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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 350 KB, 1024x988, Bitcoin-chart-1024x988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54008458 No.54008458 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me this will happen

>> No.54008466

Zoom out the chart and try again

>> No.54008485

What part of "recession" don't you understand? I see you drew pretty lines but for those lines to manifest you need actual people to buy. BTC has never existed in economical hard times so you might as well ignore all previous price history as we are in uncharted waters

>> No.54008495
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, 5bmf8av40mb81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea this will happen, we are now less than a year from the halving and this nft faggotry is actually increasing demand for blockspace keeping the hashrate growing slowly but steady so the halving will happen before the elections in burgerland.

We are near the bottom once ycc starts.

>> No.54008500

I didn't make this. I've seen many long term charts like this one from respected analysts. You're right though, a generational recession will affect this chart and it's already much more bearish than the chart suggested. Nevertheless I NEED HOPIUM

>> No.54008503
File: 39 KB, 1456x1483, 1678065762551945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC will go to zero

>> No.54008519
File: 42 KB, 499x498, 97519057-7FC0-4C3E-BD9C-DD4CF406BDF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image just oozes seethe

>> No.54008564


>> No.54008598


>> No.54008728

Yes. No. Maybe so

>> No.54008738


>> No.54009355
File: 17 KB, 547x326, 2023-03-09_07-55-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, confirmed

>> No.54011115

The new btc ath reduces with every cycle. I doubt we'll even reach 150k in the next.

>> No.54011126

>1 year bear
Right off the bat I can tell you the chart is made from 2022

>> No.54011134

Fucking hell did you make this anon

>> No.54011138

2024 is when it might start. you'll probably see mini pump into a dump like in previous cycles before

>> No.54011152

It will. Insiders want cheapies first.

>> No.54011183

for all the time and money Ive wasted here, it was worth it to see another autistic variant of baneposting manifest

>> No.54011184

dont trust a graph where can see where the rays are being cast from

>> No.54011211

Holy cuck Batman, this pic is too funny. People just love to dickride opaque derivatives marketcap and claim their shitcoin deserves that marketcap don’t they

>> No.54011611


>> No.54011738
File: 318 KB, 1231x1533, 1671346759757075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will happened because i invested all my savings and im now -60% and i have no job and inflation is slowly killing me. If bitcoin going to down then im going too. FED dont kill me please

>> No.54011751

This will happen.

>> No.54011793

I mean, you're not wrong. What the faggot permabobos seem to forget is that the halving will happen regardless, the cycles will likely continue regardless. But that doesn't mean they won't be affected. My guess is, due to these outside factors, we just simply won't see crazy returns in btc, 2024-2025 might barely break ath, 70-90k my guess.

>> No.54012688

>What part of "recession" don't you understand?
Problem is, no one understands this recession. It was supposed to hit already, but hasn't. One economist called it the "Waiting for Godot" Recession because its always 6 months away. I believe it will come, but you're missing out blinding waiting for it.

>> No.54013642

>Zoom out
The cart is already totally zoomed out in that picture you absolute retard get new material

>> No.54013836


>> No.54014163

Fuck off nitwit. Shitposting wouldn't change anything anonfag. A couple of red dildos, then the moon ride. Research platforms like altcoinistdao, coinmarketcap and apeoclock will do brainlets a lot of good

>> No.54014816

what part of priced in do you not understand?

>> No.54014950

bitcoin shits on what you think, it's a new system and the aim of the economy is currently to get as much bitcoin as physically possible, human nature never changes regardless of the times

>> No.54015353

This is what I've been trying to tell you fags since 2017 goddamnit

The funny and ironic thing though is that there is actually the possibility that this 4th 4 year cycle will complete the 16 year cycle and analogously to the 4 year cycle will be overall bearish
That means the peak will come early, like say first half of 2024 or so, then spend the rest of the cycle in a bearish mode

Now that even you normies are starting to figure out the banal simplicity of the 4 year cycle I'm thinking this could be a distinct possibility
On the other hand it could play out just like it has the last 3 times though, so we'll really have to wait and see this time, unlike the other times

>> No.54015908

As long as some alts moon, that's fine with me. I missed the QE craze, I want my turn.