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File: 44 KB, 591x233, stinkydump1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53963232 No.53963232 [Reply] [Original]

> "we don't actually run a viable business that generates real revenue and profits needed to be self sustainable and pay our massive salaries. so instead we just dump our worthless tokens we printed from fat air on you as we slowly rug the liquidity before moving on to our next scam. thank you"

> inb4 bulgarian fud thread, link doesn't need fudders, it fuds itself if you have above room temperature IQ

>> No.53963233
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>> No.53963239
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ooooh stinkies
someone posted irrefutable evidence that your coin is a scaaaaaammmmm
what u gonna do about it, bitch
yeah im talkin to u
the stupid stinkie reading this right now
what the FUCK are u gonna do about it, bitch

>> No.53963240

Bulgaria hysteria.

>> No.53963246

they are basically a cult plus paid shills. he literally made 500m over them, but there's an unlock so he sent em here to promoto before a gigantic dump. screencap this, gigantic dump in LINK in 2 weeks.

>> No.53963616

It's funny those old chainlink shills still don't want to accept they were wrong about chainlink.
>I..I..It's gonna work in 5 more years I promise!!

>> No.53963635

how much money has sergey made from dumping link? is it a lot or loads?

>> No.53963654

>a viable business that generates real revenue
Chainlink labs isn't supposed to generate any revenue, they're building a decentralized protocol.

You retard.

>> No.53963682

you're really going to listen to high estrogen twitter accounts like that?
someone who bases their entire overemotional identity on a dead 2017 ethereum ico?

>> No.53963720

cope, paypig
sergay appreciates your donations

>> No.53963740

lmao he completely destroyed you fuddie

>> No.53963775
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Chainlink explained before the ICO exactly what would happen.
Imagine still crying about it to this very day, five years later.

>> No.53963796

link baggies truly are NPCs
it feels like reading a twitter simp thread

>> No.53963805

>it feels like reading twitter
Maybe just stay there next time

>> No.53963820



>> No.53963822

So it’s basically a business that generates no profit and only pays expenses by selling shares?

>> No.53963851

Just like BTC, ETH, ...
It's a decentralized protocol.

>> No.53963891

chainlink isn't decentralized or a protocol. it's a tech startup that run a public funding round and had to shoehorn a token into their product so people would fund them.

>> No.53963894

>chainlink isn't decentralized or a protocol
Neither are BTC and ETH

>> No.53963912

ethereum isn't, bitcoin is.
it's no surprise you're still trying to make it if you don't understand what you're buying.

>> No.53963916
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>bitcoin is
lol, two pools make up 52% of the hashrate.

>> No.53963952

maybe it's time for crypto 101.

>> No.53963957
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Yes, two pools. Two entities.
Fucking cope

>> No.53963968

your argument is as good as a tranny pretending to be a woman. maybe you should find out what pools actually do?

>> No.53963977

>m-mining pools good!

You tried

>> No.53964000

>> "we don't actually run a viable business that generates real revenue and profits
Name one crypto that does

>> No.53964038

none, but at least they're not sanctimonious and smug about it like link baggies
as if its any better than the next jeet rugpull

crypto is just an illiquid fake money printer for its founders/VCs
thats why everything just rugs some in a microsecond or others like link, avax, eth, ada which have
the false appearance of legitimacy do it more slowly so as not to spook their baggies

>> No.53964049
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>false appearance of legitimacy

>> No.53964052

We are gonna make it marines

Stay positive eat healthy

Redpill everyone no exceptions

>> No.53964065

Can someone explain to me how link actually plans to flip over into a viable business?
I used to think due to the way people on here always talked about demand for the token that people actually paid to use the oracles in LINK.
People would brag about how they have their own erc implementation where you both pay in LINK and call a function at the same time.
Now I know that's really just to use VRF, which is a pretty minor thing and obviously VRF demand is not ever going to result in 1k eoy or anything like that...
I remember actually having 'enlightening' discussions on here where people would explain to be how all these companies will be generating huge demand for the token due to having to use link oracles...and I used to agree that sure if you can get the whole world economy paying for each oracle call in LINK that there's some kind of potential there if you can monopolize it and sustain demand for the token that's used to pay for oracle price feeds...
So am I the retard here, and I missing how a free function read results in these wild revenue estimates that I've heard countless times, or have I been intentionally mislead? Or what?
I'm honestly just confused how this is supposed to work if speculators subsidize the nodes and the users of the nodes get the price feeds for free.

