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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.10 MB, 1584x2972, 1652137448480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53797074 No.53797074 [Reply] [Original]

they have to release it this week. theres no fucking way they can keep delaying this any further.


>> No.53797096

lets keep this thread alive until they deliver the roadmap

>> No.53797190

It'll be out today before the community calls I reckon

>> No.53797203

They probably are trying to figure out how to put in a chatgpt alternative in their roadmap for brave search, that will be a broken promise.

>> No.53797250

Shit I don't care if they never do it. If they announce that it'll be huge

>> No.53797420

>that will be a broken promise.
who cares. AI is hot. they just need to announce SOMETHING

>> No.53797425

Someone tweet this to Lukenigger


>> No.53797496

play it for him in the community call

>> No.53797928

Kek. Maybe turtleman can fart the bass line

>> No.53797946

The roadmap is never coming out. Luke is just holding us in suspension while he dumps his bags in batches that don’t trigger any suspicion

>> No.53798020

BAT makes me mad.

>> No.53798137

luke hasnt tweeted his gm shit yet. maybe hes working on it now

>> No.53798229

Maybe he died. Remember when we shitposted a rumor that he kicked the bucket? Got some good twitter traction.

>> No.53798363
File: 29 KB, 385x390, 1658347081190877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>batcucks are now making autistic icebergs, predictions and reading the stars to imagine a roadmap that will never arrive
Daily reminder Brave is irrelevant now, Opera GX, Firefox and Chrome are the only real players in the browser game now.

If you wanted to buy something to forget about it you should have bought DOT or POND or something tech related. But no let's buy the browser token because.....

>> No.53798373

Redpill me on secret github please

>> No.53798384

is this luke guy your husband, anons? you all married?

>> No.53798388
File: 320 KB, 703x384, 1663095348467107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hype nigga that's all you fucking need to succeed

>> No.53798458

>he doesnt know about the secret repository
oh man

>> No.53798463

You should add Google to the bottom level.

>> No.53798518

you fucktards do never learn, right?

>> No.53798698

kek tech is also a meme, don't fall for it anon

>> No.53798747

You need to get some bitches urgently, otherwise you're gonna end up making even worse financial decisions KEK

>> No.53799027

kill yourself retard im still buying BAT

>> No.53799058

i dont think i can do another community call bros

>> No.53799124
File: 22 KB, 239x200, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will releasing a roadmap change, why are people obsessed with le roadmap

>> No.53799226

We want our BAT rewards in India

>> No.53799332
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will releasing a roadmap change, why are people obsessed with le roadmap
because this roadmap is a big decision point with a lot of holders on whether or not they buy, sell or hold dependent on if brave is going to actually attempt to do something with the coin

>> No.53799385
File: 438 KB, 828x1222, 2A43852A-C57E-4018-9265-C68AC6439C50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded

Carbon Browser (CSIX) is better than all of the above

And yes, I got a 40x + on it thanks to chad in pic

>> No.53799468

>And yes, I got a 40x + on it thanks to chad in pic
how? it wasnt even listed anywhere and it pumped 20x in one minute of listing

>> No.53799660

I hope the roadmap sucks so i never have to see another bat post from you

>> No.53799742

you dont have to see any bat posts anymore if you just kys

>> No.53799941

Says the retard who thinks a blogpost is gonna make a difference for a browser plugin token kekekeke

>> No.53799986
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Token not needed.

>> No.53800060
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Isn't dis super overdue already. Jeez

>> No.53800271
File: 39 KB, 452x363, bored wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this Brave copycat browser came out a week ago
>already has a massive social media following
>BAT copycat token will probably surpass BAT's market value in a month or two

>> No.53800341

Why do Americans love shitbulls so much?

>> No.53800410

Holy shit lol, they've got a detailed quarterly roadmap, token staking, and a self serve ad market. That took what, a week?

>> No.53800473

Brave is fucking pathetic.

>> No.53800533


>> No.53800570

Brendan passed me a copy of the unofficial roadmap. Should I share?

>> No.53800734


>> No.53800840

I can’t release the whole thing but the number one priority is building a research center to study the effects of vaccination. Second priority is developing their go to market strategy with their non-mRNA covid candidate.

Available for questions.

>> No.53801009


oops no roadmap coming fellas sorry

>> No.53801052

Can someone post the call link for today?

>> No.53801103


>> No.53801168

I am angry about elves. But angrier about BAT.

>> No.53801390

theres a 90% likelihood they announce they are leaving BAT behind completely and are just becoming a normal browser/search company

>> No.53801460

As they should. They would actually gain users for once

>> No.53801649

i guess they are finally rolling out self-serve and are announcing the launch. funny, nobody even gives a fuck anymore

>> No.53801675

keked pretty hard about whoever talked last lol

>> No.53801692

Alfredo bullshit hahaha

>> No.53801712


>> No.53801840

It's starting to get to Luke kek poor guy
Did he say anything about the fucking roadmap?

