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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53830692 No.53830692 [Reply] [Original]

when you could lurk a ton of places full of unexpectedly inspiring people?

>> No.53830723

I have been among very elite circles. Still am to some extend. They're all pretentious midwits and the smart ones are still stuck inside their own assholes. They can't tell eachother the truth because they're all cowards much less themselves. This board is full of losers. But it's also one of the only places on earth that can genuinely inspire and challenge you with authenticity.

>> No.53830728

Reddit is full of cocksuckers whose life revolves around updoots and the thereby necessitated unbearable posturing, Telegram is full of sirs.

>> No.53830758

Makes sense to pull people up who need help. I've already made it. I had help and I try to help others here when I can.


>> No.53830764

Because /biz/ has kept me from losing hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. Because I never had it or got it in the first place.

>> No.53830829


>> No.53830949

I appreciate the authenticity of people on this board
I don’t like the racism and mean people though
I like nice people who try to help, support anons and give genuine advice
We all suffer in some way

>> No.53831028

And yet you're the one ruining the place with off-topic frog posts. For fuck sake why can't you just think before you fucking post

>> No.53831111
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A plague of frogs.

>> No.53831130
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checked for frogs

>> No.53831147

>doesn't like racism aka truth
shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.53831295

You have no control over what race you are born into
I truly don’t understand racism
I understand there are classes of people, different cultures, some suboptimal cultures, but racism in of itself just for the sake of it makes no sense

You need to at least be specific. But even then racism makes no sense to me because i’ve interacted with all races and have found good people in all races. Thus i cannot ‘hate’ on any particular race
What if you we’re born whatever race it is that you despise? You would despise another race then?

>> No.53831312

I love frogs RIBBIT

>> No.53831324

>an AI can understand why a nigger is a nigger
>an "educated" faggot apparently can't understand
Actually even blacks despise niggers

>> No.53831337

I can hate on a type of person.
But hating on a race is ignorant.
Because there is an array of people within those particular races.
But yeah, i get it, blacks from the ghetto are not particularly generally ‘likeable’. But even then there are good people within those black ghetto communities.
It’s just in general, they are poor, so they resort to violence and crime, and act ruthless, uneducated, etc etc.
i get that
But still racism is kinda not cool

>> No.53831350

Ok in that context, blacks and niggers are two different things
But it’s such an offensive word
Do you ever use that word in person?

>> No.53831376


>> No.53831392

The 2 words commonly used in biz are

These 2 words hold such a negative charge to it
Only real niggers and faggots use these kind of words
You may not be dark skinned but inside you’re actually a nigger and faggot yourself just because these are your words of preference on an anonymous image board

>> No.53831395

Yes, but I have a bunch of offensive words for every kind of race, included mine.

>> No.53831403

Retards don't choose to be retarded either. The best we can do is be kind to them. But a man with downs isn't your equal.

>> No.53831415

We're posting on 4chan. It should be assumed that we are retarded nigger faggots by default.

>> No.53831448

This is exactly what I'm talking about. This shit absolutely ruins this board. I never thought I'd become the guy to bitch about new 4chan vs old but holy God I miss pre-2020 like you wouldn't believe

>> No.53831491

I would have thought that 80% of threads being about some dogshit shitcoin filled with 100 1PBTID shills was ruining this board, but apparently not so.

>> No.53831582

Each one of those literally has more value than
>I had sex today. How can I profit from this?
I don't know how anyone can disagree and not be retarded

>> No.53831611

Exhibit A
If you want a board filled with this then go to fucking /b/

>> No.53831690

>a ton of places full of unexpectedly inspiring people

like where

>> No.53831782

It's a question of what sort of places you can go to mine through the piss for good ideas. The same thing that makes 4chan a sea of toxic piss also makes the ideas findable.

>> No.53831892

I shouldn't be saying this but this place is a great loosh farm

>> No.53832095
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I don't know how you possibly take that position. Are you a janny?

>> No.53832101

That thread is significantly better than the 100 threads per day with shit like this:
And they spam this shit in every other thread too. Yet I see no complaints about it.

>> No.53832114

>You have no control over what race you are born into
You don't know that.

>> No.53832141

No, it isn't.

