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File: 60 KB, 687x474, 04692815-B499-48B6-8B5F-D51EBFEDC47D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53958153 No.53958153 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the best state to live in the USA?

>> No.53958180

I unironically like Ohio.

>> No.53958204

How bad is the snow in Wyoming

>> No.53958213

Looks like Maine is #1

>> No.53958227

>snow in Wyoming
At the lower elevations in the east, the range is from 60 to 70 inches. Over the drier southwest portion, amounts vary from 45 to 55 inches.

>> No.53958230

The whitest states are places where I wouldn't want to live. The most non-white states are also places I don't want to live.

>> No.53958239

Move here to Ohio if you're white or east Asian. Houses and land are cheap. Pretty good laws compared to surrounding states. Stay away from the major cities, though.

>> No.53958240


>> No.53958262

>Illinois #35
>Michigan #24
I would have thought it would be far down the line in terms of less whites, but it looks like that all of the browns are in Chicago and Detroit.

>> No.53958266

>come to Ohio bros
>we’re totally not dying from chemical train explosions
Yeah no thanks

>> No.53958305
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two more weeks and i'll die of cancer alongside the eastern united states and ontario

I was supposed to drop dead two more weeks according to the high school dropouts of /pol/ but maybe I need to wait two more weeks

>> No.53958315

It's a pretty big state, anon. That terrorist attack happened on the most eastern side of it.

>> No.53958316

Wind is worse. High elevation and cold winds turn snow covered roads into ice overnight. Roads are closed frequently. And Wyoming doesn’t plow backroads/neighborhoods or use salt so expect to drive on ice in those areas. It’s nice for 3-4 months but the rest is high wind and snow and ice.

>> No.53958333

How Kentucky? I was thinking of moving to SC but seeing this map is making me rethink that.

>> No.53958334

Lots of people fleeing California for Texas. I think near the great lakes or Washington state or Maine would be my focus. Access to fresh water, good land and most importantly you want no niggers around. Nigger's ruin EVERYTHING.

>> No.53958346
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>brown eyes brits and jews are so mixed together that mutts resorted to just call themselves 'white'

>> No.53958361

Leaf here. I thought the south is le hecking white republican ethnostate racist hickland? The map says it's pure concentrated darkness lol.

>> No.53958369
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anon, I...

>> No.53958371
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Why can't Ohio into trains?

>> No.53958374

I would make fun of how almost half that meme template is about COVID but that's not far off. The right spazzes autistically over this topic and it's becoming a parody of itself how it gets inserted into any other conversation

>> No.53958391

Kansas really has it all man, I've been to so many different states and none of them hit like Kansas does.

>> No.53958400

Glowies figured out that it's relatively cheap and nice to live there. Surprised they didn't start going after trains a lot sooner. It's real, real easy to fuck up a track.

>> No.53958410
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>railworkers warn they're overworked and understaffed
>trains derail
>rail itself was not cause of derailment in both cases
>wtf why can't ohio do trains?

>> No.53958458
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>tfw MD
Don’t feel so good bros…

>> No.53958464

Pretty hard to do trains when those rail workers that got told to get fucked retaliate and 'forget' their inspections. You wanna go there with your implication I'll go there with mine.

>> No.53958491

a good upriver spot to flood poison since the vaccine didnt work out

>> No.53958498
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>> No.53958505

Slaves who never moved. The majority of Florida's population was actually slaves back in the day.

Also, to answer your question OP, unironically Florida but only if you're white and can get along with Cubans and Venezuelans. Their women fucking hate Democrats. Puerto Ricans are a different story however.

Tampa Bay and the Melbourne area are the nicest parts in the main part of the state if you're white, if you're wealthy you can enjoy southeast Florida but stay away from Broward county. Orlando is nice too, but you will likely spend a good amount of time in traffic if you have a commute like most people. Otherwise the panhandle is great too, but you're pretty much separated from the rest of the state and you will have to deal with southerner tourists every week of your life. The Destin area is particularly nice if you're interested in that. Florida is California without the SJW bullshit, heil DeSantis.

