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File: 61 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230226_083451_986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53860780 No.53860780 [Reply] [Original]

3m cap, relatively new coin from the CULT DAO people who's coin did a 360x. Listed on polo, gate, and mxc on day 1 so it's legit. It's a game where the coins name has a separate token for each letter and one of them rugs every 30 days and market buys TRG with the LP and distributes it to the stakers and burns supply. First rug coming within the next week or so. 30% of supply already burned. I don't usually buy shit like this, but the tokenomics, hype factor, cap, etc just seem way too good to pass up



>> No.53860883

CultDAO are terrorists who funded terrorists who went and shot people. The person was a rapper jew who did it. They also are jewish pedophiles who are rugging their users for hilary clinton

>> No.53860929

The coin still mooned though

>> No.53861358
File: 246 KB, 512x512, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i have a few eth in this. coin is way under the radar. nobody knows about it yet but they will. theres some pretty big CT cats that are in it and will shill it once the first rug happens and people see the rewards being paid out on it. plus its just a good meme coin in general.

>> No.53861511

Cult niggers are well known scammers , revolt was a scam too and now you’re literally telling us to invest in their RUG game ? Sometimes i legit think you lot are actually braindead kek

>> No.53862199
File: 55 KB, 893x641, CULT_USD -UNI -DEXTools.io_2023-02-26_11-49-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cult niggers are well known scammers
their coin mooned hard as fuck dude. the revolt one pumped hard upon the release as well, it did like a 6x before the crash. i could care less about the team or their coins after the pump. funny how people can call something like this a scam and then gamble 3k on a random BSC trash coin that they know is a literal scam

cults first coin literally did a 500x in a matter of days

>> No.53862220
File: 61 KB, 893x641, RVLT_USD -QUI -DEXTools.io_2023-02-26_11-50-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and RVLT did over an 8x upon release too. scammers or not, their coins fucking pump in the beginning

>> No.53862257

by all means keep filling those monkeys pockets with your money.

>> No.53862299
File: 84 KB, 882x1262, culttrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filling their pockets? i could give a fuck about those faggots. im here to make money myself. say whatever you want about these niggers, they obviously know how to pump a coin. they are 2 for 2 so far.

the TRG chart has the exact same pattern as the beginning of the CULT chart right before it pumped. and if you know about TRG then you know that the big catalyst for the hype marketing is about to come within the next week or so.

but hey, go ahead and miss out because of your feelings about the team lol. idiot.

>> No.53862318

kek nigger , careful to not come back crying like a little bitch because your rug coin didnt pump

>> No.53862362

i wouldnt cry at all dumbass, its a shitcoin so theres obviously going to be some level of risk involved. everything in life is a game of risk:reward, and this has the potential for huge upside and negligible downside. worst case is that it doesnt catch hype and crabs. even if it goes to fucking zero it would still have been worth the attempt because of the massive pump potential

>> No.53862374

Interesting. Those 2 coins are the same teams or what? The chart pattern does look really similar

>> No.53862425

>already started coping
kek thanks for the laughs fag

>> No.53862427
File: 18 KB, 380x284, Fpqu3oPWYAUzskN (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah same team. the coins only been out for like a month and they already burned 28% of the supply and 34% is staked. the burn is only going to keep increasing too, the coin is basically designed to pump


>> No.53862451

Is there a good argument against why you think it won't pump? Sounds almost too good to be true. I don't know anything about the CULT people

>> No.53862497
File: 42 KB, 580x374, pull-the-rug-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically going to pump when the first letter is rugged. I think the last date it can happen is March 6th or 8th so I'm hoping my other coin that I'm in pumps before that so I can get back in before it happens. I think I'll be alright because the news for my other coin to pump should be out tomorrow.

>> No.53862534

price target? do you think it can get to 30m mc maybe?

