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53992568 No.53992568 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, when is suicide an option?

>> No.53992590

Your next life will just be more difficult
The lucky suicide victims, like ones who kill themselves in war, come back as aborted babies and miscarriages
Most suicided require longer karmic repayments

>> No.53992591

Never bud, just buy a cheap motorcycle

>> No.53992600

buying a cheap motorcycle is the closest thing to suicide

>> No.53992603
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it's always an option, just realize that you will relive the same life over and over again for eternity, so make sure that you want to have this ending to be carved in stone.

>> No.53992615

How do you know?

>> No.53992618
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Suicide is literally impossible. Try it and it won't work, everything just sort of glitches out and you get sent back in time before you tried offing yourself

>> No.53992639
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i just know.

>> No.53992658

Read life after life by Dr Raymond Moody
He’s collected stories from people who die and are brought back to life. Near death experiencers describe the same spirit realm that psychics, shamans, mystics and military remote viewers describe.
Similar stories all over the world from multiple different type of sources probably aren’t wrong.

>> No.53992669

You just know

>> No.53992675

That's not the same as reincarnation

>> No.53992688

Just do it bud, buy a c90 and drive it to a different continent. I bet you won’t want to kill your self after that.

>> No.53992718

When i was a boy i remember hearing stories about people offing themselves after the tech bubble burst. I couldnt understand back then how could someone kill himself over money. The
older i grow while staying poor the more i get it.

Life as poorfag is hell.

>> No.53992721

Read many lives, many masters by Dr Brian Weiss if you want evidence of reincarnation
This shit has been talked about in intelligent families since the 80’s
If your parents haven’t exposed you to this you should be studying this stuff

Just believing in this gives many scientifically inclined purpose and meaning in life. You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to understand there’s 4 year old children who can describe every part on a WW2 airplane and tell you how to build the engine, because they were a fighter pilot in a previous life. There’s been identical twins who at the age of 5 could speak armaic (a dead language) to each other. Experts had to be called into New Jersey just to figure out what language these kids were speaking. A group of Japanese soldiers killed in WW2 reincarnated as Cambodian school children and they all collectively remember being killed as a unit together.
A women once died in Ireland, reincarnated in America and was aware of her past life and name enough that she was able to contact her past live children who she was now younger than.
There’s many more stories that offer evidence for reincarnation.

>> No.53992744

it's completely retarded to assume that knowledge can be passed between lifes, or even time for that matter. it would have been proven by now in a much more elaborate way. your consciousness spans across a very specific and well defined piece of time, living "your" life is traversing through time within that section, outside of it your consciousness doesn't exist.

>> No.53992765

It has been proven but your just too stupid to read
I’m not surprised that some anonymous goy doesn’t realize how important life really is
It’s all been designed to keep you this stupid
All of us here have lived past lives and anyone here can pay a licensed psychologist to regress them under hypnosis to their past lives
Literally every US city with over 1 million people will also have many therapists who perform past life regressions for money.

>> No.53992776

>living "your" life is traversing through time within that section, outside of it your consciousness doesn't exist.
Why do you think this?

>> No.53992778

>It has been proven but your just too stupid to read
your stupid anecdotes aren't proving shit.
> Literally every US city with over 1 million people will also have many therapists who perform past life regressions for money.
and none of them is taken seriously. it's just esoteric nonsense to cash in on dumb people.

>> No.53992790

because the required hardware (i.e. your body) to create your consciousness experience doesn't exist outside this time interval.

>> No.53992795

Usually never since not being able to pay your debt will never land you in jail.

If committed some PPP fraud and you are facing prison time then It might be worth it

>> No.53992802

It's always an option, you can hang yourself and that's it. Nobody is going to stop you (unless you do it in front of other people, but in principle).
Who makes you "come back"?

>> No.53992805

The mind/body aren’t required for consciousness
The mind is only a lens of focus and it’s temporary and illusory
There’s a reason why every culture around the world believes in an afterlife with the same rules. Everyone is young looking, happy, can access all information in a second, bright light, etc

>> No.53992818

we are the ones who are own judge and jury. when we die, we get a life review where we experience our lives from the perspective of everyone we’ve affected. after that we may decide that we treated someone badly and need to incarnate again to try and make up for it. but right now on earth we’re nearing the end of a 25,000 year cycle, so karma has been turned down so souls can accomplish more in a short amount of time
there’s some who say the white light is a foul trap ran by the grey aliens to keep us reincarnating on earth.