>> No.53964101

Nothing happens on mainnet without the token, even for the price feeds nodes have to be paid in Link.
And Link staking means the total number of staked Link tokens has to have a market cap that is equivalent to the total demand for collateral across the entire network.

>> No.53964147

I'm gonna continue holding forever kek. What you gonna do about that? You gonna insult me again? Oh nooooo, anything but that hahaha.

>> No.53964183

They're gonna spend more years thinking about you and posting about you non stop about how you hurt their feelings by posting about Link.

>> No.53964198

Damn, that's some crazy shit. Dunno if I can take them thinking about me and being angry at me holding Link.
Guess I'll just have to soldier on.

>> No.53964230
File: 154 KB, 707x731, 6FD00E3B-3CED-40E3-9ED2-2EEA603A3F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can fudders explain what their problem is? I and all the other linkies are NEVER going to sell. It would take Sergey himself to outright tell me “thx for the money guys you fell for it” for me to sell.
Why even bother with fudding? How long do people laugh at someone who obviously doesn’t care about them even being there?

>> No.53964255

They're mentally ill retards who bought the top and seethe endlessly about it. They blame OG's for shilling Link to them and want us all to sell so we can feel as miserable as they do when Link moons without us.
Ignore them. They're trapped in a hell of their own making. That is their punishment. We have better things to do.

>> No.53964264

Yeah but they shit up my link threads. We don’t even have any constructive discussions about link anymore (if there is even anything to discuss at this point)

>> No.53964297

Yeah I agree it's pretty annoying but there's literally nothing we can do about it. Let's be honest, when it comes to discussions, breadcrumbs, all that shit, who cares? Really. Who cares? If anyone can't see that Link is the God protocol destined to rule over everything by now then they're clearly braindead. There's nothing left to discuss. Just wait patiently and get ready to have the most satisfying 'I told you so' moment of your life. You'd think these guys would stop coming here when Link goes parabolic but they don't have any friends or a life or anything so they won't be able to help themselves. A few will get rich because they aren't as stupid as they seem and were actually holding a stack. Many will be left behind having bought into their own bullshit - some of whom will kill themselves. I for one am going to enjoy the gloating more than the money.

>> No.53964304

notice how there is no pre pre ipo vc share in there
>this is why they seethe to this day

>> No.53964348

>Nothing happens on mainnet without the token, even for the price feeds nodes have to be paid in Link.
That's good at least.
Why don't they enforce it on other chains? There are chains out there where it's barely used even for free, yet I see them bridging in five figures worth of LINK monthly or possibly more frequently, and then they dole it out to all the nodes who then just bridge it back to eth and dump it. It just seems silly.
Although maybe there's a deal going on where the chain is paying in bulk or something to keep it free for all devs. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true since that makes more sense than what I'm seeing.
Actually the more I think about it, the more this model sounds like not a bad idea.
Proprietary chain pays some flat rate in bulk, negotiated and paid behind the scenes, nodes are paid separately...good ones can get more, bad ones can be penalized or stiffed.
The only thing that gives me a sinking feeling about that despite it making a lot of sense, is that I'm picturing the payment from the company done behind the scenes in fiat or stables..while it's great to be able to pay nodes in LINK since not all of it gets dumped. The value of the LINK that's paid is only a maximum cost. Some nodes seem to hold sometimes as well.
But there's no incentive to not just accept the bulk payment in fiat. Especially easy for trad companies who are paying with accounting and risk management.

>> No.53964352

>Why don't they enforce it on other chains?
They do.

>> No.53964406

Stopped reading there. We're back to the "whole of crypto is a scam/is going to fail but I will obsessively focus on Chainlink bad"

>> No.53964452
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chainlink fudders are sad creatures permanently looking for engagement from linkies, who ironically just keep ignoring those cucks.
I've unironically spent some time in the fudding groups, and they are so damn sad. Most of the time they spam their nonsense and barely get any likes, yous, or quotes. They can spend a lot of time writing those shitty fud posts to end up with 0 engagement.