>Florida native who fucks the shit out of light skinned latinas who insist they have Spanish ancestry because they're racist as fuck

>> No.53958520

I hate Indiana, it sucks and people from other states definitely shouldn't come here, specifically those coming from hip overpopulated blue cities. It's just awful, no redeeming qualities. Definitely don't come here, no sir.

>> No.53958562

I earnestly want you to delete this, we are full.

>> No.53958568

I'm not sure what you got out of my post but my point was it has nothing to do with the state of Ohio

>> No.53958656
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Map is unintentionally misleading because it breaks it down by state and not by county. And it would be even more accurate if you broke it down by neighborhood because that's how finely people start segregating here, literally by city blocks.

Anyway, I'm in NC and my town is only 50% white, but you'd think it was 80-90% white if you'd tag along with me on my day-to-day routes because there's just simply no reason to for me to go to melaninated neighborhoods. I don't see browns that often. The western part of my state, the Appalachians, and the far eastern coastline are still actually very white as well. I never had a problem when visiting either one, which is quite frequent. The only glaring shitholes are the areas that coincide with the black belt (go figure), just right of center of the state. I had to move there temporarily for work and my God did it fucking suck. I lasted 5 months before I had to move. I hated it there.

but yeah, tl:dr: remember that the map is just overall percentage, darkies aren't distributed equally in those states. And you can insulate yourself pretty effectively if you know what you're doing.

>> No.53958692

If you're rich San Diego, CA. If you're poor or comfy neet rural pacific northwest or rural upper new england states.

>> No.53958722

read my other post and this fellow native southron.>>53958505

you're really gonna have to be more specific than looking solely at the state level for any place in the south and start looking at the county/city/town. There's so much internal variation

>>>Florida native who fucks the shit out of light skinned latinas who insist they have Spanish ancestry because they're racist as fuck
what's the best place in florida to do this anon
>t. degen racist coomer who wants to fuck racist Cubans and Venezuelans while also practicing his spanish..

>> No.53958783

The wealth disparity in places like California and Oregon must be insane. Can't imagine living there as a poorfag.

>> No.53959235


>> No.53959265

Looks like the south rose again

>> No.53959273
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I'm leaving America. My job is wfh anyway who cares I just need internet that works.

>> No.53959285
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>shilling for clotshot in 2023

>> No.53959292

It's all the same shit in general but so long as you avoid the deep south you'll be fine. If you enjoy battling niggers and Walmart, please do move directly to the south.

>> No.53959521

Don't fall for it... and if you do. Stay in the cities or along the coast.

>> No.53959834

Just like the Holocaust
>they didn't do that (but they should have)"

>> No.53959876

Then stay away from Washington because they're everywhere. Plus a grab bag of niggylite ethnicities like Samoans and Flips, without a thicc Latina in sight. I suffer in Tacoma.

>> No.53959977

>all that red along the east/west coasts and down south
You're literally getting flanked with only Canada to flee to lol. BTW which are those dark blue states?

>> No.53960020
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>implying you'd choose anywhere else over Maui or the big island if you aksually had a choice

>> No.53960138


>> No.53960145

If you arent living on a coast whats even the point most of the country is a cultural dead zone at least living near the ocean will give you some sembalance of connection to nature

>> No.53960853

Yeah, after losing our battle for adequate rest and time off we just decided to start fucking up kamikaze style. Has nothing to do with, you know, adequate rest or fatigue issues. Who cares if we're personally riding on the very thing we inspect. Roll the dice, baby!


>> No.53960925
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>> No.53961402

Nevada, all other states are cope

>> No.53961777

same thing in SC, most of the darkies are concentrated in the cities and certain towns. Just stay away from those areas and you're golden, although they aren't nearly as dangerous as say, south Chicago.

>> No.53961797

Red states are incredibly poor, nasty, and have high crime rate.

>> No.53961876
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>> No.53961911

Incredibly fucking based. God I want to live in Wyoming. Any places you'd recommend?

>> No.53961917

Because of a certain demographic

>> No.53961924
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god damn you schizos are annoying I don't give a fuck about the shot two more weeks and everyone dies though!

