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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54020493 No.54020493 [Reply] [Original]

what are the economic implications of having only 5.69% of $161 billion in deposits covered by FDIC?

>> No.54020574

It's not a regular bank where regular people walk in off the street and get a debit card and pay bills from it. FDIC only insures $250,000. Only jews were harmed in the making of this kino.

>> No.54020612

>jews losing money
>(X) doubt

>> No.54021329
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>> No.54021381

>67% of the workforce is diverse
>diversity isn't a synonym for nonwhite you schizo chud
>of course diversity is a synonym for nonwhite and it's a good thing

>> No.54021453

99% of the NBA is diverse.

>> No.54021472

>Bank run by niggers and women
>WTF How did it fail??!

>> No.54021489

I've seen the mental gymnastics used for churning out "diversity" disclosures like these in other companies. They bundle up white women and white vets as "minority" so they can pump up the percentage and get free investment money from that one group. You know which group I'm talking about.

>> No.54021506

It might be time to short woke diverse companies like that
May God strike them down

>> No.54021521

>which group
It's two. Blackrock and Vanguard.

>> No.54021570

Was all fun and games when zirp free money was raining down. Those days are over. As much as I despise Buffett he spoke wisdom when he said it's when the tide goes out you see who's swimming naked. Hiring decision makers based on having a pussy or melanin is the epitome of just sinking straight to the bottom

>> No.54021575 [DELETED] 

>uninsured deposits
Kill all jews

>> No.54021596
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Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.54021620

This is /biz/ If anything the /pol/ poster should come here. Truly you shills are retarded.

>> No.54021659 [DELETED] 

Niggers and jews kill the bank SVB

>> No.54021660

Why do you despise Buffet? Others are much more despicable, imo.
Yes, I agree. A company that is infected with this is going to be in trouble sooner or later

>> No.54021664

FDIC is meaningless
if you count the balance sheet that "covers" deposits as the insurance, you won't get even 5% coverage
it's a fraud

>> No.54021777
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Well well.

>> No.54021827
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pretty much

>> No.54021840

only in silicon valley do you have people that dumb with >250k to leave rotting in a bank

>> No.54021883

In public at least Buffett promotes the narrative that drives this kind of shit. Maybe it's supposed to be a part of the folksy grandpa bullshit but he's still doing it despite being very different in private (so it's said) which makes him a hypocrite on top of it all. That said I admire his skills to the nth degree and would happily learn his ways I just wouldn't be such a shit hypocrite about it

>> No.54021907

Isn't he the one that farted on camera in some interview then cracked a smile?

>> No.54021931


The rich will get bailed out using your tax money. What? Did you think they'd let their rich friends lose at this rigged game?

>> No.54021941

Doesn't Vanguard kind of own Blackrock and everything else? I need to find that schizo post...

>> No.54022090

kek underrated

>> No.54022102

Vanguard has large stakes in everything because of their retirement-focused funds.

>> No.54022114

Vanguard is the largest stock holder of Blackrock. Blackrock is literally the money printer of the fed and both are run by kikes in the same tribe.

>> No.54022193

Realistically speaking
How do I get into the tribe
I know I’ll never be considered one of them, but if I can get adjacent to it I feel like I’d be better off

>> No.54022225
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C-checked never had I thought this would be the catalyst to trustless money

>> No.54022229

Hang out at a rhinoplasty clinic and glue on the largest discarded schnoz you can find.

>> No.54022261

That motherfucker. The jews are never going to let their own face consequences, are they?

>> No.54022301

You guys know banks don't just hold joe schmoe's savings account, right? Businesses are the bulk of most bank's clientele, for whom they hold payroll and most of the money brought in or sent out as part of every day-to-day business activity. Medium sized and large businesses are going to easily blow past the FDIC insurance cap.

In SVB's case, almost all of their clientele are tech start ups, where the general model is some rich guy gives them $10 million, which is then promptly put into a bank account, where the start up slowly draws it down as they continue to burn money until they need to go out and get another rich guy to give them more money.

Anyways, the reason SVB is fucked is because they're retards who saw interest rates on t bills get to 2.5% and said "that's it, there's no way it gets any better than this" and went all in with their customer deposits. Now t bills are at 5%, which means they'll lose money if they have to sell the previous bills before maturity. At the same time, tech startups are collapsing, causing them to pull their money out of the bank, forcing SVB to sell the t-bills early for a loss. SVB called out that they took a loss on this and had to recapitalize on their latest earnings and that immediately started a run because everyone rushed to get their shit out of there before it collapsed.

>> No.54022314


>> No.54022388

It literally is
As explained in the pic see asterisk

>> No.54022413

They wouldn't have written that blurb 20 years ago when they still had to pretend white genocide wasn't real.

>> No.54022810

>technigger bubble pops

I hope hundreds of bay areas fags kill themselves lmao

>> No.54022840

The fdic was only ever meant to protect normal citizens savings.

I don’t care if some startup website losses it’s 50 million in seed money they can shove it up their ass

>> No.54022887
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A big distraction to keep us from marching again for banking regulations Occupy Wallstreet style.

>> No.54023503

>In public at least Buffett promotes the narrative that drives this kind of shit
what do you mean?

>> No.54023530

it cannot cover even civil individual deposits
their balance sheet is not deep enough
coverage means asset == liability to an exact degree

>> No.54023598

Buffett publicly supports leftist causes and votes democrat. Contrast with Munger who is a staunch Republican

>> No.54023747

The us governments can print unlimited money they can cover everyone’s balances

>blah blahhh inflation blah blah global currency blah blah petrodollar

Until there is another viable global currency (there isn’t ) or somebody had the military power to roll up the Potomac and point guns at the treasures department (there isn’t) the feds can do whatever they want lmao

>> No.54023758

no refunds