The posts have made me unironically consider becoming a janny.

When pajeets post about coins like that, they offer
>a chance to learn about a coin you haven't heard of yet
>an idea of how much inorganic marketing is going into a new coin
When someone posts
>I pooped today
they offer literally nothing. The only people that disagree are the fucking faggots that post that shit.
Take your little bowtie, get your shit, and get the fuck out. We are here TO MAKE MONEY!

>> No.53832177

You simply have autism to the point of transexuality.

>a chance to learn about a coin you haven't heard of yet
kys fr

>> No.53832178

>When pajeets post about coins like that, they offer
>a chance to learn about a coin you haven't heard of yet
Yes, the chance to hear about the 50th rugpull that rolled off the assembly line today, each one a carbon copy of the previous one. And each and every reply in the threads is fake, written by a guy using a proxy, or bot-generated. In 2021, this board consisted of nothing but dogcoin after dogcoin, each with >100 fake replies.

>> No.53832195

If you could comprehend anything you read, you'd realize my point isn't that the coin threads are good. It's that they provide a nonzero value, in contrast with the brain-dead slide threads you're fucking defending

>> No.53832210

>It's that they provide a nonzero value
Yes, they produce negative value. It is in and of itself bad they they exist.

>> No.53832234

Again missing the point rather than coming up with literally any reason for the existence of the kind of posts you're defending. Keep blowin' smoke.

No one here will ever make it because you idiots won't stop posting your retarded threads instead of talking about making money

>> No.53832259
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Look at all the seething poorfag zoom zoom shitpost spammer ITT who missed the last bull run. They are poor for a reason and there is no point in talking with them >>53832141 is 100 % right. Also being racist is a sign of low iq and only poor people are racist because they live near other poor people.

>> No.53832265


>> No.53832269

And how does one make money by reading up the most obvious scams imaginable? The guy who makes a thread with the text "I pooped today" is making a useless thread. Whoever is running these BSC/Arbitrum rugpulls is making 50. Granted, the guy making those stupid house-threads is making 50 of them too, but that's an anomaly, whereas the various dogcoin-threads went on for over a year, and are still ongoing. They flood the entire board with the worst shit imaginable, which is, I suspect, part of the reason almost everyone has left. Those are actively unbearable. You have 200 hidden threads in the catalog if you hide all of them.

>> No.53832277
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This chuds came to /biz/ from /pol/ during the height of the last bull run and got rekt, they are still seething nearly 2 years later. They will leave once the bull run really starts. They are perpetual losers for a good reason.

>> No.53832279
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>Also being racist is a sign of low iq

>> No.53832309
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Found the low iq /pol/ chud poorfag. YWNBR and YWNHS.

>> No.53832310

For the last fucking time I'm not defending the rugpull threads ffs. More useless threads = less useful threads. It's that simple Also you may not realize this but the ratio of useless threads/rugpull threads is much closer to 50% rather than 1/50. You just don't know it because they get reported and pruned much faster because rugpull threads are in fact on topic and provide a small but >0 value.
But whatever. Keep making the meaningless frog posts. It'll just mean less actual business threads that will ever exist on this retarded board.

>> No.53832318
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You are pathetic

>> No.53832324

Hey, pal. If you want permanently on topic super serious discussions with fellow trannies then I'm sure there are subreddits that cater to that. Male humour is a fundamental part of image board culture and it's ok if that isn't for you.

>> No.53832346
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Lol chud YWNBPOTB and YWNBR.

>> No.53832354

If you were here pre Q3 2017 you would know this board was once useful, and your retarded posts were limited to /b/ and /pol/. Turning all of 4chan into /b/ and /pol/ is the last thing I want. But I get it.
I mean this quite literally, NGMI

>> No.53832398

I was here before you, I guarantee it. Honestly if you haven't already made it and are still hustling like this to the point you'd rather investigate Indian spam than joke around then you are both new and gay.

>> No.53832404


>> No.53832409


>> No.53832494

You need to spend some real time around black people. I mean like date of black girl. Or rent a room in your house to a black kid.

Then come back here and tell us how it went...