>> No.53862585

Also what is the coin burning process on this? Was there just an initial big burn or will the rate keep up like this

>> No.53862624
File: 71 KB, 791x1280, IMG_20230226_122636_527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the letters might unironically be an even better play. I think TRG will moon but if you take like 80% of the money you throw at this and put it in TRG, and then with the rest go for a letter and you might really hit a lotto play on it.

>> No.53862763

>Also what is the coin burning process on this?
im not sure how the exact mechanism works as far as token burn goes, but heres the technical paper on it


>> No.53862865

I'm a real sucker for fractals. I might throw a little bit at this, maybe just like 1 eth or something. There's no reason not to stake it right? No risk of loss if you don't have letters and you can unstake whenever?

>> No.53862897

yes you want to stake it because theres no risk of loss and no lockup period. when you "stake" it, you are basically just registering your wallet for the airdrop rewards from the letter rugs

>> No.53862947
File: 149 KB, 1200x750, IMG_20230226_124908_047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the staking rewards like? Or the airdrop rewards or whatever you want to call it. I might just not stake since I'm only thinking about buying a little bit anyways. I doubt it would really make much of a difference since I probably will not hold long term.

>> No.53863000

I think it's fake and gay as fuuuck . every fukcing coin is SECRETLy linked to Cult or O or fucking Shytoshi or Ry-moshe moshe, i'm fucking sick of it, you fucking crazy fucks I'm just gonna buy deployai and make my owns smart contracts from here on out. And they will all be SECRETLY run by the Shib Dev.

>> No.53863031

Was this....English? What the fuck lmao this is the worst display of the English language I have ever seen.

>> No.53863051
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>What are the staking rewards like?
im not exactly sure but you definitely want to be staked when the first letter rug happens because thats when the big rewards happen

>> No.53863098
File: 86 KB, 800x1200, qcdpmm5cfnlh1124gwnh0i6fmc0xtaa8epavtqaalgnhhxgcdvctqzgoo6yn15vo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks worth a shot

>> No.53863119

god that orange juice looks so good. i havent had a glass of OJ in fucking forever.

>> No.53863253

What are thinking then 10x? Obviously it's not going to do a 500x like CULT did, that had a lower starting market cap. This one is at like $3.8m which is low but it obviously can't do 500x from here. I mean it's possible but the game would have to become very, very, very popular. I think a 20m-50m mc is a real possibility here though depending on how well the team does with marketing the game.

>> No.53863423

Surprised to see this posted here since it's still pretty under the radar. I think it'll pump but not surpass CULTs market cap

>> No.53863598

The staking rewards should be good and there's no risk so there's no reason not to do it. That's why such a high % of the supply is stakes. It only costs like 5 bucks in gas to do it.

>> No.53863656

where to buy sir?

>> No.53863776

its on poloniex and a few other exchanges but you will wanna buy it on uniswap so that you can stake it. just go to uni and type in TRG and it will show up there. heres the contract addy:


make sure you always verify it first though, you can double check it on the website or the tg


>> No.53863799
File: 20 KB, 616x436, trg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53863813

its my entire trade bag, other than also owning 5 of the $letters

>> No.53863824

Is anyone buying letters or just TRG? I read the medium post about how the letters work but it's pretty technical and I still don't really understand it

>> No.53863840

>its my entire trade bag, other than also owning 5 of the $letters
Oh hah speak of the devil. Can you give me a quick rundown of how the letters work? I don't really get it. I'm assuming you don't want to buy and hold the letters and they are more just for trading with strategy to try and win the game and get the ETH prize? Would it be advantageous to hold fewer letters or more?

>> No.53863852

Like since you own 5 letters, if one of yours gets the rug then is that going to ruin all the gains from the other 4 letters you have?

>> No.53863898

one of them gets rugged every 30 days. one gets the jackpot payout every 30 days. my logic is by owning 5 of the 10 letters I may get rugged on 1 but the other 4 will be worth more than the lost investment in the next round, or hit a jackpot. letters supply burns very fast. rug and jackpot based on volume of letter itself (most/least), because volume on letters burns trg.