>> No.53801859

unironically "next week"

>> No.53801963

>i guess they are finally rolling out self-serve
Jimmy did a self serve demo on one of the calls a couple years ago. They’ve had it the whole time. They just been acting like bitches

>> No.53802139

The roadmap won't be posted at this point. It's been hyped so much that there's no way Brave can reach the expectations for it. Better to just let it fizzle and die.

>> No.53802215

I wanted to scream nigger so bad

>> No.53802240

man that alfredo bullshit thing is still cracking me up

>> No.53802480

It's a shame that you can't earn BAT anymore on older versions of Brave. I can't update the browser anymore since I use an older version of Windows. Not a big deal and my sers in the village won't starve, but it's been nice earning free money for shitposting. At least I can still get a little bit on my phone.

>> No.53802613

You guys think if I flew out to Cali I could stay at Luke’s place and we can go to in and out burger and get ice cream together or would his wife get suspicious

>> No.53802630

that was fucking jokes, I've uploaded it to my channel (https://youtu.be/thg_Io2b7R8))

>> No.53802820

im really pissed that he was too much of a pussy to play it during the call

>> No.53802973

$1 BAT when?

>> No.53803033
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as usual I missed the community call and once again I am asking for a quick rundown

>> No.53803091
File: 89 KB, 1014x951, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roadmap next week maybe

luke said these are in it:
>self-serve is actually launching for real finally
>update on search ads
>pay with bat launching soon

maybe more in roadmap but thats all he said specifically. keyword nft's probably not announced in it because their lawyers still going over it and shit

>> No.53803127

>self-serve is actually launching for real finally
big if true

>> No.53803236

damn we pumpin

>> No.53803244
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, gendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can work with that

>> No.53803249

it was right at the beginning if you wanna hear it, i'll get the timestamp


45 sec in at the beginning to about 3 min is when he talks about self-serve and shit

and then 12:20 - 13:20 was the best part where anon asks if the roadmap is gonna be some afrodao bullshit and luke thinks he said alfredo bullshit

>> No.53803493


>> No.53803699

to the guy who said "it better be good". lol what are you gonna do if it isnt. european retards

>> No.53803738

that was by far the funniest part

>> No.53803805

He can start a fud campaign online right from his European shithole that could literally bring the company to its knees and there’s nothing they can do about it. Brave better tread lightly.

>> No.53803880

What the frig was that

>> No.53803907

You better watch your mouth Luke, or my boy Europoo Sheisty gonna slap some sense into ya.

>> No.53803909

you cant even withdrawl bat in europe hahaahah. yea fud away haahahah

>> No.53803962
File: 111 KB, 946x1390, D2966332-C12A-4BBE-A628-F394FE0FAA72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fgooglenbigbro. Retards just get it

>> No.53804184
File: 142 KB, 1267x785, froge goofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically he's one of the most fun parts of the calls. He usually has some interesting questions for Luke. I also think it's cool that nobody is mean to him or pokes fun at him on the call. I wish he'd keep his name the same though, "fgooglenbigbro" was a based name

>> No.53804318

i call people niggers and faggots and tell them to kill themselves all the time but i would never be a dick to a fellow battie who knows he sounds retarded and is still putting themselves out there

>> No.53804715

I call people retards too but actual retards are much smarter than most normies. I used to bring one to the strip club with me. One time I paid a stripper to suck his cock but I couldn’t bring him back after that because he became obsessed and said he loved the girl and wanted to see her again. I didn’t have money to keep sponsoring him.

>> No.53804874

Are talking about the dude with palsy or somesuch? I thought he changed his name to something hilarious like CrippledDevastator

>> No.53805085 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 923x713, bat brave peepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what he changed his name to recently but yes. He's one of our most based retard BAT warriors

>> No.53805106
File: 13 KB, 657x527, frog fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that makes me really sad if he has cerebral palsy. I would sell all my BAT just to see him make it.

>> No.53805139

falling in love with a stripper that was paid to suck his cock is your example of retards being smart?

>> No.53805153

lol did you think he's just been putting on an act for >year now?
anyways I love him, I want BAT to succeed only to see him make it too

>> No.53805229

obviously not but honestly I never gave a second thought about what condition he had. Think my mind automatically assumed it was trisomy 21 or something

>> No.53805233

that would be epic

>> No.53805379

are we pumping just because of the self-serve shit? im genuinely surprised anybody even gives a fuck about that anymore

>> No.53805395

Well no but I’m sure both tarts knew covid was a complete scam. I’ll bet 1000 BAT fgooglenbigbro is not vaxxed. Anyone know his Twitter?

>> No.53806155

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.53806222

i will defiantly be part of the class action against this fucking jew scam

>> No.53806278

This. He is based and knows a shit coin when he sees one. Hope he makes it.

>> No.53806670

BAT lore deepens.

>> No.53807710

We pumping boys

>> No.53808079

Can someone give me the tl;dr why my BATties are the only thing green in my portfolio?

