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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5401777 No.5401777 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5401834
File: 58 KB, 481x305, 1512011582669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nolinker stinkers must be pretty upset. Nice digits, check mine.

>> No.5401845 [DELETED] 

Nice try, but let’s see Paul Allen’s digits

>> No.5402549
File: 178 KB, 1244x765, 1513734956752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already know. Godly Checked.

>> No.5402652

If you want greed go check out other hubs online where normies are fomoing into Ripple.

>> No.5402719

uh that's not xlr sweetie

>> No.5402810

$50/LINK by May 1st?
Is this really possible anons?

>> No.5402891

It actually is

$100+ is possible

>> No.5402936

Eth's smart contracts are next to useless without Chainlink. Expect a top 3 coinmarketcap spot by 2020

>> No.5403086

Yup this

It literally states that in the ethereum white paper too. Oracles are mandatory for real world data that is trustless.

And this is the only crypto offering it

>> No.5403121

there are other projects working on it that have more than two developers...

>> No.5403180

Block chain agnostic decentralized oracles? Only chain link.

>> No.5403398

>he fell for the 2 dev team meme

AHAHAHAHAHAH they dont give a flying FUCK about the website. they hired other developers and they are going to hire marketing team for 2018.

these guys are working day and night behind the scenes to make this into reality because they care much more about having an actual BIG contribution to the community / world than to make some quick money.

if you think about it, theres really no reason to fucking hype the token at this stage. why would they do that? this doesnt need any fucking shilling or hype once they announce that this shit will literally be used to feed external data to 80-90% of the cryptomarket.

>> No.5403449

+5$ first week of Jan. Singapore is happening

>> No.5403473

Just cracked 30k
Bless you Sergey for the extra house deposit. 1.50 eoy

>> No.5403748

I can't stop cumming. Uggggghhhhhhhhh

>> No.5404306

>extra house deposit.
I'm holding out until I can buy the house in full with cash m8

>> No.5404369

Grats Linkies, you're finally catching up with some gains after months and months of bleeding out
How does it feel?

>> No.5404913

cryptos will gain more than your mortgage %

>> No.5405607


Fuck I was going to buy a house but I'm thinking of renting another year literally just for chainlink because of long term capital and a general feeling my financial situation could be very different in a year even if it even hits 2 or 3 dollars. My 4k buy (very fortunately at the low) is now around 20k. I'm just terrified of buying a house and overextending myself but rn I'm sitting at 100k net worth and would probably put 20k down on a ~100k house (rather cheap area in up and coming neighborhood).

Is it crazy to sit out buying for a year to see how chainlink does and try to scrape out as much as possible by trying to activate long term capital gains rates? I'm also a poorlet making 40k. It's a big risk but the reward is once in a lifetime I think.

>> No.5405640

and I meant I spent $4000 fiat around the time it was 13-15 cents. now hovering under $20k

>> No.5405676


Yup. The Flippening will happen, but only once Chainlink allows it to. Cryptokitties ain't gon cut it to take down the king.