>> No.53863934

do you expect the letters themselves to moon too as the game gains popularity and the supply continues to get burned? or are you holding the letters more to win the jackpot rewards than the actual increase in value of the letters

>> No.53863952

Interesting. So are you just picking random letters or is it more strategic? Do you think the letters that have bigger teams are more likely to succeed?

>> No.53863989

What's the make it stack? Obviously it won't do a 500x but if it even does a small percentage of the cult pump then it'll be massive gains

Hopefully they tested the code well on this because if there is any problem first letter rug then I imagine the entire thing is going to rug lol. I don't want to buy a stack days before it happens and then all of a sudden the code has errrks5

>> No.53863999


>> No.53864043
File: 38 KB, 600x484, YjVkMjc0Ni5qcGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously they tested the code beforehand brosef

>> No.53864068

Sometimes people make mistakes anon all I'm saying is that it's possible

>> No.53864124

yes I expect letters to moon as they make it to later rounds
mostly random, I like $t and $h for example because theyre first. or I like $e over $e* because its hashtaggable on twitter. but who knows

>> No.53864203

yeah i was thinking the letters that dont have duplicates, and then the more popular letters or the first ones. if i were to pick most desirable to least it would probably look like this


the duplicates last, the single vowels 2nd to last, and then T first because its the first one and a solid letter, then H M R just because

T seems like a nobrainer though desu

>> No.53864224

Do you know how fast the supply of TRG will get burned

>> No.53864258

well the initial 28% or whatever that got burned right away i think was because of the amount of letters that were bought right away when the game launched. so now it will slow down but i imagine that after the first letter gets rugged there will be a lot of readjusting and the more volume on those the more TRG gets burned. plus as the game gets more players then that will add to the amount burned too because again, more volume on letters

>> No.53864315

Buy CULT or TRG?

>> No.53864338

>Buy CULT or TRG?
TRG for sure. they have a burn mechanism on CULT too, but TRG is new and the price is right around presale so there arent a ton of people sitting on massive profits in it, and it hasnt gotten hype run yet and there is the letter rug catalyst coming for it within the next week. also market cap for TRG is way smaller.

those are just a few reasons

>> No.53864348

>Buy CULT or TRG?
TRG hasn't run yet it's the new shiny object it will attract more buyers

>> No.53864359


>> No.53864373
File: 12 KB, 236x236, IMG_20230226_152754_898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I just stakes my stack on the website and I cannot get that fucking song on it out of my head please send help

>> No.53864391


>> No.53864401


>> No.53864441

Yeah 100% TRG not even a question

>> No.53864455
File: 197 KB, 1000x1000, hot-potato-game-p15362-50349_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this to moon just so I can tell everyone that I made it off of a coin called the rug game lmao

>> No.53864524
File: 18 KB, 612x612, green-spiral-arrow-3d-vector-id503835430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tokenomics on this are genius level if you think about it. The game has several layers to it, with the letters and then the TRG coin itself, and all the action will result in more burns on the coins, leading to price increases, leading to more hype, leading to more volume, leading to more burns, leading to more price increase etc. I think this is going to lead to a very strong upward cyclical momentum. Whatever this is 3-4m cap is way undervalued imo. I know it's cliche to say "I'm so bullish on my own bags" but I think a 10x seems almost like a given, and if this thing really gains traction then it could do something really insane..
I know there are some big CT accounts that are accumulating and/or waiting for the first letter rug and then are going to start shilling it because of the high APY and the prize money will be attractive as well. This is a really easy buy and right now it's basically at presale price but it definitely won't stay there for long

>> No.53864555


"im so bullish on my own bags" kek

>> No.53864578
File: 317 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230218_122134_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude no way I'm also bullish on my bags what a coincidence!

