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53892742 No.53892742 [Reply] [Original]

You NEET baggies could do so much better than just bag holding so I'm going to put out some ideas.
The more user activity on ICP dapps, the more attention ICP will have, the higher the price will go.
It's not that hard, it becomes a perpetual positive circle in the long run which drives users, engagement and price.
You as a baggie should do your part.

More detailed list: http://nuance.xyz/AdamYowo/2096/12-interesting-socialfi-dapps-on-icp-february-2023

Cubetopia - alpha-release: https://e5owu-aaaaa-aaaah-abs5a-cai.raw.ic0.app/?islandID=890
D-city - possible to apply for beta-testing: https://twitter.com/dcitynft
FaeFolk - possible to pply for beta-testing: https://twitter.com/_faefolk
More detailed list: http://nuance.xyz/AdamYowo/2095/gamefi-deep-dive-on-icp-15-games-to-keep-an-eye-on-in-2023

>Other dapps
More detailed list: https://cyql.io/#/projects

Join dapps you actually feel like using.
Most games sucks currently but I have high hopes for Faefolk, Deadhaus Sonata and some more.
Social media like dscvr and distrikt also kind of sucks, there's too many bots / jeets and the recommendation systems is shitty.
But oc.app is cool and I use it a lot, same with dmail.ai.
Maybe some zoomers could start breaking new ground on some other dapps like hotornot.wtf?
The good thing is that even if you use some of the more bot infested dapps like dscvr.one or distrikt.app you can actually get NFTs which you can dump for ICP.
I've unironically got airdrops worth $1200 of NFTs so far, like Motoko mechs, SNS-1, Distrikt pods etc.
Some dapps are good for real and some gives you free shit.
In the end, the more users, the better, both for the dapps and ICP.

>> No.53892762

I am holding 10 units SNS-1 and no ICPs per se.

Is there any chance for me?

>> No.53893008
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ICP is a fantastic investment. The team is solid, the technology is insanely advanced, they've shown great progress, and are thinking long-term. At the current price of $6.10, the potential rewards for investing are extreme.

As for predictions, on the bearish side of things, we're looking at $333, and on the bullish side, $3,333. I'm extremely bullish. 50x minimum, 550x expected returns. Timeline? 2-3 years to make it into the top 10, 4-6 years to make it into the top 3.
Recommendations for staking:

Lock a sizeable amount in a neuron with an 8 year dissolve delay and don't hit dissolve. The neuron will gain age bonus over time, and you're looking at fantastic passive income in the future when ICP gets into the thousands, or even the hundreds depending on how much you lock up. You need around 40 to get 1 ICP a month, 180 to get 1 ICP a week, and 1,300 to get around 1 ICP a day. This will print money in the future.

Keep another neuron locked short-term (6 months is the minimum) to get at least 15% APR, and compound it daily, so that it will accumulate ICP while the price is slow. Then, you can unlock and sell that one for a lump sum when the ICP price skyrockets. But never unlock the other one.

Keeping a small amount of ICP liquid for long-term holding is reasonable but you won't get interest on it.

>> No.53893425

6.23% APR....

>> No.53893787

see this was my reasoning too
but projects cant defeat cycles

liquid is 100% the move imo
theres a ton of inherent risk by just holding the token anyway, why add on to that by staking?

>> No.53893840

what the fuck is this?

>> No.53893850

i have about half staked in an 8 year neuron that generates me a few ICP a day, and I keep the rest liquid so that I swing trade portions of it on the way up. I believe it's a good way to hedge.

--posted from my Internet Computer--

>> No.53895791

I like how everyone keeps saying ICP is the "best tech" but nobody here can explain why that is or give detailed explanation show casing their thorough understanding of it. It's like you all just bought the line "best tech in crypto" without doing any research at all.

Seriously can any of you dumb fucks give even a basic explanation to what the internet computer is, how it's so revolutionary, and why investing is such a good idea?

I won't hold my breath.

At least the other schizos on this board, xrp and link, can put up a decent argument. This has to be the dullest community on biz by far.

>> No.53895837
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>reddit spacing

>> No.53896986
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hey retard. look. icp is a whole infrastructure built from the ground up. its like you're just browsing the internet except this time its all on the blockchain. yes all of it. there's not a single L1 that matches icp. your shitty L1's can only do transactions, defi and nft's. guess what. icp can do all of that plus anything else you would do on a regular basis when browsing web2 such as social media, streaming, tv, gaming, reading, building, etc. again all of it on the blockchain. this was ethereum's vision back in 2015 which Dominic (founder and chief scientist of dfinity) was part of but he quickly saw that ethereum was spaghetti code and it would never scale unless completely rebuilt. so began his quest to build a world computer and fast forward 5 years later viola icp was born.

>> No.53897268

>> Doesn't mention chain- key cryptography
>> Has no clue about threshold signatures.

You fucking retards have not even the smallest inkling how ICP works and you should all be embarrassed that this is the best you can muster.

tHeReS nOt a siNGle L1 tHat mAtchEs icp

Read the fucking docs morons.

>> No.53897646
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i thought you were a retarded brainlet looking for a simple ELI5. i know all about ck and its capabilities.

>> No.53897728

what are you trying to do? do you want people to think you're really smart?
do you wear a fedora?

>> No.53897733

go back to r/cardano lol

>> No.53899448

based post
based post

>> No.53901874

unbased post

>> No.53902371

based post

>> No.53902414

Based post about based posts.

>> No.53902954

Uniswap kind of thing.
I've used it once to buy ICL.
They're the ones who made both icswap and icdex, I think

>> No.53903536

why isn't icpswap in the list?

>> No.53903768

>demanding to be spoonfed
lol nt faggot

>> No.53904025

What makes it better?

OP is a good spoonfeed and it's not good with too many links to onboard low attention span babboons.
Probably should switch out ICdinos to ICkitties. They launched yesterday and is a legit game.

>> No.53904310

imagine demanding to be spoonfed in a spoonfeed thread.

>> No.53904336
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You've already made it my friend.

>> No.53904345

What's the tvl of the entire chain?

>> No.53904355

$DICK but that doesn't change the fact that ICPSwap has more TVL than icswap

>> No.53904382

do you have a number though

>> No.53904394

I think I saw $300k but I don't have a source.

>> No.53905657


>> No.53906622
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Making dapps and bringing part of business fully on chain. I can host literally everything on chain.

>> No.53906918

I know TVL sucks on all icp dexes, ut do you have a place like defilama to compare the dexes?

>> No.53907110

no not yet because defi is little to nothing on icp right now.

>> No.53909434

fucking kek
who even is that mf

>> No.53911119

It's Jeff bezos. He had a nervous breakdown when he learned that ICP makes AWS irrelevant.

>> No.53912218
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ahem you heard it here first. ethereum BTFO

>> No.53912239

Come battle me fags

>> No.53912240
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peebros wagmi

>> No.53913676

Even the AI gets it but continue coping with being fixated about price

You must choose one
icp=swiss chocolate
erc20=dried recycled poo from india

>> No.53915545

I'd buy 1k if I could learn a few things.
What is the inflationary or token creation method?
at the rate of creation you're talking about its 30% or close enough.
Is this POW staking or something else.