>> No.53808083


>> No.53808157

If Bitcoin would stop being a faggot and pump to 30k we’d be at $1 right now

>> No.53808626

i dont believe a word coming from the brave team at this point. they can either deliver or, much more likely, not. we've literally heard the "selfserve is imminent" spiel 3 times already kek. still have a sui stack but sold the rest

>> No.53808680

This time is UNIRONICALLY different

>> No.53808720

It's over

I sold

>> No.53808734

Thank you for your sacrifice. The moon shall now commence

>> No.53808926

>It's over
>I sold
pamp et

>> No.53808953

Stop it please

I want to buy back

>> No.53809024

$40 incoming.

>> No.53810020
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I am financially annoyed

>> No.53810435

BAT is kinda popular in Japan, interesting.

>> No.53810877

Xborg sounds like a slur /v/ would make up

>> No.53810913

Great, another literally who partnership.

>> No.53811005

>Tournaments will include BAT activations for users of Brave Wallet and other Web3 wallets.
what the fuck does this mean

>> No.53811401

You guys are pretty familiar with retards. Bearish.

>> No.53811531

Tether just printed another billion dollars out of thin air. We should go another leg up soon

>> No.53811719

give it 1 hour, fomc minutes drop at 2pm est and then we pump

>> No.53812115
File: 2.12 MB, 478x258, 1750E5D9-F94F-4EAB-A9FE-F4B548D5E743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are pretty familiar with retards
I love retards. Retards are my life.

>> No.53812559

This was the big gaming partnership Eich was shilling?

>> No.53812900

probably. how would he know anything about gaming hes a fat faggot boomer

>> No.53812916

Big things are reserved for the roadmap. At least I hope so.

>> No.53813162

its a blog post it means nothing a roadmap is copeshit pajeets dream about but it doesnt matter. bat has only lost utility in the last 5 years. they've not delivered on a single thing. there are indian scams with 1 dev in his bedroom who care more and deliver more for their project than BAT

>> No.53813240

The VP of ads sold. Why havent u

>> No.53813283


>> No.53813656

You MUST respond if you held BAT for >3 years. How have you not lost your shit? My mental state is decaying bros

>> No.53813845

I’m reporting in anon

>> No.53813925

>You MUST respond if you held BAT for >3 years.
Yo yo yo, niggas.

>How have you not lost your shit?
Never paid a dime for it, just earned through browsing. Even if it goes to $0.01 it's profit for me. It is frustrating though that this shit never pumps in any meaningful way.

>> No.53814193

the coin pisses me off to no avail

>> No.53814279

Why dont u sell

>> No.53814309
File: 436 KB, 1080x1620, Brendan Martini BAT Brave Tuesday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably down $25,000 or so. Started buying BAT 3 years ago and kept buying all through the bull market. But never spent more than I could afford to lose. Would have been nice to have sold at the top. I would be comfortable but still have to work, but that's not my goal. So largely life has gone on unchanged and this is basically an expensive hobby/gamble.

>> No.53814325

Because I don't have enough where I'm going to be seething if it tanks and goes to zero. I'm waiting for it to get up to around $1 and I'm fine waiting for a long time. My village won't starve in the meantime.

>> No.53814336

this doesnt even count

>> No.53814337

I hope you guys aren’t too tired to celebrate when we finally make it bcuz the coke boat is happening

>> No.53814660

>How have you not lost your shit?
I have already lost it, 2021 broke me to the point I actually cried. BAT would have to pump past $5 to revive my spirit.

>> No.53814708

This is one of those rare times where BAT is holding up nicely vs ETH. Enjoy it because it probably won't last.

>> No.53814782

Insider here. There was a meeting. All Brave founders were instructed to buy back now and hold until the peak of the next bull run. Now that vBAT is going away big things are happening. Strap in batboys.

>> No.53814852

did jimmy buy back in?

>> No.53815045

No. Jimmy dumped over 2 million BAT when he left the company. Had he not put in his notice, he was about to be fired. He had to sell his BAT in order to help pay a massive extortion fee or they were gonna send his family pictures of him with his gay partner.

>> No.53815164

Just don’t think about it

that’s simply all you need to do. Just stop caring

>> No.53815267

2019, when I was still an overpaid waiter in a strange new land

>> No.53816028

Anyway, the community calls are much better when Luke takes time to discuss ice cream, his favorite fast food spots, video games, movies etc. I also wonder what other coins her holds besides BAT.

>> No.53816438

People are getting too aggressive in the calls. I get that you want something but this isn't the way to get it.

>> No.53816464

shut the fuck up faggot brave has been fucking us for 6 god damn fucking years nigger go fucking fuck yourself faggot

>> No.53816468

That one guy in yesterday's call was pretty cringe. "Jesus Christ", "afrodao / alfredo", "pajeet", etc. Even Luke who's kinda awkward himself was baffled.

>> No.53816507

It's not like anything happened with the other projects. Although a good pump to $1 would be really satisfying. I might sell and consooom. Got a trip to Europe planned at the end of the year anyway.