These faggots are desperate for attention that nobody gives them besides the few losers who keep fudding link in their closed groups, and what's sad is that the only few likes they get are mostly from losers like themselves.

You have no idea how badly these fudders crave attention. Imagine posting like every day, every few hours, and having some posts either blocked or ignored.
You have no idea the mental distress those people are going through.

here is a (you) i know you crave

>> No.53964572

no, you just don't understand the security model around proof of work. makes sense because you fell for something like chainlink which can never be secure enough for high value data.

>> No.53964723

>something like chainlink which can never be secure enough for high value data.
What can?

>> No.53964751

>the security model around proof of work
lmao, it involves things like 51% attacks.
Which obviously become more of a possible reality when two (2) entities control more than 52% of the hashrate.

>> No.53964795

It's always the same problem: these companies start out with creating a token because they want a piece of the money sloshing around in crypto. Then, almost as an afterthought, they cram it into every process (or invent new ones that nobody asked for) so they can point at it and go: see, it's needed. It's not.

>> No.53964812

PoS suffers from 34% attacks. I think BTC is stone age tech, but your bags made you skip the fundamentals, don't do that, it's embarrassing

>> No.53964818

Yeah, Satoshi sure was a dumbass grifter.
He should've made mining rewards and transaction fees payable in fiat.

>PoS suffers from 34% attacks

>> No.53965125
File: 786 KB, 1125x1958, 7BC47874-A470-400D-B4F9-C34DDF35131D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah except even from day 1 the ico was shady. Only like 3Mil was available for the public, NOT the full 32. Theres always a twist in there when dealing with Link. Reminds me of…

>> No.53965135

None of that has to do with the fact that the plan for the token supply was communicated before a single token was sold.

>> No.53965146
File: 77 KB, 569x660, 152E6635-C1DC-4909-A4EA-919D1D9590F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And in true scam crypto fashion, they put lipstick on a pig by using gay ass terms like bootstrap. I hate the whole idea of regulation, but goddamn if the crypto community wouldve functioned with a shred of integrity, maybe the gov would be more hands off. Pretty sad

>> No.53965156

>Chainlink can't use the word bootstrap!!

Tell us what else Chainlink cannot do that is perfectly normal.

>> No.53965163

if you can't follow the context of a conversation, work on that first before you write anything

>> No.53965169
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>I'm gonna continue holding forever kek. What you gonna do about that? You gonna insult me again? Oh nooooo, anything but that hahaha.

>> No.53965171

I directly addressed your points lol

>> No.53965183

What is there left to discuss though? The next beta release of buzzwords? The spotify use case (which is a joke btw)? Using chainlink instead of a drivers license to get in a bar or some secret cbdc screenshots that have zero mention of Link. The whole thing is a joke

>> No.53965197

>What is there left to discuss though? The next beta release of buzzwords?
Adoption by Coinbase, Vodafone, release of features like Functions, upcoming releases like CCIP, upcoming integrations like Swift, ...
There's nothing in all of crypto at Chainlink's level right now.

>> No.53965295

statement: chainlink is cramming a token into processes that don't require it
your answer: satoshi was a grifter

statement: PoS is susceptible to 34% attacks, even worse than PoW
your answer: ignorance

>> No.53965316

>statement: chainlink is cramming a token into processes that don't require it
>your answer: satoshi was a grifter
Well yes.
Satoshi also crammed a coin into processes that don't require it.
He could just as well have used fiat for mining and transaction fees.

>statement: PoS is susceptible to 34% attacks, even worse than PoW
>your answer: ignorance
Anon, I literally said ETH isn't decentralized.

>> No.53965361

you're just embarrassing yourself now, better change ids

>> No.53965378

Consider yourself owned, I guess.

>argues that ETH isn't decentralized to a person who said that ETH isn't decentralized

>> No.53965390

is there anything more pathetic than being a social media evangelist for a chain or asset, a professional baggie. they do it for -free

>> No.53965400

Swift is going to save their token with their massive 500 million a year revenue on financial messaging services AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53965405

>Swift only has 500 million revenue
Anon, don't look at how much value Swift messaging handles.