>> No.53961929

Fuckin kek

>> No.53961934

Home boy ALL the cities (worth visiting or living in) on the great lakes are full of black people. Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland....

>> No.53961945

What's the cost of living in WV? It looks like a steal

>> No.53961948

Why are there so many cancerous nigger loving lereddit libtards on this board now. Your entire existence is anti capitalism and decimation of freedom. Leave

>> No.53961960
File: 68 KB, 1195x521, whites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any state with a low amount of whites.

>> No.53961972

Shut up shitskin this table means nothing

>> No.53961980


>> No.53961995
File: 966 KB, 1041x1297, white_people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're counting Mexicans as "white"

>> No.53961997

Whites are still a majority so your data doesn’t mean anything to the point you’re trying to prove. Try per demographic instead of nationwide then tell us the results (They may shock you nigger)

>> No.53962010

Clearly says 4mil+ are Not Hispanic or Latino while 1m+ are Hispanic or Latino. Even if your assertion were true, whites still make up the most arrests out of all races.

>> No.53962040
File: 184 KB, 917x330, perdemo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>per demographic
No, the results don't surprise me.

>> No.53962044

Imagine 100 whites in a room and 1 black. Two whites are arrested and one black is arrested
OMG whites are arrested more OMG!
I know your dumb niggerbrain can’t grasp how bad your data is. Maybe you shouldn’t have let your government sell you to Europeans before their voyage to the americas. Blacks sold more slaves than whites ever did. They were originally sourced from black slave owners in Africa. Can you imagine the CRT classes imploding when they actually tell the truth

>> No.53962045

>shitskin can’t comprehend basic statistics
checks out

>> No.53962047

It is cheaper to purchase a new citizenship than to purchase a home in the USA. Does that answer your question?

>> No.53962051
File: 394 KB, 1080x1349, A525268A-ADC8-4FD6-B7A5-5DB7157B7F54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not come to Ohio, it’s a trap
Why are there so many 4chan users from Ohio anyways? It’s uncanny.

>t. Posting from Ohio

>> No.53962055

>places worth visiting around the Great Lakes
>names all the shitty places
Tell me your an idiots without telling me you are. Those cities are awful outside of sporting events. Everyone knows that.

>> No.53962070

>7th most populous state
>wtf, why are there so many people from the 7th most populous state?

>> No.53962073

But that distinction isn't made in the percentage distribution. They're including Mexicans within the white 69.4%. If Mexicans had their own percentage instead of being labeled as white when it's convenient to play a shell game with statistics it would make these numbers look even worse for blacks and browns than they already do.

>> No.53962110

What are some nice lakeside cities in the Midwest in your humble opinion then?

>> No.53962125

If it’s not crime ridden and actually a nice area, you can’t afford it. All the boomers are hiding in their bleached communities

>> No.53962213

Yeah but you never hear about Pennsylvania

>> No.53962325

Plenty of people talk about philly, more than Pittsburgh

>> No.53963409

Definitely Orlando or Tampa. Orlando has a lot of tourists, temporary workers from around the world (all young attractive women for the parks and resorts), a large Brazilian population, and lots of Venezuelans and Cubans. Tampa is a bit quieter, but if you want to fucking rail new chicks every week, trust me Orlando is where it's at. Miami is also great but a lot more expensive obviously.

The Venezuelans and Cubans actually watch their weight unlike the fatasses in this country, so they're more fun to manhandle.

>> No.53963506 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 680x409, OpenBet14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OpenBetAI Friend Zone is 100% real. The OBFZ is a relationship in which a woman knows a man wants to be romantic partners with her and chooses to lead him on to acquire the benefits of his OpenBetAI wealth without him receiving any benefits that would be associated with a relationship. She will allow him to take her on dating activities and he will definitely pay for everything, with OpenBetAI tokens ofc, as if they’re dating. She keeps him just close enough to yank his chain to keep him producing resources for her. She’ll even get angry if he shows interest in another woman bc this is a threat to her resource. He will see this as a sign that she really wants more and will put up with her BS. Example: My ex was in a sorority and they had a name for guys like this they called the “free lunch casino club”. They openly laughed about doing this to guys. This behavior is ethically and morally wrong. Women in this group will now try to personally attack me rather than address this very real and uncomfortable truth...Cue the REEEEEEEEEE!!!! in 3..2..1..

