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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53854716 No.53854716 [Reply] [Original]

>people who don't know basic accounting or how to calculate net-present-value start talking about finance

>> No.53854724

>dunning-kruger retard starts posting incessantly on biz

>> No.53854733
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Should I sell 100k effreumz now or what?

>> No.53854768

>people who've never sold anything talking about stuff they're learning in college freshman finance courses.

>> No.53854785

>people who think any of this shit still matters in 2023 and stocks dont just move based on their sector ETF's and whether interest rates go up or down or not.

You would be considered smart if this was still the 1980's.

>> No.53854792

I trust my yam finance

>> No.53856592

This being freshman level knowledge makes people's ignorance even worse. People act like experts when they haven't read a single book on the topic.

>> No.53856704
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How do you calculate net present value for cypto?

>> No.53856731

sum up all of the future cash flows and multiply them by zero

>> No.53856736

Number go up lol

>> No.53856742

delightfully devlish anon

>> No.53856772
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Yeah yeah whatever.
But what shibacoin should I buy this week?

>> No.53857631


>> No.53857719
File: 176 KB, 600x841, FFB52E17-C561-43F5-9EC2-6162FD9D1A07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when OP thinks he’s smart but everything’s marked to market now

>> No.53857731

OP is a 19 year old 1st year college student

You have to be at least 25 and have an income to post here

>> No.53857742

Teach me how to calculate net-present value.
Also how's my accounting? I convince my parents to not charge me rent if they want grandchildren because I'm already 30, after I get this job. I haven't paid for or bought anything in 2 years so I'll keep that up and just invest it all every Thursday afternoon.

>> No.53858009


>> No.53858035

is this bait?

>> No.53858081

>I convince my parents to not charge me rent if they want grandchildren because I'm already 30, after I get this job. I haven't paid for or bought anything in 2 years so I'll keep that up and just invest it all every Thursday afternoon.
You're gonna make it.

It's basic knowledge, anon. Don't tell me you DON'T know the most basic foundation of finance.

>> No.53858123

i do know, but npv's so basic that any bottom of the barrel manager could describe it to you. your bar for tolerating ignorance is way too low

>> No.53858125

I hope you get fired your first day of work at your frat bros dads firm because none of the fixed income pricing matches your own NPV calculations

>> No.53858131

Accounting has literally nothing to do with trading, tard

>> No.53858134

I calculated my NPV a few months ago. Currently I have 60k in assets and a NPV of 200k. Not looking too good.

>> No.53858161

And yet the majority of people on /biz/ couldn't even tell you what it is. Sad, isn't it?

Nice headcanon. I grew up in a trailer park and made it because I was willing to actually learn and work. If you see something you don't know and respond with insults instead of a desire to learn, you're at a critical stage of envious normie who's ngmi.

Don't tell me you invest without even looking at a company's financial statements and seeing key ratios.

>> No.53858182

But you avoided my other post

GAAP standard is MTM. Back to the trailer park you go slim shady

>> No.53858194

I'm good with math and can budget, but somehow I'm absolutely terrible at accounting, at least when I tried to learn it many years ago.

>> No.53858222

>Don't tell me you invest without even looking at a company's financial statements and seeing key ratios.
1. Stocks are for retards. No gains to be made.
2. It's not rocket science. DCA in bear markets. DCA out in bull markets. You overcomplicate simple things making you a midwit.

>> No.53858240

>yolo in yolo out baybee, all there is to it and remember, you only yolo once.

>> No.53858247

Lmao I can tell you've never made money. It's not hard to understand when reversals on the macro happen, but I guess suckers like you are needed to keep the game going.

>> No.53858267

Did your Indian parents force you to become an accountant or did you give up on your dreams by yourself?

>> No.53858317

Historical cost is still typically used for things like PP&E, anon.

How have you tried learning? It confused me a lot when I tried learning. Eventually you reach the point where it all clicks in your head though.

>> No.53858335

>How have you tried learning?
In classroom courses as a freshman in college way back in the day now. In fairness I had terrible problems sleeping and the prof had a strong accent, but even trying to learn from the textbook myself I just couldn't get the hang of it. I basically just remember shit like t-charts. I understand concepts like depreciation and everything, I just sucked ass at actually doing the written work.

>> No.53858390

I'm sorry to hear that. If you're still interested in learning, I've heard good things about the book "The Accounting Game."

>> No.53858391

>being illuminated on finance
>not knowing its all a ponzi

>> No.53858684

>I convince my parents to not charge me rent if they want grandchildren because I'm already 30
You will never procreate anyway.

>> No.53858713

Thanks man, just bought 100k

>> No.53858986

What books do you recommend?

>> No.53859008

Are Indian accountants common anon? I thought it was more of an Asian stereotype. Aren’t pajeets usually aiming for medical?

>> No.53859447

I mostly learned it in college, so I can't recommend much introductory works outside of the book I just mentioned.

>> No.53860861

They’re pretty Interchangeable

>> No.53861050

Accountants, finance and econ majors tend to underperform at investing. There have been studies. Turns out knowing about the financial health of a company and being able to read a balance sheet is a hindrance. Just buy dog with bat and yolo.