>> No.53965429

It gets even better, swift can be replaced by 2 employees and an email. There’s your financial messaging bro

>don’t look at how much swift handles
Oh yeah sorry, you're going to “integrate smart contracts” into the network and make a gorillion dollars, how could I forget


>> No.53965443

>swift can be replaced by 2 employees and an email.
Five-star cope.

Swift is a network of 11k banks.
It's power and reach is such that it's used as a primary international sanction against Russia, Iran, ...

>> No.53965461

No way 11k banks and 5 trillion a day woooooaaahhhh maaaannn

Except if the banks are subsidizing your gorillion dollar nodes they absolutely could say fuck you and send instructions to custody over email. Oops!

>> No.53965478

>b-b-b-but they COULD do [insert wishful headcanon]
Sure, anon

>> No.53965498

Ooooh uhhh sorry retard, already happens


Quick, don’t look at the investment banks that send faxes for trades!

>> No.53965527

Yes anon, Swift is totally lying about Chainlink, and is instead going to use faxes.

>> No.53965548

Literally an apparition of fever dream which is the QE environment. Can't wait to see you dumb niggers go extinct before the great flourishing of BTC.

>> No.53965555

Simple math, your node costs a gorrillion link, very expensive per use, hiring people to create and run an Interbank messaging network that costs nothing per use, veryyyy cheap.

Why would swift use faxes, that’s retarded.

>> No.53965561

Just bought more, faggots

>> No.53965615

I have no idea what you're trying to say anymore, but checked

>> No.53965663

His post makes complete sense. No token necessary, just like his digits. Just a seriously good post.

>> No.53965669

>His post makes complete sense
So he's saying banks are going to replace Swift with emails?

>> No.53965678

He's saying that Chainlink is an unneeded technology, heavy, outdated, serving no purpose, and accomplishing nothing new. Why use macromedia flash if there's HTML5?

>> No.53965685

Hey, take it up with Swift I guess.

>> No.53965701

If you don’t understand the swift network in the first place, why are you trying to argue chainlink will be able to capture the value of money moving through the swift network. Seems like the blind leading the blind

Sure. If it’s cost effective enough.

They could also say, hire their own team to make their own network for a fraction of the cost. 5 banks make up like 80% of that network usage anon.

Meaning your link node needs to be priced competitively for the services it offers to swift.

>> No.53965707

>if you don't agree that Swift can be replaced by emails, then you don't understand the Swift network

wow, this is actually nauseating pilpul

>> No.53965710

that whole team is either fat, full of estrogen or both
kinda pathetic

>> No.53965721


So your opinion is that link will bilk the swift network.

Good day!

>> No.53965724

>your opinion is that link will bilk the swift network.

>> No.53965776
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>chaincuck is retarded

>> No.53965790

He used the word wrong, anon.

>> No.53967393

the real joke is that chainstank actually had a great run from its start but cultists married their bags instead of dumping near the top

>> No.53967606
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The tranny fudders probably did buy high and then lost everything to bancor/celsius/ftx/leverage and now seethe 24/7. Imagine reading about Link for years and didn't buy when it was dirt cheap, then decided to buy the top and lost it all. Anyone would go insane, but these people are autistic fucks so they spam fud 24/7 to cope.

>> No.53967629

>reinvestment into a network's growth is a good thing,because projects that don't,stagnate and die

That is a nice way to describe a ponzi scheme.

>> No.53967658
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this retard just admitted chainlink is a ponzi

>> No.53967672

>all companies that invest in themselves are ponzis
lmao, invaluable insight

>> No.53967702

>we don't have any revenue, so we dump our bags to retail in order to subsidize our services
>this is not a ponzi, this is viable "business practices"
if you need to dump because you have no revenue after 5 years, perhaps it's time to close shop

>> No.53967726

>>we don't have any revenue, so we dump our bags
They told us this before the ICO, retard.

>> No.53967736
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>> No.53967744

the ICO happened 5 years ago, moron, they were supposed to have a functioning, profitable service up and running by now
>inb4 wait 10 more years

>> No.53967748

>because you have no revenue after 5 years
Chainlink is a decentralized protocol, it's not supposed to have revenue.
Nodes have revenue.