>> No.53864715
File: 22 KB, 992x652, trgspiral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if i were to visual that it would look something like picrel

you would have letter buys increasing the token burns which would increase the price which would create more hype which would draw in more people which would increase the letter buys and then keep repeating the cycle and each one gets bigger, and then with each letter rug it would provide another major boost and a regular kickstart to the game to keep the momentum moving

if this thing plays out anything like this then its gonna moon so hard lol

>> No.53864780
File: 66 KB, 1607x601, trggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the distribution is really nice too, 35% of it is staked, 28% burned, then uni and the 2 exchanges accounts for over 80% of the supply right there

the team didnt get a bunch of tokens for free in the beginning either, they only got 2% so there wont be anything holding this back once it starts to move up

>> No.53864802

How much of this Ponzi scam coin do I need to make $100k

>> No.53864817

Lads I’m retarded. How do I stake my stack? Bought it on Uniswap.

>> No.53864836

>Lads I’m retarded. How do I stake my stack? Bought it on Uniswap.

go there, click max then stake, and then that will approve your wallet for staking

and then do it once more, click max and stake and then your TRG will swap for sTRG in your wallet. you only have to do the approval function the one time, it should cost a total of $5 or so to do it

also the rewards that you get you dont actually need to click the claim button, because whenever you unstake your stack, or if you add to it and stake more, the rewards are automatically claimed so it will save you gas

>> No.53864845

i might have made that sound a lot more confusing than it really is. just click stake and approve the transaction and then do it once more

>> No.53864847

Really appreciate that my man.

>> No.53864853


>> No.53864925
File: 2.22 MB, 640x800, 1676317120916271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw a couple eth at it hopefully this shit performs. Good luck gents and thanks for the shill.

>> No.53864960

thats so ridiculous why would anyone want their hair to be that long. it would just be dragging all over shit and getting tangled unless its up in a bun

>> No.53864984

You can unstake at any time for sure right?

>> No.53864988


>> No.53865044

I like the concept I think it can work. It's certainly unique so it's got that going for it. I don't believe there is any of token that is anything like this at all.

>> No.53865279

Man if this nigger coin can even sniff a fraction of the fart from the cult pump then this will poomp ultra hard

>> No.53865377

Oh we are gonna be sniffing some mad farts buddy you just wait

>> No.53865674


>> No.53865868

Alright stop shilling this shit so I can buy more first

>> No.53866475

Why would anyone buy something called THE RUG COIN

>> No.53866635

The rug game*
To make money

>> No.53866712

Oh sorry big difference

>> No.53866992

What's a good stack of this? Is 5b a make it stack?

>> No.53867290

5b is a good stack yeah

>> No.53868473

This is going to absolutely fucking fly

>> No.53868619

Yeah, I don't think it will be very easy to tell people about this until after the first rug. After that I bet hype grows fast.

>> No.53868654

What are we really expecting here though?

>> No.53868672

And how can you be sure that this chart pattern will do the same thing as last time anyways btw

>> No.53868727

Nothing's a guarantee fuck face it's just an idea obviously

>> No.53868749
File: 624 KB, 1080x2177, Screenshot_20230227_004658_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What y'all think about the letters though? I'm down with TRG but I'm not sure about the letters yet. That might be too deep for me.

>> No.53868756

I'm not fucking with the letters. Maybe if TRG starts mooning first and there's a gap to close between them.

>> No.53868781

Don't you guys ever look at the bigger picture, you fags would rather buy meme projects and get rugged that opt for quality projects with usecases like XRP, NXRA. FET etc.

>> No.53868803

I feel like this has to be an elaborate scam with all of you being bots or some shit. There's no way this is organic.

>> No.53868833

>Legitimate projects
You must be joking right? And FET? AI coins just went on a wild fucking run and you think it's just NOW a good idea to "invest" in them? But yeah this 3m cap coin that actually has something completely new is a *bad* idea kek

An elaborate scam no it's literally a game. If it was a scam it wouldn't have gotten listed on CEX's like it has.