>> No.53963532

That's a very subpar joke onsidering that the biggest political meme of the 2010s was liberals being wrong about the most important polls in decades. The 2016 "woman US president" election and Brexit.

>> No.53963548

New Mexico

1. It's a red state in the west (not the west coast), so they're pro 2A
2. Desert climate so Blacks make up less than 2% of the population and are confined to Albquerque,
3. Native Americans, if they're not either drunk or viciously poor, are based
4. The biggest minority here are the mexicans which are touch-and-go (there's still deep gang culture in the citites but why would you live there) but ultimately are much more likely to have family values and not indoctrinated by the woke shit. just like in prison the whites and the mexicans will always group up when push comes to shove
5, Blacks fear the mexicans because they don't give af about woke shit and hate them
5. Mountains to fuck off to and hold (no land invasions)
6. Easy access to the colorado river for good water
7. gorgeous scenery
8. very little humidity so much harder to get poisoned by chemtrails
9. if shit ever goes down the aliens in roswell will awaken from their slumber to protect us
10. 99% of people here want to be left alone
11. qt latina chicks
12. its uniroincally the most spiritual place i've ever lived, I don't know how to explain it, I've had an easier time communicating to God and just feel infinitely more connected here - many people report similar things

just dont live in ABQ

>> No.53963553

Maine belongs to Canada (literally)

>> No.53963563


also its under most normies radar for some reason, my friends back on the east coast keep thinking I live literally in mexico

>> No.53963593

How’s Kansas or Nebraska? Property looks cheap buy one to live in and buy one to rent out?

>> No.53963621

standard midwest look sparse flat nothing going on
pretty in the spring and summer but be prepared to drive 45 minutes to walmart or hope there's a dollar general nearby, no jobs
you're probably scared of black people in any capacity or something so no point in mentioning

>> No.53963629

now do it by eye color
an untrained (american) eye might mistake a brown for a white, but you can't fake purity in both skin and eye.

>> No.53963669

>not a 4chan number filename on the image
didja get that from a facebook or instagram 4chan meme page bro. you're such an oldfag you've probably been here since 2017

>> No.53963672

If you don't like snow and a cold winter, you aren't white.

>> No.53963684
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Eastern Europe

>> No.53963714

Why live in redneck US anyway if you're live in the snow?

>> No.53963724

The worst part of these 'whitest' places is that they are inhabited by Germans, Finns and God knows what other brutish mix

>> No.53963811

Shut up man!

>> No.53963911
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- Ohio is cheap and has lots of jobs, specifically in the northeast. Mostly blue collar though.

- Its VERY white outside of Cleveland, Akron, Warren, Youngstown, Columbus, Toledo and Cincinnati.

- It's actual very red/conservative, even though it goes blue sometimes. Out of 88 counties, usually 80+ vote republican.

I'd say the only drawbacks are that it can be kind of boring. It's not a party state and it doesn't have an ocean. Not much for tourists to look at either. And if you like Asian women, the only place you will find them is Case Western in Cleveland.

It's a good state if you just want to live fairly cheaply, out in a rural area and be left the fuck alone.

>> No.53964659

You sound nervous.

>> No.53964666

>newfag can’t recognize phone posting
>calls others newfag
Go. Back.

>> No.53964687


Goddamnit you fucking retards. This place won’t stay cheap and affordable if you tell them all to move here

>> No.53964704

I want to move to Kansas or Nebraska
t/central european

>> No.53964899
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>he's posting on an iphone
here's a webm bro

>> No.53964920

imagine falling for muh whitest states meme. if you start a new state with 2 meth heads it’s your 100% white utopia but living in nyc in a white neighborhood full of millions of white people is le bad because some heckin niggers live a few miles away

>> No.53964932

>audio leak of manager telling workers to skip safety inspections
insert yourself into a genuine J.A. Topf & Sohne incinerator, kike.