>> No.53816532

2 more weeks

I have insider info

>> No.53816540

The antics will only increase as the price goes up. I haven’t been this excited about BAT since they made a secret deal with the Portuguese government

>> No.53816541
File: 466 KB, 1271x1424, 744A1229-6906-42BC-B97A-3E27742BD4A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when $40

>> No.53816558


>> No.53816735

pump it

>> No.53816747
File: 374 KB, 1125x2436, 7C939DC5-9AF4-4E9F-A082-AC31FA3F3711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 cents hell yes son

>> No.53816811
File: 503 KB, 1242x1386, E0E4475A-4683-4398-AA62-3BF466F1A3F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my 50k stack to make it worth my wild so we have to hit $40

not buying more of this shitcoin

>> No.53817001

yeah he didnt quite have the gravitas to pull it off. it sounded a bit autistic

>> No.53817055
File: 616 KB, 1200x2262, wrestling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These conspiracy theory icebergs never fail to make me laugh, regardless of the topic.

>> No.53817886
File: 171 KB, 464x401, frog crinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whew lad, just listened to that faggot's questions in the community call


timestamp 12:28, guy is practically crying as he bleats obnoxious whiny entitled cringe and proceeds to cut Luke off every time he tries to respond. Probably bought the top and owns like $1000 worth of BAT. That shit fucking sucks, we need to go lower until faggots like that guy are forced to sell

>> No.53818081

Stranger things have happened. But advertisers aren’t interested in Brave. What is the catalyst?

>> No.53818105

Sometimes I fart on the calls but the microphone doesn’t pick it up that well. I need an amplifier. Anyway, fucking behave yourselves!

>> No.53818139

was kinda drunk and in it for a laugh but I think it came off as trying too hard so it wasn't that funny in the end
"alfredo" was good tho

>> No.53818160

i thought it was hilarious, everyone else is just being a faggot

>> No.53818180

thanks man makes it all worth it
I came back at 18:42 to try play the stan cover but I got muted in 2s

>> No.53818235
File: 1.62 MB, 320x240, 1584479746983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pet conspiracy: fudders purposely conflated AfrofutureDao (the creative collective Brave actually partnered with) and Afrodao (small-time retards literally calling for reparations n shiiiiieeet) to foment discord.
Not saying people have to like the former either, but it's annoying people don't even have the facts.

>> No.53818284

But aren’t they both looking for free gibs?

>> No.53818307

Ever met an artist that wasn't looking for a handout kek

>> No.53818362

Yea but Guilherme does actual artwork for BAT and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t demand any reparations. These blacks aren’t doing anything for BAT and are clearly an affirmative action partnership. I’m not sure they even speak English.

>> No.53818460

There was no confusion. If you listened, there wasn’t even a question about the two different entities. The guy was trying to push an agenda, and the rest of us tried to keep it civil. It’s not surprising someone called him out for how cringey he sounded. Maybe he got confused and assumed that was Brave, which didn’t happen.

>> No.53818496

Brave is pursuing another round of VC funding. That is more important than the roadmap.

>> No.53818521

Not talking about this instance specifically- although the spaz guy did indeed say Afrodao- I just mean generally. I can count on one hand the number of times I've see the correct group's name in these threads.
I shouldn't forget our special boy Gui, thanks for the reminder

>> No.53819122
File: 431 KB, 739x718, B7724686-972F-44B7-894F-408582638747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53819144


>> No.53819171

fucking lol

>> No.53819182
File: 66 KB, 1079x713, 78B782CD-D8D0-48AB-AF49-D3D2423EAF62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53819424
File: 436 KB, 1242x1814, 4800D5CE-443B-4814-88A9-0D084636112C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brenden/Luke onlyfans

>> No.53819575


BAT threads are going Kino

>> No.53819638
File: 424 KB, 1200x1200, OC0xMjAwLmpwZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alfredo bullshit meme is definitely going to live on

>> No.53819790

Aren't bitches the leading cause of bad financial decisions?

>> No.53820486

Just when I thought BAT more was dead

>> No.53821917

Next we need Day in the life of a true Brave geezer…

>> No.53822267

pump my fucking bags Brendan!!!

>> No.53822766

Where is my promised pump?
BAT is such a piece of shit.

>> No.53822861

Did they promise we’d pump?

>> No.53823279

gotta wait for the roadmap

>> No.53824305

Did they give us a date for the roadmap?

>> No.53824598

Fuck no

>> No.53824897

"Next week" - Luke, each of the last 6 weeks

>> No.53825908

>volume is drying up again

>> No.53826627

There have been pumps every few days lately. Just wait a bit.

>> No.53827925

Does anyone know any witches that could maybe like cast a spell to get Brave a new channel partner or installed by default on iOS? I heard some of them witches r good.

>> No.53827977

The VP of ads sold. Why havent u

>> No.53828036

Still waiting for the Twitter screenshots. Unless you two are sending nudes I think you should be able to post them.

>> No.53828108
File: 284 KB, 1080x1237, D6FC51F6-7CD8-40A7-BE96-50C00A57343E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Brendan will bring us prosperity.