>> No.53967749

>all companies that invest in themselves are ponzis

Never said that but to say that your business will die if you or investors stop pumping money into it imply your business is not sustainable and need external money to stay alive.

>> No.53967763

>hairsplitting 101
okay, then if "le nodes" aren't profitable after 5 years, perhaps the network has failed

>> No.53967786

chaincucks literally can't refute this

>> No.53967804

i hold chainlink and think it's gonna make me rich
but the team was not transparent at all the past few years about who was paying them what and how much money they were making
they also strung us along to hold by dangling the ccip release at the end of 2021 into 2022 before the market truly dumped
they deserve all the criticism they receive

>> No.53967808

The 750 million left over were for funding and network stimuli.
There are 500 million left of this.
This was communicated before the ICO.

Plenty of nodes are profitable, it's just that Chainlink is running the contracts.

>> No.53967838

>Plenty of nodes are profitable
then why do they have to "subsidize the growth" with market dumps? are you calling CLG a liar anon?

>> No.53967861

Sergey said certain networks/nodes are profitable, post source of CLG saying anything to the contracry.

>> No.53967871

>sergey said
then why are they still dumping anon?
>post source of clg
the source is in the OP, where he directly admits the team is dumping to "subsidize the growth".

>> No.53967880

>then why are they still dumping anon?
Because not all nodes are profitable, and not all growth is paying nodes.

>the source is in the OP
He's not contradicting Sergey

>> No.53967893

>Because not all nodes are profitable, and not all growth is paying nodes.
so the network ISN'T generating enough revenue as a whole to avoid dumping
thanks for conceding

>> No.53967900

>just build a novel service for an industry in its infancy and have it be profitable within 5 years bro
Good one. The scale up I work at is close to 10 years old and we are still not profitable.

>> No.53967903

Even if all nodes were profitable, the contracts are literally run by Chainlink, so they're the ones ultimately paying the nodes.

>> No.53967919

you win
chaincucks lose
nothing new but still funny

>> No.53967942

>The scale up I work at is close to 10 years old and we are still not profitable.
I'm afraid you're about to go under, anon.
Imagine trying to gaslight anons on a business and finance board that companies/entities/services are able to survive for decades without generating profits

>> No.53967982


>> No.53968006

Sounds like an unregistered security to me.

>> No.53968014
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>printed from fat air

>> No.53968034

I dare you to find me better sources for chainlink fees and revenue
>businesses can endure for decades while generating zero profit by dumping stocks in order to keep them from going under and this is totaly normal and healthy business practice
kek, utterly deranged

>> No.53968040

>I dare you to find me better sources for chainlink fees and revenue
Any source that doesn't exclusively look at VRF on three networks.

>> No.53968066

>no sources
thanks for conceding
>that doesn't exclusively look at VRF on three networks.
vrf is by far the most used service
>three networks
>implying chainlink services exist on more than 3 major networks
LMAO the absolute state of linkcucks moving the goalposts

>> No.53968085

>moving the goalposts
that's all they do
if you keep blowing him the fuck out he'll call you a bulgarian tranny and say you lost money on celcius like half the chainlink team

>> No.53968087
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>>no sources
>thanks for conceding
Hey, you can use Defillama, but ONLY for VRF on three networks.

>vrf is by far the most used service
That would be the price feeds.

>>implying chainlink services exist on more than 3 major networks
It exists on 12

>> No.53968163

Checked. Here you go

>> No.53968168
File: 211 KB, 1193x927, 1663787183203286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well actually 13 now with Coinbase.

>> No.53968186


>> No.53968192

>muh l2 integrationz
the only networks that matter out of all these are ETH, BSC, Polygon
>price feeds
oh you mean all these profitless nodes executing jobs with no staking and receiving rewards from chainlink themselves? lmao, price feeds are by far the LEAST PROFITABLE SERVICE
>you can use Defillama, but ONLY for VRF on three networks.
where are the metrics for everything else? the burden of proof is on you, since you keep harping on about muh nodes profitability?
that image directly states that Coinbase is ALSO SUBSIDIZING the profitless chainlink services, way to btfo your own arguments

>> No.53968223

>the only networks that matter out of all these are ETH, BSC, Polygon
cool opinion bro

>profitless nodes
I said the price feeds were the most popular lmao
Put the goalposts back where you found them.

