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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 828x581, 8987FC48-A99B-48FC-8F0D-FBF124C2AEBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53930854 No.53930854 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/
After years of hardships and dumps, I’ve finally made it
With a small investment of a million dollars seven years ago, I’ve finally made over fifty million dollars last year
I honestly can’t believe that my hard work and luck has payed off
I’ve already donated lots of it through charity, but I really want to give back to you Tards
Convince me to surrender some money for (you) if you really deserve it
Grovel and beg, and maybe I’ll give you something

>> No.53930871

Bagel kikes new spam.

>> No.53930874

You don’t like money?

>> No.53930877

eat a bag of dicks

>> No.53930881

I'm stuck. Work alot make dece amount. All money goes to supporting other ppl. My kids wife and mom. Save me from myself

>> No.53930885

Based. OP is a fag.

>> No.53930888

Sirs please
Zelle me some money
I lost everything yesterday
Please my village
Notaamhyde1488@protonmail com

>> No.53930893

My family was murdered and DBI rugged me, but I guess it's cool that you make this thread hourly. Whatever heh. Just gotta bootstrap myself

>> No.53930894

Help, please. I work hard all day long in agriculture. My wife is a nurse. Our son is doing real well in school. All my wife and I do is work, help others, and love our child. I would love to be able to set aside some crypto for my wife and son, if something ever happened to me.

>> No.53930902

It’s notsamhyde btw
Please sir

>> No.53930906
File: 65 KB, 953x960, w6g97kwvafd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dude i would forever be grateful
anything you can
i am 33 year old shut in living with my mom working bottom of the barrel job
no social skills no gf ever no money
please i kneel and beg
even 1k $ would change my life so i could build crypto folio of some king

>> No.53930912

Dubs gets $100k

>> No.53930913

Hellow fellow Indian. Yes everyone, OP is a Pajeet and that picture is a trust wallet glitch lol.
Kya chudaap macha rha h lodu

>> No.53930918

Sent ;)

>> No.53930945

Please bro I’m the one with the sick wife anything helps


>> No.53930967

havent received anything :( please dude be king
i wish the best for you and your family, even if you dont send me anything its ok

>> No.53930971


>> No.53930977

Send a pic of your moms panties with a time stamp and I’ll send you $100
I’m not op btw but I have some to throw away

>> No.53931001


Recently divorced and working overtime, blew two tires on a pothole in Toronto, my fridge and freezer just broke and I'm -20k since I started investing anything would help. Cheers

>> No.53931005

Op sir

>> No.53931007

If dubs you owe me 1000 dollars

>> No.53931009

This isn't 2021 guys nobody is gonna give away life changing amounts of money.

>> No.53931013
File: 14 KB, 612x130, 027F106F-ED3A-486A-8F70-123CEE68A0F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53931021

sent ;)

>> No.53931031

$67,22,353.83 <-- how much is this
if u wanna scam, plz at least place commas right, sir!

>> No.53931043


I am poor as fuck. Now my parents are going to charge rent. My job only pays 400 dollars

>> No.53931045

Holy kek I just noticed that lmao

>> No.53931063


>> No.53931067

Anyone got that new harry potter coin?

>> No.53931070

I'm so happy for u man

>> No.53931076

really all I need is about 10k to get me out - how about it?

>> No.53931132

Ugh why are people giving beggars money.
Yeah is my situation garbage absolutely but I don't believe in people being charitable, and if you are don't give it to begging jeets.

>> No.53931141

Jealous much

>> No.53931146

No it's 42 dollars it's not worth the shame of being a begging faggot also a phoneposting begging faggot who makes fake emails to ride the wave of white nationalism I guarantee you aren't even white.

>> No.53931153

I don't see jealously bro, just common sense

>> No.53931162

[x] cope
[x] seethe
[x] imminent suicide
I’m going to buy dinner while you can stay here and reeeeee

>> No.53931166

Kek imagine seething this hard over half hour of waging

>> No.53931170

I am a 30 year old virgin incel and willing to use the money you give me to finance in land terrorism on women's shelters and abortion clinics.

No joke my email is:
pls message me and I will provide the wallet address

>> No.53931171

> Jio LTE
> India’s biggest cellular service provider

Are you guys begging a Jeet ? Where is your white pride now

>> No.53931173
File: 71 KB, 340x512, Imnuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nuts!!!!!

>> No.53931177

Buying dinner with money someone gave you because you pretended to be poor, man you sure come at a cheap price don't cha.

>> No.53931182

Pathetic thing is you're likely samefagging this thread now to get more money, absolutely shameless, a true /biz/raeli like myself wouldn't stoop so low to beg for anything less than 5k.

Enjoy your three day trip to Mumbai, hopefully the curry is extra spicy tonight.

>> No.53931183

Aww someone never had someone buy them dinner

>> No.53931188
File: 239 KB, 750x458, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cope

>> No.53931193

No i've had /biz/raelies give me 30k niggers, I don't beg for pocket change.

>> No.53931195

Post proof
Pro tip
You can’t because it never happened

>> No.53931199

And I'm glad to know whatever dumbass decided to give this iphone tranny 42 dollars you make it extremely obvious why nobody should give anyone here a dime, nothing but bad actors intercepting good deeds.

