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53940727 No.53940727 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder LCX flipped Coinmetro this year and now we get daily fud threads from XCM/KDA bagholders kek

>> No.53942971

>Fake volume
>retarded bond
>terrible exchange
>token called a security by SEC
>anon thinks that Icx flipped anything and that it's just le fud
lol, lmao even

>> No.53943266 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 1053x917, redrabbit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, lets just say that I theoretically put $4000 into crypto, watched it quadruple and now I theoretically had $16k in crypto. Now lets imagine that I theoretically put half of that so $8000 into this funny haha rabbit coin called red rabbit erc or something in August 2020 and just forgot about it cause it's funny to put a lot of money into stupid jokes. But theoretically lets say that it turned to $8 billion in a bit over a year and now I want to cash out and move it to my bank account. How would I theoretically go on about this safely if I theoretically had this much money in crypto, in theory of course.

>> No.53943316

methinks the lcx crowd is getting worried about the price bleeding non-stop for 2 weeks
it's only the beginning
at the rate it's bleeding, the price will be zero in less than 2 months
prepare accordingly

>> No.53944204

LCX is so shady they remove posts about asking them to stop being shady https://www.reveddit.com/v/lcx/comments/11ivgqo/large_volume_trader_here_can_this_exchange_please/

>> No.53944217

LCX are a bunch of faggots who still have my 13 dollars or whatever from 2 years ago becuase they make you kyc down to your fucking genetic code. buy something cool likes stopai...shit is hilarious, it's like some oil money kid with a really big heart trying to make a toekn, I love it.

>> No.53946113
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>lcx crowd is getting worried about the price bleeding non-stop for 2 weeks
Nigga please. I'm worried because I sold and its NOT falling enough. The strength of LCX is shocking me, and I thought there would be more volatility.

>> No.53947832

I'm neutral - don't care about LCX but it's true, Troondenaz are annoying POS.

>> No.53947860

You've lost and you wanna withdraw the rest ($13)? I agree kyc is cancer.