>where are the metrics for everything else?
Most of it is on-chain.

>Coinbase is ALSO SUBSIDIZING the profitless chainlink services
That's how being a paying user works.

>> No.53968229

link fudders are pathetic
ohhh the envy of non linkers..

i will never sell my 200 Link stack

seethe cope and dilate

link $1000 eoy

>> No.53968328

this post says nothing but I know who you are and expect nothing more from you
now go back to premainnet marines where you continue to add to your 10k+ shitposts

>> No.53968378

>cool opinion bro
the evidence to support that is on-chain activity, your own argument, unless you're trying to argue that ONE or FTM are close to the other three networks I've mentioned
get fucked
>I said the price feeds
and I said that all of them do not generate profits, it's not my fault you changed the argument from "profitability" to popularity" you absolute retard kek.
>Most of it is on-chain.
just looked, zero information about chainlink's revenue
>That's how being a paying user works.
>a user is supposed to cover the costs of the service, this is how it is bro
>businesses are supposed to operate without profits bro
LMAO, look at the amount of mental gymnastics link shills have to perform in order to justify this clusterfuck

>> No.53968444

>>a user is supposed to cover the costs of the service, this is how it is bro
… yes?

>> No.53968448

>the evidence to support that is on-chain activity
They're still "major networks" compared to other cryptos.

>it's not my fault you changed the argument from "profitability" to popularity"
lmao YOU're the one who brought up popularity ("most used")

>just looked, zero information about chainlink's revenue
You can see the node income by analyzing the OCR contracts.

>>a user is supposed to cover the costs of the service
kek literally yes

>> No.53968500

Chainlink fags are very annoying, they deserve to be shidded on

>> No.53968526

he's supposed to cover the cost of the service he's utilizing because he has some profit from it moron, not the entire cost of services provided across every platform
>They're still "major networks" compared to other cryptos
they're still worthless failing ghostchains nobody cares about, on-chain data suggests so
>YOU're the one who brought up popularity
because you dismissed defilamas metrics which PROVE how unprofitable this network is
>kek literally yes
kek chainlink literally does not generate any kind of profit at all

>> No.53968541

Oh fuck, it is a scam

>> No.53968552
File: 56 KB, 1440x665, 1678209126782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice revenue chaincucks. I feel sorry for the innocent anons suckered into bagholding a dying desperate zombie company

>> No.53968590

>You can see the node income by analyzing the OCR contracts.
what node income? the rewards are being paid in LINK from Chainlink team wallets you braindead retard, the contracts only show how much tokens the team hands over to node operators, aka SUBSIDIZING them

>> No.53968631

>he's supposed to cover the cost of the service he's utilizing because he has some profit from it moron
Who’s he?

>> No.53968651

the "user"

>> No.53968656

>you dismissed defilamas metrics which PROVE how unprofitable this network is
How do you know? All that shows is VRF, and only on three chains.

>what node income?
The Link they're being paid.

>> No.53968677

The users are paying fro Chainlink services because the service is useful to them.

>> No.53968696

are you implying the revenue is higher on the other chains? evidence to support this?
can't seem to find anything here, it looks like the network is dying actually.
>The Link they're being subsidized with.
coinbase is subsidizing the entire network, they're not simply "paying for chainlink services", look up the twitter post and read it carefully.
>The users are paying for Chainlink services
sure, it just turns out that these "users" aren't generating enough revenue so the team is forced to keep on dumping
you're a bit slow aren't you?

>> No.53968704

Spam / retarded nigger cant read a whitepaper tier thread

All fields

>> No.53968719

>are you implying the revenue is higher on the other chains?
There's certainly additional revenue there.

>it looks like the network is dying actually
So why keep talking about it?

>> No.53968742

im not smart enough to know if LINK is a good investment or not, but I do know that I'm going to ride my suicide stack (10k) into early retirement or into the ground. simple as.

