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53935460 No.53935460 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I have felt more connected to the universe. Premonitions more often, everytime I look at my watch i check it

Onto the skitzo bable. You niggers seen the movie Pi right? Imagine not seeing Pi though.
>pic rel

And I bet you niggers forgot about this clip. Based ari216 knows wasup. Pythagorus knows wasup. I hope your mind/soul/body is ready for what is coming this year


>> No.53935511

So... 2 more weeks (10 more days)?

>> No.53935609

Double dubs. I have a feeling we will see continuous drops until ccip gets announced… likely on 3.14

I also think they have other shit even OG bread crumb eating fags don’t know about.

>> No.53935880

They even talk about the go chess board representing the cosmos in that clip wtf

>> No.53935902

Ya that clip is deep af anon. The whole movie is a skitzo master peace.

>> No.53936479

>I hope your mind/soul/body is ready for what is coming this year
I've been suffering since 2016 when will it end?

What's the link? Chainlink rewritten in Go?

>> No.53936501

I believe in the power of collective positive thought.

>> No.53936522

yeah LINK is now the new XRP. it's official. enjoy bagholding for years faggots. muh premonitions

>> No.53936527

Epic clip, I need to watch that movie.

>> No.53936531

take meds

>> No.53936543

It would appear suffering. But anon, this time gave us a chance to get ready. I got mentally prepared to have wealth, I got my addictive vices under control, I learned the value of “almost making it” and being semi-retired, to grinding at my tradie job 50 hours a week again to stack as much crypto as I can.

>> No.53936641

It killed my ambition and chance of making it in corpo. Even double digit percent salary increases seem utterly worthless considering the upside in crypto with what I already have in and the added work. I'd have to skip at least 4 levels.
The moment I saw what a good investment could do and 7 figures in my wallet it completely killed my drive.
Made me think deeply about what really drove me all these years. I learned what the true definition of cope was before I learned what I know today.
Cope is really powerful. Funny how close to hope the word it.

>> No.53936703

Fuck corpo anon. You sound “depressed” anon. I would bet you don’t get sun (vitamin d deficient), don’t eat well, and don’t exercise. Am I correct?

Get a hobby, listen to music, read about what interests you. Set goals for what you will do when you “make it”.

Everything is fake and gay, you cannot deep think with an open mind if you put so much importance on social constructs.

God speed anon.

>> No.53936717


A ghost visited our village. It moved into the middle of the town square, by the well, and every single person came out to hear what it had to say.
It's message was short:
>I will return with great tidings
It disappeared and we all chattered excitedly about what those tidings could be. What auspicious event it had just foretold.
As the excitement faded, some of us got back to work. Many did not. Some threw down all their belongings saying "It matters not, the ghost will return".
But time went on. The ghost had not said how long we had to wait. More and more people got back to work. For most, life went back to normal, except for two groups.
One group were those who now worked with extra zeal. They were fitter, their muscles rippled, they spent the evenings reading by candlelight. They knew that the ghost would return and for now they fixated on being their best selves, being their finest incarnation, so that when the ghost returned they were the most deserving, the most happy and the most fulfilled.
The other group were those that had thrown down their tools the moment the ghost had spoken. Those who had said "we are delivered!" and had immediately abandoned all of their work, all of their goals, as they awaited only the ghost's return.
Theirs was a miserable lot, every day they groaned and whined. "Where is it? When is it back? It's taking too long, far too long."
Their bodies wasted. Their minds wasted. All turned their backs on them, tired of their constant complaining.
Every man had heard the same message that night. For some, it spurred them into their finest selves. For others, it broke them into their lowest form.

>> No.53936816
File: 97 KB, 1080x699, Screenshot_20230304_154810_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming


>> No.53936830

How the fuck do you find these?
Was it random?

>> No.53936849

Yes I probably am.
But we keep on trucking, mostly thanks to this website.
I wish success to every lost soul that ended up here.

>> No.53936851

Cool its one of those Q anon style Deltas
plan = trusted

>> No.53936858

Most these people dropping these docs are insiders who are SO FUCKING EXCITED, yet take their nds’s and insider status serous

The second info goes live they drop it. Probably a good handful on here

>> No.53936872

Even Bulgarians? Wish all og link fags the best.

>> No.53936885
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There are no Bulgarians, only the other group were those that had thrown down their tools the moment the ghost had spoken.

>> No.53936906

And a third group went directly to the designated shitting street in Sofia and typed with a demonic fury
>token not needed

>> No.53936946
File: 19 KB, 416x416, 92C933C5-9BD1-4C6A-8C6A-0B9B7E60DF6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree anons. There are Bulgarians. Anons who had to sell off to survive, anons who got a hair cut on bancor, anons who fell for 42s shilling of aave and taking out a loan on their link to get liquidated.
>most anons get murked simply because they were greedy.
A story as old as Saturn.

>> No.53936956

Jesus Christ of Nazareth revealed it to me in a dream.

>> No.53936997

And after years had passed, the ghost returned. When the workers were so fit and happy they had nearly forgotten the ghosts promise, and the waiters were so wasted away they were barely alive, the ghost returned to the middle of the village square.
All gathered around once again. The ghost said:
>The tidings are: Your life is yours
This was met with a great cheer from those that had toiled and built and learned, and who now shone with energy and knowledge and the love of their peers.
And with groans of despair and agony from those who had thrown down everything, to wait for a salvation that they had never tried to build for themselves.

>> No.53937345

Ok OP who the fuck are you. Not a single person has brought up that Chainlink go page yet. And the clip too what the fuck. And the swift go page. What the fuck is going on. I’m schizing out for the first time since 2017.

Who the fuck are you OP

>> No.53937354
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>Live since July 2021
did chainlink have some news happening July 2021?

>> No.53937490

One bulgarian fudder fucked up and posted twitter link with bulgarian language. They are real

>> No.53937531

New to the link bagholding cult, somebody spoon feed me the basis of this thread from a positive money perspective

>> No.53937613
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yeah? Well fuck that ghost for being a coy bitch about something so obvious, it knew what it was doing.

>> No.53937656

Pretty sure a detective anon noticed cryllic image link or some residue from Simeon’s sloppy job.

Always watch your self around gypsies.

>> No.53937857


>> No.53938073

Having the same synchronicity lately every time i check my phone.

>> No.53938119

Someone brought up the go page in another thread. So far we have no clues on what it could be. So far, chainlink has been working on

CCIP (ccip.chain.link) - cross chain interfacing
FSS - fair node sequencing
DECO - ZK knowledge proofs for private data

I can't imagine "Go" would be FSS, maybe they could rebrand DECO, but doubtful. Anyone have ideas? Or are we gonna wait till Pi day?

>> No.53938131
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>> No.53938140


And there it is, I was not paying attention.

>> No.53938181
File: 29 KB, 1170x180, 3A95812E-D545-4BF5-B67D-D3452A769474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked the time as I read this post. It’s becoming comical.

>> No.53938598

If someone could inform me of what 777 means I’d appreciate it. Thank you.

>> No.53938802

Nah It Will be on first of may (2/16x2 = 04/32 =05/01)