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File: 1013 KB, 1439x1900, penis-length.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53790657 No.53790657 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of this?

>> No.53790672
File: 146 KB, 640x586, A8A40647-BADC-4CD4-BCEE-1FB6EAD40509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 5.5” and circumcised

>> No.53790673


is 6' really that big? go on r9k everyone claims to have an 11' schlong

>> No.53790694

the /soc/ dickrate threads make me feel terrible about myself lel

>> No.53790695
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>tfw 7x5.5

>> No.53790704

female obesity is normal and healthy
long fat BWC are unhealthy and threatening to society

>> No.53790711

God I know
So many anons with giant cocks and I’m over in average ville

>> No.53790771
File: 3 KB, 455x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now u have to be six feet tall AND have a six foot dick wtf?
incels were right

>> No.53790778


kek, my b

>> No.53790916

surely this is just the result of dicklets not divulging the size of thier tiny penises

>> No.53790945

>be white
>have 5 inch dick
>actually learned how to be a good at intimacy by reading books like Come as you are and watching vids from sex therapists
>have had girls tell me that they didn't think i'd "be as good because I'm so small"
>get weird compliments like that frequently and girls are openly surprised that they enjoyed it
>i've had girls tell me their friends talked me up and they needed to see how a small guy could be so good
i... i'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.53790954

So if you want to grow your dick you should adopt unhealthy habits such as binging junk food, being sedentary, and exposing yourself to pollution? I also heard the COVID-19 vaccine has caused men to add a couple inches to their height somehow. Not sure what is going on.

>> No.53790963

massive cope

>> No.53790966
File: 11 KB, 539x147, image_2023-02-20_213625088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 inches
Here you actually have a decent source based on high quality papers: https://calcsd.info
Most """""studies"""""" that """""""""journalists"""""""""" write about just simply ask people about their dick size and take that at face value. I am sure men would respond honestly on a survey about their dick size, lmao.

>> No.53790986

And 6 fig minimum

>> No.53790997

sorry anon, i know it's hard to believe that a dicklet can actually lay down some dick. But I guess if muggsy bogues can do his thing, I can do mine.

>> No.53791002

So when are we getting the unholy Crispr dick genemods dropped on us? fuck adding an inch and a half on girth and length, I want a retractable prehensile dong that can sling a fastball. A literal monster dong to buy magnum condoms for.

>> No.53791513

>5" is small
Helium is a valid way to go, right?

>> No.53791552
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I mean ask any girl. Anyone under 7 inches long and 6 inches thick is a dicklet

>> No.53791594

It’s possible to inject silicone in your dick to make it bigger. And if you are a pussy/rich there’s doctors that do it in Florida for 8 grand

>> No.53791602

Small dick asian scientists seething

>> No.53791615

anyone try this?

>> No.53791707

I was going to make a post calling you guys fags for obsessing over dicks but then I’d also be obsessing over dicks. Women don’t really give a shit about your dick size unless you’re insecure about it and they can use it to make you miserable. And any chick who’s actually a size queen is already fucking niggers. So it doesn’t matter, stop obsessing over dicks you faggots

>> No.53791756

Unironically....The BBC was underrepresented

>> No.53791825
File: 67 KB, 596x466, 1388675933581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>junk food, being sedentary and pollution make your dick bigger

>> No.53791883

Very clever. On one hand,
>Makes dicklets insecure thinking that the average dick size has increased
And then
>You too can have a large dick by sitting in your ass eating snacks like a lazy fuck
A two pronged attack. Nice try, no dice.

>> No.53792243
File: 319 KB, 720x700, 1251621346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these girls in the room with us right now?

>> No.53792264

I have 7 inch cock but I'm 5'6 so only 2 girls (3 if fucking Carlos wants to say my mom) have seen it

>> No.53792284

>le BBC
daily fucking reminder that Africa is still facing massive starvation despite all of the west gibsmedats
>Irish short haha cuz starved
>Asians short haha cuz starved
>Mexicans short haha cuz starved

>> No.53792321

Assuming western society survives another 75 years, the effects of Fisherian runaway will be hilarious. Never before in history have female humans been allowed to practice unchecked, state-enforced hypergamy like they do today. in 2100, every male will be 8ft tall with 18 inch cocks. People probably won't even be able to walk without their knees exploding, but females will continue flocking to harems for the tallest men and artificially inseminating themselves if intercourse isn't possible.

>> No.53792346

Actually measured cock sizes done by hospitals all over the World says that Eurofag cock are 5 inches erect on average,
Nigerians are 4'11 inches erect on average, Amerifags are less than 5 inches erect on average while Viet cocks are 5.5 inches on average.
So 5 inches is the average not 6 inches.

No need for fertility-reducing dick extension surgery

>> No.53793681

If anything being fat reduces size by increasing the adipose tissue around it. Also porn consumption has gone incredibly up with the internet era, when so many people are exposed to massive shlongs in porn videos, inevitably there will be a social pressure to try to conform to the "porn standard".
The inflated numbers are simply due to people lying online. Simple as...