>> No.53931206

i need 80k for a special surgery for my rare-ish chronic illness, unfortunately it is not covered by my shitty insurance and i slave paycheck to paycheck so i have no way of affording it. my quality of life could be a million times better than what it is now, and this state of suffering could be over for me if i receive some kind of miracle. idk if youre joking or not but it would make an insane effect on the quality of my life and i would be so fucking grateful for you for the rest of my life, it would be the greatest moment of my life. thank you.


>> No.53931208

This can't be real faggot and won't be. I want to focus on low caps till I get rich

>> No.53931210

>text wall for a mere $42
Touch grass

>> No.53931216
File: 13 KB, 1022x459, 5155151551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oohhh baby jealous?
That was off one donation you silly niggers you don't even know how to beg correctly because you're all newfaggots.

>> No.53931218

hey OP, i don't need money and this isn't my aacount buut this accounts transactions may be of interest. check the other chains...

>> No.53931224

Oh damn I didn’t know it was march 15th

>> No.53931231

I didn't say this year nigger anyway enjoy your 42 dollars and to the faggot (probably 42) who gave him that, you literally gave money to an iphone tranny posing as a white nationalist lol good job bucko.

>> No.53931239


For $50,000 I will buy 20 strong bulls and let each one take me in the ass on twitch.

>> No.53931241

I will actually
Going to buy a fat burrito and a drink
Maybe I’ll postmate it idk
Ill masturbate later and be happy, while you can go and seethe about your imaginary 20k :)

>> No.53931247
File: 490 KB, 768x768, 1676852138112903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Australia, I haven't worked for 2 years due to my position on vaccines. I want to move to a little countryside town in Nagoya and own some farm land.
I just want to own something and be happy.

>> No.53931249

I'm honestly glad you decided to be so smug over such a pitiful amount, the least you could have done is been nice and shut your trap but it's good to run it, shows the lurking anon he made a retarded mistake and he's probably thankful he didn't give you something substantial.

>> No.53931257

>still seething
Maybe if you beg the right way he’ll give you dinner too anon
>I-I’m not seething!
Then why are you still replying to me?
Just shows your rage and anger anon
I can actually feel the steams coming out of your ears through my phone too

>> No.53931262

Need money for a house, after mortgage application was shot down. Anything would help alot, eth wallet

>> No.53931267

Why are you still here spic?
You got your burrito pesos and you're still not banned so be thankful or be a gloating little faggot who's guaranteed to never receive another dime from anyone here again.
Bye bye spic nigger I'm glad you can spend money gifted to you on overpriced postmates, shows you never needed anything in the first place but sit here and beg like a nigger anyway lol.
For the record I never spent a dime on any delivery services, drugs or hookers with the money anons gave me.

>> No.53931272
File: 26 KB, 828x149, 70A81474-976C-4533-B4CD-F1E1671058F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53931275

Yeah you're just a trolling nigger lol pathetic.

>> No.53931289


>> No.53931292

Seethe all you want faggot I know you're OP and I know you're just trolling people, but for the record I received 1 15k donation 3 5k donations and 1 10k donation and none of those were fake unlike your little psyop here.

>> No.53931299

It's fake the guys the spamming iphone nigger who's been trolling people last 24 hours, he's actually upset someone gave me money in the past here so now he's pretending he got money, it didn't make sense why he kept posting and gloating about such a small amount, now he's probably gonna post another one even higher watch.

>> No.53931304


>> No.53931307

Okay bagel kike hope you've enjoyed this little psyop, sadly this faggot actually has enough money to pay for proxies to troll /biz/ nonstop and post his nutsack etc, literal unhinged schizo thinks he runs the place.

>> No.53931308

You’re clearly upset and jealous
Just let it go
Cheers fren

>> No.53931313

He never posted anything to donate to moron and likely the samefaggot.
Ugh you're pretty sad man you spend all day pretending to talk to yourself and promote your little games, and probably make real threads about how sad it is nobody talks to you here anymore kek.
You got a bunch of yous from me enjoy.

>> No.53931316

What he’s posting is a Zelle text, he clearly posted his email too
A lot people use it, and so do I

>> No.53931334

It's literally the schizo troll he even said it himself in his last text, he knows he annoys the fuck out of me, now either you're naive to this nigger or you're him either way you need some serious help you sandnigger schizo.
And stop fucking posting your balls.

>> No.53931344

Worst part is I know this is all a shame but shows you this fucking sandnigger schizo will try to blend into anything on this board, literally ITT alone he's pretending to be a sam hyde fan, and then post anime discord tranny shit right after.

This place is so fucking compromised because of mobileposting, I don't give a fuck if some anon gives someone here 4 million dollars, I care about real conversation and real interaction because of schizo faggots like this bagel kike ruin absolutely everything here, this used to be a fun place where people could have discussions about finances, business ideas and even make friendships, then a bunch of foreign niggers like this faggot decided to poison the well.