>> No.53968745

>link wasn't supposed to turn profitable for 10 years at least, it says so in the whitepaper
speaking of whitepapers, my autistic fren, what about DECO, Mixicles, Super Linear staking, slashing, reputation system, Town Crier's Intel SGX and so on?
all of these were included in the whitepapers you know, but you seem to only remember "le ICO token distribution"
>There's certainly additional revenue there.
amazing evidence, thanks for conceding that you're talking out of your ass
if the network was profitable, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now and that is the truth you can't cope with.
>So why keep talking about it?
because you keep shilling it?

>> No.53968757

>if we put enough flashy logos that people recognize on our business page then people will buy our scam token

>> No.53968776

>coinbase is subsidizing the entire network
Lmao what, source pls lol

Coinbase is one of many Scale/Build participants and sponsors.

>> No.53968793

>Networks participating in SCALE cover the operating costs of certain Chainlink services for a period of time so that developers can access critical infrastructure including high-speed configurations for their specific network. By accelerating sustainable growth of its dApp ecosystem, the network can eventually transition to paying the operating costs of Chainlink services completely through dApp-generated user fees.
>cover the operating costs of certain Chainlink services for a period of time

>> No.53968798

>amazing evidence
Are you saying there are literally ZERO vrf/keeper/price feed/... requests on Fantom, Harmony, ... ?

>because you keep shilling it?
kek this is a fud thread, retard

>> No.53968826

So the tokens are just their way of a “go fund me” page?

>> No.53968827

Kek where does it say Coinbase is “subsidizing the entire network”?

>> No.53968835

Just like it was for ETH and 95% of all cryptos out there.

>> No.53968842

Chainlink is the only project that will dump their own token to subsidize others.
Literally no one else.

>> No.53968859
File: 29 KB, 1224x465, ethvrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by the state of BSC, ETH, POLY, I'd say that requests on these other shitchains are closer to zero, yes.
>ETH barely registers 1,000 requests per month
>kek this is a fud thread, retard
then why enter it? bipolar disorder? you enjoy reading things you don't like?
kek here
>“We’re super excited to launch Base with collaborators such as Chainlink, and to join the Chainlink SCALE program to empower developers with the critical data and services they need to build their applications,” said Base lead Jesse Pollak in an official statement.

>> No.53968891
File: 29 KB, 1040x442, oopsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooopsie, wrong vrf, things are slightly worse than expected kek

>> No.53968912

>>cover the operating costs of certain Chainlink services for a period of time
You know when you buy a can of Coke, you're also "covering operating costs" for the Coca Cola company.

You've been posting these charts for months now, and you're still holding Link.
What is wrong with you?

>> No.53968931

> >“We’re super excited to launch Base with collaborators such as Chainlink, and to join the Chainlink SCALE program to empower developers with the critical data and services they need to build their applications,” said Base lead Jesse Pollak in an official statement.
Nowhere does it say Coinbase is “subsidizing the whole network”.
What is wrong with you.

>> No.53968953

they admit that this is subsidization, moron, stop equating LINK to cola for fucks sake
read this carefully
>the network can eventually transition to paying the operating costs of Chainlink services completely through dApp-generated user fees.
this subsidization should stop at some point, when the network finally becomes profitable
>You've been posting these charts for months now
>Nowhere does it say Coinbase is “subsidizing the whole network”.
this is what SCALE is, moron
>Networks participating in SCALE cover the operating costs of certain Chainlink services for a period of time
>the network can eventually transition to paying the operating costs of Chainlink services completely through dApp-generated user fees.
keep banging your heads against the wall

>> No.53968970

>to subsidize others
They're subsidizing the nodes.

Others are subsidizing Chainlink, like Coinbase.

>they admit that this is subsidization
If you want to call it subsidization, go ahead.
The fact is that Coinbase (and many others) are paying Chainlink for the use of Chainlink products.

>> No.53968976

>If you want to call it subsidization, go ahead.
thanks for conceding

>> No.53968981

>then why enter it? bipolar disorder? you enjoy reading things you don't like?
And we're supposed to believe you don't ever show up in non-fud chainlink threads?

>> No.53968983

Coinbase (and many others) are paying Chainlink for the use of Chainlink products.
That's it.
If you want to call that "subsidization", it changes nothing.

