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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54065214 No.54065214 [Reply] [Original]

itt we discuss the how-tos to push the total collapse of the jewish controlled financial system, through which they have utilizied for their enslavement of mankind.

as you may have known, the keypoint to the jews power structure revolves around fractional banking.
>banking 101 for dummies: fractional banking means they actually only have a fraction of what they said they have, because they trust that the npcs would not pull out all of the deposited money as once.
>kikery 101 for dummies: so where did the money go? to devilish schemes of course. eg: funding jewish movie directors to make degenerate films glorifying trannies, kid rapists and immigrants, funding a proxy war in eastern europe to kill off the native so they can build a new israel, or taking over the goyslop industry and put estrogen in your water, et cetera... anything that could help propping up the tribe and screwing over goyims

Alas, thanks the Lord they fuck up again and this time could be the last. Some normies can be believers, but judging from the spergy hivemind of /biz it is hard to believe we could redpill the npcs with one on one conversations. So the other options would be to accelerate this bankrun to biblical proportions and hope for the best.

Discuss /biz , what can we do? clog their phone support line? anonymously email our coworkers about the armageddon? post a manifesto on 4chan then minecraft some democrats?

>> No.54066636
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Illegal thread

>> No.54066685

Illegal to call for a bank run

>> No.54066707

I don't care

>> No.54066722
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>> No.54066734
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>> No.54066753

hurr durr its illegal to withdraw your money from your account
you should be guantamo'd for being so stupid

>> No.54066802

Just withdrawl money. The most antisemitic act you could do in your lifetime.

>> No.54067021

Have fun with the glowies. All your poats here are public.
Theyre gonna make the jan6 cucks look innocent compared to the example theyre gonna set with people who are fucking their financial system.
Fucking with peoples money is where a lot of lines are drawn

>> No.54067170

>Fucking with peoples money is where a lot of lines are drawn
which is why I am withdrawing all my money tomorrow

>> No.54067238
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hard cope lmao