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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54058446 No.54058446 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.54058448


>> No.54058454

>has to do one fucking job
>safekeep money
>fails to do so

remind me again why we didnt exterminate all jews already?

>> No.54058462


>> No.54058526

Delete this this is antisemitic

>> No.54058533

Stop shitting up every thread schizo

>> No.54058535
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>> No.54058551
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No, what happened?

>> No.54058647

You literally can't fail in banking can you+

>> No.54058657

If you do a shit job there's zero reason to tell your competition (present or future) about them doing a shit job.

>> No.54058660

Dumb phone poster

>> No.54058678

The entire C suite was former 2008 GFC Wall Street blowhards that jumped shipped and went over into tech. We live in the most kiked prison planet clown reality ever thought up. God either hates our fucking guts or has a twisted sense of humor.

>> No.54058718

It's like the normies have a deep aching desire between their legs to get fucked like a roastie whore. That's why it keeps happening.

>> No.54058800

If you're in the area you probabky will be able to get some awesome cheap office furniture soon.

>> No.54058809
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>has literally Gentile as surname
what the fuck

>> No.54058832

I remember a passage about Leham when one executive said maybe they shouldn't get bonuses since everything went to shit. He then got shat on by everyone.

>> No.54058850

it was never "your" money to begin with

>> No.54058867

True. It was literally borrowed from kikes kek

>> No.54058882
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Omg I just checked my crypto wallet all my coins are still there.

>> No.54058894

who print it out of thin air with the privately owned corporation deceptively named the federal reserve.

>> No.54058921

money is debt

>> No.54058924

is that nigga 40 or 8

>> No.54058961

>is that nigga 40 or 8

>> No.54058976

Uh oh you made the j@nn1£s mad.

>> No.54058990

>Joseph Gentile

>> No.54058993

Hahaha normies like being fucked. They literally enjoy being goyim

>> No.54059067
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Old fucking news, nigger.

>> No.54059075


>> No.54059091

Bankrun monday
Prepare ur anus kike

>> No.54059108
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honestly it's partly the people's fault, they deposit money at a bank, then some years later they take it out but it lost 10% of it's value because of inflation, then people whine, waaah waaah why is my losing value, bankman do something, then bankman says okay well we can invest the money you deposit and give some of the profits back to you so it counteracts inflation, people go yay thanks bankman, granted then bankman gets cocky and thinks, hehehe what if I also borrowed money on top of the deposits, then used both of them for investments, I'll get a lot of money and the goyim will get to keep their money too, a win win, but then if those investments go tits up then the goyim lose their deposits and get mad

>> No.54059111


What a bunch of retards.

>> No.54059145
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what happened to the sticky thread?

>> No.54059163

>the jew acts up
>this is the people’s fault for letting him do this
If you don’t remove a parasite it will keep being a parasite.

>> No.54059212
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it's the people asking them to do this though, if you want to start a bank where all you do is put physical bills of money in a safe and keep it there for a fee you can do that, but between that and a bank that says that they will also invest that money to counteract inflation on your money people will always choose the one that invests, because once people accumulate some wealth they don't want to lose that wealth and just keeping money is losing money

>> No.54059914

according to this account:
>Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank,
>executives sold a lot of their shares.

>> No.54061618

>you can do that
No you cant

>> No.54061629

jew detected. How much debt does a pile of gold coins in your hand contain?

>> No.54061662

>it's the people asking them to do this though
>granted then bankman gets cocky and thinks, hehehe what if I also borrowed money on top of the deposits
>this is all the goyims fault
This is why you need to be stopped before you can get off the planet

>> No.54061701

SVB securities is completely different from SVB retard.

>> No.54061726

>Joseph Gentile
>I'm just like you, goys

>> No.54062692
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oh no, some upper middle class retards lost their savings that where just collecting dust in a bank account

>> No.54062753
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Will we see this?

>> No.54062981

between this and the halal cart girl they have to be trolling this is an inside op

hilarious I guess? did we do this? is this Anonymous? whats the deal with the fucking halal cart

>> No.54063224

Bye-bye Wells Fargo

>> No.54063967


He exists in a state of superposition to time itself. He is deathless, ageless, both young and old and at the same time neither.