>> No.53868839

>I feel like this has to be an elaborate scam
Yeah dumbass it's the RUG GAME and the 2nd tier letter coins in this are supposed to rug and scam that's the entire point of the game

>> No.53868850


>> No.53868877
File: 39 KB, 623x392, IMG_20230227_011958_976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to buy the rug coins. I don't think people are going to understand this thing until after the first coin rugs and they see how it works.

>> No.53868947

the US should run a tranny extermination program

>> No.53869003
File: 295 KB, 615x380, ElliotCarver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. A thread that suddenly pops up about some obscure coin wich has this much shilling (disguised as insightful discussion) seems rather orchestrated. All the people who discuss about the mechanics of this coin are probably already part of some discord/telegram group trying to bait newbies into buying this coin.

>> No.53869158
File: 90 KB, 900x558, 1676739060276435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about biz is that it's a real chicken and egg situation. Nobody ever wants to take any coin seriously until it's already mooned but if someone posts about it afterwards then they're just shilling it after the pump to dump their bags

>Posting a coin that hasn't mooned = inorganic shilling
>Posting a coin that mooned = trying to dump bags

That's how the only thing you are left with on this site are a bunch of retarded generic threads and a bunch of bagholders generals like XRP and GME

Btw this coin is $3m mc right now and it is going to pump

>> No.53869227

The tokenomics are done right on this coin. Midwits would rather buy a coin that's already pumped and then sit in the niggerish fuckin general threads for 2 years while the coin sinks further. You wanna see paid trash look at that coin

>> No.53869243

THIS is what paid trash looks like

>> No.53869268

I might have bought at like 500k marketcap but I'd rather skip any shitcoin that's already at 3m marketcap when there's new shitcoins every day in this market. Just don't see the r/r being there.

>> No.53869288

That's fair. This one's already listen on exchanges and has 30% of the supply burned and another 35% stakes and its at presale price with a strong team that knows how to pump coins. 500k caps are usually too shitty for me and they have actual risk of rug but to each their own

>> No.53869298

500k mc's that are legit are pretty rare. There was a gaming coin that I saw recently that was legit and was at like 800k but most of the time when it's under a mil it's because it's total garbage. Are there any good 500k coins out now?

>> No.53869332

The last ultra cheap coin I saw that was good was the IDO for CSIX which was some shitty browser coin for carbon browser and the cap started at 160k. Once the trading opened it was instantly like 5m upon listing though so there was no point in buying then. Had to get in the ido

>> No.53869347
File: 141 KB, 1200x799, RPZKGZ5VJNVKHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it to moon so I can roll down my window at the stoplight and scream NIGGER.
Oh wait I guess I could just do that now hey

>> No.53869363

You are wrong. 500k mcap coins are usually difficult to pump. Shitty liquidities and jeety bag holders suppressing any attempt to pump.

This one has a very acceptable low mcap, phat liquidity, good distribution and a well-known team of proven pumpers. You have to find coins which can gather volume. This is one.

>> No.53869408

Exactly. Good luck trying to stick $10k into some illiquid 500k cap poopcoin. This one has a real community that's active and an actual plan to succeed, unlike most new coins that last about 3 days worth of hype only to be never heard from again

>> No.53869428
File: 165 KB, 1080x525, Screenshot_20230227_031659_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this NIGGER coin DBI can hit an 8 digit market cap with no use case and just shilling then a good NIGGER coin like this NIGGER coin can do the same or even better. 30 million is an easy target on this

>> No.53869511

what if it literally just never catches hype tho

>> No.53869539

It will. Cult dao people behind (linked to shiba community). Just check CT and you’ll see many big accounts calling it.

When the moment comes, it will pump.

>> No.53869546

>what if it literally just never catches hype tho
If it never catches hype then it never catches hype. I think it would still go up because of the tokenomics and burn but it obviously wouldn't go crazy

>> No.53869562

aight fine i will put a little eth in it just in case it moons. how much yall got in this shit so far?

>> No.53869586

I have about 3 eth in it so far I think, but I'm going to put some more in over the course of this next week. I want to round my stack off to 10b coins.