>> No.53832561

I’ve known ghetto blacks, you’re right in that they can be less educated and less civilized. But who am i to judge them? Who knows the kind of shit they went through as children, and their parents, and their parents, etc etc. Blacks we’re the most recent major slave race, so they have a pretty fucked up recent past, which 100% has influenced and plagued their genetics, culture, view of society, etc.
I understand what you mean. My point is that I have sympathy for them, because when you look at their history and past, it’s understandable why a lot of them turned out ‘less desirable’

>> No.53832567
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>It's that they provide a nonzero value
The cancerous sodomites here don't have the IQ to comprehend that you can learn from bad examples. Such as when a shitcoin gets posted other Anons can dismiss it and talk about a better coin, or if someone asks about zero DTE OTM Options someone can suggest better strategies. But there is nothing to be gained from
>Mike Rowe threads
>Ramsey boomer joke threads
>NEET threads
>Rentiod/Landlord hate threads
>Women love/hate threads
>/pol/ threads
They offer nothing of value besides entertainment but even then the same low effort threads just aren't fun when they get spammed 3 times a day.

>> No.53832649


>> No.53832854

>I truly don’t understand racism
Disingenuous piece of shit, you make this statement to make you feel better about yourself like you are above it all. Even a fucking moron understands the necessity of discrimination and separation but you pretend not to.

>> No.53833990

>mental gymnastics

>> No.53834031

Ok but are there perhaps other such places?

>> No.53834057

Why are you such a fag?

>> No.53834056
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I'm stealing from you!

>> No.53834063


...and what good is that to you?

>> No.53834066
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>> No.53834074


Kys faggot, I'm glad we ruin it for you

>> No.53834089
File: 121 KB, 640x799, pepe_of_peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been running psyops for the last two years here and on discord and telegram and it's been extraordinarily successful at making strangers I hate on the internet lose vast sums of money. All while not buying a single thing nor running any business or code myself. This is all from just sheerly being a neet and channeling the inner demons and churning out endless streams of mental illness and true sight on the boards. I literally am more influential than any and all twitter personality. The things I say quake these devs and these multi-billions vc's. I'm responsible for all of the events in crypto in the last two years.

>> No.53834131
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I can fix her, I can fix 4channel

>> No.53834154

>if you still post here you missed the boat
Fuckin hell I guess you see a POOR FAGGOT aswell

>> No.53834183
File: 776 KB, 997x1045, FIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you faggot, she's mine. I'm the one.

>> No.53834195

How did the water get into that sink in the first place?

>> No.53834299

in the times of berzerk, there was no plumbing. A wash basin was literally that and a pitcher of water was brought over and poured into the basin. It was a good question though bro.

>> No.53836008

You get the occasional bangers

>> No.53836045

Anon I can tell you have never been around blacks in your life or (if you have they're a well behaved minority) and that's why you think the way you do. You're innocent and I wish most white people could've remained that innocent to begin with. But you're up for a rude awakening, sooner or later.
> t. lived in Atlanta for a long time

>> No.53836062

Not CryptoClownClub

>> No.53836072

because browsing biz is actually a job? only those in the right side of the iq bell curve understand.

>> No.53837004

I really don't care and I don't want niggers climbing through my windows at night trying to steal or rape and murder my family, be collateral in some nigger shootout or hear that someone I love was murdered by a random carjacking nigger mugger just because zoomers like the funny black man on tiktok. Sorry niggers were slaves, I still don't have time for their bullshit and will do anything in my power to stay away from them. I've experienced first hand how just a few niggers can ruin an entire neighborhood for everyone too many times in my life. Simply being around niggers is dangerous and I don't have time for their hijinks and monkey shines. Every time I see niggers I can expect to observe one of a small variety of behaviors or maybe all of them at once, it's the same every time. If you don't understand racism that's fine, not my problem, but it'll be yours one day if you ever find yourself living among them. I would feel more sympathy for non-ghetto blacks if they stopped pretending like their criminals aren't a problem, but as it stands the only thing they do when they move out of the ghetto is attract more blacks to whatever place they move to.

>> No.53837032

Because I'm highly successful and I like to shit on NEETs. Yes, I'm probably mentally ill as well.

>> No.53837471

Im unironically not a failure so i assume there’s plenty of chads that browse here too