>> No.53828112 [DELETED] 

jimmy never even sold i actually made that up because i was bored lol

>> No.53828143

Lol. This whole fucking time. Oh well. These threads are such drama.

>> No.53828152 [DELETED] 

i was just looking through the team wallet for some reason, forget why, and i saw a transfer for a few million to coinbase so i made up the jimmy thing

>> No.53828189

Naw i actually spoke with jimmy yesterday and he def sold hahah

>> No.53828218

Bull market by EOY? That's what I'm thinking. Otherwise, why are we at 20k?

>> No.53828229

Debunked. Moving on.

>> No.53828296 [DELETED] 

sure thing buddy you're just dumb for falling for my lies though hahah

>> No.53828333

You know he left brave right before the supposed launch of search ads right? You must not know why hahaha.

>> No.53828370 [DELETED] 

aww sorry dumb dumb i know you were really attached to jimmy having sold, repeating it 20 times in every thread. sorry you are so retarded that you believe random things people tell you on the internet so easily hahaha

>> No.53828387

He left brave. What are you even arguing about. Yes he did sell. Why havent u

>> No.53828399 [DELETED] 

awwww sweetie hahahaha

>> No.53828501

Thats your answer to why you havent sold. You are a retard

>> No.53828815

Debunked. Moving on.

>> No.53829354

I need $2 per BAT. Brendan, start pumping.

>> No.53829703

So the retard that posted nonstop about jimmy secretarian got played by a low effort larper? What a dumbass.

>> No.53829781

lol says the guy who holds bat

>> No.53829885

I could buy a house!

>> No.53829927

I don’t want to buy a house. I want to blow it and consooom

>> No.53830086

This. I already have a comfy home. I’m gonna blow it on drugs, whores, Asian spas, 5 star cuisines, premium alcohol, cigars, fine clothing and sex vacations to Brazil and Columbia and I don’t know about you guys but I don’t use rubbers.

>> No.53830418

I use a vasectomy.

>> No.53830822

How many kids do you have?

>> No.53830830
File: 153 KB, 680x452, 1642120534465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like hiding the "open in app" shit, that's actually a pretty nice touch.

>> No.53831108
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x1920, 320837538_736039577837852_2754684790250774893_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How have you not lost your shit?
My shit is already lost perpetually from my professional life and love life heh...I was lucky to have other investments that carried my portfolio throughout the years, so its not too bad. I still think these five long years will pay off handsomely, so I'm chilling.

I also heard a thing or two around the grapevine so I'm pretty bullish on BAT's future.

>the coke boat is happening
I can't wait! Fuck waiting for $40, I'll throw a party for $5-$10.

>I don’t know about you guys but I don’t use rubbers
Might want to keep some of your gains for the Magic Johnson special. HIV treatment is pretty pricey I hear.

>> No.53831153

>I also heard a thing or two around the grapevine so I'm pretty bullish on BAT's future.
what did you hear TP

>Might want to keep some of your gains for the Magic Johnson special. HIV treatment is pretty pricey I hear.
HIV doesnt cause AIDS. it was the first scam fauci pulled to sell people expensive drugs. look into it.

>> No.53831161

who dis milker?


>> No.53831259


>> No.53831790

Heterosexual sex doesn’t cause the spread of aids. Only sodomites and iv drug users can catch aids or hiv. You gotta hand it to Fauci, he’s certainly committed to killing faggots on a mass scale.
Why would you get a vasectomy without any kids? Do you have bad genes?

>> No.53831838

No fat face, arms, or big gut. Blessed genetics

>> No.53831950

And with such a modest disposition would make the perfect wife. Go for it anon!

>> No.53831979

Because I don’t like kids. I like them for short periods — sometimes. I’m not willing to change my life to accommodate them.

>> No.53831986

Would blindly marry and happily lose everything in the divorce 3 months later after she fucks a few niggers

>> No.53832012

What if the retard on the community calls has a huge cock and this whole BAT project is just a Fauci style conspiracy to steal your women and inject them with AIDS?

Um… Am I doing these threads right?

>> No.53832013

>Only sodomites and iv drug users can catch aids or hiv

except HIV has nothing to do with AIDS at all. AIDS is just a blood disease which is why IV drug users get it, and faggots that have rough butt sex and get bacteria and shit into their bleeding open wounds in their assholes

fauci either unknowingly (doubt it) or knowingly perpetuated the idea that HIV causes AIDS so that anyone that tests positive for a benign virus gets sold outrageously expensive drugs for the rest of their life. magic johnson survived in SPITE of the drugs, not because of them

and if you use common sense, its so dumb. not all HIV positive people get AIDS. not all AIDS patients have HIV. its fucking stupid. everyone knows that the 2 have nothing to do with each other but because of big pharma money and censorship you cant say it

>> No.53832764

>I also heard a thing or two around the grapevine so I'm pretty bullish on BAT's future.
You can't just say something like that without spilling more

>> No.53832840

Yea spill the beans tp. What’s going on behind the scenes? I know you work at Brave and you we’re technically supposed to be the marketing director, but Annie had a cleaner resume. Give us some crumbs babe.

