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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53872458 No.53872458 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize you are better with money than your coworkers?

>mention I got my roof totally redone (not just another layer of shingles put on) with old shingles pulled off, new ones put on n shit. Only costed like $8,000
>months later hear them talk about getting a new roof as something "rich people do"
>they constantly get takeout on their lunch break, 5 days of the week which is a waste of money and makes them fat
>hear them talk about credit card debt when I have never had credit card debt (I use autopay) and only use them to get cashback
>they constantly belittle cryptocurrency and call it a scam. I play along and pretend I know nothing about it. They're obviously jealous

>> No.53872473

I knew I was better than everyone else the moment I was born

>> No.53872513

yes and they will soon plot your demise, wagie hell doesnt end up by being a cuck from 9 to 6, you also have to bare this niggers.

>> No.53872556

Membrane or tar and gravel?

>> No.53872574

>>they constantly get takeout on their lunch break, 5 days of the week which is a waste of money and makes them fat
Im curious, what do you eat for lunch instead that is healthy and cheap?

>> No.53872706

Anything that you buy from the grocery store instead of takeout. What did you think I was going to say? What other alternatives are there to restaurant food or making your own food?

>> No.53872735

>Anything that you buy from the grocery store instead of takeout.
I meant specifics. Like a sandwich you make or soup

>> No.53872819

Anything you buy from the grocery store is going to be cheaper than takeout. Google healthy lunch ideas? I have chicken salad sandwiches with an assortment of fruit and vegetables with home made hummus dip. Eat whole foods, no goyslop.

>> No.53872844

You're extremely weird to converse with dude, you can't simply answer a simple question without bringing in so many preconceived notions about the situation. I was simply trying to get lunch ideas from you lol

>> No.53872903

I was talking with a woman who has already spent $42,000 for a wedding venue. Me and my fiance spent a grand for an engagemnt party and plan to do a small wedding in a church.

Also other coworkers were talking about what kind of high end purse they were going to buy with their next paycheck.

God women are so fucking bad with money.

>> No.53872927


>> No.53872946

Guess he's been conditioned by his co-workers and their judgemental conversation.

>> No.53872973

>coworker complaining about car issue
>Tell her sounds like xyz issue, recommend how to fix
>Wow anon, are you some kinda car guy?! I wish my husband did that stuff, we just had to pay $1500 for xyz repair
>Tell her that with her make and model car, that would have been a 2-3 hour job and maybe a few hundred bucks in parts
I'm not even good with car shit, I just follow YouTube vids and do it myself. Crazy how normal middle class people just drive their car to the dealership without any troubleshooting in their part to pay $100 for a diagnosis and thousands for work that they can easily do themselves. I get complex shit, but surely most people should be able to change brake pads themselves with the right tools.

>> No.53872989

This. Literally eating hamburgers you cook yourself with quality meats and seasoning is better than a "healthy" option from a fast food place that's loaded with sodium and additives.

>> No.53873048

My mum packs my lunch for me. It's usually a clingfilm-wrapped ham and cheese sandwich (no crust), a fruit (banana or apple) or a chocolate bar (Twix or Mars bar) or crisps (Walkers Ready Salted or McCoys Flame Grilled Steak), and an orange juice drink (Tropicana).

Gets me through the day in the office.

>> No.53873089


Hummus dip is fucking gay.

>> No.53873138

You've never had home made hummus. It's millions of times better fresh than any store bought hummus.

>> No.53873183

Now tell us about "mango" and "paprika"

>> No.53873454

Looks like I triggered a goyslop eater

>> No.53873630

yeah. the big hurdle is being able to safely lift the car. once you can do that (invest in a good jack and stands), anyone with a decent tool set and half a brain can fix 80% of car problems. for big stuff, like a new clutch/flywheel/RMS/blowout bearing, i have a guy

>> No.53873648

*throwout bearing i'm retarded

>> No.53873665

When I realized that I'm a khhv living with my parents and investing almost 90+% of my income whereas my coworkers spend 90+% of their incone going to dates, paying rent, going out to eat goyslop etc.

>> No.53873688

dangerously based

>> No.53874407

When people come to me like a week after pay day and ask to borrow money. Or when they say no can't go for a drink because I've spent all my money. Like wtf, really a week after pay day you've spent all of it ? wow. I don't talk to anyone at work about how much money I have but yet people ask me for advice for some reason.

>> No.53874576

OP hasn't answered this question. OP is larping about getting a new roof on his home. OP rents.

>> No.53874696

When they started joking that I should be their financial advisor

>> No.53874859

Two houses in my neighborhood paid some company, probably the same one, to tear off their slate roofs and replace with asphalt shingles. I do not know why or how they were convinced. There was nothing structurally wrong with the roofs, it was mindblowing to me.