>> No.53968996

>And we're supposed to believe
who's "we"?
thanks for conceding

>> No.53969013

> this is what SCALE is, moron
Scale means Coinbase has to fund the entire network?

>> No.53969027

>who's "we"?
the unlucky few having to read your seething drivel

>> No.53969046

for a period of time, yes
why did you read it? who forced you? why are you in this thread in the first place?

>> No.53969087

>why are you in this thread in the first place?
I find these threads entertaining. Why do you post in non-fud threads?

>> No.53969095

>Why do you post in non-fud threads?

>> No.53969100

> for a period of time, yes
It says “covering the costs of certain services” for a period of time.

How is “certain services” the same as “the whole network” you spastic

>> No.53969107

>thanks for conceding
kek, how is it a bad thing if Coinbase is helping pay for the Chainlink network?

>> No.53969131

since the whole network is unprofitable, they could be subsidizing literally anything, I admit it was a hyperbole though. Still, the fact remains that they are subsidizing them
>They're subsidizing the nodes.
>Others are subsidizing Chainlink, like Coinbase.
so again, thanks for conceding

>> No.53969157

>the fact remains they are subsidizing them
That’s just another way of saying they’re paying Chainlink.

For someone who keeps whining about Chainlink’s “unprofitability”, you sure seem keen to denigrate the fact that users are paying Chainlink.

>> No.53969171

So "paying for" is good, but "subsidizing" is bad?

>> No.53969199

>the network can eventually transition to paying the operating costs of Chainlink services completely through dApp-generated user fees.
that is the end goal you coping retard, neither base nor anybody else is willing to throw money indefinitely on a service that generates zero profit
yes, because these are not the same
subsidization means supporting without expecting profits
you uneducated mongoloids

>> No.53969207
File: 222 KB, 2228x411, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's you posting in the coinbase announcement thread


>> No.53969250

>subsidization means supporting without expecting profits
Oh you can rest assured Coinbase is expecting profits and benefits from this mutually beneficial arrangement.

>> No.53969266

> neither base nor anybody else is willing to throw money indefinitely on a service that generates zero profit
The idea is for Coinbase to kickstart the use of their L2, retard.
It’s just as much about helping Chainlink as it is about helping themselves.

Did you think Coinbase would start paying Chainlink out of the kindness of their heart?
Coinbase is led by a guy who publicly mocks childhood friends for even hinting at asking him for a handout.

>> No.53969440

It's fact, the Base shilling, the Vodafone crumbs, all of that shit was to garner hysteria and euphoria before they liquidated on Binance. It's all on chain, the times add up.

Fuck you Sergey, I know you read this shit you pussy

>> No.53969678

On to the next thread I guess?

>> No.53969768

This kills the Bulgar

>> No.53969880

It doesn't matter how the technology works if nobody knows or cares what it is. The problem is that Chainklink isn't doing anything to make people want to use their product.

I can think of several use cases for crypto that would actually create something of value, generate revenue, and use LINK.

Why are there no such products?

It's because almost everyone sees crypto as nothing more than a way to speculate and make money. Implementing the technology and getting people to use it will take years. People want to get paid now.

>> No.53970123

Arent these fud threads all made by mentally ill cumbrains that lost everything on lending platforms after buying the top and they cant stand the idea of rich ogs still having big stacks with staking rewards?

Imagine losing out so bad that you mentally get stuck on posting about a token you dont even hold anymore like its a full time job while getting paid nothing. You should apply to be biz jannies LMAO

>> No.53970262

>You should apply to be biz jannies LMAO
they're actually worse than that and its a commonly accepted fact on here
still, its entertaining to see their thought process in action
>"hey guys if we just spam a basket weaving forum that doesnt affect the price with fud for most of our waking hours it will make people sell instead of ask why we're behaving like irate retards for sure!"

>> No.53970286

Unfortunately, the token is not needed.

>> No.53971050

>Bulgarian babbling.
Okay Ivaylo.

>> No.53971203

Had our biggest funding round just last year anon.

>> No.53971288

god i hope they get absolutely rekt when it dumps. they have to sell their dumb incel mansions and back back into mommy's basement.