>> No.53992831

>The mind/body aren’t required for consciousness
i don't see how that can possibly be true, we can knock out people's consciousness permanently by making very specific and small cuts in the stem brain. it makes sense that cultures came up with soul-like explanations for consciousness, but it doesn't hold up well against modern evidence they weren't able to take into account back then when these believes were created.

>> No.53992839

you either believe in the soul/spirit or you dont, there is no "proving"' either side

>> No.53992848

this is reddit tier reasoning
the science has been out there for decades
elizabeth kubler-ross was famous for being a doctor who covered this stuff in the 60’s
the brain dies after a few minutes without oxygen but consciousness has re-entered bodies many times longer than science days is possible

>> No.53992858

>There’s a reason why every culture around the world believes in an afterlife with the same rules. Everyone is young looking, happy, can access all information in a second, bright light, etc
Yes, but you made up the idea of an afterlife. Someone told you, but it's just in idea in your head. Actually, you've made up the idea that you have a head and a brain that generates thoughts via neural activity too. It is genuinely true, that IS how it works. The brain generates the thoughts according to the laws of physics. But that's because you've made reality. Our afterlife is merely a reflection of our psychological prejudices: you want to be punished and rewarded, thus there is an afterlife. Not that you get shot and then wake up in some cavernous space with guys with pitchforks; you have an idea in your head that haunts you via ordinary psychological mechanisms. There's no point to actually observing an afterlife. This is the only world there is, it just happens to include some schizo belief in an afterlife. This world IS reality, it's the only reality there is, and there is nothing else.
But when you really get down to it: you've made up every idea you ever had. You just got the idea in your head that you're some guy called, let's say, "Bill", that you're something called an "American", that there's people called "Asians" and you maybe hate them. You made up the very idea that you're a human, and that there are things called humans. As a baby, you, as matter of fact, did not know this; your neural network was not specialized sufficiently to have a concept of what a human is. What you really, ultimately are, is like someone locked in a dark room, watching images come in. There images of something which you call "human". There's images of something called "pain". There's images that tell you a life story. But it's just something you've become attached to over time. You don't truly know what you are. That raw feeling of "you" - you don't know what that is.

>> No.53992863

Stuff like this should be talked about more on biz. We all know how we’ve been lied to about finances and now medicine but the spiritual side is barely talked about despite being the most important
>esoteric nonsense
Millions of anecdotal case reports is a form of scientific evidence
Pharmaceuticals use case studies to prescribe off label because it’s considered such good scientific evidence

>> No.53992867

>the world is the only reality
You sound like a drug addict schizo

>> No.53992878

> elizabeth kubler-ross
i actually read some of her early work, but she went off the rails later in her life.
>the brain dies after a few minutes without oxygen but consciousness has re-entered bodies many times longer than science days is possible
in what way does consciousness manifest within a lifeless body?
>Millions of anecdotal case reports
show me one where occam's razor suggest knowledge transfer from an unrelated deceased person instead of any other explanation.

>> No.53992880

What am I supposed to do? Deny reality and say that it's not real? I mean, yes... reality is real.

>> No.53992892

>in what way does consciousness manifest within a lifeless body?
It’s happened millions of times, people are resuscitated long after brain death, every single day
Stop larping like you’ve read Dr Kubler Ross
You’re either a stupid goy or a disinformation agent
You make up 25% of the posts in this thread just trying to convince people life is pointless and there’s nothing after this
It’s obvious you have an agenda you’re pushing

>> No.53992911

>You make up 25% of the posts in this thread just trying to convince people life is pointless and there’s nothing after this
no in the slightest. being aware of the fact that your life is non stationary but that every moment is relived for eternity within the time frame you were given is a very motivating believe system to make the best out of it in my opinion. thinking of passed time being done forever and to live on in some eternal afterlife just exposes this life of being pointless if you ask me.

>> No.53992948

>life is pointless and there’s nothing after this
What meaning or point would an afterlife have? Let's say you get an afterlife, however you say you want it. What would be its point? Would there need to be an after-afterlife to give the afterlife a point (and maybe an after-after-afterlife to give a point to that)? If you actually were in the afterlife, you'd be saying the exact same thing as you're saying now.