>> No.53965016

New Mexico is one of the hidden gems of North America, not to mention you have the opportunity to run into 3 types of ayyys, the illegal ones, the ones from space, and the ones that come from the caves underground.

>> No.53965030

>Y-you sound nervous!
I didn’t get the vax. The thing is I don’t go around screeching about it because im not an annoying faggot suffering from early onset dementia. Whether it’s intentional by feds or not, conspiracy theorist have become ridiculous. I understand you’re stupid it hurts. Contrarian personality disorder.

>> No.53966873

Starting to think are two hidden gems out there honestly.

>> No.53967102

>talking. Like. This.
You should go back satan

>> No.53967158


It's America in a microcosm. Lakes, rivers, mountains, plains/fields, 3 different major city areas to choose from, or just the mass of country, fairly traditional culture outside of Columbus, low cost of living and yet ample job opportunity unlike the Appalachian neighbors.

>> No.53967258

New Mexico is a shit hole.

>> No.53967728

Utah without a doubt. Cheap, have all four seasons, red state, and the worst part is that there a lot of Mormons which isn't saying much.

>> No.53969329
File: 639 KB, 1234x1324, California.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is unironically the best state.

But you don't have enough money to afford the good parts, so you move elsewhere and cope about how looking out at flat land under gray skies from November-April, while working low paying jobs, is something to strive for.

>> No.53969949

I've been there. Its like a barren wasteland. The mountains are nice (big horns) but i got sick of seeing pine trees and it can snow in June.

>> No.53970058


>the most numerous population gets arrested the most

Cool. Now break it down per capita by violent crime you nigger.

>> No.53970139

Washington is 30? I figured it'd be top 15 or so

>> No.53970171

Hello, my name is Johnny Bluejeans and I love Colorado oblast.

>> No.53970217

Please read a history book

>> No.53970490

I live big island. It's ok but it has problems. Mostly fucking hawaiins. I hate hawaiins. Fuck Maui I need space

>> No.53970528

Wyoming is great to visit but living there is tough. Most of the state is incredibly ugly too. I own a cabin in the medicine bow range that is great to visit

>> No.53970558


You are possibly the dirtiest state in the entire union. Yes, including Mississippi. Your major cities are covered with homeless people, tents, needles, and shit, and there's general lawlessness wherever you go. You fail at the basics while shouting at the sky. Keep coping

It's been swirling the toilet bowl for over a decade now and it's only going to get worse

>> No.53970575

Lmaoooo go there. Holy shit what a terrible couple of states. It's the United States. If you don't move to natural beauty and outdoor opportunities your a fat faggot plain and simple

>> No.53970579
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california. it's really pretty and the ladies are pretty too

everyone just hates us because of these things and
>reeeeeeeeee expensive!

>> No.53970695
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>major cities are covered with homeless people, tents, needles, and shit

That's literally every major city in this country dumb fuck.

>> No.53971153

Kauai a best

>> No.53971241

gud lort

>> No.53971579
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Somebody needs to put together a real meaningful score for something like this.
Whiteness is not all that matters.
There needs to be considerations for poverty too.
For example, West Virginia is whiter than Utah, but I don't think anybody would agree that the white people in West Virgina are as good as the ones in Utah.
Whiteness alone is not enough. If they're poor they may as well be black.

>> No.53971605

Holy projection

>> No.53971729

Dude there’s Asian girls everywhere in central Ohio and has been ever since Honda began production here.
Mostly Viets, Cambos and Nepalis but there are even some Nips and Gooks

>> No.53971751

Maybe Reddit would suit you better niggerlover

>> No.53972513

Just look at incomes. 80% correlation between a school's percent of students receiving free and reduced lunch percent and their SAT scores. That's more than double any race/ethnicity factor.

>> No.53973844

Wyoming looks like a great place to live because it's mostly white but then you go there and everybody looks like they're either on crack or a fuck-ton of prescription medications. Everything's falling apart and there's nothing to do half the year while the state is buried under snow. Young women are either single moms or on drugs, same with the men, because anybody worth anything leaves as soon as they can.
Don't fall for the "live where white people" are meme, you need to live near GOOD white people, too.