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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54056975 No.54056975 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54056988

Idiots. Time value of money. Gimme today.

>> No.54057006

I know it’s a bunch of teenagers voting on YouTube but Jesus Christ financial illiteracy is absolutely rampant

>> No.54057012

You only get 33% more for waiting 30 years? Yeah you could put the 10 million in bonds and make 5 million faster than waiting that amount of time

>> No.54057020
File: 229 KB, 600x685, 1660885307026459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fucking retards. how are people this dumb?

>> No.54057039
File: 112 KB, 1652x1012, 10mvs500k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average post-inflation stock market returns dwarfs it

>> No.54057045

>take 10 mil
>put in t bill that yield 6%
>make 600k

>> No.54057062

these are the people you're competing against
if you can't win against them you can't win against anyone

>> No.54057065

Assuming the motivation is lifelong financial stability, 5% return on that $10,000,000 is $500,000. You can literally have both.

>> No.54057075

No, they're just self aware. They know they'll waste the money and if you get the 500k a year and waste one year at least you can try again the next year to save some.

>> No.54057087

>all governments aren't going to implode in the next 30 years bananna republic style

You're a retard

>> No.54057091

The choices are too easy. What if it's $2mil today vs $500,000k a year for 30 years?

>> No.54057100

Wrong Im not competing against these subhumans Im actually subsidizing them

>> No.54057130

I have health issues that will kill me before 30, give me the 10 mil

>> No.54057142

In what apocalypse are a government's bonds worthless but not the dollars they issued?

>> No.54057145

only if you keep your assets in the old system
in which case you've been out-competed already

>> No.54057172

Thats the average intelligence of the NPC. They were taught to be poor and wageslaves.

>> No.54057182

>anon chooses the 10M
>fast-forward 2 years
>anon has lost everything and only has 50 bucks left on his bank account and bunch of dead shitcoins that will never bounce back
Now what?

>> No.54057185

I'd still say today. You can earn more than 15 million in 30 years starting out at 2mil

>> No.54057194

500k a year is actually a better choice for most people

Just look at those pro athletes or lottery winners thar go broke after a few years... a lot of people are really dumb with your money. With 500k a year, you can truly live care-free

>> No.54057209

A lot of people itt missing the decimal place.

>> No.54057462

>>54057194 Most people can't manage money

>> No.54057583


The best part is these people think they are being smart by taking the passive income lol

Zoomertards deserve to be poor

>> No.54057785

Yeah just put it all on chainlink

>> No.54057833

this. I have had conversations about the lottery, people telling me they will either waste it so quickly or that they would become extremely greedy if they won it
like, what??? you faggots are so aware and would still do it?? I will never understand but oh well.

>> No.54057868

LINK $1k end of 2053?

>> No.54057894

500k a year for 30 years is 15mil

10mil now youd need to be consistently hitting 2% growth on your portfolio. Thats assuming you took out no money for living expenses.

>> No.54057896

I'd take the 10 million and invest it all in real estate. Being a renter is the only safe investment. 10 million/ 100 000 for an appartment in a mid sized city (in France) = 100 appartments.
A 100k apartament in a medium sized ciry rents for around 500€. So 50k €/ month, even if I only get 50% of the value due to the half going poof in taxes, some problems with some renters, cost of administering, repair work etc it's still 25k/ month, or 300k / year + I still have a passive wealth in assets at around 10 million that only appreciates in value as time goes by.

>> No.54057905

>10mil vs 50mil
>500k a year safety net for doing fuck all
>implying I can't just reinvest the 500k into a plethora of assets and allow it to grow
>implying I couldn't make 10mil within the first 3 years with 1.5mil
people are trying to diss the latter, but you could get one of your colored friends to co-op a business with you, and have them get you a loan of 10mil by having them convince the lender they're doing some kind of POC business, and look you have 10mil.

>> No.54057917

I think I'd go with the 500k as I have like ~300k right now and I am feeling a large amount of fear, uncertainty, and doubt and do not want to invest in anything at all. This would be unchanged if I had $2m. At $10m I could actually buy a compound in New Zealand.

>> No.54057919

Real estate.

>> No.54057926

>what is inflation
based retard

>> No.54057952

This changed my mind

>> No.54057962

The 500k a year doesnt prevent you investing but also ensures you have a consistent income. /biz/tards will dump all 10mil then go back to living like bugmen peasants waiting on returns to payout.

>> No.54057985

See >>54057896
10 million in real estate + 300k/year beats 0 millions in anything + 500k/year.

>> No.54058062

Hes comparing two situations over the same time frame so inflation is accounted for, dipshit

>> No.54058095
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Absolute state of /biz/


>> No.54058161

>get 500k
>invest 300k
Its really not that hard

>> No.54058319

10 mill now, will buy a house, put 2 mill in the bank for 5% passive income, will buy like 5 mill worth of gold and use the rest for shitcoins/stocks

>> No.54058416

I’d chose the latter. I don’t want the head ache of having to manage 10m. It’s hard enough managing 6 figures. and 500k per year is enough that I could actually forget money entirely and focus only on things in life that are meaningful

>> No.54058689

Are you retarded?

>> No.54058724

Tbh this is actually the smarter option for most people. I, of course, could completely handle 10 mil and not lose it all in a series of bad decisions over the course of 2 years. Nobody else could, but I could.

>> No.54060430

>pick 10 mil today
>retire on 30th birthday
Why would I ever need more money than that?

>> No.54060460

>people think they can't make 2% ROI a year.

Ten million today, easy.

>> No.54060491

By the 30 year mark the money would be worth more like 200k a year. Which is still nice but it's not going to be 500k

This sort of thing is how kikes keep others from competing with them. They calculate with inflation in mind. Goyem don't.

>> No.54062337


>> No.54062459

>what is inflation?

>> No.54062525

The $10mm is better because you can use that to buy a business or real estate that pays you far more than $500k /yr.

>> No.54062532


Or put it in an S&P 500 fund and have $330 million after 30 years with the 10% annual growth the market has averaged for the last century.

You're better off taking the lump sum if you invest it. I could love very comfortably off the returns provided by $10 mil. Most normies would probably take the lump sum and blow through it all in 3-4 years, though.

>> No.54062598

>ITT: retards don't know about NPV

>> No.54062763

So DCA is a meme?

>> No.54062788

Nice psychological trick to get people thinking about getting rich. Not buying your scam.

>> No.54062853

DCA is for retards who get scared when the market drops 0.3%.

>> No.54062897

none DCAs if they have a large sum to invest, DCA is investing parts of your paycheck no matter what

>> No.54062982
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>Assuming the next 30 years will be "normal times"

>> No.54063040

dumbass, within 4 years you'd have enough to put it all in stocks and you continue to get ridiculous income every year.
10 million, yes. 2 million, no.
around 5 million i think it depends how savvy you are and your own life expectancy. think i'd still pick 5 million there, just throw 4 million in 80% safe and 20% risky stocks, maybe a million in btc for self custody because why the hell not who knows what can happen to the economy, and have 1 million to live the good life in a nice home immediately so that even if everything goes to shit you have a nice as fuck home.

>> No.54064132

I would take 10mil today because I won't be alive for 30 more years