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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 436 KB, 1351x979, 1677938505587171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53964734 No.53964734 [Reply] [Original]

LCX is insolvent.

>> No.53964906

not sure if you've ever run a startup before, but startups dont turn a profit until 3-5+ years since they are created.

Monty is absolutely right. a firm worth $2B is being created right now for just a few million.

Tokenized asset market expected to be $30T by 2030 btw

>> No.53965074

But they haven't built anything, are not licensed outside of Liechtenstein and have not stated a plan on how they intend to become profitable. They have stated they will reveal the results of the bond at the end of March and if they don't raise 10 million they will need to cease operations. The utter retardation of doing a "tokenised bond" that you can't see how much has sold, cannot trade on a secondary market and where you can only buy in increments of 1000 Euro at a time shows how out of touch they are. The whole point of using a blockchain here is increased transparency, ease of trading and allowing the transaction of small denominations. They are using the blockchain and not allowing users to benefit from any of the advantages of a blockchain.

>> No.53965103

>not licensed outside of Liechtenstein
bond available in 30 EU countries
>if they don't raise 10 million they will need to cease operations
just a flat out lie
>"tokenised bond" that you can't see how much has sold, cannot trade on a secondary market and where you can only buy in increments of 1000 Euro at a time shows how out of touch they are
maybe you should check out the competition in the tokenized bond market. this is extremely early days. you dont know what you're talking about
>The whole point of using a blockchain here is increased transparency, ease of trading and allowing the transaction of small denominations
just wrong... again you need to study the basis of blockchain technology in finance to understand where the value is generated. its not any of these, especially not fractional ownership which was a 2018 narrative
>They are using the blockchain and not allowing users to benefit from any of the advantages of a blockchain
see above point

>> No.53965145


>> No.53965200
File: 140 KB, 2000x1288, Eh-qKwyWoAMpDH4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooo, reaaaaaaaaaly? would never imagined.

>> No.53965254

>ignored all points and said LCX good
Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.53966574

Thank you from bringing this lowcap to my attention anon, LCX seems promising.

>> No.53967188

>bond available in 30 EU countries
Okay, but there is no clear licensing regarding this and they are probably breaking the law. Post the act that permits them to do this if you disagree.
>just a flat out lie
They stated in the bond prospectus they will use the funding raised to continue operations.
>maybe you should check out the competition in the tokenized bond market. this is extremely early days. you dont know what you're talking about
Address my points or tell me what part you think I don't understand.
>just wrong... again you need to study the basis of blockchain technology in finance to understand where the value is generated. its not any of these, especially not fractional ownership which was a 2018 narrative
What are the advantages then? I don't need you to write an essay. Single word answers are fine.

>> No.53967878

>maybe you should check out the competition in the tokenized bond market
Coinmetro offered a 2 year bond with higher APR, where you could see how much was bought, where it was available in the US, actually regulated in the EU and on a platform that works 100x better.
There is no competition because lcx is not even trying to compete.
>just wrong... again you need to study the basis of blockchain technology in finance

>> No.53967996

>1,000s delimiter is a fucking apostrophe
Subhuman. Almost as bad as eurocucks using periods. I'm shorting LCX now.

>> No.53970606

LCX is an exchange based in Liechtenstein.

>> No.53972573
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How do they have 17m in liabilities yet they only pay pajeets 6k a year. I don't understand. Monty's coke habit can't be THAT expensive

>> No.53972667
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Wtf ahaha no way this is true. What is the source for that spreadsheet

>> No.53972683
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Yeah, sauce me up OP

>> No.53972720
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>> No.53972756

Thank you kind XCM sir. We knew after the Liquid hack followed by the hack fo LCX itself that LCX was hurting badly, but I had no idea it'd be 17m in liabilities.

I doubt they even own real estate since they just rent we work offices in India.

Just bought $500 XCM on Uniswap

Laugh at LCX Baggies.

Lain-anon here by the way

>> No.53973444
File: 487 KB, 585x704, 1678202246592192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xcm trannies you're supposed to be in here ahhhhhh.

What are CoinMetros liabilities?

>> No.53973459

>You're supposed to be in here
There are more interesting things to do than to laugh at a no name exchange, cunnyposter and me is all you get take it or leave it (pls take it I'm lonely).

>> No.53973481

I reported him for namefagging. Abandoning thread.

>> No.53973489 [DELETED] 


>> No.53973511

what ARE coinmetro's liabilities? anon makes a good point

>> No.53973518

Look at who's decided to post again lol

>> No.53973526

Welcome back.

>> No.53974663
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>> No.53974694

what the fuck is LCX?

>> No.53974795
File: 64 KB, 604x340, 1677945649365424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just checked with one of their staff, and the liabilities include customer deposits. That's why they fell so sharply in a year as the market tanked.
LCX is likely totally fine financially, as much as I wish it wasn't

Die Verbindlichkeiten in der Höhe von CHF 38'753'543 umfassen kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten in der Höhe
von CHF 38'096'426. Bei diesen kurzfristigen Verbindlichkeiten handelt es sich im vollem Umfang – wie im
Abschnitt «Wertpapiere (Kryptowährungen)» erläutert - um Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Kunden der LCX

>> No.53974857

If that is true and the marketcap of LCX by circulating supply is 77 million and they have 17 million AUM they are in even more trouble than I thought.

>> No.53974878

LCX is down again so I can't check stuff.

>> No.53974900
File: 81 KB, 540x540, 1677945448095376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sar please be patient. Is cloud issue sir. Fixed soon sir. Thank you come again

>> No.53975757
File: 173 KB, 1000x667, FojHOlXWYAccAWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase Names Four New Executives to Lead Europe Expansion