>> No.53869592

you staking this shit right or does it not really matter

>> No.53869600

You'll want to stake it, it only takes a minute and about 5 bucks in gas anyways. The rewards will be large once the first rug happens, that's why such a large percent of the supply is staked

>> No.53869687

how many coins will the actual rug event burn?

>> No.53869701

Hahahahaha fuck I also aped with 3 eth. I intend as well to have a 10k usd stack before it takes off

>> No.53869930

Yup too good to pass up not putting at least something in it


>> No.53870373


>> No.53871101

shit better not start mooning this week

>> No.53871146

Name doesn't sound well to me. ORE is just 3.3m also and I go for that since it's listed on MEXC as well.

>> No.53871200
File: 80 KB, 893x641, 1677430334343649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im assuming you must be the same guy from the TRUFF thread who i told that ORE looks like shit yesterday. it still does. it looks bad man lol.

>> No.53871360

Why these bitches ain't expanding their horizons and hopping onto new blockchains or upgrading their current ones? Now it's evident that CULT DAO hype on the biz was just a pump-and-dump scheme, and those nuggets searching for an exit liquidity. Now y'all see those ones you scared from hitting solid with better moves in the game: BTC, Azero, Metis, Sylo, Eth, and even ICP.

>> No.53871378

PND simple, get in quick and leave fast.

>> No.53871387

you wish

>> No.53871436

Kek, this one gonna cope badly.

>> No.53871534

you are gonna cry like a bitch when this moons arent you faggot

>> No.53873077

hopefully it pulls back to 6500 then i can get a nice stack

>> No.53874226

Just rounded my stack up to 10.2b ama

Least I'll sell for is unironically 10x. People are sleeping on this for sure.

>> No.53874311

nice dude. im thinking about selling some of my BAT so that i can get some more. 10b is my goal.

>> No.53874568

good time to buy right now

>> No.53874870
File: 11 KB, 225x225, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bag

let's go niggers

>> No.53875445


i need price to stay low for a few days yet

>> No.53877683

Buying the dip before first rug

>> No.53878124

i wonder if support will hold on this. really debating whether i should wait or not.

>> No.53878600

I had to sell for something else. I hope the first letter doesn't rug before I get back in. I need a couple days.

>> No.53878735

i noticed that a lot of people are doing that lol. i know like 5 people at least that temporarily sold so they could make another play in between the first rug

>> No.53878764

I just threw another ETH in I have 7.5b TRG now

>> No.53878776

nice. might as well round up to 10 kek

>> No.53878855
File: 69 KB, 640x853, 477cda09e8f0c61afe44a488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's the plan. This thing is hilarious, it's a total ghost town and the chart is right at support. Nobody will care until after the letter rugs and then there's going to be massive hype coming in. It's almost too easy.

>> No.53879048
File: 58 KB, 893x641, TRG_USD -UNI -DEXTools.io_2023-02-27_19-58-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah for sure. so this latest dump put us into extreme oversold territory but still holding support. like i said i know a bunch of people that recently sold out of this thing to hop around in other coins and then get back in before the first letter drops. so you have that bit of demand right off the bat just from the currently aware people that need to buy back. the letter rug is going to be using liquidity to buy back TRG as well, and the resulting hype from the CT shills regarding the APY or the gains that the winning team won is going to create more exposure and get more people in. then you have >>53864715 this sort of cyclical system that i expect to play out. worst case scenario i think it can do a 10x if it doesnt drum up a ton of hype. best case we can probably peak over 100x if we go parabolic.

i think its bottomed right now though so the r/r is really good on entries here.

>> No.53879389

What price do you see it hitting anon?

>> No.53879508

10x or more. i'll probably dump the majority at 10x.

>> No.53879620

How do you see this doing a 10x? Not saying it won't, just curious in your reasoning.

>> No.53879936
File: 114 KB, 893x641, TRG_USD -UNI -DEXTools.io_2023-02-27_21-27-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well like i said i think the chart is bottomed right now. i'll explain in 3 stages why i think it will 10x and those 3 stages will correspond to the numbers on the chart.

