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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53926947 No.53926947 [Reply] [Original]

Can you tell me how to get rich from stocks or crypto? Thank you

>> No.53926976

Step 1. Start with a lot of money
Step 2. lmao ez

>> No.53926979

Sure thing.
First you will need millions of dollars.

>> No.53926980

buy low sell high

>> No.53927022

Buy low sell lower

>> No.53927025

How do I do that?

>> No.53927084

Get very lucky. Time it right. Buy the right stock. crypto is going to zero in the long run. The internet is just a fade.

>> No.53927097

TIP: prices are cheaper at 3.55am, so set your alarm if you want to buy.

>> No.53927244

when it's low you buy then sell after it goes up

>> No.53927319

Yes. It really was that simple holy fuck.

>> No.53927370

sure, get time machine and buy 10 years ago

>> No.53927414


>> No.53927436

patience is key. they will try to bait you. backtesting is key to find what works. it probabilities, you only want to bet on sure things, not on bait.

>> No.53927458

buy cheap and buy the dip. also buy prime on coinbase

>> No.53927462

use a stop loss always. this way you cant lose your whole stack and can replenish it. get a job.

>> No.53927486
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play as close as possible to the nash-equilibrium and wait for the other side to make a mistake.
keep in mind that in zero-sum games the classical approach to winning is to put your opponent into horrible situations to provoke making mistakes on their side. from this follows that financial markets are evolutionary systems built upon the idea of predation ... or to say it in a way that you may better understand it:

1. be a horrible human being
2. fuck everything up for everyone else
3. trust no one.
4. once certain size is achieved: rig the game.
5. (and as a beginner: manage your god damn risk, everyone is out to get you)

>> No.53927514

ta, or drawing lines directly on the chart triangles etc does work, but it only works when they want it to work. they can hide stuff in the candles that are too hard for your eyes to see. you need to look at it from a signal war perspective. quantitive analysis works much better to "weigh" whats really hidden in the candles. the more volume on an asset the more herd behavior will emerge, and the harder it is for single parties or groups to move outside the herd.

>> No.53927822


>> No.53928633

listening to the advice from others sometimes helps, or investing in safe shit that is still growing like xor, those are still releasing updates and seem to be doing well, just listen to your boomer father and don't make risky moves

>> No.53928664

Get into something you believe in, but don’t go all in because if you do you will absolutrly be shaken out even if you ended up being right in the end. I would’ve been a millionaire in my first 6 months trading if only I had held and not gotten swept away trying to day trade.

>> No.53928702

If you have to ask you’re ngmi

>> No.53928952

This is the best advice here

>> No.53929018

just start with paper trading/snall amount od money. just like with everything in life it will take years to git gud

>> No.53929083
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The final redpill that /biz/ will never accept is that investing can't make you rich, and if it does it's akin to winning the lottery.
If you aren't handed wealth, you have to build it by providing something valuable. Investing is for preserving your wealth, and possibly slowly growing it over time.