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53742439 No.53742439 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to just stop caring about getting pussy or a gf when you hit 30? I really don't give a fuck at all anymore, been just over a year since I last got laid. Too lazy to even fuck an escort, which I enjoyed in my mid 20s. I can't tell if this is because I'm on a better path in life now, or if it's the demoralization, or the food/environment/social conditions we live in. I'd like a wife and kids and will pursue that if a great woman comes along, but not bothering if I can only pick amongst trash.

>> No.53742488
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yes. women are terrible investment

>> No.53742513

what the hell are they spending all their money on anyways? even if I had a social life I don't know how I'd empty out my entire paycheck

>> No.53742514

I'm a 25y 50k NW virgin and I don't care anymore.

>> No.53742610
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experience. travel. dining....any shit label as unique experience to post it online

>> No.53742771

38 years old anon here. I walked a similar path, fucked tons of prostitutes in my 20's, never had a GF. You eventually stop caring. I got laid so much I can't unsee how absurd the act of sexual intercourse is. The acquisition of pussy is no longer attractive. Men around the world do whatever they do in order to get women. When you stop caring, you don't have a goal in life, even if it is just some stupid immediate sexual gratification. You fall in deep depression. Because what's even the point in doing anything since you don't care for women and sex? Maybe you can pursue some hobbies, hit the gym, read a lot, improve yourself but at some point that also gets old. Especially when you're close to your 40's. You just can't keep living like a manchild anymore. It's sad. Eventually you realize you hate going to the gym, seeing the same fags, same stupid women, same stupid music, you hate the receptionist, etc- you hate planning your day/meals for that one event. You'll soon hate reading, you distract yourself too much, some books never end and you feel like reading something else. You feel sleepy when you read. You forget about what are you reading or not paying proper attention, a whole day passes and you've only read 10 pages... you'd be better off learning a language or playing an instrument, but that also gets old. Suddenly all you want is make a lot of money and kill yourself, leaving that money to your family. The point is if you don't care about women, you don't have a goal in life like everybody else. And you may fall suffer a horrible and crippling depression

>> No.53742805

yeah describes my situation too. without women there's not much else to do. nothing to really strive for. and yet women aren't really that appealing either too much work for too little reward that's never as good as you imagine it's gonna be. really have no clue what to do with myself now everything just becomes boring like you described

>> No.53742818

This is the truth tho. Divorced and 35. Thank fuck I ain’t hitched anymore. Doing much better financially. Much, much freer. It’s like a wise man once said:
>Confucius say
>Good to meet girl in park
>Better to park meat in girl

>> No.53742841
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>> No.53742934

I've travelled a lot when I was 33-35 and it felt great. Nowadays I have a lot of money and I could theoretically travel anywhere (maybe Japan, Italy heck even a world tour) But I just don't feel like doing anything anymore. I mean, I could...but I'd rather not do the effort. If you're in your early 30's maybe there is room for excitement despite being red-pilled in regards to women. When you have lots of money, you lose another important goal in life: the adquisition of riches. I'm a minimalist and I don't really want anything. I have money and I have to think hard what I could possibly buy (but I don't buy anything really) Be careful if make it in crypto, dude. Or if you already made it, try not to fall in the same hell I'm in right now. Maybe life is about having kids at 20 and raise them until your forties
t. old fag schizoid

>> No.53742935

Your libido naturally drops in your 30s. That combined with how unappealing women are, other modern distractions such as porn and vidya, just naturally made me a volcel. I would love to have a family, but I doubt it will happen.

>> No.53742956
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>> No.53742982
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All women are whores

>> No.53743048

Don't give up. My brother is 58 now (Im 55) and met his (second) wife when he was 45 and she was 38. They have two great kids now, she homeschools them and they're really smart. This after his first wife cheated on him and gave him herpes and gonorrhea...he was kinda shocked when he went to the doctor and thought he had a kidneystone and ended up being told he had std's. He went into hibernation from women for nearly 20 years...things change.

>> No.53743071

Why the fuck is this old head nigger on /biz/ holy shit fuck you boomer bastard

>> No.53743086
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>> No.53743102

It’s literally just low T
Exercise a lot and eat better and supplement with d3 and zinc

>> No.53743108

i feel you man. I keep thinking that maybe I should try traveling. I've got the money for it. but it's like what would I do exactly when I get there? Traveling for the sake of travel just doesn't seem that appealing.

I'm in a pretty similar boat. Oldfag around your age, already made it, lack for nothing. And yet totally disillusioned, bored with everything. Nothing I used to enjoy seems to provide much satisfaction anymore. It really is an insidious trap. Sometimes I wish I had never discovered crypto so at least I'd still have something to work towards. But now it's like I reached the destination only to find there's nothing there. And it's like, where am I supposed to go from here? What else is left after you make it?

Men really only work hard for the sake of women. Without that there's just not much else. If I had a family things would probably be different but it's just hard to imagine that happening at this point, especially given the state of women here in America. sometimes I daydream about going to some other country and wifeing up some younger woman to have some babies with but I wonder if that would really give me the fulfilment I desire or if I'd get bored with that too.

>> No.53743197

Good evening ser :)

>> No.53743240

zinc is a heavy metal which eventuall fucks you up if you take a lot each day, too much d3 also has harmful effect on your liver, supplements are a meme. get whatever you can naturally

>> No.53743242
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All you say is so true it hurts. I feel the same. When you're an old fag the only way to be happy is through the smile of others.

>> No.53743380

imcel congregation center

>> No.53743385
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>> No.53743419

go back to school anywhere you fucking retards and acquire more knowledge

>> No.53743443

aww look at these two getting all emotional

>> No.53743480

for what? Like, I went to college for the sake of acquiring knowledge so I could get a job (even though I never actually used any of that knowledge in my work). But now I don't need to work, I can live well without waging. I've tried taking some online courses but I start to think "why am I doing this? what am I going to use these skills for?". I just don't see acquiring knowledge for its own sake as something worth doing. If you're going to do something boring and tedious, as learning typically is, there needs to be a payoff or larger objective

>> No.53743536
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27y here. fucked hookers 3 times and lost v card and that's it. Still kissless and seeing couples crushes my soul kek. idk how I will still cope with these after 30 when I am uglier and meaner.

>> No.53743563

Yeah bro. Once you get a wife and have a perfectly healthy baby boy on the way, you totally stop wanting pussy and shit by 30

>> No.53743587

i found it easier to get along with them after that

>> No.53743623

you text wall posters have one problem and its your obsession with women. get your life together first and it will be much easier to stumble on one

>> No.53743662

I can't understand this mindset at all. I mean, I'm poor as hell, but I once spent a year just collecting welfare and hanging out. I bought an old motorcycle, chopped a lot of firewood, went to walks in the woods, it was great. Now I'm waging but it seems like my dreams always outpace my income. If I had fuck you money I'd throw it all on different business ventures. Hell, I make a grand a month and I still throw it all on different business ventures. Once met an old school smuggler who told me about going to UAE and just bidding on random abandoned storage containers, he said it paid for his flight, his room and board, and he never didn't turn a profit. Why are you not buying up shitloads of counterfeit Nikes at day markets in Senegal and shipping them to LA? If that doesn't give your life excitement, stuff some coke into the soles of half of them. What's going on in your head that you have all this and can't think of anything to do with it?