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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53904421 No.53904421 [Reply] [Original]

We'll never be able to afford a house rentbros

>> No.53904432
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I just boughted

>> No.53904440
File: 16 KB, 526x466, Canada-house-price-CREA-2022-12-16-Canada-total.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53904446

Is there any reason to own a house if I'm single and childless?

>> No.53904476


>> No.53904517

I stole my propriety and now it's mine
I also never pay taxes because I have an arrangement set

>> No.53904521
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houses are overrated. You basically just need a place to sleep and a shower. Why pay $3000 a month just to sleep, piss, shit and shower?

>> No.53904539

Why would real estate go down when inventory is low and inflation continues unabated? It’s like food. What are you gonna do, not eat?

>> No.53904543
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Every country has the same third world people, but not every country has the same "first world' prices.

>> No.53904552
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>I'm.... I'm waiting for the crash!
>I... I just bought! Line go up! The best time to buy is yesterday!
Also retard.

>> No.53904558

When you sell the house (and the house has appreciated in value, the bank and the Fed, if you live in America, create money out of thin air and you get to be the beneficiary of inflation as opposed to its’ bitch.

>> No.53904568

um maybe cuz interest rates have skyrocketed and prices have not reduced very much in response yet

>> No.53904613

Question is
>Why would real estate go down
Your answer
>Um prices are gonna go down because they haven't gone down yet so they're gonna.

>> No.53904637

hmm thats not what i said but ok
you're free to buy more real estate if you want, i'm gonna wait though

>> No.53904825

I keep 98% my savings in HEX, staked, so why should I care about inflation? If anything inflation helps me siphon wealth from the idiots who store large amounts of fiat.

>> No.53904842

>Real estate is going up again

Not for long, mortgage rates had cooled off a bit because everyone expected the Fed to pivot and homebuying saw a small uptick. But with the latest CPI read any dreams of a pivot have vanished and mortgage rates are back up to recent all time highs.

>> No.53904911


A frog poster and posted only once. Go on OP. continue on.

>> No.53904961

>posting on a "line goes up board"
>denigrating real estate

Oh /biz/, don't you ever change you precious, precious bastards

>> No.53906839

Came here to say this, albeit much less elegantly.

>> No.53907664


>> No.53907674


>> No.53907874
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 7A82B528-6E4E-4F13-B112-E5386C10C8B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boomers dying off and/or wanting to downsize for their retirement. Except wait they CAN’T when interest rates are TRIPLED these past 2 years. Or are the third-world illegals going to be buying these $250,000 overpriced 1940’s built shithouses filled with boomer skin flakes? The average wage in America is $40,000.

Housing is not sustainable, something will break. I expect a slow 30% decline over the next 2-3 years going off 2008, but nobody truly knows with new world events occurring every other week. Or are you delusional enough to believe the trend will continue and these 250k starter homes will be worth 700k before 2030?
Delusional bagholder, homes were never investments to begin with. Oh that and every Stacy I’ve met has decided to become a realtor, take a look at a realtor employment graph and compare it to 2008 for a good chuckle.

>> No.53907969

Just build your own house in the woods.

>> No.53908011

you local council will force you to take that down or if you don't buldoze it and charge you the cost and if you dont pay, will evict you from the land and sell the land to get the costs back, giving you the remainder

>> No.53908233

Anon, serious question. You say you are waiting for a crash. Are you buying a house to live in or to invest in? I don't understand this. I needed a house. There was a bit of a price drop, the house I wanted specifically price cut twice and I made an offer. But I couldn't keep sitting there waiting to time it perfectly. I actually needed a place to live.

>> No.53908270

No one is expecting what you state above. But you are missing the fact that with all the boomers retiring - there are going to be huge employment gaps for management in tech, sales, construction, etc. the millennials are going to get huge pay bumps as they take on these positions.

but I do agree. a home is NOT an investment. but many anons treat it with technical analysis.

>> No.53908325

because of the price of credit you thick bastard

>> No.53909509

>wanting to downsize for their retirement. Except wait they CAN’T
so they stay where they are. foreign investors and blackrock will buy up the dead boomers shit

>> No.53909596
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Blue chip real estate is the original bitcoin, with the added bonus of being propped up by the government.
Interest rate increases only price /biz/ out ever further.

>> No.53912039

Canada has a serious problem anon: we want to double our home construction this year when it’s basically already full tilt, it’s impossible, but we’ll keep taking in record numbers of people, always higher than they say, who are the richest applicants, and or are the most frugal and efficient with their money. Our trades workers like in all western countries are dying out/not enough to keep up with the number of people we bring in. Oh and food is skyrocketing too. If you can’t see the abyss drawing ever nearer, you’re either blind or stupid.

t. Canadian construction worker

>> No.53912141

what you just wrote is nothing more than a cope for buying something you know is going to decline in price over the next few years. i mean if you're happy ok, but i don't need to do that

>> No.53912173

plenty of boomers need to sell to finance their retirement. like, it's what they have been planning to do for decades. interest rates don't change that

>> No.53912229

sage advice which will be discarded because of the cat gif

>> No.53912251

QUI would do something like this?

>> No.53912287

altho BTC does not have the insane, widespread leverage that BTC does.

>> No.53912351

that housing does*

>> No.53912423
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Stephen A. Schwarzman is the CEO of Blackstone

>> No.53912730
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Looking for an image like pic rel except it's free man vs wage slave. Also, enjoy the image I guess, I'd say it's tangentially related

>> No.53912743

I think you are the one coping. I asked you a simple question and you will not define your strategy. sounds like you cant get approved for a mortgage. did you just sneak, um I mean move here?

>> No.53912816

>$300/ night on airbnb