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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53740848 No.53740848 [Reply] [Original]

Once the bullrun happens there's two alternatives, you sell early and then want to kill yourself for being paper handed faggot who missed out on a fortune, or you sell late and want to kill yourself for being a bagholder faggot.

How do you time the top with the least suicidal feelings afterwards?

>> No.53740999

just be yourself

>> No.53741030

You don’t time the top you set targets for taking profits and you don’t get emotional when you meet your target but could have done better. It doesn’t matter, that trade is done and it’s time to make the next one.

>> No.53741060

listen, you need to be in this market for 5 years plus to get it. you don't "sell" any significant amount. you accumulate accumulate, if you have 10BTC you drop half a Bitcoin to live nicely the next 2 years and thats it.

>> No.53741097

Been in crypto since 2014 and never cashed anything. Hodling isn't a meme

>> No.53741119

>Open the chart.
>Pick a timeframe.
>Choose a moving average line or draw a trendline.
>Price closes below the m.a. or trend line you chose beforehand, you sell. No regrets.

>> No.53741170
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You don't.
You buy when you see huge dips and then you hold, sell only when you're happy with your numbers.
For example.
I bought during the December drop, today my portfolio is even higher than it was a week ago.
You cannot ever time a top or a bottom but you CAN save money, you CAN buy in at dips and you CAN hold on for as long as you want.

>> No.53741194
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>Hodling isn't a meme
Thanks anon, I'm glad you guys appreciate that USD is useless.

>> No.53741293

I set a limit sell order at 23k to get some money to buy computer parts and pay down a bit on my credit card.
Boom instant pump to damn near 25k obliterating my limit sell and I felt like I missed out for a minute. But in reality, I got the money I needed for my computer parts (it's gonna be sick, like 100TB of storage) and I still have a fat stack, so I'm not worried. I've also been holding since 2018.

You can't time the top in any consistent way. You just get lucky or unlucky. Instead of trying to time anything, set aside 80% of your stack to just wait and hold, and then play with leverage until you lose the rest and then get so butthurt about it you swear off trying to swing trade entirely. That's how I quit IRL gambling.

I can't agree more. Holy shit fiat currency is garbage. I'll probably spend the rest of my life dribbling out sats or fractions of xmr here and there to cover expenses but for the most party I just live frugally and quietly laugh at wageslaves chasing after "raises" that don't even cover """official""" inflation rates.

>> No.53741777
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Just wait for shit like this then sell and sleep easy with your gains.

>> No.53741828


>> No.53742553

You sell on the way down

>> No.53742614
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>how do you time the top
You don't you DCA in and DCA out. Sorry it requires too much patience for your mentally ill coombrain to pull off.

>> No.53742781

DCA out during maximum hype and delusion.

>> No.53742804

you ever play with hot pans?

>> No.53743441

timing the top and bottom is a meme. at a minimum you lose 30-40%, NOT counting taxes.

>> No.53743690

I’ve picked a price that I’ll sell all my coins at already, and although there’s slight adjustments depending on how they run this bear market and partnerships that I didn’t price in, the number is set and won’t change drastically. I’m certain that when I sell it’ll continue to go up and I’ll have the urge to fomo back in but I’m equally certain that it will go down below my sell price again. You’ve just got to be happy with the number you pick