1. its currently oversold and a lot of the people that are currently bullish on it have sold their stacks to trade other shit and are planning to buy back before the 1st rug happens. current price is 7140. we dont know exactly when the first rug is going to be, but as the days start to pass those temporary sellers are going to start buying back in as it gets closer. quite a few of them were holding decent sized bags. those rebuys alone coupled with the anticipation of the first letter rug will probably pump us out of that box range and well over 8400.

at that point we have a nice uptrend forming on the chart, and after the first rug happens there's going to be a TRG buyback with the liquidity from the rug which will pump it even more + the ensuing hype will add on as well. when the first rug happens the community is going to engage more and probably begin to buy more. then it will start to get shilled on CT because people will see that the APY is really high from staking. more people will buy it to stake.

2. the previous ATH is about 17230 which is roughly a 2.5x from here. when it breaks out there will be TA traders that start to hop in to ride the breakout.

3. after the first rug people will start to shuffle around their positions on the letters which will burn more TRG and as the price continues to move it will drum up more hype and get more people interested and buying. im thinking that within a week of the first rug it will be at least 3x or maybe even 5x from where it is now. just keep extrapolating that logic and i think by the time the 2nd rug happens it will be 10x or more from where it is now.

those are the cliff notes on my reasoning for a 10x or more from here

>> No.53880017

Interesting. Thanks for the breakdown.

>> No.53880028
File: 17 KB, 1200x675, 1676961351766928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit you're gonna make me fomo more into this stupid shit lol

>> No.53880074

this shits gonna pump so hard

>> No.53880078

i almost didnt click on this thread because op shill wasnt that great but im glad i did

>> No.53880447

I gotta buy some more of this nigger coin

>> No.53880469


>> No.53880521

If a 10x happens that quickly on this that'll be fucking amazing

>> No.53880625

God damn

>> No.53880719

i think it will start moving pretty quick since the rug is coming. sounds so funny being bullish on a rug kek

>> No.53880877

This token is racist.

>> No.53880904


>> No.53881225

Very organic thread sirs. Your shill actually worked on me. I bought. This shit better moon faggot.

>> No.53881441
File: 157 KB, 512x457, 66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome

>> No.53881891

You guys have no idea what's coming lol

>> No.53882156

The cope will be tremendous when this begins to moon

>> No.53882451

>everything in life is a game of risk:reward,
I like this, even solana, Ethereum, monero were once called scams on this board.

>> No.53882654

One week tops left to get in but could be any day now and the FOMO begins

>> No.53882803

>you fags would rather buy meme projects and get rugged
I think it depends on the meme you're holding, i have ape, doge and shib mostly for trading purposes, and when we talk about tokens with real-world use cases, i have sylo, nano, and momero.

>> No.53883922

I mean you aren't going to get rugged holding this unless you buy one of the letters and get rugged that way, but that's the whole point of the game lol

>> No.53884101

damn i need to sell something so i can finish topping off my stack. i just need like 2 more eth to put in this and then i will be happy with what i have

>> No.53884226
File: 10 KB, 213x237, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the makeit/sui stacks?
I bought 2bil

>> No.53884695

i have a little over 7b now im working on getting 10 and then i will be happy.

i think 2-3b is a good stack though

>> No.53885153

I have 5b TRG. I'm thinking about throwing down on some letters but I want to see how the first rug goes first. I may just hold TRG because it's safe and should see some nice gains and staking rewards.

>> No.53885527

yeah i aint fuckin with the letters until i see proof of concept

>> No.53885962
File: 122 KB, 512x512, 85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like we bottomed out from the last dip. probably the last chance to buy the lows.