>> No.53832952
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>> No.53832974


>> No.53833151
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, 325525227_856960038862247_7279121106000886792_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you work at Brave
I honestly don't have any big news or anything. I know as much as you lads do about the roadmap, but I had a short meeting with someone from the ad department earlier this week. There's some ironing out to do, but I can say that there's some good ad strategies in motion. More exposure and incentives for Verified Publishers as well (not sure if it's included in the roadmap or not).

>> No.53833265
File: 2.74 MB, 1079x1228, 161590f640295046878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol we gotta play this shit on the next call

thanks for the tip. sounds bullish. if you are optimistic about their marketing strategy then thats a pretty big deal. its been braves weakest point by far.

>> No.53833448
File: 1.43 MB, 720x1280, 319673913_199135675929807_9068428945353182464_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet take, but is this /pol/ talk? I live in the epicenter of HIV in the States and never heard that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. I've known a few HIV positive influencers too.

Could be that I'm geeked up on hopium, but between the roadmap and what's being rolled out with Marketing, I feel pretty bullish.

Paula has a radiant smile :3. I should legit try to convince her to join OF.

>> No.53833543
File: 294 KB, 512x512, 1666899461194600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but is this /pol/ talk?
no. its real.


if you want to learn about the scam.

>Could be that I'm geeked up on hopium, but between the roadmap and what's being rolled out with Marketing, I feel pretty bullish.
same, i think the roadmap will unironically be good. i guess them rolling out self-serve finally is a good start.

>> No.53833568

>I should legit try to convince her to join OF.
Don’t you dare poison that young woman’s mind with yolo hoe shit. She’s mine

>> No.53833587
File: 284 KB, 974x940, ok groomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should legit try to convince her to join OF.

>> No.53833617

real talk. How high can BRAVE market cap go?
3,5 or 10 Billions?????

>> No.53833626

15b is $10 BAT. i think it can get there or higher. unironically $40 if they really pull out all the stops.

>> No.53833791
File: 37 KB, 554x439, D21F9843-4C1E-45E4-B0DB-379BF8F5871B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of us have known this for a while, but we need the troon porn poster and the turtle poop poster to sell their LARP BAT stashes before this shit will ever go up. Nothing but negative, demonic vibes from those freaks. They don’t do anything worthwhile to promote BAT or Brave and their presence in these threads is wholly weird and negative.

Troon poster LARPs a lot about onlyfans and advertising. But if that dude was so influential and has such a heavy BAT bag, why wouldn’t he go shill it on his own? you’re already invested. You talk a lot. Where are the results? You want to get paid by Brave? Judging by your own posts, you already own a large stash of BAT. Why don’t you do something?

Because you’re a weird freakish larping troon and you need to fuck off forever. The longer you hold BAT the longer the rest of us suffer from your obnoxious LARP

>> No.53833810

how interesting, i was just looking into my BAT rewards for the past 3 years.

I have only earned 177 BAT in 3 FUCKING YEARS. WHERE DID THEY GO?

fuck this absolute shitcoin.

>> No.53833820
File: 245 KB, 1060x1325, 37A326FB-3AEA-44B2-B423-93E08AFF135B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like how many threads do we need with these fucking weirdos LARPing about their BAT stash and making strange posts about either their bowels or recruiting young women to onlyfans? it’s fucking pathetic and weird, freak outcasts like this have no place in the BAT community. Fuck off already, sell your bags for pennies on the dollar you troon freaks

>> No.53833851

Do you live in a country that doesn't get many ads? And are you using the browser a lot? I'm at nearly 500 BAT from the broswer and I've been using it for around the same amount of time as you, but I'm on my computer basically from when I wake up to when I go to sleep.

>> No.53833853

They didn’t go anywhere. You live in a 3rd world shithole and even if you don’t, you live in a trailer and Brave knows you can’t afford shit, so they spoonfeed you the shitty ads

>> No.53833872
File: 176 KB, 1056x1200, IMG_20230219_151815_215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers

>> No.53833880

i have exclusively used Brave since I installed it over 3 years ago. I went through my 'statements' in the earnings section and I can see I earned 166 BAT in Jan of 2020 and then 22 in Feb of 2020, which doesn't even add up to the amount it says I have (177).

every other statement says 0. what the fuck?

I live in America. I've never turned off ads, I've intentionally left them on since I installed this garbage.

>> No.53833909

>I went through my 'statements' in the earnings section and I can see I earned 166 BAT in Jan of 2020 and then 22 in Feb of 2020, which doesn't even add up to the amount it says I have (177).
Yeah the statements part has been fucked up for a long time and they've said I've earned 0 each month now for probably a bit over a year. On top of that I always get more rewards than what they say I should get (usually about 1.5 to 2x what I'm apparently supposed to get.) No idea what the issue is with your situation though. I can't even earn BAT on my laptop anymore since I use an older Windows version and you need at least Windows 10 to keep updating the browser.


