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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54055370 No.54055370 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone FUD this for me please? I am just starting to research it.

The main FUD is that the ICP token has lost 99% of its value from all time high.

However, it launched right near the peak the 2021 bull market and received an amount of initial hype way out of proportion with what it delivered at that time. The technology was still in its infancy and there was no reason for it to be worth $500 a token, so it crashed hard.

My main criticism is that it seems to be extremely ambitious and the team is trying to integrate every cutting-edge technology in crypto into one project. Features that took Ethereum, Chainlink, etc. years to develop like POS, sharding, oracles, etc. are all being promised as a part of this project. They are marketing the Internet Computer as the crypto project that can do everything. I'm not sure I buy it.

And who is Dominic Williams? What is his background? Who else is working on the project?

I want to believe, but I get this feeling that it's too good to be true. Or maybe it's too early. I don't know.

FUD it for me please.

>> No.54055410

Are you genuinely interested in FUD or are you just looking for a springboard to shill your bags?

>> No.54055454

FUD? You want FUD? There is only FUD for ICP. No upside, near infinite downside. Centralised, censored, inflationary death spiral, top 0.1% have 99% of the supply, constant unlocks and dumping VC, no one builds on it, worst chart on the planet, the list goes on.

>> No.54055659

I'm still pissed I wasn't able to buy into the OpenChat offering when it was available.
It sold out in just a few hours.
Imagine something like that, but x100 during the next bullrun.

>> No.54055689

>near infinite downside. Centralised, censored, inflationary death spiral, top 0.1% have 99% of the supply, constant unlocks and dumping VC, no one builds on it, worst chart on the planet, the list goes on.

none of that is true lmao

>> No.54055736

It's valued at 37,000 times its annual income.
It promised decentralised front ends and delivered a KYC corpo-platform
CEO is a narcissistic sociopath
Only shills here are a literally paid shill squad who arrived on /biz/ fully formed as a unit

>> No.54055770

this nigga been fudding ICP for the last weeks with non-sensical logic.
>37,000x it's income
bro wtf are you even talking about it's a crypto startup

>> No.54055911
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>> No.54056105

I don't hold ICP. I don't know much about it. I am genuinely curious.

>> No.54056315

dfinity is a startup from 2016. Some early investors got bunch of icp for 3 cents. VCs got later series at like $4-5 per icp. Their bags have been locked up and unlocking monthly since launch. That combined with terrible launch and releasing right when dogecoin mania peaked caused a massive dump in price that followed the general market all the way down. Yet the project itself is going well and it works. It's an alternative to AWS but crypto. Something like the remaining ICP 20% of supply unlocking over the next year and redditors absolutely hate it because they think everything except THEIR bags are scams. All these factors combine into (what I personally believe) is a great investment at these prices. The marketcap is relatively small. Not many people developing on it, bc, crypto is pretty fucking dead the last year. But regardless they have so much fucking funding and big brains working on this, it could easily be the next ethereum. ICP is essentially what most people think ethereum is. It's going to open up so many opportunities that we can't even predict yet

here's some google clone for ICP sites someone made. Lots of other shit out there.


>> No.54056504

Literally all of it is true. Dom needs to hire better shills that don't just say random shit and post copypastas.

>> No.54057036

>It's an alternative to AWS but crypto
That isn't a good thing. AWS is already a really good AWS, you don't need a Rube-Goldberg version of it that runs off of Chuck-e-Cheese tokens that violate securities laws. You're buying in to a hypersaturated market and the most saturated niche of that market, which is "ETH-killer". I have no financial interest in Ethereum or any of it's competitors, but I am telling you if you hold this shit you are going to bleed against BTC and ETH for all eternity. Not saying this is you, but every cycle we get smart contract platform cults form around whichever particular coin has the most pie-in-the-sky technobabble in their marketing. It was the EOS and IOTA people last time, and it's the HBAR and ICP people this time, and next cycle it will be something else.

You're anonymous on 4chan and it's not like you're going to lose credibility for doing a 180 on your previous decisions, cut your losses if you have any. The normies just buying Ethereum or Bitcoin are going to significantly outperform the ICP crowd.

>> No.54057059

>The marketcap is relatively small.
The market cap is 37,000 times the annual income of the protocol...

>> No.54057139

what the fuck do you even mean? what is Ethereum's income?

>> No.54057836

Nothing of substance at all here.

>> No.54058668
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>Rube-Goldberg version of [AWS] that runs off of Chuck-e-Cheese tokens
Chortled at this while still in bed and woke my wife up. 1500 pee holder