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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53933246 No.53933246 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53933253

the nuclear codes are totally safe. take that putler

>> No.53933268

>i inherently distrust someone not like me, but inherently put all of my trust and faith into someone that looks like me
in the business, we call people like you a "rube" and you're the easiest to take advantage of.

>> No.53934419

Yea the nuke codes are much safer with this mentally unstable “woman” who steals people’s luggage at the airport

>> No.53934434

It's clearly not the same outfit.

>> No.53934466

Is this what /pol/ freaks out about now a days?

>> No.53934467

>>i inherently distrust someone not like me, but inherently put all of my trust and faith into someone that looks like me
No one said this or implied this, take you meds you mentally ill troon.

>> No.53934484

It absolutely is. He's wearing it backwards. There are also pictures of luggage lad wearing different outfits and jewellery from the same designer.

>> No.53934487

Have more money than you need to Live.
Or need less.

>> No.53934511

you'll hate to hear it but
5% research study/education etc
5% tenacity and willpower/hard work and such
90% being born into a family that already made it

>> No.53934516

99.9% will fail at it

>> No.53934521

What happened to Matt demon?

>> No.53934665

>pattern recognition of an unhealthy specimen is wrong. Do not trust your highly evolved brain to spot individuals that are statistically likely to be harmful or have bad ideas.

>> No.53934703

His non-binary status is icing on the cake. He got fired for multiple counts of stealing women's airport luggage. And now even LGBT activists are questioning his tragic backstory of being abused by conversion therapists and his family.



>> No.53934740

feelings don't care about your facts

>> No.53934744
File: 73 KB, 976x549, _100596861_gettyimages-687020194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

>> No.53934764


>> No.53934774

you're moron.

>> No.53934779

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.

>> No.53934794

60% luck
20% your family
10% effort
10% luck again

>> No.53934799
File: 442 KB, 449x443, +_a4cc622d0bc922a095109c7f08f9aae5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody said that, fucking schizo fag

>> No.53934848

What’s lost in all of this is that her bag probably was lost, and then sold at auction. The TSA and airlines collect unclaimed baggage and sell it. The USPS does this with parcels, too.

There’s even a website to buy unclaimed luggage (https://www.unclaimedbaggage.com/).). But instead of doing a teeny bit of research, or having common decency, y’all would rather sling shit with rethuglicans and Nazis online and accuse an innocent person of stealing. Shameful.

>> No.53934929

So hes innocent because you just made up some theory thats not even proven to be true?? Your bias is really showing