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53960184 No.53960184 [Reply] [Original]

kek, chainlink fudders are sad creatures permanently looking for engagement from linkies, who ironically just keep ignoring those cucks lmao.
ive unironically spent some time in the fudding groups, and they are so damn sad, most of the time they spam their nonsense, and barely get any likes or yous or quotes lmao, they can spend alot of time writing those shitty fud posts to end up with 0 engagement.

these faggots are desperate for attention that nobody gives them besides the few losers who keep fudding link in their closed groups, and whats sad is that the only few likes they get are mostly from losers like themselves.

you have no idea how bad these fudders crave attention, imagine posting like everyday every few hours some posts and people either block you or ignore you.
kek you have no idea the mental distress those people are going through

here is a (you) i know you crave the attention LMAO

>> No.53960204

the esl attempts to communicate. we need un translators to figure out what he’s saying

>> No.53960210

>kek, chainlink fudders
didn't read past this, kek baggie

>> No.53960222

Chainlink fudders are just bored Chainlink holders, change my mind.

>> No.53960394

nah, they are different, the fudders have something else, like a bored linker will either logoff 4chan or quit discord and do something else with his life.
the fudders are real losers, like, they keep doing it, every single day. it's like a cry for help, they are such a bunch of losers they literally crave the slightest spike of dopamine whenever their fud post gets any sort of attention.

>> No.53960408

nope, i know you loser read it all, you have nothing going for yourself, you're a giant loser, you are literally masterbating at the idea of getting under the spotlight.

>> No.53960448

It's probably their job or something. I mean, remember that, what was it.. 90 page fud report by "Zeus Capital?" That's not something put out by anyone who isn't getting paid to do it.

>> No.53960459

nah, I really didn't read any of it. I hope you were here during those "two years" and aren't a poor sucker who bought in the double digits anon, I really do

>> No.53960478

zeus capiral was a nexo piece, it was literally admitted by one of their cofounders.
what we get now are trolls like chris blec and like alot of losers from CT, who are literally lusting for attention. the fud posts you see on 4chan happen because they didn't get any attention on reddit or on twitter, so they decide to come here where the linkies are, to get some (yous)
so thzy keep thzneir sanity because 99% of the time nobody interacts with them

>> No.53960484

TL:DR another chainshit baggie schizo thread

>> No.53960510

>was nexo
That makes sense, I'm a bit out of the loop on these things.
I just find it hard to imagine how they can be such colossal, pathetic and toxic losers, sitting here all day like that without getting paid or at least getting something in return.

>> No.53960612

i mean dude just look at this guy that came into this thread, nobody is talkikg to him yet he keeps posting

see how desperate for attention he is? this is truly sad, that's who these fudders are, it took me some time to realize it it but they are literally mentally deranged losers they are the type of pzople who wear leather bdsm clothes with spikes n shit and put a leash on themselves, didnt you notice vow they keep comparing sergey to a dominatrix n shit. its because thats who they are, plebs with a giant inferiority complex

>> No.53960617
File: 134 KB, 640x544, nicoread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping linkies. You are 100% finished, just like your bags that will be 100% down.

>> No.53960620

>5 posts by this ID
>vs my 2
keep going

>> No.53960642

this thread isnt directed at you, but is about you. you dont have to engage in it.

>> No.53960651

>p-please don't post in my schizo thread

>> No.53960661

you are literally showcasing my point, thanks for your service

>> No.53960674

Oh man I am LITERALLY showing your point? Damn, if only I had picked the winning move of ignoring yet another "oy vey why do they persecute us chainlink sisters so?" thread.

>> No.53960704

I wonder if these people exist in all hobbies. I think there’s probably a decent chance they do.
Like there’s some dude on a 4x4 forum talking shit every day about WARN brand cable 4x4 winches and that motherfucker doesn’t even own a car. But every day he goes on to the same 4x4 forums and talks shit about winches just because he feels at home there and he knows he’ll get replies.
And I say “he” because apparently women are immune from this particular brand of obsessive, fixated autism.

>> No.53960716

u're not persecuting anybody dude, the only one being persecuted is you, i know you feel like a loser deepdown.
im a link OG i was in the presale, i never sold and will nevee sell, you are not scaring anybody.
i know you keep spamming twitter all day looking for peints and likes or replies, and whenever you dont get any you comz here for attention

>> No.53960731

0.01 links have been deposited in your account, ser
>words words words words the great fud conspiracy is upon us fellow brethers

>> No.53960744

yep, that's exactly how they are, it's not really about link, since the board has a community of chainlink holders they come here specifically targetting the community to get their daily fix of dopamine, thats all there is to it

>> No.53960752

> just look at this guy that came into this thread
His posting style is a lot like that of a bot. I'm not suggesting that he is one, but his posts are just empty responses, not things a normal human with thoughts to express would post.

>> No.53960778

it's empty because those guys are doing it all day, so they kinda shut off the creative part of their brain, it's a sort of compulsive response, that's why the link fud isn't fun at all like it used to and like we used to do it back in 2017 to 2019.

these people are jealous, bitter and are giant losers in life, an interaction with anons is all they have to flee from reality.

>> No.53960805

they know deep down they will never be link OGs.

>> No.53961059

I dont know man. You sure spend a lot of time thinking and posting about le fudders. Thats pretty gay spending all that time thinking about random dudes

>> No.53961169
File: 3 KB, 114x125, FindingLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen fellow OG. Remember the days of the OGs how amazing bread crumb threads that would easily reach the max limit and would have barely an fud and if there was fud it was laughable "Mobius to the moon" type shit. I mean the fud is still laughable, but it's actually sad now because you can feel the seethe from the fudders trying so hard to get attention.

Oh well, I hope they reap what they sow and get raped for eternity in hell after they rope from losing most/all of their stacks in celsius/bancor/lpl/swinging and seeing Link hit $100 by EOY.

>> No.53961801
File: 150 KB, 736x981, 1678160525516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to pay up worthless linkpigs. Goddess sergey needs a new penthouse. Hes already dumped a fresh batch of 50m crushing you back under $7.
This is what you hold for, youre in it for the tech and you get immense pleasure from being financial dominated and humiliated.
Kek paypigs! Thanks for subsidizing all of crypto and defi off your backs so chads like me can get rich.

>> No.53961816
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 1678160915465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the last 50m dump your 10k link is now worth only 9k link, so much for that 4.75% staking apy

>> No.53963184

3 consecutive posts with 0 (you)s

>> No.53963298

I am going to pray for you tonight. God is the answer to your problems.