>> No.53874904

lmao im poor as fuck and got my insurance to get me a new roof. i just said it was leaking and found a shingle in my yard. they sent some lady out, she looked at the leaky spot inside the house then got on the roof and did some inspecting. came back down and said we were gonna get a new roof. they cut a check for 8 grand and I got a roof put on for 9. It was originally going to be more when he handed me the sheet but I looked at it and told the guy "listen, I got a check here from insurance and thats the upper limits of what I will pay" he knocked 10% off to bring it down closer to the check and I only ended up having to pay a grand out of pocket.

>> No.53874922

When I started Devving.

>> No.53874927

wow dude, u sure sound superior to those stupid wagies!!

>> No.53874955

Because he's full of shit. Everyone on 4chan does this all the fucking time
>haha I make 300k a year from home because I learned linux, suck it fagnuggets none of you are as good as me
oh yeah well what do you do exactly

No one ever gives specifics on the things supposedly making them rich while insisting it's easy, obvious and something that even a retard can do. Because they're fucking lying.

>> No.53875008

RIP to those good-for-another-150-year roofs. No one does slate roofs anymore either.

>> No.53875691

I've been cook-maxing to the point that now I eat things I cook almost every day, and I've noticed important savings on the order of hundreds of dollars. Yearly, you can literally save thousands by just cooking.

>> No.53875797

This. You'll save a lot of money if your mum makes a ham and cheese sandwich than buying one at the coffee/groceries store.

>> No.53875886

My manager at my last job got paid maybe 15% more than I did. She celebrated her promotion with getting a new vehicle and remodeling deck to her house. Her boss, our Director, sold all his stocks during covid crash at the bottom and now only buys bonds

Lifestyle creep is real. and the mental math you do of 'I got a 20k raise, I can now afford 20k more' will reap you when you realize your take home pay after taxes and everything is just a fraction of that, and over 26 paychecks is a lot less. It's very possible to grow a net worth over not just your peers but your management just by being good with money.

Biggest mistakes I see:
- being good at job just means you are an anal corporate good boy, doesnt translate to intelligence in other fields such as finance
- Stock market, most white collar professionals no little about it. Few invest in it really outside of their 401k
- lifestyle inflation

Every white collar professional should have a 7 figure net worth by their mid 40s. I assure you that is not the case though.

>> No.53876079

It's insurance jobs probably. By any chance, do you live in Ohio?

>> No.53876139

>they constantly belittle cryptocurrency and call it a scam. I play along and pretend I know nothing about it. They're obviously jealous
Almost everyone who gets in to crypto loses money so it’s not really wrong for them to belittle it. It’s gambling. I always tell everyone I know to never get in to crypto

>> No.53876173

You know people have teen sex and just life their life afterwards

Just because you didn’t and now you seemingly enternally butthurt about it you life your life after a pro con excel sheet, as if you don’t die one day too

>> No.53876228

Based mum.

>> No.53876230

I dont

>> No.53876261

You're both faggots emblematic of the decline of 4chan in different ways.

>> No.53876411
File: 115 KB, 600x320, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the endgame of us autistic hoarders stacking btc/xmr and building folios? Is there going to be some decentralized world post government fiat collapse where we are neo feudal lords building comfy strongholds and making our own armies to fight each other and barbarians? That schizo book about future of economics posted here is on my mind all the time now from observing things in real life.

>> No.53876712

the issue is that i live in an apartment and have nowhere to wrench :(
otherwise i would buy an old 280se and do all the work on it myself. i hate my fucking hyundai hatchback

>> No.53876826

i don't have a garage so i just do car work in the street, nigger style
getting the jack outside is a pain in the ass though. i keep it on the ground floor of my family home

>> No.53877250

I feel you anon, it's one of those "being poor costs more money" kind of situations. I think back to my old Corolla and realized if I had a garage back then, I could have kept that car another 5 years easy. Once you do get a car, definitely get a decent tool set and get started with some small repairs and maintenance. The cost savings add up over time. Even if you don't end up fixing everything, you'll learn enough to be a more educated consumer so you're less likely to get raked over the coals by a less than scrupulous mechanic who will tell you your vibrating steering wheel will cost you a $3000 flux capacitor.

>> No.53877263

*Garage, not car....

>> No.53877361

No, Maryland

>> No.53877474

My mom is great with money because she was the one that made it. Dad and brother spend it on without caring.
They are all shit with the whole making money part, though.
Me? Im as cheap as a Hebrew but still cant make money, I do make in one year more than my mom used to in 10 but that is still not much since she was a seamstress .
They are proud except the GF and grandsons part, mom thinks I might be a fag because she never saw me with grils. Yeah...

>> No.53877499


>> No.53878065
File: 97 KB, 235x292, 1675283446618300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53878976

My brain's white matter/membranes splattered on the wall? Choice 1 is to shoot me.

Tar and gravel? That's next level up from being tar and feathered? Yeah, give me that as my assassination death method. I know you're one of my coworkers trying to kill me because I have more money than them but I won't tell you anything more to identify me.

>> No.53878989

As soon as I started working there and realized they only talk about tv shows and drinking.