>> No.53931355

>this used to be a fun place where people could have discussions about finances, business ideas and even make friendships
/biz/ was never like this
>then a bunch of foreign niggers like this faggot decided to poison the well.
Oh you’re a racist too ok cool I guess

>> No.53931364

You're the samefaggot troll clearly, /biz/ absolutely was like this and go kill yourself you fucking nigger all you do is ruin this place, taunt people and draw negative energy into this already dead void, you'll never stop it's been well over 9 months since you started spamming this place and I can't even stomach being here with you, and I have an extremely high tolerance for bullshit so if your mission was to drive a sword into the corpse of /biz/ you won.

>> No.53931371
File: 525 KB, 720x710, Screenshot_20230101-195415~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I need me a carton of Newport 100s so I can sell dem niggas loosies to pay the mothafuckin heating bill


>> No.53931372

>cant be happy for one anon
>splooging his headcanon to us
>pearl clutching /biz/
touch fucking grass dude

>> No.53931376
File: 166 KB, 1080x805, Screenshot_20230304-013727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhhhh... Jio...

>> No.53931379

>Promoting a beggar
>promoting a spammer
>promoting a psyoper
Just kys dude when will you?
Can a human really take psyoping an entire board for over a year without dealing mental damage to himself and those around you?
You got a massive fucking awakening coming and I hope it's at the end of a barrel.

>> No.53931392

OP's some rich sandnigger although he probaly isn't worth more than 20k maximum, he makes it a game to troll /biz/ nonstop, he's the kike who spams the stupid food truck girl and samefags the threads about it, basically anything you find extremely annoying and incessantly posted on this website is coming from this same dude.

>> No.53931396


What’s it like have a potato eye?

>> No.53931412

Trying to make it as a single father after losing my job to covid, figured Id be heading to a different state by now but still stuck in my apartment. Anything helps not that I expect it but it beats begging on the street

>> No.53931414

>i-its all op!
>22 posts by this id
what makes you think that we dont think youre the spammer playing 4D chess with us?

>> No.53931416

Give the poor some eth pls
iam poor btw

>> No.53931424

Fuck off nobody promotes or encourages open beggars here, It's how I know you're him.
Also you're the only nigger who uses greentexts to hurl insults anymore.
Real anons use it to prove points about usecases for coins.

>> No.53931450

And now he's back to spamming the board.

>> No.53931464
File: 66 KB, 437x437, 1423386151767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Help me escape me current work life loop , shiets not cash money at all, and to feed my cats that really expensive shit at the pet store.

>> No.53931596

These are all me btw

>> No.53931603

Yesterday: 50m

Qnd now : 60m


>> No.53931604

E begging is forbiden wtf . Mods please

>> No.53931606

Also me

>> No.53931611

Fuck off samefaggots trying to get me banned again, god damn seriously you motherfucker all you can do is psyop psyop and psyop and try to trick mods into falsely banning people, for the love of god range this dudes network find his vpn and blacklist the motherfucker.

>> No.53931620

I made this post btw

>> No.53931624

Gimmie $1k.... now pussy......

if you really are elonmusk giveaway


>> No.53931625

Why are the comas in insane places?

>> No.53931628

My great great great grandparents were slaves in Louisiana so I deserve at least 500k of your money.
Release the funds quickly.

>> No.53931634

slav commas

>> No.53931637

They’re in ruppies sirs

>> No.53931647

two years ago i got 0.004 sats from elonmusk giveaway /biz/ anon

>> No.53931664

Those threads were unironically me, I at least admitted I was trolling in them and some anons had fun and donated anyway.
This nigger isn't a /biz/raeli.

>> No.53931666

commas are squatting

>> No.53931668
File: 655 KB, 1248x702, hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.v1649165118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was the picture I'd use.

>> No.53931671

Oh so it’s ok for you to do it, but when someone else posts a troll thread, it’s not ok? You’re such a baby
My posts btw

>> No.53931682

Yeah because I'm not a psyoping spamming fucking nigger, you stole this idea from me which tells me I bent you over the barrel and fucked you years ago and you're here like a rabid psychopath foaming at the mouth spamming /biz/ with nonstop incessant nonsense.

Glad to see you've been around since 2021 pajeet, looks like you are the currynigger afterall.

>> No.53931691

>you stole this idea from me
You’re in drugs
My post btw

>> No.53931698

just tell us ur next big move and that will be enough

>> No.53931700

These are me

>> No.53931706

Not me

>> No.53931710

So like I suspected you're making these fake posts to actually samefag your ghost wallets in them as some kind of weird attempt at what exactly?
Getting money.
Nobody is going to give you a dime.

>> No.53931712

These >>53931698
are mine btw

>> No.53931781

My posts btw

>> No.53931924


>> No.53931931

Nah..... you're lying.... he asked us to post a pic of our hands then he sent 0.004 sats

>> No.53932160

No that was me, I didn't send it though someone lurking the thread did.

>> No.53932163

No that was me

>> No.53932179

btc - 36kZGUBkFjSWiQSNxkKSsEbMsB1Tryph42

gib btc just because i ask nicely. please. i will not grovel and beg. i will neer kneel in front of anyone else except my wife and that's the one and only time it will happen. so give anon for the good of the man.