>> No.53886136
File: 143 KB, 1201x1280, IMG_20230228_120829_871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRG has what I believe to be the most profitable chart pattern that exists. If you look at any number of new coins or newly IPO'd stocks, all the good ones that go on to moon look exactly like this in the beginning. I could post 100 other coins/stocks that look just like this upon listing. That's literally all you have to do to make it is just look for this one pattern on new shit.

>> No.53886188

wow. whats the top coin?

>> No.53886855

its a stock that did 100x

>> No.53887302

I see this coin going to a $50m+ market cap. The biggest hurdle is literally the name of it but since it's listed on Poloniex and the other exchanges that gives it enough legitimacy for people to look into it more deeply.

>> No.53887323
File: 108 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20230228_133946_058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be hard pressed to find a coin that has this low of a market cap with even a fraction of the potential.

>> No.53887805

The TRG chart makes my peepee tingle

>> No.53889961

i just talked to a team member and apparently they have a marketing campaign that they havent even rolled out yet. this thing is gonna fuckin giga moon

>> No.53890308

i have like 500 bucks in eth left over im gonna throw it at my TRG stack

>> No.53890544

swung back in from DBI, bought ~1 billion, hope this starts picking up steam soon

>> No.53890601

>swung back in from DBI
nice, i saw quite a few people made that play. the first rug is coming within the next week so it wont be long

>> No.53891192

When's the first letter going to rug on this I need a couple more days

>> No.53892084

is there any risk with the stacking? to get rewards from rug, you need to stack, correct?

>> No.53892155

yes you need to stake. there is no risk at all with staking. all you are doing when you stake is basically just registering your stack for the aidrop rewards. you can stake and unstake at any time.

>> No.53892434

I originally wasn't going to stake my stack but I think the rewards are going to be really good so I did. It only took 2 seconds and there's no risk staking TRG. The only risk is with holding letters if yours gets the rug.

>> No.53892869

you would be missing out on potentially large rewards for no reason if you didnt stake

>> No.53893729

Alright fellas I'm back in, you can pump it now

>> No.53894242

How much you got?

>> No.53894499

7.2b stack bitch let moon

>> No.53894947

Hi guys, I’m also in but I have two concerns:

The rugging intervals (x10) take 30-60 days each one. Don’t you think that degens will lose interest on it? Almost 18 month to run the whole game.

I see little activity in the letters tgs. Is it really worth the risk reward ratio? Without apes making volume in the letters, holding trg is pointless

>> No.53895499

I think it'll pick up after 1sf rug

>> No.53896259

Each round people are going to have to adjust their letters positions, and when they do so, a large amount of TRG will get burned. 30% already from first round. You can also expect more popularity for the game when/if it starts to moon. The rugs also result in TRG buys which will help with that.

>> No.53897220

the hype will build and more will trade letters as the rounds progress. more letters = more trg burn

more trg burn = higher price and more hype

>> No.53897925

Exactly, it'll be a self-perpetuating cycle like other anons mentioned >>53864715
That's why the tokenomics are so bullish here because you can see how it can spiral.

Maybe the other anon is right about the cycles being a bit long at 30-60 days, but that's the only real "downside" I can see if you can even call it that

>> No.53899829

I think the rug is going to be on March 4th. I have a feeling.

>> No.53899980

You had me until you mentioned ICP
Btc, Metis and Sylo are all worthy mentions

>> No.53900005

I'll be here no matter what lol

>> No.53900022

Fact that everyone thinks this is gonna 10x in few days is a red flag

>> No.53900116
File: 39 KB, 409x409, 1624299848746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worthy mentions because you got em bags right?
nobody ever plays down on their holdings, that's for sure lmao

>> No.53900147

premium hopium you got there

>> No.53900186

top reason why you're poor
thinking everything is a red flag

>> No.53900213

only like sylo for it's wallet and messaging feature, never fancied bagging some

>> No.53900228

how does he have a date fixed? hahaha

>> No.53900275

It was a guess
Obviously not everyone, like your dumbass

>> No.53900299

you'd be retarded to fud your bags don't you think?

bold assumption, you could be the poor one

>> No.53901205

no you