

Also, I keep hearing the phrase "not your keys, not your money" being thrown around. Can someone explain this concept to me and why it's so important?

>> No.54083921

Not your keys not your money. I'll rather save my money in XExchange where I'm participating in the onchain staking of Utrust than use the bank. DeFi is the best choice

>> No.54084091

See web3 is basically financial freedom. You can own your money and spend it as you wish from any part of the world. This is convenience. Keep up dyor and you will be just fine.

>> No.54084140

There are other strategies too like Metastaking, and metabonding. And soon the token burn will also join the party.

>> No.54084176

Not only them even Gucci, Sacoor Brothers, Whales of Watches accepts crypto as payments. This is really simple and economical. Few clicks and shopping done.

>> No.54084241

It's good to play SAFU with BTC only if you have huge funds. With the market near its bottom, I prefer the degen ways by playing with low caps.

>> No.54084251
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Well said anon. Best to embrace crypto and let go of fiat.
You name it you can buy it cars, properties, tokenized assets, crypto, NFTs, groceries, flight tickets. Basically anything from any where. Even on metaverse desu this is interesting, fun, comfortable and accessible.

>> No.54084267


Not your keys refers to crypto not being owned by you if it's on an exchange. To own your crypto, it should be stored in a device such as a Nano Ledger S or Trezor

>> No.54084348

>Yes I am excited for xMoney desu
Ikr, Seeing it on MultiverseX solidifies my stand that this blockchain is underrated as lots many amazing projects are building on it to provide solutions that cut across gaming, crypto payment, payment, and so on.

>> No.54084579
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The flexibility and utility of crypto is what I enjoy most as it's not just about making money - I also love the innovative technology behind crypto and the possibilities it opens up for the future of finance. One example of this is the use of stablecoins for online payments, which is an absolutely amazing concept in my opinion.

>> No.54084611

You forgot to mention the cashback. That's an easy reward IMO.

>> No.54084626

Bro, some people will never learn. Majority of newbies are holding their assets on CEXs. Kucoin is next

>> No.54085446


>> No.54085513

Crypto goes up when legacy investors lose match point with the product

>> No.54085610

>inflation is transitory
>the banking system is safe
Well which one is it

>> No.54085677
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Bro, you're preaching to the choir! The Feds need to stop dragging their feet and start embracing the crypto revolution ASAP. Look at all the countries that have already done so - they're lightyears ahead of us in terms of innovation and financial freedom.

But you know how it is, man. The Feds are always gonna be slow to catch up to the latest trends and tech. It's up to us to keep pushing and advocating for crypto adoption until they finally get on board.

In the meantime, though, we're gonna keep making bank off of these sweet crypto gains. They can try to hold us back, but they can't stop the future, baby!

>> No.54085788
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It's crazy to think about how many big-name brands and companies are starting to accept crypto as payment. It really goes to show just how mainstream and accepted this technology is becoming.

And you're right, the convenience of using crypto for payments is really unbeatable.

>> No.54086302

CEXs are often more convenient and user-friendly, but they come with their own risks

>> No.54086699

I started paying with crypto through Utrust since Paypal messed up last year, now with Banks falling apart Just made me happy I made the right decision

>> No.54086978

FEDs are targeting crypto-friendly banks

>> No.54087163

Stfu, If it is a scam why did El Salvador adopt it as a legal tender, and why did Lugano one of the big cities in Switzerland do the same thing too, crypto is here to stay

>> No.54087413
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Newfeg got get useful and dont be a lazyass as Web3payment gateway makes is so juicy with a processing fee of 1% compared to other traditional payment platforms.