>> No.53833934

is it possible i actually have more than it's saying and I just need to like... restore with seed phrase?

>> No.53833958

No idea. Personally I'd be worried it'd screw something up. Might be worth asking on the Brave forums, but you're unlikely to find much of an answer since it'll be drowned out by Pajeets.

>> No.53833960


>> No.53834604
File: 2.88 MB, 720x1280, 301205401_479807056989903_5701739163925171727_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has potential...just saying.


I'm the troon, but it seems like you're the one that needs to dilate.

Double post seethe. Good night, lad.

>> No.53834697

I hold a lot of BAT but haven’t talked about it in a while because my constipation has been all consuming. Can you ask your grandma for some tips? That stinky ho must be good for something. Anyway, this community supports my bowels and their evacuation henceforth.

Also, these threads are fucking schizo. Funny you forgot to mention that.

>> No.53834720

Also, BAT success has nothing to do with this tiny onion advice forum. Accept it.

>> No.53835263

keep your grubby Jew hands off Paula you used up whore

>> No.53836707

The roadmap has to drop today right, or would they do it over the weekend?

>> No.53836964

2 more weeks

>> No.53837504

No but seriously, you think today?

>> No.53837648

Also, has Luke mentioned anything about keyword NFTs? I wanna get first dibs on keywords for #blacked #bbc #bwc porn sites before pajeets come in and ruin everything with their little baby dicks.

>> No.53837699

The price is gonna tank when the roadmap is released. And then all of you will be crying incessantly.

>> No.53838844

Sell your stacks of this shit and buy something with actual potential


>> No.53839174

yeah, buy the literal scam coin that just failed hard on its breakout and is going to go -90% from here

you got scammed by a twitter account retard. theres nobody else coming to buy your bags. you shilling here reeks of desperation. kys

>> No.53839183

Why we dumping?

>> No.53839256

bats down because btc is down

btc is down because the entire market is down

the entire market is down because yields are climbing

yields are climbing because board members of the fed are jawboning about inflation being sticky to drive up the long end of the curve


>> No.53839288

buy the dip
real crash isn't coming until eoy

>> No.53839294


>> No.53839404

Inflation cannot come down. Too much money sloughing around and the Fed refuses contract the money supply. All they’re doing is raising rates to crash the economy and praying they squash demand by making everyone suffer and by some miracle that will ease inflation. It’s fucking retarded.

>> No.53839641

Does anyone know someone that is owed a horse by Elon? Maybe he could tweet about BAT instead.

>> No.53840402

>failed hard on its breakout

it broke ATH yesterday and stayed there. are you a stupid nigger? stay poor dumb fuck

>> No.53840739

Luke said "next week".

>> No.53840872

Is it coming or not?

>> No.53840920

What are you, illiterate? He said next week. Whether you believe that or not is your own decision.

>> No.53840971

>Says the retard who thinks a blogpost is gonna make a difference for a browser plugin token kekekeke

these losers want to get paid real money to watch adverts.

advertising doesnt work like that.

>> No.53840985


they will release the roadmap with the swag store, a fix for cross-exchange tipping, publisher ads, self-serve, swap rewards, search ads, IPFS rewards, and keyword NFT's

>> No.53841086

They do all that and I’m going all in and never selling. I’ll just buy my necessities from the swag store

>> No.53842372


Great news, you can stop wasting your time with this shitty ass coin, sell it, and buy DBI instead.


>> No.53842431

trust me bro you came to the wrong place to shill this. this is the absolute last place you are going to entice fresh meat for your shitty nigger coin.

>> No.53842438

Fuck off faggot

>> No.53843022

How does advertising work

>> No.53843051

No roadmap again this week oops guys sorrrrrrrrry we were just a little busy lol thanks see you all next week!


>> No.53843134

stay poor you absolute fucking faggots. CZ binance has literally never even thought of BAT, yet he has already endorsed DBI. I'm going to get rich and fuck hot girls while you stay poor and refresh this thread every day.

>> No.53843212

>yet he has already endorsed DBI
CZ didnt endorse the coin you fucking retard.

>> No.53843225

and since you came here shilling it im going to go take a fat shit in your thread

>> No.53843237
File: 735 KB, 1125x1680, 1677269805857264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up now bitch?

>> No.53843323

dude that is not an endorsement of your scamcoin from CZ lmao you absolute fucking moron

>> No.53843371

if other batties could please copy and paste this message >>53843302
and post it in their thread that would be great thanks

>> No.53843506

don't mind if i do faggot


















>> No.53843517

you understand that literally nobody here cares about any amount of fud. nothing you could ever say can even hold a candle to the fud that we create ourselves. kys faggot. next time stay in your own thread.

>> No.53843782


>> No.53843825 [DELETED] 

You retards should stop holding this coin and buy DBI instead, stop being such submissive little bagholding bitches and just follow the money and buy DBI.

We have CZ, Kraken and Gemini on our side. who do you bastards have? enjoy crabbing forever while we go to $1 within a month

>> No.53843839


>> No.53844158

Wha--! A whole new poster is shilling the shitcoin?! I'm convinced.