>> No.53793758

The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is vers unsettling.

>> No.53793993

>t. dicklet

>> No.53794093
File: 360 KB, 750x1000, 1655208801298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viet cocks are 5.5 inches on average
feels good being 1/16th Viet

>> No.53794098

hello newfriend

>> No.53794101

5.5 length
6.5 girth.
Im a fucking coke can but Im scared girls think Ive got a chode and it looks tiny when flaccid.

>> No.53794179
File: 428 KB, 850x478, works hnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean if i huff exhaust on my couch all day my cock will grow?

>> No.53794198

kek'd. This guy is right. Also, the tweet isn't even grammatically correct

>> No.53794209
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Our society with "liberated" women cannot last.

>> No.53794252
File: 57 KB, 976x850, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago I filled an x40 pump using non standard methods. It was like a mini baseball bat

>> No.53794257

And it won't.

>> No.53794259

a win is a win anon

>> No.53794264
File: 75 KB, 600x597, IMG_2722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 6" was the memed average, now 7" will be, making me average
t. previously above average dick possessor

>> No.53794288

Your dad saw it too when he raped you, faggot.

>> No.53794294

35% tip
7" dick
6'8" height
7 figure salary
And that's the BARE MINIMUM, wagie.

>> No.53794311

What is women's end game bros? Will it evolve to them only dating billionaire Sasquatches with huge shlongs?

>> No.53794329

That's inadequate by itself

>> No.53794332

They're a system that's rapidly spinning out of control, like a car that swerves more and more wildly. The result is always the same: crashing into the fucking wall.
In 15 years, people will be hiding the fact that they ever used Tinder, or had pronouns in their Twitter bios, from whatever the future Gestapo will be. Don't believe me? It came to me in a drug-induced hallucination.

>> No.53794337


>> No.53794343

God I hope so. I will be the future Gestapo.

>> No.53794344

>have 5 inch dick
>actually learned how to be a good at intimacy
Pick one

>> No.53794358


>> No.53794425

Neither of us can prevent what is coming, though I'd just appeal to you not to let your rage take over when the time comes. I know what tremendous suffering their behavior has caused/is causing us and they certainly make zero effort to make themselves look sympathetic, but they are following their instincts which operate in an environment in which they didn't evolve. Everyone knows what Tinder does to women: they used to only know maybe 50, or 100 men. Now they have an endless buffet or models in queue in an app. Tinder and its parent company, Match Group, is basically tricking their brains, similarly to how Internet porn is tricking ours. Admittedly, they do fall for the trickery in a worse way. By 2030-2040, you might well find them begging on their knees in front of you (literally), and then you'll likely remember these current decades, and what they did during them. Maybe there'll even be pictures of them with blue hair and of their Tweets calling for White cishet males to go extinct. But if you give in to the rage then, it'll be the thing that kills you. It'll start eating you from the inside, and you'll never be able to satisfy it. If you let it, it'll derange you too, just as Tinder deranged women now.

>> No.53794498

Man sad to see that porn standards have started to affect zoomer girls too. Soon nobody will know what actually matters in sex as everyone lives in the fake world created by the internet.

>> No.53794530

weren't dicks shrinking a fewyears ago from all the estrogen?

>> No.53794560
File: 14 KB, 420x420, 1674059310867390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53794567

Good drawing anon

>> No.53794605

Assuming you’re not in the micro pp group, going in deep is not an issue if she’s in the right position. Girls would rather be stretched out than to have their cervix smashed.

>> No.53794682

You're the kinda guy that thinks the female orgasm is a myth.

>> No.53794693

This is true. You're better have working with your curvature and finding eight positions to hit the g spot instead of thinking you need to hammer her cervix

Also it's better to find a rhythm instead of just focusing on dicking down.

>> No.53794735

I'm 7.8"
I smash cervix regularly and the girls tell me it hurts so I have to find positions that don't hurt them
Having a big cock is only cool when you're getting it sucked. Most women love a big floppy cock in their face

>> No.53794755

>mfw 40 cubits in the desert and 5'11 in the arctic

>> No.53795030

I have a 6 incher but I coom daily. I wonder if I can 6.5 if I nofap

>> No.53795093

It's because of the increase in Black and Brown immigrants and decrease in white male population.

>> No.53795136

Supposedly supplementing on D3/K2 helps with that

>> No.53795317

7.5 inches here. I'm an awkward unhealthy creepy kissless virgin. Also I'm black. What do?

>> No.53795372
File: 332 KB, 974x1958, redditors have small dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must return from whence you came

>> No.53795717

bros i just got the update and mine gained another 6 inches, i'm a walking tripod now ,how do i revert back ??? HELP

>> No.53795863

lol exhaust from where? Am I breathing in bad shit just from being at home?

>> No.53795882

>started to
it's worse than you think.

>> No.53795916

this guy thinks

>> No.53796066

That was last year. Now it s 6'5 and 7 inches 7 figures.