>> No.54087828

I woke up to see USDC turned into a meme coin, what a year to be alive

>> No.54088031

Staking is the best way to earn passive income, I stake UTK too alongside EGLD

>> No.54088185

Go bury you head in shame and get useful faggot as as i can pay with any major digital currency and enjoy faster, cheaper, and easier transactions. Plus, soon I can use xMoney to buy anything I want in any universe. This is the future anon

>> No.54088313

Just a matter of time before I stick my dick up your ass

>> No.54088374
File: 9 KB, 249x202, gtnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one anon that platform get me so horny, It's truly amazing seeing how well established the Portuguese Web3 ecosystem is! These companies are transforming and normalising the crypto narrative in europe,

>> No.54088465

Even real estate industries like Kensington and zoom accepts crypto payment, the large institutions are beginning to see the real use case

>> No.54088618

Go get useful dickhead as Cryptocurrency prices increased following the joint statements release. Bitcoin and Ethereum had risen 7.2% and 8.2% over the past day don't be a lazyfags

>> No.54088799
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Sounds good anon as yoy make make some nice pussy gains there, For now, by reverse staking in the Hold app, I can get up to 1.5% cashback, but soon I can get up to 5% cashback with xPortal,

>> No.54089011
File: 131 KB, 640x640, 64E24AB5-0B9B-46FE-9F0E-C018D78873C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least organic thread that mirrors the doggy shitcoins, you all talk like some Indian infomercial.

>> No.54089307
File: 7 KB, 287x175, okvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon as web3payments services is now accepted in Lugano Switzerland and other countries like the US market crypto payments us the future anon.

>> No.54090134

IMO the greatest benefit of crypto payments is the limitless, free cross-border transactions.

>> No.54090251
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Go hide your head in shame as you can earn more with passive income and staking on xExchangeApp and seamlessly earn at least APY of 25% to 35%.don't die rekt anon

>> No.54090406
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Yea anon and web3payments gateway makes it so freaky sexy ad I can now shop book my flight ticket book my hotel reservation and even buy the latest iPhone 14 pro max, and Pay with crypto using one of the web3payments services

>> No.54090438
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Hello newfren
>not your keys, not your money
This means that if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
Money in the bank is not yours. It's the bank's.
Funds on the exchange are not yours. It's the exchange's.
Shiny boomer rocks in a vault are not yours. They are the vault's.
These are all claims on wealth. In normal times, the claim is usually redeemable. In shitstorm of biblical proportions times, the redeemability is more dubious.
See: Bank runs, stable coins depegging, theft through inflation, track record of all fiat currencies failing, etc.

>> No.54090476
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BTC back to 24K

>> No.54090505

You retard dick go get some real pussy gains as GSD DAO just lunch it governance token were can earn in GOLD don't die posting shitty quotes

>> No.54090682

Banks run on debt, know this and know peace, the only money that is truly yours is BTC, and that's why the Gov hates it so much and even came up with the idea of CBDC which is total BS, Kudos to a city like Lugano who now accepts BTC as payment and countries like El Salvador

>> No.54090696
File: 6 KB, 224x224, xcvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the bulls coming again time to get my ass spank with some nice pussy as Web3payment gateway makes it so cooooool as I can now get cashbacks when I stake it on Maiar Exchange.

>> No.54091059

You right fags There are a lot of advantages using crypto for crypto payments.cashback for UTK staking participants, impressive number of merchants that accepting Crypto payments directly in BTC ETH

>> No.54091121

The dip is coming back from some nice pussy gains as it will bring some nice juicy experience soon when it hit it ATH

>> No.54091210

Denm defi is just the best way out of the danger of using cryptos can't allow some shit repeate itself anon

>> No.54091252

No but a safe at home could.

>> No.54091457
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Yea fag, Lugano adopted crypto payment through it, it's one of the crypto payment platforms that is fully pushing toward more crypto adoption. It's what I use for payment too and it delivers payment faster and even offers cashback.

>> No.54091500

I personally will choose crypto payment over anything, many will soon understand its benefits

>> No.54092287

Wait till the bull run starts, I plan to buy a Tesla with crypto from Nikola Brussels

>> No.54092415


Earlier this year some military anon warned about a flase flag nuclear happening
Thread got censored in /biz/