>> No.53844531

I just swapped all my BAT for it. The dude makes a compelling argument.

>> No.53844757
File: 2.03 MB, 576x1024, 319310290_176399915027673_1223371806098829867_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude! Hear me out for minute.

Brave decides they want to increase their Social Media exposure, so they create and IG and TikTok. Tell me that Paula posting a few trends along with Brave news, tips, etc wouldn't take off soon as they get picked up by the algorithm. Brave can take those same clips and use them for YouTube Shorts.

I can tell you now she has the simp demographic on lock without trying. She would have the creeper/coomer demographic on lock. She would be a hit with NPCs too. You potentially have one of the faces of Brave just sitting in obscurity. It's such a shame to let good talent go to waste. She has so much potential doing "wholesome" content for Brave.

>> No.53844803

turn her into a whore im all for it

>> No.53844883


>> No.53845103
File: 2.02 MB, 576x1024, 329532015_1626521524455619_3455996500547293213_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is PG (for now). Jennie was featured in quite a bit of Brave's content back in the day, but they didn't keep it going. Jennie, Paula, and a few others creating small, easily digestible content for Brave could be a great play. Brave needs a Social Media presence that's not about COVID vaccines and dry, half-hearted infoposts that nobody interacts with.

Brave's last tweet 13 hours ago
That's embarrassing. Literal Who numbers are higher than that. I don't think anyone would disagree that any content featuring Paula or Jennie presenting the same information would get at least double the engagement in half the time (a conservative take).

Based taste.

>> No.53845145

jennie would have been a great face for brave on tiktok, ig, etc and it was an obvious play but they just dont fucking care or are too retarded to understand how marketing works. god knows what the fuck they pay that bitch for.

>> No.53845222

Would commit war crimes for a sniff.

>> No.53845467

Love this one TP >>53844757. Would do unspeakable things to slide into this one's DM's.

Agree that Jennie is a missed opportunity. She seems to like the attention on community calls. She has a pretty face according to my wife. No reason not to use her for some wholesome coom bait.

>> No.53845479
File: 17 KB, 610x491, BATkiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see the cope when Carbon Browser, aka CSIX, overtakes BAT.

and I shilled it here at 160K market cap.

currently around 5 mill circ MC.

faster, AI search, free vpn and firewall unlike Brave, etc. DYOR though anon

>> No.53845564

the IDO would have been good because it was such a low cap but you didnt shill it here before that, you shilled after it was over and basically you are a nigger now fuck off faggot

>> No.53845629
File: 56 KB, 1852x236, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and before you try and lie about it like a fucking nigger which all know you are


IDO ended morning of 14th

your first shill post picrel was that afternoon trying to sell us your filthy bags at a huge mark up. upon listing it was already like 30x and is no longer a good play because its a fucking trash browser that sucks and is going to die

now go kill yourself you filthy nigger and never post your trash here again


>> No.53845680


>they didnt buy the first 30 mins when it was at 4c and make a 10x in two days

It’s still a good play from its current lows at a HTF. Enjoy your 2x

>> No.53845694

No. You’re not pimping out Paula. She’s obviously a very naive woman and I’m not gonna let take advantage of her.

>> No.53845746
File: 3.65 MB, 368x368, cat dancing (real).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based white knight. You have my sword

>> No.53845921 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53845979
File: 10 KB, 271x186, batrecliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great news. you can stop wasting your time with this shitty ass coin, and buy pajeetshitstreet coin instead.


>> No.53846194
File: 502 KB, 973x507, pajeet my son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53846290

Notice how much faster the DBI general moves compared to this lump of shit general you got going here?


Don't be left behind. Invest in dbi.

>> No.53846338

How is the weather in Mumbai?

>> No.53846350


>> No.53846357


>> No.53846382

Lmfao biz is going to seethe because of this in the coming months.
Dont say we didn't shill you

>> No.53846445

thank you for this gift

>> No.53846457


>> No.53846519

There is honor and transparency at dbi (don’t buy inu)
For you it seems as though that’s what is missing, besides your fucking brains you bunch of retards.
Invest in Basic Attention Token(BAT) but won’t invest in Dutch Bank Inu (DBI) hahahahahahahahaha teach me how to be so god damn stupiddddd

>> No.53846561

Show your hand, Sandeep.

>> No.53846586
File: 3.69 MB, 750x1334, DB72B2FE-8284-4B63-AF93-705CAD00B2FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53846679

thats a nigger hand spray painted white

>> No.53846684

Show the other side of your hand

>> No.53846705
File: 722 KB, 1919x2230, D023F763-83C7-4BA2-B985-8E58895AB34E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53846927


>> No.53847135
File: 23 KB, 415x739, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53847344

is that AI?

>> No.53848047

You trying to groom Paula into ruining her life is fucked up, >>53833791 was right

>> No.53848195


>> No.53848235

A Bat thread that lasted this long. What happened or what didnt happen?

>> No.53848244


>> No.53850153
